Asked 8th Jul, 2015

Can anyone identify these endophytes in leaf sheath epidermis peels of perennial Rygrass?

Is there anyone who can give some directions on what I'm seeing in these pictures? While searching for Epichloe/Neotyphodium I saw these structures, and I'm curious what this could be?
Both are colored with Rose Bengal; and 400x magnification of leaf sheath epidermis of Lp. In the first there is a single row of cells, the second has multiple rows.
Hoping someone will know the answer!
Thanks in advance.

Most recent answer

Markovskaja Svetlana
Nature Research Centre
Conidia of this fungus resemble also Chalara sp. Try to isolate and study its conidiogenesis in detail.

All Answers (5)

Diana Rocío Andrade-Linares
Helmholtz Zentrum München Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH)
I would say that the first picture would be a conidia from Bipolaris sp. and the second shows structures from a Geotrichum sp.. However, the structures seem to be on the surface so it  is difficult to say they are really endophytes. You could try to isolate them from disinfected leaves and screen for this kind of structures in more material.
2 Recommendations
Joost G Baars
Radboud University
Thanks Diana for answering my question.
I was suspecting that these were not endophytic, however it is good to have some confirmation. I've seen these, and other growthforms more or less constantly over the samples. I will test if a short surface sterilization will decrease the abundance and that will be some more confirmation.
It is mainly a side track from my main goal, but since I'm not seeing the endophytes I'm interested in i started wondering.
If you are looking for endophytes try using trypan blue dying dissolved in glycerol. Download full-text
DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4310.8641 · 
2 Recommendations
Elio Fernandes
Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
I believe this isn't endophytic fungi because it's happening sporulation inside of plant. However, the second picture is arthroconidium, not conidium. 
Markovskaja Svetlana
Nature Research Centre
Conidia of this fungus resemble also Chalara sp. Try to isolate and study its conidiogenesis in detail.

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