Started 20th Jan, 2022

Can anyone helps with parameter estimation in Matlab toolbox?

I am currently working on MRAC for the lower limb exoskeleton. I need to know how to identify the parameters using "parameter estimation TOOLBOX of MATLAB" that set the values for the parameter.
Thank you.

All replies (3)

Qamar Ul Islam
Universiti Sains Malaysia
The process of calculating a model's parameter values from measured data is known as parameter estimation. Parameter estimation may be used to a variety of mathematical models, including statistical models, parametric dynamic models, and data-driven Simulink® models.
You can do the following steps:
1. Design a new experiment for validation. Give it the name ValidationData.
2. Choose an experiment for validation.
3. Choose which results to utilize.
4. On the Validation tab, choose the plots for measured and simulated data, as well as residuals.
5. Inspect the plots.
6. save the session.
2 Recommendations
Abd Razak Ahmad
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Thanks so much, Qamar Ul Islam and Mohamed-Mourad Lafifi for your kind help.

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