Started 4th Nov, 2019

Are there opensource alternatives to Neurolucida for dendritic spines analysis ?

I have performed Golgi FD staining and are currently acquiring images for analysis of dendritic spines in rat's hippocampus. Besides neurolucida or imaris is there any free alternative?
Thanks for your answers.

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Rapid Golgi-Staining using FD Neurotechnology Kit : Problem with Non-Intact cell bodies of Neurons
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  • Talha KhanTalha Khan
Hello All,
Also find the link to user manual in case referring the protocol steps is necessary - http://www.fdneurotech.com/docs/1333571253.web_pk401-401a-04042012.pdf
The problem we are facing now is that Golgi-stained cell bodies of neurons are not intact and look like what someone would call “explode” or “exposed”. The Dendrite and axons are sharp and well stained, however.
I wanted to know if someone here faced a similar issue and if there is something I am doing wrong.
One important thing I would like to point out is the FD neurotechnology Golgi Staining protocol recommends using only fresh brains or shortly fixed brain tissue. In our staining, we have used fixed human and monkey brain tissue. I doubt that this is the main problem because once the staining did work well for the cell body and axons both. However, subsequent staining trails since have failed to produce good intact cell bodies of neurons. Moreover, even with fresh human brain section, the cell bodies were not intact.
Below, you can find images for non-intact/exposed cell bodies of neurons.
Note - An intact cell body is necessary for tracing axonal pathway so that we can find the discrete endings and beginnings of the several dendrites and axons emerging from a cell body.

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