Asked 26th Sep, 2019

Are there any known α'-exact string backgrounds with NO covariantly constant null Killing vector?

There is a plenty of examples of classical solutions to low-energy effective theories that were proved to have vanishing α'-corrections to all orders and hence be also perturbatively exact string solutions in the literature, see e.g.
Since in all the literature I'm familiar with, the proof of α'-exactness of leading-order solutions relied heavily on the fact that the corresponding spacetime metric admits a covariantly constant null Killing vector, I'm currious if this is always the case.
Is anyone aware of some paper which proves α'-exactness for leading-order solutions beyond those with spacetime backgrounds admitting a covariantly constant null Killing vector?
(I'm aware of the fact there are also different approaches in finding exact string solutions that do not relly on proving α'-exactness of leading-order solutions and hence may yield exact string backgrounds with no covariantly constant null Killing vectors but the present question is focused strictly on this approach.)

Most recent answer

Martin Kuchynka
Charles University in Prague
Stam Nicolis So, your problem with my question lies in the terminology I used - correct? Specifically, is it the term "string solutions", by which I mean solutions of effective field equations for the background fields?

All Answers (6)

Stam Nicolis
University of Tours
The question doesn't have anything to do with low-energy effective theories; since these aren't sensitive to the string tension at all.
It has to do-in part-with solutions to the σ-model, that describes the string theory.
Much of what's known about string vacua-that are solutions to the (classical) equations of motion of the σ-models, can be found here:
since the classification of solutions to the classical equations of motion amounts to the classification of conformal field theories.
where it is stressed that the σ-model, in fact, provides only part of the description.
It might be, perhaps, useful, to, first, understand what a null Killing vector, in this context, actually, is good for-then to see what happens when it can't be globally defined. This:
might be useful.
Martin Kuchynka
Charles University in Prague
Stam Nicolis Thank you for your comment as well as for the provided literature!
But, as I specified in the description, I'm really interested in classical solutions of low-energy effective theories (say, 10D heterotic sugra) for which:
1) all possible higher-order corrections to all EOM vanish;
2) the metric admits no covariantly constant null vector;
at the same time. I put the question in the context of string theory just because that's the context in which higher-order corrections to sugra are (naturally) most often discussed.
Stam Nicolis
University of Tours
Supergravity is a theory of particles, not strings-there's no α' expansion in supergravity. It's a very special limit of string theory that's far from being fully understood. So the question doesn't make sense in supergravity-it only makes sense in the context that Tseytlin discusses.
Martin Kuchynka
Charles University in Prague
Stam Nicolis Sorry, but I don't understand the confusion - the problem of my interest can be essentialy restated as: given a solution of some (say, 2nd order) theory, one can ask a questions when such solution can simultaneously solve also EOM of higher-order theories (e.g. by having all the corresponding higher-order corrections to EOM vanishing).
There are already many well-known (and mainly string theory-motivated) results on this problem for the case of plane wave-type solutions of sugra with metrics admitting cov. const. null vector, such as
and I'm simply asking whether there are also some results beyond this class of solutions. Although physically motivated, it's just a purely mathematical question, for whose purpose the physics can be put aside now.
Stam Nicolis
University of Tours
And the framework for addressing it is in Tseytlin's paper. The equations of motion for string theory are NOT higher order generalisations of the equations of motion of supergravity-that's WRONG.
Martin Kuchynka
Charles University in Prague
Stam Nicolis So, your problem with my question lies in the terminology I used - correct? Specifically, is it the term "string solutions", by which I mean solutions of effective field equations for the background fields?

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  • Chian FanChian Fan
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1) Assumes a spherically symmetric spacetime metric, and is static and time invariant;
2) Assumes a vacuum conditions outside, with Tµν = 0;
3) Solve the Einstein field equation, Rµν - (1/2)gµνR=Tµν...... (EQ.1)
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b) The implication of condition 2) is that the spacetime field energy-momentum is independent of M or can be regarded as such. Comparing this to the electric field of an electron is equivalent to the fact that the energy contained in the electron's electric field is independent of the electron itself. Since Tspacetime is also bound to M, is it not part of M?
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[1] Grøn, Ø., & Hervik, S. (2007). Einstein's Field Equations. In Einstein's General Theory of Relativity: With Modern Applications in Cosmology (pp. 179-194). Springer New York.
Additional information*:
1) In his Karl Schwarzschild Memorial Lecture, Einstein summarized the many scientific contributions of his short life, stating [1], in commenting on Schwarzschild's solution, that “he was the first to succeed in accurately calculating the gravitational field of the new theory”.
(2) Einstein emphasized in his article “Foundations of General Relativity” [1], “We will make a distinction between 'gravitational field' and 'matter', and we will call everything outside the gravitational field matter. Thus the term 'matter' includes not only matter in the usual sense, but also electromagnetic fields.” ; “Gravitational fields and matter together must satisfy the law of conservation of energy (and momentum).”
(3) Einstein, in his article “Description based on the variational principle” [1], “In order to correspond to the fact of the free superposition of the independent existence of matter and gravitational fields in the field theory, we further set up (Hamilton): H=G+M
4) Einstein's choice of Riemannian spacetime as the basis for the fundamental spacetime of the universe, which I have repeatedly searched for in The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, still leads to the conclusion that he had no arguments, even if only descriptions. In his search for a geometrical description, he emphasized that “This problem was unsolved until 1912, when I hit upon the idea that the surface theory of Karl Friedrich Gauss might be the key to this mystery. I found that Gauss' surface coordinates were very meaningful for understanding this problem.”[2] And, although many physicists also do not understand what Space-Time Curvature is all about, everyone accepted this setup. This concept of `internal curvature', which cannot be mapped to physical reality, is at least a suitable choice from a modeling point of view.
5) Einstein's initial assumptions for the field equations were also very vague, as evidenced by his use of terms such as “nine times out of ten” and “it seems”. He was hoping to obtain the gravitational field equation by analogy with the Poisson equation. Thus, the second-order derivative of the spacetime metric is assumed on the left side of the equation, and the energy-momentum density is assumed on the right side.
* The citations therein are translated from Chinese and may differ from the original text.
[1] University, P. (1997). The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein. Volume 6: The Berlin Years: Writings, 1914-1917. In. Chinese: 湖南科学技术出版社.
[2] Einstein, A. (1982). How I created the theory of relativity(1922). Physics Today, 35(8), 45-47.
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29 replies
  • Chian FanChian Fan
General Relativity field equations [1]:
Gµν = G*Tµν...... (EQ.1).
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If one were to consider a gravitational wave, one could think of it as a fluctuating spacetime field that propagates independently of the material source after it has been disconnected from it. They have decoupled from each other and no longer continue to conform to the field equations (EQ.1). Although gravitational waves are the product of a source, the loss of that source prevents us from finding another specific source for it to match it through the equation (EQ.1). Just as after an electron accelerates, the relationship between the radiated electromagnetic wave and the electron is no longer maintained. Does this indicate the independence of spacetime field energies?
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[1] Grøn, Ø., & Hervik, S. (2007). Einstein's Field Equations. In Einstein's General Theory of Relativity: With Modern Applications in Cosmology (pp. 179-194). Springer New York.
What are the problems with doing gravity using bosons?
51 answers
  • Robert ShulerRobert Shuler
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【NO.30】The Relation Between Mathematics and Physics (6) - Are Planck Scales Constants, Parameters, or Principles?
22 replies
  • Chian FanChian Fan
Can Physical Constants Which Are Obtained with Combinations of Fundamental Physical Constants Have a More Fundamental Nature?
Planck Scales (Planck's 'units of measurement') are different combinations of the three physical constants h, c, G, Planck Scales=f(c,h,G):
Planck Time: tp=√ℏG/c^5=5.31x10^-44s ......(1)
Planck Length: Lp=√ℏG/c^3=1.62x10^-35m ......(2)
Planck Mass: Mp=√ℏc/G=2.18x10^-8 kg ......(3)
“These quantities will retain their natural meaning for as long as the laws of gravity, the propagation of light in vacuum and the two principles of the theory of heat hold, and, even if measured by different intelligences and using different methods, must always remain the same.”[1] And because of the possible relation between Mp and the radius of the Schwarzschild black hole, the possible generalized uncertainty principle [2], makes them a dependent basis for new physics [3]. But what exactly is their natural meaning?
However, the physical constants, the speed of light, c, the Planck constant, h, and the gravitational constant, G, are clear, fundamental, and invariant.
c: bounds the relationship between Space and Time, with c = ΔL/ Δt, and Lorentz invariance [4];
h: bounds the relationship between Energy and Momentum with h=E/ν = Pλ, and energy-momentum conservation [5][6];
G: bounds the relationship between Space-Time and Energy-Momentum, with the Einstein field equation c^4* Gμν = (8πG) * Tμν, and general covariance [7].
The physical constants c, h, G already determine all fundamental physical phenomena‡. So, can the Planck Scales obtained by combining them be even more fundamental than they are? Could it be that the essence of physics is (c, h, G) = f(tp, Lp, Mp)? rather than equations (1), (2), (3). From what physical fact, or what physical imagination, are we supposed to get this notion? Never seeing such an argument, we just take it and use it, and still recognize c,h,G fundamentality. Obviously, Planck Scales are not fundamental physical constants, they can only be regarded as a kind of 'units of measurement'.
So are they a kind of parameter? According to Eqs. (1)(2)(3), c,h,G can be directly replaced by c,h,G and the substitution expression loses its meaning.
So are they a principle? Then who are they expressing? What kind of behavioral pattern is expressed? The theory of quantum gravity takes this as a " baseline ", only in the order sense, not in the exact numerical value.
Thus, Planck time, length, mass, determined entirely by h, c, G, do they really have unquestionable physical significance?
‡ Please ignore for the moment the phenomena within the nucleus of the atom, eventually we will understand that they are still determined by these three constants.
[1] Robotti, N. and M. Badino (2001). "Max Planck and the 'Constants of Nature'." Annals of Science 58(2): 137-162.
[3] Kiefer, C. (2006). Quantum gravity: general introduction and recent developments. Annalen der Physik, 518(1-2), 129-148.
[4] Einstein, A. (1905). On the electrodynamics of moving bodies. Annalen der Physik, 17(10), 891-921.
[5] Planck, M. (1900). The theory of heat radiation (1914 (Translation) ed., Vol. 144).
[6] Einstein, A. (1917). Physikalisehe Zeitschrift, xviii, p.121
[7] Petruzziello, L. (2020). A dissertation on General Covariance and its application in particle physics. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
【NO.20】Symmetry, Invariance and Conservation (1) - Who is the Primary?
26 replies
  • Chian FanChian Fan
Do we need to find a motivation for symmetry: {?} → {invariance} → {conservation} → {symmetry} →
Should there be an ultimate symmetry that is identical to the conservation, structure invariance, and interaction invariance of the energy-momentum primitives and that determines all other symmetries?
Symmetry, invariance, and conservation are, in a sense, the same concept [1][2][3] and will generally be described in this order, as if symmetry were dominant.
As commonly understood, energy-momentum conservation was the first physics concept to be developed. It exists as a matter of course in mechanics, thermodynamics, and electricity. However, after physics entered the twentieth century, from quantum mechanics to general relativity, the conservation of energy-momentum has been repeatedly encountered with doubts [5][6][7][8][9][10], and so far it still can't be determined as a universal law by physics. Some of the new physics is insisting on "something out of nothing"[11][12][13][14] or spontaneous vacuum fluctuations[15], which equals to the rejection of energy-momentum conservation. The important reasons for this may be: First, Energy-momentum conservation cannot be proved† . Second, energy-momentum in physics has never been able to correspond to a specific thing, expressed by a unified mathematical formula‡, and it can only be the "equivalence" of various physical forms that are converted and transferred to each other [16]. Third, we have a biased understanding of the status of energy-momentum conservation, such as "These symmetries implied conservation laws. Although these conservation laws, especially those of momentum and energy, were regarded to be the most important of all. Although these conservation laws, especially those of momentum and energy, were regarded to be of fundamental importance, these were regarded as consequences of the dynamical laws of nature rather than as consequences of the symmetries that underlay these laws."[17]. Conservation of energy-momentum was relegated to a subordinate position. Fourth, it is believed that the Uncertainty Principle can be manifested as a " dynamics ", which can cause various field quantum fluctuations in the microscopic domain, and does not have to strictly obey the energy-momentum conservation.
"Symmetry" refers to the "invariance under a specified group of transformations" of the analyzed object [4]. Symmetry is always accompanied by some kind of conservation, but conservation does not only refer to the conservation of energy-momentum, but also, under different conditions, to the conservation of other physical quantities, such as charge, spin, or the conservation of other quantum numbers. Thus, "conservation" is usually the constant invariance of something at some level, and Wigner divided symmetries into classical geometrical symmetries and dynamical symmetries, which are associated with specific types of interactions, every interaction has a dynamical invariance group. "It may be useful to discuss first the relation of phenomena, laws of nature, and invariance principles to each other. This relation is not quite the same for the classical invariance principles, which will be called geometrical, and the new ones, which will be called dynamical."[1]. According to Wigner, we can define the "geometric invariance" of everything as the manifestation of interactions filtered through the absoluteness of the spatio-temporal background. This interaction exhibits itself whenever you assume an observer*. displacement invariance, Lorentz invariance are typical. We can define all "dynamical invariance" as manifestation when the background absolutes of the potential field are filtered out. gauge invariance, the diffeomorphism invariance are typical manifestations." from a passive role in which symmetry is the property of interactions, to an active role in which symmetry serves to determine the interactions themselves --a role that I have called symmetry dictates interaction." "Einstein's general relativity was the first example where symmetry was used" actively to determine gravitational interaction" [2]. This expresses the same idea, that the role of symmetry is elevated to the status of "force". Gross says that the secret of nature is symmetry. The most advanced form of symmetries we have understood are local symmetries-general coordinate invariance and gauge symmetry. The most advanced form of symmetries we have understood are local symmetries-general coordinate invariance and gauge symmetry. unified theory that contains both as a consequence of a greater and deeper symmetry of which these are the low energy remnants [18]. He regards the unification of general relativity and quantum field theory as a unification of symmetries. He regards the unification of general relativity and quantum field theory as a unification of symmetries. If we define generalized invariance as the completeness of the structure, properties, and laws of interaction of the analyzed objects when they interact, i.e., the undecomposability of the whole as a whole, the conservation of the properties (charge, spin, other quantum numbers, etc.), and the consistency of the interaction relations (laws), it is clear that the invariance in this case is special invariance, which means only the invariance of the laws of interaction.
While symmetry, conservation, and invariance are almost equivalent expressions at the same level, there are subtle but important differences. If unbounded, it is the order in which the three are expressed, who actually determines whom, and who ultimately determines the laws of physics. In any case, when we currently speak of symmetry, it must correspond to specific invariance and conservation, not to broad invariance and conservation. This in fact greatly limits the claim that "symmetry dictates interaction", since interaction is much more general. There is no such thing as a failure of interaction, but there is often a failure of symmetry, unless we decide that there will be an ultimate symmetry that determines all other symmetries.
"A symmetry can be exact, approximate, or broken. Exact means unconditionally valid; approximate means valid under certain conditions; broken can mean different things, depending on the object considered and its context. different things, depending on the object considered and its context."[19] "It is not clear how rigorous conservation laws could follow from approximate symmetries"[1]. This reflects the uncertainty of the relationship between conservation currents ( charges) and symmetries, and if we know that conservation currents can still be maintained even with approximate symmetries, it should be understood that this must be a function of the fact that conservation currents have a more universal character. From a reductionist point of view, the conservation charge at all levels will gradually decompose with the decomposition of matter, until finally it becomes something that cannot be decomposed. Such a thing can only be the most universal energy-momentum and at the same time be the ultimate expression that maintains its conservation as well as the invariance of interactions. Otherwise, we will pursue the questions:
1) If energy-momentum conservation is not first, where does the power to move from one symmetry to another, symmetry breaking [11] [12], come from? How can symmetry violations [13] in physics be explained?
2) If symmetry fully expresses interactions, how do we evaluate "symmetry implies asymmetry", "imperfect symmetry", " approximate symmetry", " hidden symmetry"? hidden symmetry"?
3) One of the implications of energy-momentum conservation is that they have no origin, are a natural existence, and do not change with scale and energy level or temperature; symmetry has an origin, and is related to scale, temperature and energy level. How are they equivalent to each other?
4) Must there be an ultimate symmetry which will determine everything and be consistent with conservation and invariance?
† We will analyze this separately, which is its most important physical feature [20].
‡ Can different forms of energy be unified?[16]
* We can define the actual observer to be the object of action and the abstract observer to be the object of action for analysis. For example, when we analyze the Doppler effect, we are analyzing it in the abstract; if you don't actually detect it, no Doppler effect occurs in the object of analysis.
[1] Wigner, E. P. (1964). "Symmetry and conservation laws." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 51(5): 956-965.
[2] Yang, C. N. (1996). "Symmetry and physics." Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 140(3): 267-288.
[3] Yang, C. N. (1980). "Einstein's impact on theoretical physics." Physics Today 33(6): 42-49.
[4] Brading, K., E. Castellani and N. Teh (2003). "Symmetry and symmetry breaking."
[5] Bohr, N., H. A. Kramers and J. C. Slater (1924). "LXXVI. The quantum theory of radiation." The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 47(281): 785-802.
[6] Dirac, P. A. M. (1927). "The quantum theory of dispersion." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character 114(769): 710-728.
[7] Carroll, S. M. and J. Lodman (2021). "Energy non-conservation in quantum mechanics." Foundations of Physics 51(4): 83.
[8] Bondi, H. (1990). "Conservation and non-conservation in general relativity." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 427(1873): 249-258.
[9] Maudlin, T., E. Okon and D. Sudarsky (2020). "On the status of conservation laws in physics: Implications for semiclassical gravity." Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 69: 67-81.
[10] Pitts, J. B. (2022). "General Relativity, Mental Causation, and Energy Conservation." Erkenntnis 87.
[11] Hoyle, F. (1948). "A new model for the expanding universe." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 108, p. 372 108: 372.
[12] Vilenkin, A. (1982). "Creation of universes from nothing." Physics Letters B 117(1): 25-28.
[13] Josset, T., A. Perez and D. Sudarsky (2017). "Dark energy from violation of energy conservation." Physical review letters 118(2): 021102.
[14] Singh Kohli, I. (2014). "Comments On: A Universe From Nothing." arXiv e-prints: arXiv: 1405.6091.
[15] Tryon, E. P. (1973). "Is the Universe a Vacuum Fluctuation?" Nature 246(5433): 396-397.
[17] Gross, D. J. (1996). "The role of symmetry in fundamental physics." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93(25): 14256-14259.
[18] Gross, D. J. (1992). "Gauge theory-past, present, and future?" Chinese Journal of Physics 30(7): 955-972.
[19] Castellani, E. (2003). "On the meaning of symmetry breaking." Symmetries in physics: Philosophical reflections: 321-334.

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