Asked 5th Jun, 2017

Any suggestion(s) about which insecticide to use and in what amount for insect infestation in corn (in the picture)?

My corn plot is suffering from insect infestation. I guess (not sure), it is fall armyworm infestation in corn. At this stage crop is around 5 feet tall. Any suggestion regarding use of proper insecticide will be appreciated.

Most recent answer

Oadi Matny
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Yes , this is insect damage , i prefer  to use systemic insecticide .
1 Recommendation

Popular answers (1)

Paul Reed Hepperly
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
The damage you are seeing is most like from fall armyworm Spodopter frugiperda. The application of a carbamate, phosphorus, or pyrethroid at the rates recommendated in your area for maize is recommended. 
3 Recommendations

All Answers (31)

Paul Reed Hepperly
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
The damage you are seeing is most like from fall armyworm Spodopter frugiperda. The application of a carbamate, phosphorus, or pyrethroid at the rates recommendated in your area for maize is recommended. 
3 Recommendations
Paul Reed Hepperly
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
The fall armyworm is embedded in the whorl and for a spray to work it must get good coverage. The dimilin product is the most environmentally safe otherwise the pyrethroids such as karate are the next choice. If a BT maize variety is used the problem is much less as well as with some tropical varieties which are tolerant to the damage.  Please find an armyworm factsheet but it would be better to look under your state for maize recommendations. Labels are useful also. 
2 Recommendations
Mohunnad Massimi
Ministry of Agriculture, Jordan
Controlling weeds are more important than controlling insect itself in order to get rid of insects host. Using herbicide active ingredient (pendimethalian) in post planting and pre emergence wil destroy weeds in corn and sorghum fields. The dosage is 3 liter/ ha.
2 Recommendations
This publication was prepared as a guide for use in the selection of agricultural insecticides. 
Hope it will serve your purpose. 
1 Recommendation
Paul Reed Hepperly
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
The control of weeds is very important but insects in maize are also critical. Fall armyworm is more difficult to control than weeds from my many decades of working with maize. Fall armyworm is particularly problematic in tropical environments. 
1 Recommendation
Weed control with broad-spectrum herbicides is not recommended because they affect the survival of the beneficial insects that control Spodoptera frugiperda. It is advisable to make a selective management of noble weeds and to promote the use of biological insecticides such as Bacillus thuringiensis , selective to natural enemies.
2 Recommendations
Hanna M. Madanat
National Agricultural Research Center - NARC
This pest has from 3-4 flights, and proper insecticide application requires the use of the pheromone traps to time the insecticides applications. Use of different insecticises such as methomyl, or chlorpyrifos, or spinosad, and rotations of insecticises for  the long time control. Also using bioagents like Bacillus thureniensis or nuclear polyhedosis virus help in the control.
1 Recommendation
Reza Shahjahan
University of Dhaka
My question is which department/ laboratory you belong to? Is it Entomology, College station, then talk to Prof. Patricia please. Or you can talk to someone in the USDA, I assume that you cannot use any insecticide in the field condition we suggest from outside. There must be regulatory barriers.
2 Recommendations
Maurice Tindo
University of Douala
Effectively, these are damages caused by the fall armyworm. This is a well known pest of corn in the Americas that has just hit Africa and Cameroon. A long list of pesticides recommended against it exists in the USA. Please contact the next office of the USDA.
1 Recommendation
Laith Al-Ani
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Hi Rahul Raman  
You can find some useful references on attachment 1
1 Recommendation
Laith Al-Ani
Universiti Sains Malaysia
1 Recommendation
Laith Al-Ani
Universiti Sains Malaysia
1 Recommendation
Laith Al-Ani
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Laith Al-Ani
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Laith Al-Ani
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Oadi Matny
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Yes , this is insect damage , i prefer  to use systemic insecticide .
1 Recommendation

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