About the lab

The Disability Research Lab empowers disabled researchers and their allies in the pursuit of an academic or community-based research career. Lab members range from undergrads to post-docs and are interdisciplinary in their studies.

Featured research (2)

Participatory action research (PAR), or the inclusion of those affected by the issues being studied, is a growing area of emphasis in disability research. The principles of PAR align with those of the disability rights movement, such that full inclusion and “nothing about us without us” extends as much to research as it does to any other area of life. Moreover, PAR allows for meaningful input from people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), which enhances the likelihood that research results are relevant and important to the disability community. As research activity resumes and is adapted to the context of a global pandemic, it is crucial that a balance is struck to optimize the safety of individuals with I/DD without taking steps backwards from the progress towards more meaningful inclusion in research. Lessons learned from past participatory research projects have demonstrated that accommodations to enable equitable participation of individuals with IDD in the research process are crucial. COVID-19 has significantly affected the lives of individuals with I/DD directly; however, COVID-19 has also affected those with I/DD indirectly through the disruption to critical intervention and other clinical research. As research processes are adapted to align with COVID-19 guidelines, the inclusion of individuals with I/DD via PAR needs to be adapted as well. Recommendations for the continuation of PAR in the context of COVID-19 will be discussed as well as ways in which accommodations can be modified to this new context.

Lab head

Kara B Ayers
  • Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

Members (11)

Erin E Andrews
  • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Stephanie Pabst
  • Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Kaitlyn Ahlers
  • Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Maryellen Daston
  • Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Hyon Soo Lee
  • University of California, Los Angeles
Lisa Kuan
  • Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Laura Srivorakiat
  • Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Stephanie Weber
  • Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Sabrina Epstein
Sabrina Epstein
  • Not confirmed yet
Grace Jo
Grace Jo
  • Not confirmed yet