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A 20-day 3 * 3 factorial experiment was conducted in 100 L HDPE experimental tanks to investigate the efect of the C/N ratio (10, 15, and 20) and stocking density (3, 4, and 5 spawn L −1) on Gibelion catla spawn nursery rearing in the indoor biofoc system. Rice bran was used as the carbon source for manipulating C/N ratios. Each treatment was stocked with catla spawn of average length (6.7 ± 0.4 mm) and average weight (1.6 ± 0.2 mg). Water parameters showed that increasing the C/N ratio from 10 to 20 sig-nifcantly (p < 0.05) reduced total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) and nitrite nitrogen (NO 2-N) and increased nitrate nitrogen (NO 3-N) in the water. Te insignifcant diference (p > 0.05) and lowest fnal average length, average length gain, average weight gain, and specifc growth rate (SGR) were recorded in C/N ratios of 10 and 15 compared to a C/N ratio of 20. A signifcant diference (p < 0.05) in survival was observed with the increasing C/N ratio. Increasing the fsh stocking density resulted in higher mortality. However, a higher amount of fry produced was observed in the treatments with 3 and 4 spawn L −1. Crude protein content increased signifcantly (p < 0.05) with the increasing C/N ratio with higher content in C/N 20. No signifcant diference (p > 0.05) in proximate composition of biofoc was observed in diferent stocking density groups. In conclusion, the application of the biofoc technology with a C/N ratio of 20 at a stocking density of 4 spawn L −1 could be recommended to increase the production of catla fry in the indoor biofoc system.
Research Article
Effect of C/N Ratio Levels and Stocking Density of Catla Spawn
(Gibelion catla) on Water Quality, Growth Performance, and
Biofloc Nutritional Composition in an Indoor Biofloc System
Sonia Solanki , S. J. Meshram, H. B. Dhamagaye, S. D. Naik, P. E. Shingare, and B. M. Yadav
Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries (DBSKKV), Shirgaon, Ratnagiri 415629, Maharashtra, India
Correspondence should be addressed to Sonia Solanki;
Received 16 November 2022; Revised 8 February 2023; Accepted 6 June 2023; Published 12 June 2023
Academic Editor: Hamed Ghafarifarsani
Copyright ©2023 Sonia Solanki et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A 20-day 3 3 factorial experiment was conducted in 100 L HDPE experimental tanks to investigate the eect of the C/N ratio (10,
15, and 20) and stocking density (3, 4, and 5 spawn L
) on Gibelion catla spawn nursery rearing in the indoor biooc system. Rice
bran was used as the carbon source for manipulating C/N ratios. Each treatment was stocked with catla spawn of average length
(6.7 ±0.4 mm) and average weight (1.6 ±0.2 mg). Water parameters showed that increasing the C/N ratio from 10 to 20 sig-
nicantly (p<0.05) reduced total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) and nitrite nitrogen (NO
-N) and increased nitrate nitrogen (NO
N) in the water. e insignicant dierence (p>0.05) and lowest nal average length, average length gain, average weight gain,
and specic growth rate (SGR) were recorded in C/N ratios of 10 and 15 compared to a C/N ratio of 20. A signicant dierence
(p<0.05) in survival was observed with the increasing C/N ratio. Increasing the sh stocking density resulted in higher mortality.
However, a higher amount of fry produced was observed in the treatments with 3 and 4 spawn L
. Crude protein content
increased signicantly (p<0.05) with the increasing C/N ratio with higher content in C/N 20. No signicant dierence (p>0.05)
in proximate composition of biooc was observed in dierent stocking density groups. In conclusion, the application of the biooc
technology with a C/N ratio of 20 at a stocking density of 4 spawn L
could be recommended to increase the production of catla
fry in the indoor biooc system.
1. Introduction
e success of the aquaculture industry relies on a steady
supply of high-quality seed as one of its key inputs, ac-
counting for 510% of aquaculture production costs [1, 2].
In India, Indian major carps account for 87 percent of the
country’s total freshwater aquaculture production [3].
Hatchery-produced seed meets demand, but hatcheries
are more concerned with quantity than quality, and the
spawn-to-fry yield ratio of these species is 3 :1 in earthen
ponds, with catla fry performance always being lower in
terms of growth and survival [46]. Fish in the nursery
stage are also often subjected to intensication which
generally increases stress and subsequently susceptibility
to infectious disease, hence requiring proper management
to obtain optimum growth and survival [7, 8]. Biooc
systems (BFTs) are a potential alternative strategy for the
intensication of sh larviculture which enhances im-
munity of the cultures.
Biooc technology is studied for its application in
nurseries as an additional feed source for postlarvae, to
provide extra essential nutrients [911] and improve
water quality to support better larval survival and growth
[12, 13]. BFT has been applied successfully in the nursery
phase in dierent sh and shrimp species such as Oreo-
chromis niloticus [12], Rhamdia quelen [13], Clarias
gariepinus [14], Labeo rohita [1517], Carassius auratus
[8], Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis [18], and Penaeus
vannamei [19].
Maintenance of appropriate carbon to nitrogen (C/N) is
of prime importance for optimal performance of culture
species in the biooc system [20]. e addition of the
Aquaculture Research
Volume 2023, Article ID 2501653, 11 pages
external carbon source manipulates the carbon-to-nitrogen
ratio for uptake of nitrogen elements and subsequent
conversion to microbial proteins in the BFT system [21–23].
e carbon source and the C/N ratio inuence the nutri-
tional content and quality of biooc [24–26]. An increase in
the C/N ratio induces shifting of the biooc community to
a heterotrophic system that eectively maintains TAN and
-N at lower concentrations even at higher stocking
densities in the culture water [27–30].
Freshwater sh production under the BFT system is still
new, and studies on sh larval development are even rarer
[8, 12, 13]. erefore, the objectives of this study were to
evaluate its use in nursery rearing of the Gibelion catla at
varying C/N ratios and stocking densities in the indoor
biooc system.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Design, Biooc Preparation, Fish Stocking,
and Management. Gibelion catla spawn (n= 25000) pro-
cured from CIFA, Bhubneshwar, Orissa, India, were
transported to Wet Laboratory, Department of Aqua-
culture, College of Fisheries, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra,
India, and the same were acclimatized for 3 days in two-
1000 L FRP (breglass reinforced plastic) tanks fed
with GNOC two times a day and 2 L of green water every
day in morning hours. A factorial design (3 ×3) was
performed with three C/N ratios (10, 15, and 20) [21] as
the rst factor and three-level stocking densities, viz., 3, 4,
and 5spawn L
[15] as the second factor in a completely
randomized design with triplicates. An experiment was
conducted for 20 days in 100 L capacity HDPE (high-
density polyethylene) tanks lled with up to 80 L working
Biooc inoculum was prepared by mixing 5 g L
soil, 10 mg L
ammonium sulphate, and 200 mg L
source (rice bran) [27] in a 500 L FRP tank lled with ground
water up to 300 L. When biooc concentration reached
20 ml L
, it was used for inoculation in the already prepared
experimental tanks at a rate of 5 L of inoculum to 75 L of
freshwater. e rice bran (33.33% carbon) was added once in
a day based on the calculation described by De Schryver et al.
[21] to maintain the desired C: N ratio in the BFT treatment
during the experiment. An air pump (HAILEA, Model:
HAP-60) having a capacity of about 60 W was used for
aeration to meet oxygen demand of the shes and keep the
ocs in continuous suspension.
For the experiment, 8640 spawn (Gibelion catla) were
used and stocked at a rate of 3, 4, and 5 spawn L
, re-
spectively, after acclimatization. A subsample of spawn was
taken from the stock and weighed using an electronic digital
balance (Himedia; precision: 1 mg) to determine the initial
live body weight which was average (1.6 ±0.2 mg). Locally
available GNOC and rice bran powdered, sieved, and mixed
in a 1 :1 ratio were used as a feed source for spawn. e shes
were fed in the morning at 10:00 am and evening 4:00 pm at
a rate of 400% body weight per day for rst ve days and
800% body weight per day for next fteen days [15]. In
biooc tanks, no regular water exchange was carried out
except the addition of water to compensate the
evaporation loss.
2.2. Physicochemical Parameters of Water. Water quality
parameters such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen
(DO), alkalinity, total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrite
nitrogen (NO
-N), and nitrate nitrogen (NO
-N) were
monitored every fth day during the experimental period.
pH and temperature of the water were estimated using
a universal indicator and a mercury thermometer, re-
spectively. Dissolved oxygen and alkalinity of water were
estimated as per the standard procedures [31]. Total
ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrite nitrogen (NO
and nitrate nitrogen (NO
-N) were determined with API®
commercial test kits (API®freshwater master test kit).
For total suspended solid (TSS) estimation, 100 ml of
the water sample was collected from each replicate
and ltered through a predried and weighed glass bre
(GF/C) lter paper using the micropore vacuum lter.
Floc volume was measured by allowing the oc to settle
down in the Imho cone for 20 minutes without
disturbance [32].
2.3. Growth Analysis. Initial weight and length of spawn
were taken. All surviving fry were counted at the end of the
experiment. e average weight gain, percent weight gain,
average length gain, percent length gain, specic growth rate
(SGR), and survival were calculated using the following
2Aquaculture Research
average weight gain (mg) f inal weight (mg) initial weight (mg),
weight gain (%) (final weight initial weight)
initial weight
􏼢 􏼣×100,
average length gain (mm) f inal length (mm) initial length (mm),
length gain (%) (final weight Initial weight)
initial weight
􏼢 􏼣×100,
da y
􏼠 􏼡(ln f inalweight ln initial weight)
number of da ys
􏼢 􏼣×100,
survival (%) total number of survived fish
total number of f ish stocked
􏼠 􏼡 ×100,
apparent f eed conversion ratio (AFCR) total feed intake
weight gain .
2.4. Proximate Composition of Biooc. At the end of the
experiment, concentrated oc samples were collected from
each tank using a 100 m mesh and dried in an oven at 60°C
and then preserved in a refrigerator till the proximate
analysis was performed [33]. e nutritional contents of
biooc such as crude protein (Kjeldahl method), crude lipids
[34], ash content [35], and moisture [35] were analysed.
2.5. Statistical Analysis. e experimental data such as
length gain, weight gain, SGR, and survival percentage were
analysed by two-way analysis of variance. Dierences were
considered signicant at p<0.05. If dierence was found
signicant, the means were compared by Tukey’s test. e
statistical analysis was performed by using SPSS 16.0.
3. Results
3.1. Water Quality Parameters. e mean values of water
quality parameters and outcomes of two-way ANOVA are
presented in Table 1. ere was a signicant (p<0.05) eect
of the C/N ratio and stocking density on the water quality in
biooc treatments. Furthermore, there was no signicant
(p>0.05) interaction eect of the C/N ratio and stocking
density on the water quality of dierent treatments. In-
creasing stocking densities signicantly (p<0.05) reduced
DO content in water. pH was signicantly dierent
(p<0.05) among dierent C/N ratios with reduced pH at
a higher C/N ratio, but no signicant dierence (p>0.05)
was observed in stocking densities. Total alkalinity reduced
signicantly (p<0.05) with an increase in the C/N ratio, but
no signicant dierence (p>0.05) was observed in C/N 15
and 20. A higher stocking density showed a signicantly
lower (p<0.05) value of total alkalinity. e increase in the
C/N ratio signicantly (p<0.05) reduced TAN and NO
However, the level of TAN did not vary signicantly
(p>0.05) in stocking densities. Levels of NO
-N increased
signicantly (p<0.05) with an increase in the stocking
density from SD3 to SD5. e NO
-N level was signicantly
(p<0.05) lower in C/N 10, but no signicant dierence
(p>0.05) was observed in C/N 15 and 20. A signicant
(p<0.05) increase in the level of NO
-N was observed with
increasing stocking densities of catla spawn. TSS was sig-
nicantly (p<0.05) lower in C/N 10, and no signicant
dierence (p>0.05) was observed in C/N 15 and 20.
However, TSS increased signicantly (p<0.05) with an
increase in the stocking density. Floc volume increased
signicantly (p<0.05) with an increase in both the C/N ratio
and stocking density.
3.2. Eect on Survival and Growth Parameters of Gibelion catla
Fry. Growth performance of catla spawn in the biooc
system after 20 days of the rearing period is presented in
Table 2. Based on two-way ANOVA, there was a signicant
(p<0.05) eect of the C/N ratio and stocking density on
growth performance and survival of spawn. But there was no
signicant (p>0.05) interaction between C/N ratios and
stocking densities on the growth performance and survival
of spawn in the biooc treatments. e nal average body
weight, weight gain, percent weight gain, nal length, length
gain, percent length gain, and specic growth rate (SGR)
were signicantly (p<0.05) higher, and AFCR was signif-
icantly the lowest (p<0.05) in C/N 20. No signicant dif-
ference (p>0.05) was observed in growth performance,
SGR, and AFCR of spawn at C/N 10 and C/N 15. An increase
in the C/N ratio signicantly (p<0.05) increased the sur-
vival rate. e stocking density inuenced the growth pa-
rameters dierently. e highest growth performance in
terms of average nal weight, weight gain, percent weight
gain, and specic growth rate (SGR) was obtained in the
lower stocking density of SD3 except for SD4 which did not
show a signicant dierence (p>0.05) with the spawn of the
former group. AFCR of sh was signicantly (p<0.05)
lower at a lower stocking density of SD3. Signicantly
(p<0.05) higher nal length, length gain, and percent length
Aquaculture Research 3
Table 1: Water quality parameters recorded from dierent experimental groups during the experimental period based on two-way ANOVA.
C/N ratio Stocking density (no.’s L
ANOVA Interaction
10 15 20 3 4 5 C/N SD C/N ×SD
Temperature (°C) 26.79 (25.1–28.2) 26.76 (25.0–28.1) 26.81 (25.0–28.1) 26.74 (25.0–28.0) 26.80 (25.1–28.2) 26.82 (25.1–28.1) NS NS NS
DO (mg L
) 5.9
(5.4–6.2) 5.8
(4.6–6.2) 5.7
(4.6–6.2) 5.9
(4.6–6.2) 5.8
(4.8–6.2) 5.7
(4.6–6.2) NS ∗∗ NS
pH 7.70
(7.0–8.5) 7.70
(7.0–8.5) 7.40
(6.5–8.5) 7.70
(7–8.5) 7.50
(6.5–8.5) 7.60
(6.5–8.5) ∗∗ NS NS
Total alkalinity (mg L
) 42.67
(28–56) 39.06
(26–52) 37.17
(22–52) 41.22
(24–56) 40.67
(26–54) 37.00
(22–54) ∗∗ ∗∗ NS
TAN (mg L
) 0.26
(0.091–0.560) 0.24
(0.085–0.559) 0.22
(0.050–0.754) 0.24
(0.05–0.48) 0.25
(0.073–0.472) 0.26
(0.068–0.754) ∗∗ NS NS
Nitrite-N (mg L
) 0.030
(0.012–0.065) 0.025
(0.010–0.057) 0.022
(0.01–0.042) 0.019
(0.01–0.031) 0.023
(0.01–0.038) 0.035
(0.011–0.065) ∗∗ ∗∗ NS
Nitrate-N (mg L
) 12.27
(2.27-29.76) 13.76
(2.34-28.98) 14.45
(3.64-29.75) 11.27
(2.29-26.64) 13.40
(3.19-28.74) 15.81
(2.27-29.76) ∗∗ ∗∗ NS
TSS (mg L
) 98.35
(28.2–204.49) 124.29
(28.4–240.19) 125.40
(39.1–250.98) 93.55
(28.2–198.23) 113.80
(43.92–235.89) 140.68
(52.89–250.98) ∗∗ ∗∗ NS
Floc volume (ml L
) 3.09
(0.5–9.0) 4.31
(0.5–12) 5.49
(1–15) 2.33
(0.5–6) 4.56
(0.5–9) 6.01
(0.75–15) ∗∗ ∗∗ NS
e mean values followed by the dierent superscript letter in each factor indicate signicance at p<0.05. If the eects were signicant, ANOVA was followed by Tukey’s test. ∗∗Indicates a signicant dierence at
p<0.05. NS, not signicant.
Values of water parameters of C/N ratio groups in a row with dierent superscripts dier signicantly (p<0.05).
Values of water parameters of stocking density groups in a row
with dierent superscripts dier signicantly (p<0.05).
4Aquaculture Research
Table 2: Nursery production performance of Gibelion catla cultured in biooc systems with dierent C/N ratios (10, 15, and 20:1) and stocking density (3, 4, and 5 no.’s L
) for 20 days
based on two-way ANOVA.
C/N ratio Stocking density (no.’s L
ANOVA Interaction
10 15 20 3 4 5 C/N SD C/N xSD
Average initial length (mm) 6.7 ±0.4
6.7 ±0.4
6.7 ±0.4
6.7 ±0.4
6.7 ±0.4
6.7 ±0.4
Average nal length (mm) 18.34 ±0.83
18.77 ±1.21
19.76 ±0.89
19.86 ±0.93
18.91 ±0.94
18.10 ±0.80
∗∗ ∗∗ NS
Average length gain (mm) 11.68
∗∗ ∗∗ NS
Percent length gain (%) 174.73
∗∗ ∗∗ NS
Average initial weight (mg) 1.6 ±0.2
1.6 ±0.2
1.6 ±0.2
1.6 ±0.2
1.6 ±0.2
1.6 ±0.2
Average nal weight (mg) 56.09 ±9.83
61.02 ±14.90
76.69 ±15.38
75.17 ±16.22
64.01 ±15.83
54.62 ±7.98
∗∗ ∗∗ NS
Weight gain (mg) 54.49
∗∗ ∗∗ NS
Percent weight gain (%) 3405.50
∗∗ ∗∗ NS
SGR (%/day) 7.33
∗∗ ∗∗ NS
AFCR 4.21
∗∗ ∗∗ NS
Survival (%) 66.85
∗∗ ∗∗ NS
e mean values followed by the dierent superscript letters in each factor indicate signicance at (p<0.05). If the eects were signicant, ANOVA was followed by Tukey’s test. ∗∗Indicates a signicant dierence
at p<0.05. NS, not signicant.
Values of nursery production performance of Gibelion catla cultured in biooc systems of C/N ratio groups in a row with dierent superscripts dier signicantly
Values of nursery production performance of Gibelion catla cultured in biooc systems in stocking density groups in a row with dierent superscripts dier signicantly (p<0.05).
Aquaculture Research 5
gain were observed in a lower stocking density of SD3. An
increase in the stocking density signicantly (p<0.05) re-
duced the survival percent of spawn. However, no signicant
dierence (p>0.05) in survival was observed for SD3 and
SD4 for catla fry production. e interaction of the C/N ratio
and stocking density was not signicant (p>0.05) for all the
growth parameters.
3.3. Proximate Composition of Biooc. e results of prox-
imate compositions of biooc are presented in Table 3. Based
on two-way ANOVA, there is a signicant eect of the C/N
ratio on the proximate composition of biooc with crude
protein content increased signicantly (p<0.05) with the
increasing C/N ratio, and the ash content was signicantly
(p<0.05) lower in the higher C/N ratio group. e C/N 15
group did not show any signicant dierence for crude
protein and ash content with C/N 10 and 20 groups. No
signicant dierence (p>0.05) in moisture and crude lipid
content was observed for various C/N groups. ere is no
signicant (p>0.05) eect of the stocking density, C/N
ratio, and stocking density interaction on the biooc
4. Discussion
4.1. Water Quality. Water quality is strongly inuenced by
the stocking density of the cultured animal, environmental
parameters, species combination, and quality and quantity
of nutritional input added to the system [25, 36]. In the
present study, temperature remained within the range
(23.0–28°C) required for culture of catla spawn [37, 38].
Fluctuations in pH, DO, and nitrogenous waste concen-
trations are usual features of biooc systems [33, 39]. In-
creasing weight of culture species and boosted bacterial
population often decreases DO of the BFT system, as ob-
served in the present study at a higher stocking density
[40, 41]. A higher DO level reduces larger and compact oc
sizes into smaller ones allowing sh to easily consume the
oc and hence enhances sh growth [42, 43]. e higher DO
content in biooc treatment with lower stocking (SD3)
might have resulted in the reduction of oc size and have
provided better opportunity for spawn to consume oc and
enhance growth. An increase in the nitrication process and
respiration rate of heterotrophic microorganisms reduces
pH and alkalinity of the culture system, which was reected
in this study with the increased C/N ratio [13, 25, 28, 44, 45].
pH below 7 negatively aects the nitrication rate and the
growth of the cultured species [46, 47]. e average pH was
in the suitable range (7.40–7.70) as reported in earlier studies
for nursery rearing of spawn in indoor systems [6] except for
reduced pH and alkalinity in a higher stocking density,
which might have aected the survival and growth of spawn
in the experimental units due to acid stress as the pH eect is
related to age and development, and larval stages are most
sensitive to pH changes [48, 49]. e increase in hetero-
trophic bacteria increases acid production through the ni-
trication process and consumes alkalinity in the intensive
biooc system which reduced total alkalinity with the
increased C/N ratio and stocking density [50]. e TAN and
-N levels were within the safe range for catla spawn [51].
Furthermore, reduction of TAN with the increasing C/N
ratio shows that the TAN-N levels were inuenced by
varying C/N ratios as during microbial assimilation, certain
microbes present in the biooc has potential to assimilate
TAN into microbial biomass, and that higher carbon inputs
support faster production of heterotrophic bacteria, thus
converting dissolved nitrogen into bioocs [28, 52, 53].
Although there was no signicant dierence in TAN-N
concentration in dierent stocking densities, a higher
mean concentration of nitrogenous compounds in a higher
stocking density could be the result of higher biomass in the
system and retarded development of nitrifying bacteria
before biooc formation [50, 54, 55]. e presence of more
nitrifying bacteria converts ammonia to nitrite and then
nitrite to nitrate which might have resulted in increased
nitrate-N concentration at a higher stocking density in BFT
[28, 56]. Becerril–Cort´
es et al.[57] recorded similar nitrate-
N concentration for tilapia fry.
e C/N ratio and stocking density have a signicant
eect on the TSS and oc volume. In zero water exchange
tanks, TSS tends to increase over time primarily due to
decreased water exchange, a high amount of organic sub-
stances, and an increase in microbial biomass [58]. Excessive
TSS levels can become detrimental, particularly with some
sh; however, the ideal TSS concentration for sh in biooc
is not determined [56, 59]. e TSS concentration up to
300 mg/L showed no negative eect on growth performance
of goldsh larvae [8]. An increase in the TSS concentration
aects the growth performance of sh larvae; however, lower
TSS levels provide a more nutritious food source for the
larvae [13]. e increase in the C/N ratio and stocking
density increased TSS and oc volumes which might have
reduced the survival of spawn at a higher stocking density.
Hosain et al. [56] observed lower survival of Macro-
branchium rosenbergii postlarvae at a higher oc volume of
up to 10 ml/L when molasses and wheat bran were used as
a carbon source. Similarly, in the present study, oc volume
increased over time, which might have led to reduced
survival of catla spawn at higher stocking densities.
4.2. Eect on Survival and Growth Parameters of Gibelion catla
Fry. Gibelion catla is a surface feeder and can also explore
the middle and bottom layers of water [60, 61]. Alikunhi [62]
designated species as a surface and midwater feeder. Catla
spawn starts feeding on plankton (mainly zooplankton)
from the third day after hatching. Dening the biooc, it is
the heterotrophic conglomeric aggregation of microbial
communities, such as phytoplankton, bacteria, and living
and dead particulate organic matter, and the presence of
zooplankton species such as rotifers, moina, daphnia, co-
pepods, and freshwater infusoria makes the BFT system
prosper for rearing of spawn [17, 63].
e present study is the rst to analyse the nursery
rearing of catla spawn in the BFT system. Dierent C/N
ratios signicantly aect the growth of catla spawn, and the
performance was better in the C/N 20 treatment. As bacteria
6Aquaculture Research
need about 20 units of carbon per unit of nitrogen assim-
ilated [27], in this study, it is conrmed that a C/N ratio of
20 : 1 favored biooc promotion which acts as a supple-
mental food source available 24 hrs [33, 64–66]. e im-
provement in growth of catla spawn at C/N 20 could be
associated with the presence of adequate natural protein-
lipid source and other nutrients at any time as observed for
Carassius auratus larvae at C/N ratios of 20 and 25 : 1 and
Labeo rohita spawn at C/N 15 and 20 [17], whereas the
insignicant dierence in the C/N 10 and 15 groups might
indicate the limited number of prey production as reduction
in organic carbon addition can slow down the formation of
oc as observed with lower oc volume at a lower C/N ratio
in the present study [29, 67], or consumption of biooc does
not contribute to growth of the sh [12]. Biooc is known to
improve feed utilisation of sh by supplementing essential
amino acids, vitamins, lipids, and minerals and stimulates
digestive enzyme activity resulting in improved digestion of
nutrients in the sh gut [68]. Lower AFCR at a higher C/N
ratio of 20 in the present study conrms biooc contribution
as complementary natural feed and suggests for improved
feed utilisation in the sh reared in the biooc system [25].
e stocking density is one of the important factors de-
termining the survival, growth, and nal biomass of the
culture [69]. In the present study, a lower stocking density of
SD3 resulted in improved growth performance as compared
to other groups. e results agree with the ndings of Dey
et al. [17] who observed enhanced growth of Labeo rohita
spawn in terms of nal length, nal weight, and SGR at
a lower stocking density (1, 2, and 3 spawn L
) than at
a higher stocking density (4 and 5 spawn L
) in biooc
systems. Impaired growth of goldsh larvae with an increase
in the stocking density in the BFT system was recorded by
Besen et al. [8]. e average total length and weight of fry
after 20 days of rearing were in the range of 18.10–19.86 mm
and 54.62–76.69 mg, respectively (Table 2). e growth
performance was better with higher length and weight gain
obtained in short duration than fry rearing under normal
indoor conditions; hence, reducing the rearing period in
indoor can increase production. e higher performance of
the spawn in the BFT system indicates that bioocs were
consumed by the spawn and optimized growth. In this study,
AFCR is inuenced by the stocking density. AFCR signi-
cantly increased in a high stocking density of the SD5 group,
which might indicate a reduction or decrease in eciency of
the sh to graze microbial community at higher density
[70, 71]. No signicant dierence in AFCR and growth
performance of spawn in the SD4 group with SD3 might
indicate biooc consumption as supplemental feed, and
favorable eects of biooc such as better water quality,
“antistress” probiotic eect, and presence of exogenous
microbial enzymes and endogenous digestive enzymes may
promote digestion of food and improve the performance of
sh in the biooc system as reported in earlier studies
[68, 72].
Survival is considered the most important parameter for
culturing success during the larval and nursery phases.
Higher survival at C/N 20 compared to a lower C/N ratio
could be due to better water quality and greater availability
of prey in the BFT system [8, 56, 73]. e consumption of
microbial oc enhances larvae tolerance to environmental
stress, hence, improving survival [73, 74]. Fry survival
showed an inverse relationship with the stocking density. A
higher stocking density aects the growth performance of
spawn mainly due to physiological stress caused due to
overcrowding which leads to competition for food and space
and poor water quality [4, 37, 75]. A similar decreasing trend
in survival was also obtained with catla and rohu fry stocked
at a rate of 100, 125, and 150 larvae/15-L aquarium, re-
spectively, in the recirculating system [76]. In the present
study, SD4 showed an insignicant dierence with SD3;
similarly, survival was unaected by increasing stocking
densities of goldsh larvae from 10 larvae L
to 30 larvae L
in the BFT system, suggesting adoption of a higher stocking
density for larger quantity of larvae production [8]. Also,
indoor rearing allows for intensive seed rearing as it prevents
higher mortality due to predation and ecological
problems [4].
4.3. Proximate Composition of Biooc. e proximate
composition of microbial ocs varies according to the
carbon source, proximal feed composition, environmental
conditions, culture time, and other factors [77, 78]. In this
study, biooc collected from dierent treatments showed
nutritional values with 22.66 to 26.53% crude protein, 1.83 to
2.17% crude lipid, and 10.5 to 11.4% ash. e signicant
dierence in biooc nutritional composition in dierent
C/N ratio treatments of the present study indicates that the
amount of carbon source aects the nutritional composition
Table 3: Proximate composition of biooc (% dry weight) collected from Gibelion catla based on the biooc technology (BFT) system after
20 days of the experimental period.
C/N ratio Stocking density (no.’s/L) Two-way
ANOVA Interaction
10 15 20 3 4 (A) 5 (A) C/N SD C/N ×SD
Moisture 86.7
86.1 87.8 NS NS NS
Crude protein 22.66
24.32 24.52 ∗∗ NS NS
Crude lipid 1.8
2.0 2.1 NS NS NS
Ash 11.4
11.1 10.7 ∗∗ NS NS
e mean values followed by the dierent superscript letters in each factor indicate signicance at p<0.05. If the eects were signicant, ANOVA was
followed by Tukey’s test. ∗∗Indicates a signicant dierence at p<0.05. NS, not signicant.
Values of the proximate composition of biooc of C/N ratio
groups in a row with dierent superscripts dier signicantly (p<0.05).
Values of the proximate composition of biooc of stocking density groups in
a row with dierent superscripts dier signicantly (p<0.05).
Aquaculture Research 7
of microbial oc. e stocking density in the biooc system
did not inuence the biooc nutritional composition. e
C/N 20 treatment protein and ash content were similar with
those of Romano et al.[79] when using raw rice bran as
a carbon source for the culture of African catsh, and C/N 10
and C/N 15 showed similar content with that of Megahed
and Mohamed [80] when shrimp feed with 25% protein feed
and C/N ratio of 12.1. Higher crude protein in the C/N20
treatment could be due to the richness of microorganism in
the treatment [56], but dierences in nutritional composi-
tions among dierent treatments might be due to dierence
in microbial community [81]. In the present study, the crude
lipid and ash content were in the range as observed by
es et al. [57] in rice bran-developed biooc
except for lower crude protein. Lipid is the important source
of metabolic energy for growth of sh. Lower lipid with
higher oc volume can cause decrease in survival as observed
in this study [56], though higher values of crude lipid in
a higher C/N ratio might have attributed to higher growth
and survival of spawn compared to other treatments.
5. Conclusion
e present study demonstrates that increasing the C/N
ratio to 20 : 1 can improve the nursery rearing of Gibelion
catla in the biooc system at a stocking density of 3 spawn
. Biooc conditions support the microbial protein con-
tent which is known to be highly nutritious for the spawn
during their nursery rearing. It is likely that catla spawn were
able to obtain this nutrition for their growth. e best
growth results are obtained with a stocking density of 3
spawn L
. However, an increase in a stocking density of 4
spawn L
can be supported with the increased survival
percentage of fry.
Data Availability
e data supporting the ndings of the study are available
from the corresponding author upon request.
Conflicts of Interest
e authors declare that they have no conicts of interest in
the study.
e authors are thankful to the authorities of Dr. B.S.K.K.V.,
Dapoli for gratifying the permission to pursue this study and
providing all the necessary facilities at College of Fisheries,
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Aquaculture Research 11
Full-text available
Aquaculture has experienced significant global expansion and is considered one of the fastest-growing sectors in food production. However, there exist additional challenges that restrict the capacity to achieve maximum efficiency in aquaculture systems, such as issues over water quality and shortages of appropriate live feeds. Intensive aquaculture systems involve the use of protein-rich prepared feed for feeding the cultured animals. This may give rise to the discharge of nitrogenous compounds into the water, which can pose a risk to the environment when present in excessive quantities beyond the acceptable levels. In recent years, an innovative method called biofloc technology (BFT) has become a practical solution to this issue. Undoubtedly, BFT offers a groundbreaking method for nutrient disposal that eradicates the requirement for excessive water use or equipment maintenance. Three primary types of microorganisms are crucial in alleviating the adverse impacts of nitrogen compounds in this technique. Photoautotrophs participate in the processes of removal and absorption, whereas chemoautotrophs promote nitrification and conversion. Heterotrophs contribute to the absorption process. Biofloc predominantly consists of heterotrophic bacteria, alongside algae, protozoa, rotifers, and nematodes. While there have been reviews carried out on multiple aspects of biofloc technology, there exists a lack of literature that tackles this particular field of research progress. This article discusses every aspect and techniques of biological management used for removing nitrogenous waste compounds in biofloc aquaculture systems.
Managing waste nutrients from intensive freshwater and marine pond aquaculture is a global challenge. Nutrient‐enriched water released from farms can have detrimental effects on aquatic ecosystem health. There are a range of treatment options for discharge water from fish and crustacean ponds, and this review examines the benefits and limitations of these options. Much of the nutrient waste is derived from the addition of formulated feed. In recent years, reduction in waste from feeds and feeding has been largely incremental. In terms of treatment, there are low‐cost approaches, such as settlement ponds, but they are inefficient at reducing nutrients. Biological systems, using aquatic plants, microalgae and filter feeders to reduce nutrient release from farms have variable levels of effectiveness. Establishing wetlands requires considerable additional land area, and success to date has been highly variable. Overall, this review found no simple cost‐effective solution for managing nutrient enriched water from ponds. This is due, in many cases, to challenges with treating the large volumes of discharge water with relatively low nutrient concentrations. This means that more technologically advanced and reliable treatment options, for example, bioreactors, are prohibitively expensive. However, some systems, such as use of recirculation systems typically increase nutrient concentrations, and hence the efficiency and effectiveness of more expensive treatment methods. Biofloc systems can also provide a mechanism for in‐situ nutrient treatment as well as a supplementary food source for animals. Overall, there is scope to improve treatment of waste nutrients, but significant modifications to many production systems are needed to achieve this.
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This study is aimed at evaluating the effects of stocking densities and dietary protein levels in the biofloc system on the performance of common carp. Fish (12:09 ± 0:99 g) were transferred to 15 tanks: fish reared at 10 kg/m 3 as medium density and fed 35% (MD35) or 25% (MD25) protein and fish reared at 20 kg/m 3 as high density and fed 35% (HD35) or 25% (HD25) protein in the biofloc system and control fish reared at MD and fed 35% protein in clear water. After 60 days, fish were subjected to crowding stress (80 kg/m 3) for 24 h. The growth of fish was highest in MD35. The feed conversion ratio was lower in MD35 compared to the control and HD groups. The amylase, lipase, protease, and superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities in the biofloc groups were significantly higher than in the control. After crowding stress, cortisol and glucose levels in biofloc treatments were significantly decreased compared to the control. After 12 and 24 h stress, lysozyme activity in MD35 was significantly lower than in the HD treatments. Overall, the biofloc system with MD could improve growth and robustness against acute stress in fish. Also, biofloc could compensate 10% reduction of protein in common carp juvenile diet when reared in MD.
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Though Biofloc Technology is a new concept in Bangladesh, it provides advantages for improving aquaculture production in many countries, leading to achieve sustainable development goals. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of stocking densities on the growth performance of stinging catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) under Biofloc Technology and assess the economic prospects and business feasibilities. Fingerlings were stocked in unique 5000-L tanks with three stocking densities, i.e., 3500 fish/tank (Treatment-I), 4000 fish/tank (Treatment-II), 4500 fish/tank (Treatment-III). The treatments showed significant differences (P < 0.05) considering the species-specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, and protein efficiency ratio. Treatment-I had significantly ((P < 0.05) higher final biomass (29.51 ± 0.04 kg/m3) than the other treatments. The present findings revealed that using a lower stocking density, the Biofloc Technology reduced ammonia (NH3), nitrite (NO2), nitrate (NO3), TDS, and floc volume but significantly increased the dissolved oxygen. As a result, Treatment-I had generated significantly higher net income (BANGLADESHI TAKA—BDT 86,278.90) over the other treatments. Moreover, the NPV, net BCR, and RoR with 4% and 9% opportunity cost were also significantly higher in Treatment-I than other treatments. The internal rate of return (IRR) and SWOT analysis index indicates that investing in Biofloc Technology is far superior, and a stocking density of 3500 fish/tank (Treatment-I) resulted in a faster investment return.
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The increasing global population has led to an increase in food demand; consequently, aquaculture is one of the food production sectors that has offered opportunities to alleviate hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. However, the development of a sustainable aquaculture industry has been hindered by the limited availability of natural resources as well as its negative impact on the surrounding environment. Hence, there is an urgent need to search for better aquacultural production systems that, despite their high productivity and profitability, utilize fewer resources such as water, energy, land, and capital in conjunction with a negligible impact on the environment. Biofloc technology (BFT) is one of the most exciting and promising sustainable aquaculture systems; it takes into account the intensive culture of aquatic species, zero water exchange, and improved water quality as a result of beneficial microbial biomass activity, which, at the same time, can be utilized as a nutritious aquaculture feed, thus lowering the costs of production. Furthermore, BFT permits the installation of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) systems in which the wastes of one organism are utilized as feed by another organism, without a detrimental effect on co-cultured species. This review, therefore, highlights the basics of BFT, factors associated with BFT for the successful production of aquatic species, the significance of this food production system for the sustainable production of economically important aquatic species, its economic aspects, drawbacks, limitations, and recommended management aspects for sustainable aquaculture.
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Sucrose has been reported as an effective carbon source for improving water quality in the biofloc culture system. However, the microbiological mechanisms of adding sucrose on water quality improvement remain to be fully clarified. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of three C/N ratio levels (CK, CN10, and CN15) on shrimp growth, water quality and bacterioplankton community in shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture system. The results showed that the growth performances were significantly improved in CN10 and CN15 groups, compared with those in CK group. The contents of nitrite‐nitrogen (‐N), ammonium‐nitrogen (‐N), nitrate‐nitrogen (‐N) and phosphate‐phosphorus (‐P) in the CN10 and CN15 groups were significantly reduced, compared with those in CK group. High input of C/N ratio enhanced the relative abundances of Rhodobacteraceae, Flavobacteriaceae Demequinaceae and Saprospiaceae, and decreased the relative abundances of Vibrionaceae and Mycoplasmataceae. The discriminatory OTUs induced by adding sucrose showed significant correlations with water quality parameters. Additionally, by predicting functional annotation of bacterioplankton community, we found that the addition of sucrose enhanced the function of denitrification and nitrite‐respiration, and reduced the accumulation of pathogens‐related expression. In conclusion, sucrose addition may provide a healthy water environment for shrimp growth by regulating the changes of bacterioplankton community.
Biofloc technology (BFT) is an intensive sustainable farming technique that increases the carrying capacity of the culture system by controlling the C/N ratio. The present study aims to assess the potentiality of BFT for intensive nursery production of Labeo rohita spawn (6–8.5 mm). The assessment was done at different stocking densities, that is, 1 (D1), 2 (D2), 3 (D3), 4 (D4) and 5 (D5) spawn/L (study I) and at different C/N ratios, that is, 10:1, 15:1 and 20:1 (study II), by evaluating survival, growth, feed utilization and biochemical composition of spawn in biofloc culture system. The cultures reached at the end of 20 days showed a higher mean survival rate, that is, 89%, 91.38% and 80.4% in D1, D2 and D3 respectively. Moreover, these BFT groups exhibited spearheading growth in terms of final length, final weight and specific growth rate. The coefficient of variation and food conversion ratio was lowest in D2, but the highest production was achieved in D3. In study II, the biofloc culture (at 2 spawn/L density) with C/N ratio >15:1 effectively reduced the total ammoniacal and nitrite nitrogen and produced in situ live food adequately. In addition, the C/N ratio showed an interactive effect on the growth performance of fish by the substantial increase in final length, weight gain percentage, specific growth rate and feed utilization in C/N 20 and 15 groups than that in C/N 10 group. The crude protein and lipid level of biofloc in C/N 20 and 15 treatments was notably higher than in other treatments. The findings suggest that the BFT can be effectively applied to enhance the nursery production of L. rohita, preferably at 2–3 spawn/L stocking density and 15:1C/N ratio.
In aquaculture feed accounts for more than 50% of current costs. Biofloc has the potential to compensate for food reduction, so restricted feeding levels should be investigated to decrease food consumption. The present study conducted to evaluate the effect of restricted feeding levels and stocking densities on water quality, growth performance, body composition and mucosal innate immunity of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fry in biofloc system (BFT). A 5*2 factorial experimental design was used with five restricted feeding levels (0, 15, 30, 45 and 100) and 2 stocking densities(500 fish/m 3 and 1000fish/m 3) comprising 10 treatments for BFT and for each density there were clear water (CW) system as control with three replicates. Fry with initial weight of 3.2 ± 0.05 g were stocked in tank(40 L), fed three times a day at 8:00, 12:00 and 16:00. Molasses was added to BFT treatments as organic carbon source at a C/N ratio of 15. Results showed that, growth indices (WG, DGR, SGR, FCR), water quality parameters (TAN, NO 2 , NO 3 , settled solids and total suspended solids), as well as innate immunity (Total immunoglobulin, Lysozyme and Catalase activity) were improved in biofloc system compared to the CW system. The reduction of feeding rate resulted in significantly decreasing growth performances and immunity among biofloc groups (p < 0.05) except for the group with 15% feed reduction in stocking density of 500/m 3. Stocking density had significantly (p < 0.05) reverse effect on growth indices except for the biofloc treatment 1000/m 3 without feed reduction. Proximate analysis revealed that by reduction of feeding rate, protein, ash and moisture contents increased, whereas lipid contents decreased significantly (p < 0.05). Survival rate was high (94.8-100%), and no significant differences were seen among treatments (p > 0.05) except for the non-feeding biofloc treatment with stocking density of 1000/m 3 (67/9%). Innate immunity was significantly decreased by reduction of feeding rates while, Liver enzyme activity showed an increasing trend by reduction in feeding rate and increasing the stocking density (p > 0.05). These results indicate that the BFT improved water quality, growth performance and immune function of Nile tilapia fry compared to CW system. Also it is possible to decrease 15% daily feeding rate in BFT system. In conclusion, the study suggests the stocking density of 1000/ m 3 for larviculture of tilapia in BFT to use water and equipment more efficiently.
Biofloc aquaculture is emerging fast as a sustainable technology; however, the system faces challenges from ammonia spikes that affect the physiology of the fishes. Besides, the immuno-stimulatory role of the produced floc in encountering the induced stressor is poorly understood. In this context, the study investigates the effect of different C/N ratio on the welfare status of Ompok bimaculatus subjected to acute ammonia stress using an integrated biomarker response approach. Four treatments with different C/N ratio of 10, 15, 20 & 25 were designated as C/N10, C/N15, C/N20 and C/N25, alongside a control group with provision for 80–90% daily water exchange. Twenty-day old O. bimaculatus (average weight = 0.082 ± 0.001 g) were uniformly distributed in each tank (25 l) at a stocking density of 160 nos./tank. At the end of 45-days rearing, fishes were exposed to an acute 96-h ammonia challenge using a calculated LC50 value of 12.19 mg l−1. Pre- and post-exposure, blood indices like RBC, PVC and Hb were found highest in C/N25, while WBC was highest in C/N20. Serum total protein, albumin and globulin levels were also elevated in C/N20 group, before and after exposure. Immune scores like lysozyme and respiratory burst activity were found highest in C/N20, whereas the control group showed the lowest activity. Stress biomarkers (glucose and cortisol) showed no significant change (p > 0.05) before exposure, however, levels were elevated in all groups with the highest observed in control and lowest in C/N15 and 20. Before exposure, catalase (CAT) activity was highest in C/N20 in all tissues (liver, gut, muscle); whereas, levels decreased compared to control after exposure. Post exposure, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was highest in C/N20 in all tissues (p < 0.05). Before and after ammonia exposure, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity was highest C/N20 in the liver, whereas, in the gut, its activity was highest in C/N15. Integrated biomarker response (IBR) approach reveals higher values in liver and gut for biomarkers MDA and GPx, while SOD showed a plausible level in muscle tissue. Semi-quantitative histological analysis of the gill tissue showed distinctive pathological damage in all the groups, post-exposure, with the control receiving highest level of alterations, though not significant with C/N 15 & 25. Probability of survival among groups was highest in C/N20. Overall results indicate a varied immune-stimulatory effect of C/N manipulation with C/N20 delivering highest protection to O. bimaculatus fry against ammonia challenge. Further, the IBR approach delineates the probable use of tissue-level biomarkers for ascertaining the welfare status of O. bimaculatus in the biofloc system.
The present study evaluated the use of a biofloc system (BFT) for the larviculture of goldfish (Carassius auratus). Two experiments were carried out, of which the first evaluated two culture systems (BFT and clear water) and three densities of Artemia nauplii (100, 200 and 300 nauplii larvae⁻¹). The second experiment evaluated two concentrations of total suspended solids (150 and 300 mg L⁻¹) and three densities of goldfish larvae (10, 20, and 30 larvae L⁻¹). Both trials lasted 15 days and were performed in a completely randomized design (DIC) in a 2 × 3 factorial scheme, with six replicates per treatment. The cultivation with the bioflocs showed the best growth and survival of goldfish larvae. The higher supply level of Artemia nauplii (300 nauplii larvae⁻¹) led to the best growth of the goldfish larvae when compared to the lower densities of nauplii, regardless of the cultivation system. The concentration of total suspended solids of up to 300 mg L⁻¹ had no adverse effect on the growth performance of the animals. Best growth results in the biofloc system were obtained with 10 larvae L⁻¹. The increase in stocking density reduced growth of the larvae but resulted in higher biomass.
A 3-weeks nursery phase for giant river prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii post larval (PL), was conducted in biofloc systems at increasing carbon-nitrogen (C-N) ratios of 10:1 (C-N10), 15:1 (C-N15), 20:1 (C-N-20) and 25:1 (C-N25) versus a clear water system (40% water exchange every 2 days and no additional carbon). A total 400 PLs (15.90 ± 1.29 mg) were cultured in tanks (100 liters) filled with brackish water (12‰) and corn starch was the carbon source. Growth, survival, feed conversion ratio (FCR), whole body proximate composition, water quality parameters, biofloc volume, zooplankton and proximate composition were measured. Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) and nitrite nitrogen (NO2-N) were significantly lower in all biofloc systems as well as containing increased zooplankton groups (ciliates, rotifers and nematodes). Specific growth rate (SGR) was similar between the control (9.29±0.35 % d-1) and the CN-20 (9.47±0.18 % d-1) and CN-25 (9.34±0.20 % d-1) treatments, however, SGR significantly declined in the C-N10 treatment (8.03±0.10 % d-1). Survival was unaffected by treatments while a higher survival (87.34%) was in CN-20 and it was followed by CN-25 (80.34%), control (80.33%), CN-10 (77.0%) and CN-15 (76.66%), respectively. The best FCR was in the C-N20 treatment at 2.65, but was not statistically different than the control at 3.12. However, crude protein of the PLs were significantly higher in the C-N15, C-N20 and C-N25 treatments compared to the control. The present findings indicate that the water quality was better managed in the biofloc treatments compared to the control, however, lower C-N ratios of 10 and 15 can negatively impact prawn growth compared to the control or higher C-N ratios of 20 or 25.