Universitas Hangtuah
  • Surabaya, Indonesia
Recent publications
The pursuit of achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050 has led to the implementation of green technologies in the maritime industry. One crucial aspect is the adoption of alternative fuels, with a focus on non-fossil fuels to enhance energy efficiency and minimize emissions during ship operations. This study explores the innovative dual fuel diesel – Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) technology, which offers relatively low emissions with uncomplicated modifications to the diesel engine. CNG is injected into the intake manifold, addressing the need for cleaner fuel options. However, the evolution of this technology has encountered challenges such as methane slip resulting from incomplete combustion. This research proposes an intervention using hydrogen within the combustion chamber to improve combustion quality. Oxy-hydrogen gas (HHO), a carbon-free fuel derived from water through electrolysis, is considered as a potential solution. The utilization of HHO serves as a substitute for pure H2 due to its more feasible production and application, considering the global limitations in hydrogen storage and usage in transportation. The study aims to investigate the impact of HHO on the performance and emissions of dual fuel engines. Experimental tests are conducted under low loads to simulate critical operational points of the engine. Results indicate that the dual fuel system exhibits significant fuel savings, particularly with increasing injection duration. However, the need for additional oxygen to enhance combustion perfection must be balanced. HHO injection demonstrates the potential to improve engine performance, leveraging the oxygen content in HHO and the positive characteristics of hydrogen with its high Lower Heating Value (LHV). Furthermore, the research suggests that HHO injection can mitigate methane slip issues associated with dual fuel engine operations, offering a promising avenue for emission reduction
Background Diabetic nephropathy (DN) represents a microvascular complication of diabetes mellitus (DM). Despite the increasing incidence and prevalence of DN, conservative therapy only reduces risk factors and hemodialysis. This research aimed at finding DN animal model that can be tried to be given an alternative treatment. DN was assessed by evaluating body weight, blood glucose, proteinuria, and kidney histopathology. Methods Wistar novergicus male rats were induced with 75 mg of streptozotocin per kg BW to obtain a diabetic nephropathy model. The 18 rats were divided into 2 groups consisting of 9 rats in the negative group (G0) and 9 rats in the positive group (G1). Indicators of body weight, blood glucose levels, urine protein and kidney histopathology determine the incidents of DN animal models. Result Rats induced using 75 mg of streptozotocin per kg body weight (BW) indicated weight loss, increased blood glucose, urine protein levels and histopathological features of DN. Conclusion Seventy-five mg of streptozotocin per kg BW can induce a diabetic nephropathy animal model in Wistar norvegicus rats.
Papuan Armed Criminal Group has carried out various attacks on TNI-POLRI , Papuan civilians, and migrant civilians in recent years. Every act of terrorism that occurs disturbs the Papuan people who live or work there. There are many victims of the KKB attack in Papua, ranging from military personnel, teaching staff, medical personnel, then students who are studying in their school. The type of research that the author uses in writing this thesis is normative juridical research. This type of research is research that seeks solutions to legal issues that arise to provide prescriptions regarding what should be the issues raised. And using the Conceptual Approach, Statute Approach, and Comparative Approach. The Papuan armed criminal group does not match the characteristics and definition of terrorists, in which terrorists do not aim to establish their own country and seek their sovereignty through militia and diplomacy. The Papuan Armed Criminal Group aims to get international attention, hoping that the land of Papua can become a sovereign country. The Indonesian government's steps should be Belligerent preventive not limited to tackling terrorists. Resolving disputes with Papuan armed criminal groups by not committing acts that are categorized as international crimes is through the mechanism of Military Operations Other than War, Regional Expansion, and Infrastructure Development in the land of Papua. However, if the Armed Criminal Group is included in the Belligerent category, the Indonesian government can carry out Military Operations for War but must comply with the Laws of War or Mediation, Conciliation, and International Arbitration.
This study aimed to find out the prototype of an EVOCE robot that gave impact of students’ English vocabularies enhancement. In this study, the authors used two types of research design, namely, prototyping method and experiment research design. The mixed method is applied in this research qualitatively and quantitatively. Both vocabulary tests and observational methods of prototyping data collection were employed. The robot prototype used in the class as a tool to examine how was the effect of this media helped young learners in acquiring basic English vocabulary. The prototype has been through the test and the result showed that it suited with the needs for young learners. Nonprobability sampling was the technique used. A total of 40 students from two classes made up the research sample. The vocabulary score achievement pre and post test using EVOCE robot was compared with data analysis and t-test. The findings of value of t-stat > t-table at the significant level of 5% (1,679 > 1,328) meaning that the robot helped students become better acquisition in getting new vocabulary and influenced their level of vocabulary score. As the result, this research therefore has consequences for the teacher’s understanding that the usage of robots can both increase students’ vocabulary and also have an impact on their level of English proficiency.
Background: Schizophrenic patients are very susceptible to recurrent incidences, therefore the family plays a key role in providing care as a part of the recovery team. This study aimed to determine the relationship between knowledge, perceptions, attitudes and support with family independence in caring for hebephrenic schizophrenic patients. Design and Methods: It was used a correlational analytic design with cross sectional approach, and consecutive sampling technique was used, which attained 57 respondents. The independent variables were knowledge, perceptions, attitudes, and support, while independence was the dependent variable, and both were measured using questionnaires, and Spearman rank test was used for data analysis. Results: The results indicate the presence of a relationship between knowledge, perceptions, attitudes, as well as support and family independence in caring for hebephrenic schizophrenia. In addition, the spearman rank test showed P-values of 0.008, 0.011, 0.032, and 0.027 in family knowledge, perception, attitudes and support, respectively, at
Purpose: The aim of research to proved and analyzed strategy to improve cooperative performance through organizational culture, innovation in mediation with entrepreneurship orientation in surabaya city. Design/methodology/approach: The type of this research was surveying research and the data from questionnaire will be as primer data. Findings: The results showed that organizational culture positive and significant effect against the entrepreneurial orientation, innovation is a positive and significant effect against the entrepreneurial orientation, organizational culture positive and significant effect performance improvement strategies towards cooperative, positive effect not significant innovation strategy improved performance of cooperatives, entrepreneurial orientation effect positive and significant performance improvement strategies against the cooperative. Research limitations/implications: The data collected were declared valid and reliable, then processed for analysis using structural equation model or Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Practical implications: The population study for this research was all primary cooperatives in Surabaya with total 400 cooperatives that have the following characteristics: (a) has a member of a minimum of 100 people, (b) active of operations and implement RAT for 3 years successively, (c) has more than two business units (d) and has assets of over 1 billion rupiah. The sample for this research was 138 primary cooperation. Originality/value: This paper is original Paper type: Literature review
Hearing impaired students generally study with other students who have the same special need in special schools called Sekolah Luar Biasa B (SLB B). However, inclusive education which enables students with special need to study in the same classes with normal students has been developing rapidly in recent years in Indonesia. This study aimed at investigating the social adjustment of hearing impaired students who study with normal students in a general school. A qualitative approach with case study method was employed. Participants of the study were three hearing impaired students and three significant others of each student who were their parents, teachers dan close friends. Data were analysed using a thematic analysis. This study found that participants socially adjusted in effective ways during their studies with normal students in the general school. Abstrak: Siswa tuna rungu pada umumnya belajar dengan siswa lain yang memiliki kebutuhan khusus serupa di sekolah-sekolah khusus yang disebut Sekolah Luar Biasa B (SLB B). Namun pendidikan inklusif yang memungkinkan siswa dengan kebutuhan khusus untuk belajar di kelas yang sama dengan siswa normal telah berkembang pesat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penyesuaian sosial siswa tuna rungu yang belajar dengan siswa normal di sekolah umum. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Partisipan penelitian adalah tiga siswa tuna rungu dan tiga orang lain yang signifikan bagi setiap siswa, yakni orang tua mereka, guru dan teman dekat mereka. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik. Studi ini menemukan bahwa partisipan menyesuaikan diri dengan cara-cara yang efektif selama masa studi mereka dengan siswa normal di sekolah umum.
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479 members
Giftania Wardani
Wienta Diarsvitri
  • Department of Community Health
Widyastuti Hew
  • Periodontia
Viv Djanat Prasita
  • Marine Engineering (S2)
Oki Nugraha Putra
  • Department of Pharmacy
Surabaya, Indonesia