• Hilden, Germany
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Guidelines for Profiling Biofluid miRNAs

15th Feb, 2024
Liquid biopsies have immense promise as minimally invasive biomarkers for a range of diseases and biological processes. However, miRNA profiling in biofluid samples is challenging because biofluids contain low levels of RNA, high levels of inhibitors and are susceptible to many preanalytical variables.

This free eBook offers a range of solutions and tips to address these challenges and increase the sensitivity and precision in your miRNA detection.

Download the eBook to learn more.
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Read more from QIAGEN
12th Jun, 2024

Autism Pathway Poster

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a group of early developmental disorders characterized by social skill dysfunction, language and communication impairment, repetitive behaviors and the presence of restricted patterns of interest. ASD is considered the result of interactions among environmental, immunological and genetic factors: 600 - 1200 genes have been identified as associated with autism.
QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) is a software application that lets you explore the biological relationships among genes, proteins, diseases and more. This poster explores the complex genetic structure of austim spectrum disorder, and is just one of the several hundred pathways exclusive to IPA.
7th Feb, 2024

Poster: Tumor Microenvironment Pathway

The tumor microenvironment (TME) is a complex system of cancer cells, cytokines, and various immune cell subsets, whose active role in the growth of cancer cannot be overlooked. Understanding the dynamics of the TME is crucial for developing targeted cancer treatments.
QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) is a software application that lets you explore the biological relationships among genes, proteins, diseases and more. This poster demonstrates how tumors redirect elements of the immune system to encourage proliferation and suppress immune attack, and is just one of the several hundred pathways exclusive to IPA.
13th Dec, 2023

Complete NGS workflow for ultra-rare cfDNA variant detection

NGS-based detection of ultra-rare variants in cfDNA can be challenging due to the low amount and quality of cfDNA, high level of noise and errors in sequencing along with the need for accuracy and precision.
This application note provides an end-to-end NGS workflow that enables confident detection of ultra-rare cfDNA variants down to 0.1% VAF with >99% specificity, and was designed with both automated and manual options for sample preparation in mind.
Download the PDF to learn how you can go from sample to actionable insights with precision and confidence.
30th Oct, 2023

Poster: Myelination Signaling Pathway

Understanding the molecular and cellular events involved in the myelination signaling pathway, including the different phases of neuroglial proliferation and differentiation, can lead to a greater understanding of the underlying causes of demylinating diseases and can inform potential treatments.
QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) is a software application that lets you explore the biological relationships among genes, proteins, diseases and more. This poster demonstrates the pivotal role that different signaling pathways play in the formation and maintenance of myelin and is just one of the several hundred pathways exclusive to IPA.
2nd Oct, 2023

Advances in genomic testing for NSCLC – challenges and opportunities

Mutation testing in key non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) oncogenes has the potential to support cancer diagnosis and monitoring, as well as facilitating precision medicine for individual patients.
This eBook reviews the current NSCLC genomic testing landscape, including the challenges faced and guidance on selecting tests.
Download the PDF to learn more.
10th Aug, 2023

Streamline your microbiome NGS: limit the introduction of biases, increase precision & pace

NGS has become the go-to method for microbial profiling. However, biases can be introduced at multiple points in the workflow, making it difficult to get an accurate view of microbial sample diversity. In addition, qPCR-based library quantification for normalization is tedious and its susceptibility to errors can cause unbalanced libraries and lower data quality.
This paper introduces a workflow that combines precision, speed, and ease all in one package, helping you increase the accuracy and the pace of your library preparation and subsequent analyses.
Download the PDF to discover a new way to approach microbial profiling.
15th May, 2023

Poster: Myelination Signaling Pathway

Understanding the molecular and cellular events involved in the myelination signaling pathway, including the different phases of neuroglial proliferation and differentiation, can lead to a greater understanding of the underlying causes of demyelinating diseases and can inform potential treatments.
This poster explains how the expression of myelin-related genes is controlled by transcriptional master regulators (see the back for a detailed description) and demonstrates the pivotal role that different signaling pathways play in the formation and maintenance of myelin.
27th Mar, 2023

How Mikrogen Lab improved CML patient care

Every day, numerous laboratories around the world use genomics-guided precision oncology tools in the fight against blood cancers like chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). However, when it comes to oncohemathology testing, labs generally struggle with targeting short reporting periods and meeting the need for testing portfolio variety.
In this free case study, learn how Mikrogen Lab in Turkey is helping researchers and clinicians alike improve care for CML patients by using an innovative solution that enables speedy, specific and sensitive testing.
16th Mar, 2023

Enabling high-speed, low cost genomic sequencing analysis at scale

Whole genome sequencing and whole exome sequencing strategies have entered mainstream clinical and population genomics. Yet, the required data analysis tasks remain a bottleneck in terms of bioinformatics expertise, execution speed and operation costs.
Download this application note to learn how you can elevate your NGS sequencing analysis with a new technology that is both highly accurate and capable of unprecedented run-times.
13th Sep, 2022

In-demand Wastewater Analysis Solutions for Tracking and Monitoring COVID-19

Wastewater-based epidemiology has emerged as a game-changer for analyzing the spread of COVID-19 because it can
detect viral RNA/DNA before outbreaks start
display local trends without testing patients
reduce costs of clinical surveillance by up to US$ 1 billion
Interested in being part of the next viral breakthrough?
Want to deepen your understanding of this transformative technology?
Use the free guide below to learn how to use highly sensitive SARS-CoV-2 wastewater assays to collect, prepare, and gain insights into your sample in less than 4 hours.
23rd Aug, 2022

Augmented Molecular Intelligence in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Do you struggle to find new potential targets or biomarkers in your disease of interest?
Disease networks are a valuable tool for understanding disease drivers and discovering potential new molecular players. This free poster contains a machine learning (ML)-generated network that involves a set of novel and known molecular players and relevant biological functions representative of lung carcinoma, plus a detailed description of the pathway on the back of the poster.
23rd Aug, 2022

Augmented Molecular Intelligence in Mesothelioma

Are you interested in finding new potential targets or biomarkers for your disease of interest?
Disease networks like this one for mesothelioma (MESO) are a valuable tool for understanding disease drivers and discovering potential new molecular players - and is one of over 1500 networks available in QIAGEN IPA.
This poster contains a machine learning (ML)-generated network that involves a set of novel and known molecular players and relevant biological functions representative of MESO, along with a detailed description on the back of the poster.
16th Aug, 2022

A Free, Versatile Workflow for the Detection of Low-Abundance Microbes

Microbes touch all aspects of our lives, from health to food production. They can also trigger various harmful or beneficial effects on us. This makes the detection and monitoring of microbes important for understanding their biological function, especially in infection or colonization of our body.
Download this free workflow for guidance on microbial detection, with a particular focus on NGS and digital PCR.
4th Jul, 2022

Comparing the Precision and Sensitivity of Digital PCR vs. qPCR

qPCR data can be highly variable due to reliance on standard curves or references to perform quantification.
As digital PCR is non-reliant on the kinetics of the PCR reaction and does not depend on standard curves, absolute quantification is enabled.
This short, 4 page application note compares the performance between these two techniques (qPCR and dPCR) focusing specifically on precision and sensitivity.
13th Jun, 2022

Free Pathway Analysis Whitepapers

Download this collection of whitepapers to learn about advanced pathway analysis and how to unlock the power of 'omics data sets. Included in the collection:
How Advanced Pathway Analysis Leads to Impactful Biological Discoveries
Biomarker & Target Discovery with QIAGEN Digital Insights Solutions
Unlock the Power of 'Omics Datasets with QIAGEN IPA Analysis Match
Connect the Dots: Deriving Insights from Thousands of 'Omics Datasets
Top features of QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis
17th May, 2022

Comparing the Precision and Sensitivity of Digital PCR vs. qPCR

qPCR data can be highly variable due to reliance on standard curves or references to perform quantification.
As digital PCR is non-reliant on the kinetics of the PCR reaction and does not depend on standard curves, absolute quantification is enabled.
This short, 4 page application note compares the performance between these two techniques (qPCR and dPCR) focusing specifically on precision and sensitivity.
3rd May, 2022

Get a grant worth $15k

Are you an MSc or PhD student researching cancer, microbiology or sustainability?
You could get a grant comprising $10k in QIAGEN consumables and a one-year CLC Workbench Premium license worth $5k.
Apply by May 15th.
25th Mar, 2022

Boost your TCGA exploration to get quicker and more meaningful insights with our new White Paper and TCGA Data Dictionary

If you work in cancer biomarker and target research, chances are you use data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) to help you make discoveries. This comprehensive and coordinated effort helps accelerate our understanding of the molecular causes of cancer through genomic analyses, including large-scale genome sequencing.
Download and read our white paper to access the full details of how QIAGEN OmicSoft OncoLand helps boost TCGA exploration.
Download and use our unique and comprehensive matadata dictionary of clinical covariates to quickly discover the meaning of over 1000 relevant fields for deeper TCGA data exploration across cancers.
3rd Mar, 2022

Impactful Discoveries Powered by NGS

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) can deliver unprecedented insights.
With QIAGEN's NGS solutions, you can benefit from extensive expertise and market-leading informatics helping you to achieve:
Accurate results from even the most challenging of samples
Faster turnaround times using streamlined and optimized workflows
Meaningful insights from complex NGS data
QIAGEN's QIAseq technologies help address a number of NGS worfklow challenges. By combing the flexibility of QIAseq technology with the convenience of automation, you can turbo charge your library prep and save hours of hands-on time for larger runs.
How can using QIAseq technologies to automate your library prep help you?
Less than 20 minutes of hands-on time
Ideal for large volumes of samples
Increased reproducibility
Reduced sample handling reduces risk of contamination
Partner with QIAGEN to navigate the complexity of the NGS world with ease.
3rd Mar, 2022

Discover Digital PCR

QIAGEN is Transforming the PCR Experience with Digital PCR
If your future is digital, why shouldn't your PCR be, too?
There are a number of benefits in using dPCR in your experiments, including:
Sealed nanoplates eliminate the risk of contamination
User-friendly, PCR-like plates provide a familiar workflow
Allows quicker time-to-result
Fixed partitions prevent variation in size and coalescence as seen in droplets
Imagine keeping the familiarity and ease of qPCR but gaining the higher sensitivity and precision of digital PCR, without prolonging the time to scientific insight.
The QIAcuity, QIAGEN's fully integrated nanoplate-based digital PCR system, has been designed with your research needs and the limitations of the currently available methods in mind. It's time to simplify the transition from qPCR and prepare your critical research applications for the changing landscape of digital PCR.
22nd Feb, 2022

Augmented Molecular Intelligence Applied to Pulmonary Hypertensive Arterial Disease (PHAD)

This PHAD network was created by using a machine-learning model in which molecules, functions and diseases are represented as embeddings encoding activating and inhibiting effects.
This network includes some of the pathological events contributing to PHAD: Muscularization of pulmonary vessels, proliferation of pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASC), induction of nitric oxide and systolic pressure of the right ventricle. The role of immune cells in inflammatory processes is also shown (generation of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells, quantity of TH2 cells, TH2 immune response and amount of CD11b+ cells, activation of eosinophils and activation of helper T lymphocytes and others) (2,3).
1st Nov, 2021

Lung Healing Pathway

The lung has a relatively low rate of regular cell turnover but a high capacity for healing from injury. It contains adult stem cells, which have the ability to undergo self-renewal and to differentiate into other cell types during regeneration. These progenitor cells occur in several tissue niches and include a variety of cell types, including epithelial cells, endothelial cells and fibroblasts. Alveolar cells comprise predominantly ATI cells (alveolar epithelial type I) and their regeneration is critical to restoring normal barrier and gas exchange function. The regeneration of alveolar cells is a dynamic process, beginning with an acute inflammatory response and recruitment of immune cells. The second step is the activation of epithelial stem cells (including ATII cells) which migrate to the site of injury and then proliferate and finally differentiate into ATI cells (1–2).
1st Nov, 2021

Oxytocin Signaling Pathway

Oxytocin (OT), synthesized in hypothalamic magnocellular neuroendocrine cells in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, is most commonly associated with labor and lactation, but it is also implicated in a wide variety of physiological (bone formation, synaptogenesis, etc.), behavioral (social behavior, pair bonding, etc.) and pathological functions (cardioprotection, diabetes mellitus,
neuroprotection) (1–2).
The cardioprotective effect of OT is attributed to the production of cGMP and the release of protective atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and nitric oxide (NO). The beneficial actions of OT include an increase in glucose uptake by cardiomyocytes, reduction in cardiomyocyte
hypertrophy, decrease in oxidative stress and mitochondrial protection, increasing cellular survival (2, 6).
23rd Aug, 2021

White paper: You may be missing a research breakthrough - here's why

Scientists risk missing out on important, career-making discoveries by performing analyses with tools that do not reveal the full biological picture.
The use of standard, basic analyses performed with outdated tools and information could be detrimental to publishing in renowned journals, or to publishing at all. While once cutting edge, many simple pathway analysis tools only represent pathways as collections of genes. When analyzing your data, they fail to consider the biological relationships and causal influences the genes in a pathway have on one another, including activation, inhibition and downstream outcomes. For deeply impactful research, basic pathway analysis won't cut it.
Download this white paper and learn how to accelerate your research discoveries, and your career, with advanced pathway analysis.
19th Jul, 2021

Report: The Hidden Costs of Integrating Free Data

Drowning in a sea of data from public repositories?
Discover a better way.
In this report, learn about the hidden costs of free data and how they delay your discoveries. Find out how to bypass the downloading, processing and curating, and start exploring the data right away.