of demographic details between professional soccer players from different countries. 

of demographic details between professional soccer players from different countries. 

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Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the power and endurance characteristics of Hong Kong professional football players. Training recommendations can be deduced based on the comparison between Hong Kong and international football players. Methods: Eighty-eight Hong Kong professional football players (height, 177.2±6.4 cm; weight...

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... physiological data of Hong Kong professional players and comparable data from previous studies 4,8,9 are shown in Table 1 (demographic), Table 2 (CMJ height and sprint time), and Table 3 (YYIR2 distance). ...

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The purpose of this study was to compare the percentage of maximum heart rate (%HRmax), blood lactate (La ⁻), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE, CR-10) responses across different formats of small-sided games (SSG) in elite young soccer players. Fourteen players (average age 16.7 ± 0.6 years; height 177.6 ± 4.1 cm; body mass 66.3 ± 4.7 kg; avera...
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Background Intense physical efforts performed at maximal or near-maximal speeds and the ability to recover among sprint are important characteristics of a soccer player. In the last years, women's soccer has become a rapidly and markedly growing sport (+34% of new players from 2000). Objective The aim of this case study was to analyse the performa...


... A similar study was done by Mondal (2015), the results show that Bangladeshi youths outperform Indian youths in terms of lower-body dynamic strength (standing broad jump) and cardiorespiratory fitness (cooper reduced test). Chan et al. (2016) compared the muscle strength and endurance components of Hong Kong and international elite athletes (Norwegian, French, and Scandinavian), finding that Hong Kong athletes had less leg muscular strength and endurance than the three countries. Finally, the researchers recommend that strength and conditioning specialists create customised training programmes for Hong Kong athletes. ...
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The purpose of the research was to investigate the health-related physical fitness of youth athletes from Bangladesh and India. The forty athletes from each country, Bangladesh (n=40) and India (n=40) were chosen using a simple random sampling method. The researchers selected Bangladeshi athletes from the Jashore district in Bangladesh and Indian athletes from the Murshidabad and Birbhum districts of West Bengal, India. Those who competed in at least one district-level competition were included in the study. For the study, the researchers chose male athletes between the ages of 17 and 21 years. The study included lower body explosive strength in the standing broad jump test, upper body muscular strength in the pull-up test and cardio-respiratory endurance in the cooper test as variables. The data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics (independent t-test), with the significance level set at 0.05. An independent sample t-test shows that Bangladeshi and Indian youth athletes standing broad jump t(78) = 2.10, sig. = 0.039; pull-ups t(78) = 1.68, sig. = 0.099; cooper test t(78) = 2.34, sig. = 0.022 respectively. The findings revealed a substantial difference in leg explosive strength and cardio-respiratory endurance, but no substantial difference in upper body muscular strength between Bangladeshi and Indian youth athletes.
... Football is a popular sport among the general public. Soccer has been played by over 260 million people, both amateurs and professionals [1]. Soccer's popularity is growing by the day, which naturally motivates players to aim for higher goals [2] [28]. ...
... According to studies, being a dependable athlete takes at least 10 years of disciplined training and 10,000 hours Improving Soccer Playing Skills in Youth Soccer Players of focused training [4]. Physiological, tactical, and technical components of football performance must all be understood [1]. The technical part of soccer is one of the most important aspects to improve [5]. ...
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Games experience learning (GEL) exercise model is to improve football playing skills. GEL testing has not been done much. The purpose of this study is to test the GEL model and engineering approach including (1) differences in the influence of GEL and technical approaches on football playing skills, (2) differences in the influence between students with high and low fundamental skills on football playing skills, (3) interaction of GEL models and technical approaches with high and low fundamental skills towards football playing skills. The research method was a factorial 2x2 experiment, participants of football players aged 9-10 years totaled 48, and research instruments David lee soccer test and TGMD-2. Data collection techniques are tests and measurements, and data analysis techniques used two-way Anova with the help of SPSS 23. Result: (1) there is a significant difference between the GEL and the technical approach to the skill of playing football, the GEL method is better than the approach of using engineering techniques. (2) There is a significant difference between high and low fundamental skills in football playing skills, and high fundamental skills are better than low skills. (3) There is a significant interaction between GEL and approaches using techniques with high and low fundamental skills for football playing skills. It is concluded that the GEL model is better than the model with a technical approach to improve football playing skills in young players.
... New findings in this study can be seen from the results of the analysis of the needs of football players aged 13 years, which refers to the development of individual abilities to perform the defensive exercise (Chan et al., 2016), but it implemented in group physical exercise. Besides, this product is oriented towards the development of psychology, physiology and talent of players at the age of 13 years, so that the level of speed, accuracy and coordination in playing the ball has been adjusted to the minimum limit of their exercise ability. ...
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Research purpose. Football is popular in the society across the world. Everyone always watches football matches. Nowadays, there are many football schools for kids or young athletes. Thus, there is a need for a model of exercise that is appropriate for young athletes. This study aimed to create a model of group defense exercise in a football game. It referred to 13-year-old football school students. It was designed using psychological and physiological characteristics of the 13-year-old. Materials and methods. The study participants were 120 football players aged 12 to 13. The study used a research and development method (R&D) through Borg and Gall model. Data was obtained from observation, interview and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques used expert judgments and three steps from Miles and Huberman, namely reduction of data, display of data, and making conclusions. Results. The findings show that the model of defense exercise in football for a 13-year-old football school player has 13 variations of the exercise. It was created based upon the psychological and physiological characteristics of a young player. Conclusions. The result of the study is a recommendation for teachers or coaches to improve the defense exercise in football as player needs.
... This is characterized by a decrease to the loss of muscle contraction ability in a certain period. Muscle fatigue refers to reducing muscle response to a stimulus (Chan et al., 2016). According to Burleigh et al., (2020) muscle fatigue that occurs in high-intensity exercise is caused by several factors, including high levels of acidity due to increased production of lactic acid; inadequate concentrations of blood glucose, liver glycogen and muscle glycogen for energy production; and the inadequacy of food and drinking arrangements before and during the exercise (Temesi et al., 2011). ...
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Muscle fatigue is a common problem experienced by athletes when undergoing exercise. Sports snacks are an effective solution for preventing them because they can be consumed between workouts without requiring a particular time. However, the availability of sports snacks is still rarely traded in the market. The purpose study is to produce a nastar based on a mixture of banana flour and tempeh (named B-Star Snack) as a sports snack that can prevent muscle fatigue. The research was carried out in July - December 2020 at the Food Technology Lab, Department of Nutrition, Denpasar Health Polytechnic, where wheat flour as the main ingredient for making nastar was substituted with tempeh flour and banana flour with the five combinations of banana flour and tempeh mixtures. All observations were analyzed by ANOVA. Especially for the results of the organoleptic test, in order to meet the assumption of a normal distribution, the data is transformed into an interval scale using the successive interval method. There was a significant difference in the preference for B-Star Snack between formulas (p = 0,014). The most preferred is the combination of tempeh and banana flour (40:60%). The B-Star Snack with a 40:60% combination contains the complete nutrition of both macro and micronutrients. The B-Star Snack with a tempeh and banana flour 40:60% as much as 100 grams per serving can be recommended to prevent muscle fatigue due to the exercise.
... Olahraga adalah aktivitas fisik yang dapat membantu mengoptimalkan tubuh perkembangan melalui gerakan yang disadari dengan otot (Ainur Rasyid, 2019). Sepak bola merupakan salah satu olahraga yang memiliki tinggi power karena dalam olahraga ini ada 150-250 gerakan seperti menangkap, menggiring, melompat, mengoper, menendang, dan berlari dengan cepat (Chan et al., 2016). ...
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Aktivitas fisik berat maupun olahraga sepak bola dapat meningkatkan konsumsi oksigen dalam tubuh 10-20 kali dan 100-200 kali lipat pada otot. Peningkatan penggunaan oksigen akibat peningkatan aktifitas dapat meningkatkan produksi radikal yang dapat mempengaruhi performance aktifitas otot ditandai dengan turunnya Haemoglobin (Hb). Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh efektifitas pemberian Vitamin C dan kafein terhadap kadar haemoglobin pada aktifitas fisik (kelelahan otot) maksimal. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian eksperimental kuasi. Pengujian sampel dilakukan di Lapangan Sepak Bola Talang Pantai dan dilakukan pengujian kadar haemoglobin yang dilakukan di Puskesmas 2 Muara Bungo. Penelitian ini mengukur kadar haemoglobin sebelum dan sesudah mengkonsumsi vitamin C dengan dosis 90 mg dan kafein dengan dosis 90 mg setelah bermain sepak bola selama 45 menit. Data yang diperoleh berupa kadar hemoglobin, dianalisis secara statistik dengan Analisis Varian (ANOVA) taraf uji 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh haemoglobin antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan. Hal ini dibuktikan dari nilai Fhitung = 6.795 dengan nilai sig sebesar 0.13, Hipotests alternating (H1) diterima jika nilai sig < 0.05, karena nilai sig 0,13> 0,05, sehingga hipotesis nol (H0) ditolak, berarti ada pengaruh pemberian kafein terhadap haemoglobin antara kelompok sebelum pemberian kafein dan sesudah pemberian kafein. Sedangkan pada uji vitamin C menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh haemoglobin antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan. Hal ini dibuktikan dari nilai Fhitung = 0.029 dengan nilai sig sebesar 0.97, Hipotests alternating (H1) diterima jika nilai sig < 0.05, karena nilai sig 0,97> 0,05 sehingga hipotesis nol (H0) ditolak, berarti ada pengaruh pemberian viitamin C terhadap haemoglobin antara kelompok sebelum pemberian kafein dan sesudah pemberian vitamin C.
... The average and peak of power values of the lower limbs were calculated using the following formulas: Peak of power = 61.1 x Y + 36 x P +1822. Average power = 21.2 x Y+23 x P-1393 with Y= score vertical jump, and P = weight [13]. ...
... The average age of soccer players of L1 was not significantly different to that ofL2 (Table 1). Nevertheless, this result shows that player of the Cameroonian elite soccer are younger than the Norwegian (25.8 years) and French (26.1 years) players [13]. They are also younger than Nigeria players in 2018 world cup (25,5 years) [16], but of the same age range with the Scandinavian (23.0 years) players [13]. ...
... Nevertheless, this result shows that player of the Cameroonian elite soccer are younger than the Norwegian (25.8 years) and French (26.1 years) players [13]. They are also younger than Nigeria players in 2018 world cup (25,5 years) [16], but of the same age range with the Scandinavian (23.0 years) players [13]. The youngest of Cameroonian soccer players may be a contributing factor to endurance performance since Toth et al.(1994) [17] showed that the peak oxygen consumption declined with age. ...
... Footballers are expected to change direction around 1,200 to 1,400 turns per game (Bangsbo, 1992) or every 2-4 seconds (Sporis et al., 2010). While sustained sub-maximal power outputs are required specifically during aerial battles, passing, scoring and retaining possession under pressure (Chan chan et al., 2016;Teodor, 2018). ...
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Background: The high anaerobic and aerobic demands of football provide an opportunity to maximise individual player performances through physical training programs. Aims: The aim of this paper was too briefly analyze the physical demands of football in terms of anaerobic and aerobic performance and then to review and identify recommendations which can be carried out individually which have been proven to enhance physical performance in footballers. Methods and results: Publications investigating physical interventions with elite, junior elite and sub-elite football populations were collected and analysed. Plyometrics and high-intensity running represent proven methods of enhancing anaerobic and aerobic parameters in footballers respectively. Conclusions: Adequate anaerobic speed and aerobic endurance capacities are vital for successful football performance and combined plyometrics and high intensity running training program presents an effective strategy for improving these parameters in football populations.
... Keywords: nutritional intake, athlete, nutritional status, VO2 max PENDAHULUAN Sepak bola adalah olahraga paling populer di dunia dengan jumlah pemain sebanyak 260 juta yang tersebar di seluruh dunia (Chan et al., 2016). ...
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Football athletes require high-quality physical fitness that affects achievement. Nutritional status was the outcome of dietary intake and can influence physical fitness. Athletes who boarded have an organized eating arrangement, so the dietary intake is more assured. The objective of this study was to analyze the differences of energy, macronutrients intake, nutritional status, and V2 max between boarding and nonboarding football athletes aged 13 - 18 years. A cross-sectional study was done in 32 people who divided into two groups (boarding and non-boarding football athletes).The collected datas included food intake using 6x24 hoursfood recalls, height using microtoise, weight using digital scales, BMI for Age using WHO Anthro Plus, body fat percentage using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, VO2 max using Cooper Test 2.4 km. Nutrient values were analyzed using NutriSurvey. Statistical analysis using Independent TTest. There were significant differences between energy and macronutrient intake (p=0.001), body fat percentage (p=0.004), and VO2 max score (p=0.001) of boarding and non-boarding athletes. Energy and macronutrient intake of boarding and non-boarding athletes were still in the deficient category; however, the average nutritional intake of boarding athletes were still higher than non-boarding athletes. Most nutritional status of athletes based on BMI/Age were in normal category (87.5% in boarding athletes and 62.5% in non-boarding athletes). There was no over in non-boarding athlete. However, there were 12.5% of boarding athletes in the over fat category. 25% of non-boarding athletes were in the under fat category, while in boarding athletes, none of athlete in under fat category. 62.5% boarding athletes had VO2 max score at a very good level, while 87.5% of non boarding athletes were in enough category. There were significant differences between energy and macronutrient intake, body fat percentage, and VO2 max score between boarding and non-boarding football athletes.
... Olahraga yang termasuk dalam tipe stop and go ini membutuhkan kekuatan yang eksplosif karena atlet harus melakukan sprint setiap 90 detik selama permainan, pergerakan yang kuat dan gesit untuk melakukan tackling, heading, dan cutting sebanyak 150-250 kali dalam setiap pertandingan, serta kemampuan bertahan untuk mengontrol bola. Olahraga ini membutuhkan kekuatan, kecepatan, dan ketahanan secara aerobik maupun anaerobik yang optimal (2). Perkembangan dunia sepak bola membuat pembibitan atlet-atlet sepak bola dimulai sejak usia dini untuk melatik fisik, mental, dan keahlian yang matang supaya menjadi pemain handal (1). ...
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Consumsion pattern of football athlete in Indonesia Background: Some early research shows that nutrition in adolescent soccer athlete is still less than the recommended requirements. In Indonesia itself is still lack of studies that describe the pattern of consumption of teenage football athlete. Objective: Describe the consumption pattern in Indonesia teenage football athlete. Method: is study is an observational study at soccer boarding school in Jakarta and Malang. The subjects involved 131 athletes with age 15-19 year. This research conduct on February – May 2016. Researchers examined the intake of food the subject inside the hostel and outside the hostel with 3x24 hour food recall and semi quantitative food frequencies method. Fulfillment nutrient intake of the subject compared with the standard requirements Nutrition Adequacy Score ( AKG 2013) according to age groups. Results: The intake of macro nutrients include energy and carbohydrate was significantly lower than recommendation (p
... In children of pre-pubertal and pubertal age, the composition of muscle fibres does not change [30,31]. But the revealed decline of total work done during consecutive WAnT bouts in all groups could indicate the growing share of aerobic processes and an increase in the glycolytic activity in adults, mainly in adult sprinters [31][32][33]. ...