
... Isto permitiu às regiões mais carenciadas fixarem os seus objetivos nos domínios mais necessitados tendo acesso a fundos comunitários e conseguindo realizar ações comparticipadas pela UE. É desta forma que a UE passa a visualizar nas regiões fronteiriças uma possível chave de desenvolvimento da integração e coesão europeia; os programas transfronteiriços e transnacionais são um instrumento das reduções dos inconvenientes da existência das fronteiras (Fertner 2006;OTALEX II 2011). Foi através dos fundos estruturais, acima mencionados, que ambas as regiões transfronteiriças sofreram alterações económicas importantes como o fomento do desenvolvimento económico e social (Dominguez 2006). ...
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O Projeto Europeu tem sido alvo de diversas críticas e oscilações políticas que têm contribuído para uma degradação da coesão na União Europeia. Torna-se crucial analisar os fatores críticos para o sucesso da cooperação transfronteiriça, de modo a compreender este fenómeno e encontrar soluções para a temática Europeia, promovendo a articulação de medidas e métodos de crescimento sustentável para estes territórios fronteiriços. O presente estudo procura, através de inquéritos a especialistas, dar resposta às problemáticas definidas, estabelecendo uma correlação entre os fatores críticos para o sucesso territorial em áreas de fronteira e os seus possíveis impactos a nível sociocultural. Os resultados obtidos permitiram definir o estado atual da problemática da cooperação transfronteiriça, assim como isolar alguns fatores cruciais para o sucesso da cooperação, como são disso exemplo o sentido de identidade e a manutenção dos sinais distintivos do território, elementos chave para os cidadãos de zonas transfronteiriças europeias.
... In this regard, an increase of literature related to European CBC issues has been developed over the last decade (Medeiros, 2005(Medeiros, , 2011(Medeiros, , 2015Fertner, 2006;Baycan-Levent et al., 2010;Martín, 2013;Nicolini and Pinto, 2013;Namyslak, 2014;Domínguez et al., 2015;Sohn and Giffinger, 2015;Castanho et al., 2016Castanho et al., , 2017Castanho, 2017) focusing among others issues, some of the previously mentioned aspects. ...
... Within the framework of development strategies several investments in the construction and rehabilitation of areas of the city of Bratislava were made, once the city of Bratislava compared to Vienna, in terms of public space, it showed significant differences (Fertner, 2006;Spirkova, and Ivanička, 2009;Castanho, 2017). ...
... As it happens in other cities in Eastern Europe, is the huge growth of individual transport in Bratislava (Vulevic 2013;Vulevic, 2016). This situation deeply increased the traffic intensity, as well as static transport (Vulevic, 2016), while the development of the communication network was lagging behind due to insufficient public funding mechanisms (Fertner, 2006;Spirkova and Ivanička, 2009;Sohn and Giffinger, 2015). ...
Conference Paper
Based on recent developments ongoing within European boundaries, such as: recent political decisions regarding the terrorism phenomenon in Europe; intentions of implementing new geographic boundaries; the ongoing economic crises in Europe; or even the latest, Brexit; among others developments that conduct us to an urgent need of finding new strategies and approaches, which allows to achieve greater territorial cohesion and cooperation between countries, once the previous project of EU seems to be disintegrated. In this regard, the identification of critical factors for territorial success, since CBC projects can contribute not only to tackle the aforementioned problems but also to enable the creation of resilient and sustainable cities, strengthen the potential synergies and also common objectives for territorial development. The present study aims to highlight six previous identified factors: (i) political commitment and transparency; (ii) breaking cultural barriers (extreme sense of belonging); (iii) life´s standards; (iv) strong territorial cohesion; (v) proper use of EU funds; and (vi) common objectives. The research has been carried out through a case studies methodology analysing and assessed European CBC projects. The results clearly shows the importance of the cross-border cooperation to achieve territorial cohesion and sustainable development. Key-Words: Spatial Planning; Cross-Border Cooperation; Territorial Cohesion; Sustainable development.
... In this regard, an increase of literature related to European CBC issues has been developed over the last decade (Medeiros, 2005(Medeiros, , 2011(Medeiros, , 2015Fertner, 2006;Baycan-Levent et al., 2010;Martín, 2013;Nicolini and Pinto, 2013;Namyslak, 2014;Domínguez et al., 2015;Sohn and Giffinger, 2015;Castanho et al., 2016Castanho et al., , 2017Castanho, 2017) focusing among others issues, some of the previously mentioned aspects. ...
... Within the framework of development strategies several investments in the construction and rehabilitation of areas of the city of Bratislava were made, once the city of Bratislava compared to Vienna, in terms of public space, it showed significant differences (Fertner, 2006;Spirkova, and Ivanička, 2009;Castanho, 2017). ...
... As it happens in other cities in Eastern Europe, is the huge growth of individual transport in Bratislava (Vulevic 2013;Vulevic, 2016). This situation deeply increased the traffic intensity, as well as static transport (Vulevic, 2016), while the development of the communication network was lagging behind due to insufficient public funding mechanisms (Fertner, 2006;Spirkova and Ivanička, 2009;Sohn and Giffinger, 2015). ...
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Based on recent developments ongoing within European boundaries, such as: recent political decisions regarding the terrorism phenomenon in Europe; intentions of implementing new geographic boundaries; the ongoing economic crises in Europe; or even the latest, Brexit; among others developments that conduct us to an urgent need of finding new strategies and approaches, which allows to achieve greater territorial cohesion and cooperation between countries, once the previous project of EU seems to be disintegrated. In this regard, the identification of critical factors for territorial success, since CBC projects can contribute not only to tackle the aforementioned problems but also to enable the creation of resilient and sustainable cities, strengthen the potential synergies and also common objectives for territorial development. The present study aims to highlight six previous identified factors: (i) political commitment and transparency; (ii) breaking cultural barriers (extreme sense of belonging); (iii) life´s standards; (iv) strong territorial cohesion; (v) proper use of EU funds; and (vi) common objectives. The research has been carried out through a case studies methodology analysing and assessed European CBC projects. The results clearly show the importance of the cross-border cooperation to achieve territorial cohesion and sustainable development.