Figure 6 - uploaded by Felix Wagner
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(left) MINER: The spectrum obtained from a 4mm thick sapphire detector with the 55 calibration lines, (right) The low energy excess. These events were obtained using a triggerless DAQ followed by software trigger for pulses.

(left) MINER: The spectrum obtained from a 4mm thick sapphire detector with the 55 calibration lines, (right) The low energy excess. These events were obtained using a triggerless DAQ followed by software trigger for pulses.

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Many low-threshold experiments observe sharply rising event rates of yet unknown origins below a few hundred eV, and larger than expected from known backgrounds. Due to the significant impact of this excess on the dark matter or neutrino sensitivity of these experiments, a collective effort has been started to share the knowledge about the individu...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... single pixel for 2 e − , a contiguous cluster of pixels for 3 e − and 4 e − ). A (1 e − , 2 e − , 3 e − , 4 e − ) pixel was defined to have a measured charge in the range ((0.63,1.63], (1.63,2.5], (2.5,3.5], (3.5,4.5]) e − , respectively. The number of 1 e − events in the data was corrected for misclassification using a Gaussian fit as shown in Fig. 16 (i.e., a few empty pixels would be measured to have a charge consistent with a 1 e − ...
Context 2
... single pixel for 2 e − , a contiguous cluster of pixels for 3 e − and 4 e − ). A (1 e − , 2 e − , 3 e − , 4 e − ) pixel was defined to have a measured charge in the range ((0.63,1.63], (1.63,2.5], (2.5,3.5], (3.5,4.5]) e − , respectively. The number of 1 e − events in the data was corrected for misclassification using a Gaussian fit as shown in Fig. 16 (i.e., a few empty pixels would be measured to have a charge consistent with a 1 e − ...

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