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A road safety management (RSM) system can be defined as “a complex institutional structure that involves cooperating and interacting bodies which support the tasks and processes necessary for the prevention and reduction of road traffic injuries”. RSM should promote the road safety progress of the country. However, the details of this relationship...

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In Pakistan, the assessment of road safety measures within road safety management systems is commonly seen as the most deficient part. Accident prediction models are essential for road authorities, road designers, and road safety specialists. These models facilitate the examination of safety concerns, the identification of safety improvements, and...


... The implementation of such policies has to be conceived as a change inside the social order [60]. It is, therefore, necessary to take into consideration the contingencies and singularities of each country, which involves a good understanding of the implementation context [61]. The point here is not to state that there are no identifiable good management practices but to consider the appropriate conditions for implementation [62]. ...
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The safe system approach is considered the best practice. Different international organizations highly recommend the implementation of such an approach to significantly improve their road safety performance. The safe system has become a normative approach, a way of thinking. It rests upon different pillars, which represent the framework to be implemented. Among the different dimensions, the management pillar is crucial, which calls for a detailed investigation. First, the aim of this contribution is to understand the implications and requirements of implementing a safe system management model (SSMM). This contribution presents this model and challenges its aims and its limits, especially the promoted management framework. Six main limits of the SSMM are discussed. The different limits of the SSMM emphasize the importance of thinking about singularities and contingencies of the institutional order as well as considering and understanding the context in which a policy is implemented. Second, this contribution proposes an alternative conceptual approach applied to the managerial dimension of the road safety system. It develops the institutional-strategy-environment (ISE) model for elaborating road safety public strategy. This conceptual elaboration is based both on a proven theoretical corpus and on numerous field observations, and expert activities carried out in various countries. The ISE dimensions are essential because they are seldom discussed, even though they are the underpinning of more and more public road safety policies. In this respect, this contribution proposes an alternative approach by considering these three interdependent dimensions. The institutional dimension rests upon a layered approach, while strategy is considered with an adapted SWOT matrix. The environmental dimension is assessed with a Pestel model. The application of such an approach to the road safety field and to test its explanatory power is particularly challenging but opens new avenues for implementing road safety public policy.
... Fakhuriza Pradana (2014) menyebutkan bahwa faktor manusia berusia produktif adalah penyebab terbesar dari terjadinya kecelakaan Selain faktor kendaraan, faktor jalan juga menjadi penyebab kecelakaan yang perlu perhatian khusus. Menurut Gitelman et al (2016) dan Nishimura (2017) diperlukan Audit Keselamatan Jalan (AKJ) secara rutin untuk mengakomodasi faktor jalan sebagai penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan, khususnya pada jalan tol. ...
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The aims of this research are to identify accident characteristics and blackspot on Jakarta – Bogor – Ciawi (Jagorawi) Toll Road km 19 – km 40, as part of Jagorawi Toll Road, using secondary data on traffic accidents for 3 years, namely 2016 – 2018. The research method refers to Pd T-09-2004-B-Guidelines for Handling Traffic Accident Black Sites (Directorate General of Bina Marga, 2004). The results showed the most accidents for Bogor direction occurred on Friday (39%) and for Jakarta directions on Tuesday (22%), in bright light conditions, fair weather with the dominant accident type of rear front crash (81%). The blackspots of Jagorawi Toll Road are located on the Km 23 (km 23+090, 23+600 and 23+800) and km 26 (km 26+200, 26+800 and 26+870) for Bogor direction and km 23 (km 23+200, 23+400, 23+600) for Jakarta direction. The proposed handling is the addition of warning signs in blackspot areas, safe distance limits and speed limits on toll roads.
... On the other hand, low availability was found for most policy implementation and funding components, including a lack of dedicated budget, insufficiency of human resources, etc. The additional weak points of the RSM systems were: distribution and coordination of responsibilities between various management levels, and (un)availability of sustainable and results-focused structures which would enable effective implementation, funding, monitoring and evaluation of the road safety activities [14]. ...
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Global number of deaths due to road accident recorded is 1.35 million people each year and became the 8th leading cause of death globally and 3 times higher deaths rate in low income than in high income countries. Also 1st cause of death among children aged 5-14 and among young adults aged 15-29 with an average rate of 27.5 deaths per 100,000 populations and in every 24 seconds someone dies on the road. Nepal recorded 13,366 road-traffic accidents in the fiscal year 2018/19 resulting 2,789 fatalities, 4376 serious injuries and 10,360 minor injuries. Road Safety became a critical theme and number of deaths on the roads remains unacceptably high. Road Traffic Accident (RTA) related fatalities and injuries continue to be an important morbidity and mortality problem. Human factors, Road conditions, Vehicle conditions became the major causes of road crashes. Within SASEC countries, the accident rate is in increasing trend except a little improvement in Maldives. Education, Engineering and Enforcement are the major sectors to reduce the rate of accident. With due priority we should focus on them and for this several activities/action plan need to be implemented by allocating sufficient dedicated budget on road safety and strict implementation of road safety legislations/activities. The government policy in Nepal for transportation sector is to develop a self-sustainable, reliable, economic and safe transportation system for the social and economic advancement of the country. The road safety strategy is Safe road-infrastructures and services backed with effective post-crash response and conducive environment resulting in little or no casualties from the Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs). In a country where the annual loss due to road crashes is US$ 55 million approx. improvement of safety standards on its roads should be highly prioritized. Nepal has committed to reduce road fatality by 50% in a decade. Instead the rate was found to be accelerating. The rate has not flattened even after the country renewed the commitment by adopting SDG Goal 3.6 of achieving 50% reduction in road fatality by 2020. Following declaration of Global Action Plan for the Decade on Road Safety, Nepal drafted a Road Safety Action Plan 2013/20 to mobilize efforts of relevant agencies in reducing crashes and is being updated. Considering the death data 2789 in 2018/19, we have to reduce about 2000 fatality from road crashes to achieve the 50% reduction target. So, in Nepal it is urgent to carry out enormous actions on all the five pillars of the Decade Action Plan to achieve the targeted reduction in road fatalities and SDG goals in road safety sector. Substantial improvements of expected number of accidents are to be quantified when the road section parameters improved and up keeping the city’s infrastructure is important in reducing accidents as well as the severity level of the accidents that do occur. Attention to the inclusion of dedicated lanes that separate slow moving vehicles and high-speed vehicles and from pedestrians will have a positive effect on the frequency and severity of vehicle related collisions. The first horizontal curve after a long tangent may be the most critical curve and the risk will be 1.5 times greater than that of the tangent section and accident frequencies reduced due to improvement in land and shoulder width. A reduction in overloaded trucks is also conducive to a reduction in crashes.
... Audit keselamatan jalan merupakan bagian dari strategi pencegahan dari kecelakaan lalu-lintas. (Weller, et al., 2006, Ram 2013, Gitelman dan Doveh, 2016, dan Persia, 2016 ...
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Jalan tol adalah jalan umum yang pemakainya dikenakan kewajiban untuk membayar tol, merupakan jalan alternatif lintas jalan arteri yang sudah ada. Jalan tol diselenggarakan dengan maksud untuk mempercepat pewujudan jaringan jalan dengan sebagian atau seluruh pendanaan berasal dari pengguna jalan untuk meringankan beban anggaran pemerintah. Dengan semakin tingginya aktifitas memicu kenaikan kepemilikan kendaraan yang menimbulkan kemacetan di jalan tol. Kemacetan membuat pengemudi stress apalagi harus mengejar waktu, sehingga menjadi lalai yang berakibat pada kecelakaan. Audit Keselamatan Jalan (AKJ) merupakan suatu proses penting dan terstruktur yang membutuhkan pemeriksaan terperinci terhadap suatu desain jalan, dalam bentuk laporan tertulis dari tim audit terpercaya yang menyatakan suatu rekomendasi sebagai hasil pelaksanaannya. Jalan Tol Lingkar Luar Jakarta rangkaian jalan tol yang melingkari bagian luar Jakarta yang telah terkenal sejak awal dasawarsa 1990-an. AKJ dilaksanakan melalui pengamatan langsung di lapangan dan dibantu dengan rekaman visual mempergunakan kamera GoPro. Metode yang dipergunakan untuk menghitung angka kecelakaan pada ruas jalan adalah dengan menggunakan metode EAN (Equivalent Accident Number).
... A subsequent analysis [25] concluded that it was impossible to identify single best working RSM structures at the national level; the individual countries could be compared when the RSM areas were considered separately. The countries were ranked into a number of groups, where the availability of individual RSM components reflected the level of RSM in the country in terms of its correspondence to the "good practice" criteria. ...
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In order to achieve significant improvements in road safety at the national level, there is a need for a systematic approach to road safety management with clear responsibilities and accountability. In this paper – after a review of the literature on guidelines, recommendations and research findings – twelve essential elements of such a systematic approach are pointed out, and corresponding relevant issues are discussed. These elements are: 1) Define the burden and nature of road casualties; 2) Gain commitment and support from decision makers; 3) Establish road safety policy; 4) Define institutional roles and responsibilities; 5) Identify road safety problems; 6) Set road safety targets; 7) Formulate a strategy and action plan; 8) Allocate responsibility for measures; 9) Ensure funding; 10) Apply measures with known effectiveness; 11) Monitor performance; and 12) Stimulate research and capacity building. The main conclusions are that: a) Monetary values of statistical life have to be established; b) The police register of accidents should be combined with the hospital register; c) Exposure data for all types of road users is necessary; d) The three-dimensional analysis of road safety problems should be employed; e) Safety performance indicators should be used; f) Only countermeasures with known effectiveness should be applied; g) Performance of countermeasures should be monitored on a yearly basis; and h) Commitment from decision makers is decisive!
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Jagorawi toll road is a link road needed to speed up travel time from Jakarta to Bogor and Ciawi, the condition of Jagorawi is currently very congested resulting in an increasing number of traffic accidents. To improve road traffic safety on toll roads, it's necessary to carry out Road Safety Audits (RSA). Aspects of the road that become objects to examine and direct observations included geometric aspects, traffic management, pavement, road complementary buildings and street furnitures. As a result, in geometric aspect, in general the road has been designed in accordance regulations, however, there are parts of the toll road that still require repair. This research will discuss regard the condition of Jagorawi toll road based on direct observations carried out in the field by using road safety audit form for operational roads. The aim is, accident-prone areas are obtained on Jagorawi toll road with analysis of the results of direct observations, and from traffic accident data obtained from Jasa Marga Keywords: Accident Prone Areas; Road Safety Audit; Toll RoadABSTRAK Ruas jalan tol Jagorawi merupakan jalan bebas hambatan yang dibutuhkan untuk mempercepat waktu tempuh dari Jakarta ke Bogor dan Ciawi, kondisi jalan tol Jagorawi saat ini sangat padat yang berakibat kepada meningkatnya jumlah kecelakaan lalu lintas. Dalam upaya meningkatkan keselamatan lalu lintas jalan di jalan tol, maka perlu melaksanakan Audit Keselamatan Jalan (AKJ). Aspek jalan yang menjadi objek untuk diperiksa meliputi aspek geometrik jalan, manajemen lalu lintas, bangunan pelengkap jalan dan pelengkap jalan. Hasilnya, dari segi geometrik, secara umum jalan sudah dirancang sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, namun, terdapat bagian-bagian dari jalan tol yang masih memerlukan perbaikan. Penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai kondisi eksisting jalan Tol Jagorawi berdasarkan pengamatan langsung yang dilaksanakan di lapangan dengan mempergunakan formulir audit keselamatan jalan untuk jalan yang sudah operasional. Aspek yang ditinjau adalah aspek geometrik, perkerasan, bangunan pelengkap jalan dan pelengkap jalan. Sebagai hasil akhir, didapat daerah rawan kecelakaan pada ruas Tol Jagorawi dengan analisis dari hasil pengamatan langsung, dan dari data kecelakaan lalu lintas yang diperoleh dari Jasa Marga.