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Student-centred learning approaches like collaborative learning are needed to facilitate meaningful learning among self-motivated lifelong learners within educational institutions through interorganizational Open and Distant Learning (ODL) approaches. The purpose of this study is to develop blended learning platforms to promote sustainable living,...

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Throughout the last several decades, the digital era has expanded the process of information sharing in classroom instruction in novel and surprising ways with reference to a wide variety of complex challenges. As a result, effective interactive e-learning management is critical for removing barriers to "knowledge acquisition, exchange, and construction" in this global learning community. According to a review of the pertinent literature, digital and social learning platforms, such as learning management systems (LMS), are effective guides for accomplishing comprehensive online learning. Using a quantitative approach, this paper illustrates the authors’ efforts to develop a social constructivist framework to facilitate formative assessment of an asynchronous discussion forum on various socio-scientific issues (SSI) among teenagers during the initial phase of the project. A learning management system (LMS) was utilised to collect data on project-based activities that encourage inquiry-based and problem-based learning (PBL) following the "Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation" (ADDIE) model. Different methods of evaluation were implemented to determine the effectiveness of this approach in facilitating the discussions as well as to observe how students' participation in an asynchronous discussion forum improves their overall level of knowledge construction, interaction, and social network analysis (SNA). The important benefits of sharing information are looked at, and future research, innovative projects, and recommendations are shown and predicted.
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The study describes the attitudes and beliefs towards science and science education of Year 9 and 10 Southeast Asian students including gender and year level differences based on the seven categories. This study involved Year 9 and 10 students from seven SEAMEO countries. Out of 5,375 samples selected, 2,158 were boys and 3,217 were girls. There were seven categories in the survey instrument that was administered, including students’ perceptions about: (1) science; (2) science outside school; (3) science topics; (4) scientist vocation; (5) self-efficacy in science; (6) teaching and learning science; as well as (7) future participation in science. The analyses showed that generally students had positive attitudes on categories such as: science, science outside school, teaching and learning science, scientist vocation, science topics and future participation in science. However, in general, the students in this region had slightly low self-efficacy in science in which included items such as science as a difficult subject and science classes are boring. The results also showed that Year 9 and boys acted more positively than Year 10 and girls in the attitudes and beliefs towards science. Further research and recommendations are explored. The findings would be used as a tool to revise the national science curriculum of the participating countries in terms of content standards and inform teachers of how teaching and learning practices can be aligned with students’ attitudes and perceptions to obtain better learning outcomes. The research findings could also be used as a springboard for further research exploring deeper the variables affecting students’ success in science and providing intervention for teachers’ training curriculum and continuing professional development in terms of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) that would increase the interest of students in learning and exploring science.
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Abstract The thesis explored the current research and the significance of teaching human values and bioethics in schools and universities. This thesis argues that facilitating teaching to nurture understanding real life context and related values, and ethical virtues for human well-being and nature’s restoration will transform our environment. This study resonates with why a synthesis of several dimensions of knowledge and decisions led by critical thinking both locally and globally is essential for understanding sustainability concepts and is imperative for human survival, especially where the environment is concerned. Emergent studies also demonstrate the significance of teaching for the affective dimensions in students. The repeated occurrences of pandemics and natural disasters such as climate change teach us what it means to be degenerative versus being regenerative, to have order versus disorder and the need to reorganize our psychological and emotional minds as reflected by the nuerosciences and lessons addressing human values and ethics for the environment. This study captures and synthesizes the ideas and knowledge of several years of research and successful practices to help society understand the significance of human values and ethics in human life in the role of biotic environment. Integrating philosophical ideas into scientific disciplines will be the next step in such transformative learning. The wisdom of time from philosophers, uniting all the dimensions of life are summarised using thematic analysis to form a model. The first objective is to explore the literature for integrating human values in primary schools and bioethics in secondary schools and universities from lessons learnt and best practices and findings of studies. The second objective is to identify pedagogical strategies for online educational resources for teaching bioethics in schools and Universities. The third objective is to create a model for teaching both schools and universities by integrating Bioethics. The review of several studies indicates that while there is a vast literature on teaching human values and bioethics in various fields, integrating human Values and bioethics in subjects empowers students to nurture the environment and can be taught using online education. Keywords: Teaching model, Bioethics, Human Values, Environmental Education, Teaching pedagogies; Sustainable development
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Developing conceptual and procedural knowledge or skills of learners is ‘part and parcel’ of the roles of educators involved in teaching science and social science subjects. This article aims to espouse numerous educational reforms implemented locally, regionally, and internationally during the past decades, with exemplars and challenges elaborated. The mixed-method approach is selected as a research framework that includes the collection of qualitative data (mainly from documentary analysis, interviews, observation, and open-ended responses) and quantitative data (mainly from survey questionnaires). This article reports mainly qualitative findings that are summarised from mixed-modes of analysis on data collected through systematic review and ‘multiple-case design’, including ‘cross-case and within-case analysis’ on how conceptual and procedural knowledge and skills of learners could be enhanced through the implementation of various technology-integrated project-based programmes incorporating various effective strategies anchored on hybrid approaches in replacement of traditional methods. Case exemplars are illustrated with how these programmes serve as platforms for basic education and foundation courses from basic to advanced learning among lifelong learners. The analysis of a local programme to promote Year 4 students’ (N = 33) primary science learning using the 5E constructivist model revealed that students were mentally engaged in learning science concepts, interacting with new experiences, and able to correct misconceptions with enhanced conceptual and procedural knowledge and skills on the taught topics ‘Scientific Skills, Life Processes of Humans, and Properties of Materials’ as reflected in their increased mean scores of science achievement analysed statistically. The implementation of the ‘Learning Science and Mathematics Together’ (LeSMaT) student-centered regional learning programme that provided a guide for expected project output is also illustrated with an exemplar of how learners’ conceptual and procedural knowledge and skills in ‘environmental education’ were enhanced through the preparation of the project required for this program. The analysis of social science learning involving building foundation knowledge in economics through an international research-based internship programme revealed that students’ conceptual and procedural knowledge and skills in ‘economics’ were enhanced with the input on research methodology and the need to produce a report, which tied in with theories and the experience of their placements in various business settings that provided real-life experience related to economic issues faced during the pandemic. In the end, the significance and implications of the study are discussed with ideas for how to move forward.
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Environmental education has been contemplated as the field of study enabling people to live a sustainable livelihood. In recent years, the South African government took an initiative to integrate Environmental Education into all learning areas or subjects. Despite such inclusion, a gap still exists between what is learned in class and what learners are actually doing in their daily activities. Alexander and Poyyamoli, (2014: 1) suggest that Environmental Education is an essential advancement to encourage learners to save, protect and improve the local environment. As a result, the present paper seeks to examine the effectiveness of environmental education programmes in enforcing sustainability behaviours in school children and how it fosters the acquisition of knowledge and understanding, skills, attitude and behaviors compatible to sustainability. The paper employed sustainable indicators as an instrument to evaluation the effectiveness of environmental education programmes in promoting sustainable livelihood. Questionnaires were distributed to teachers, principals and learners from twenty schools in the district. Participants were subjected to pre-test, innovative sustainable living programmes, and post-test assessment. The results of the pre-test portrayed a gap of learners' knowledge, skills and attitude towards their environment, whereas the post-test results confirmed that EE promotes sustainable living when forged with EE programmes.