depicts the results of the association of spousal bereavement with mortality, strati- fied on both sex and various age categories. We observed the widowhood effect to be the largest for the youngest age groups. While bereaved males are exhibiting higher mortality hazards in

depicts the results of the association of spousal bereavement with mortality, strati- fied on both sex and various age categories. We observed the widowhood effect to be the largest for the youngest age groups. While bereaved males are exhibiting higher mortality hazards in

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Background: Spousal bereavement is a life event that affects older people differently. We investigated the impact of spousal bereavement on medical expenditures and mortality in the general population, emphasizing on age and sex. Methods: Data are from a population-based, retrospective cohort study following 924,958 Danish citizens over the age...

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Context 1
... who experienced bereavement had less health care expenditures already two years before spousal loss, a pattern we did not discern in males, who did not manifest substantial Table 3. Sex and age stratified hazard ratios (95% CI) for all-cause mortality of individuals who suffer bereavement in the first year after spousal loss compared to those who did not. ...


... Naisilla yhteydet olivat samansuuntaisia, mutta eivät yhtä voi makkaita kuin miehillä (49). Vastaavia tuloksia havaittiin myös tanskalaisessa väestötasoisessa tutkimuksessa, jossa puolison kuolema nosti kuoleman riskiä erityisesti miehillä nuorimmas sa tutkitussa ikäryhmässä (65-69 vuotta) kun taas vanhemmilla miehillä ja naisilla yhteys oli heikompi tai sitä ei ollut lainkaan (50). Nämä tulokset sopivat hyvin yhteen aikaisemman tut kimuksen kanssa, joka on osoittanut puolison kuolemalla olevan laajaalaisia negatiivisia vai kutuksia sekä psyykkiseen että somaattiseen ter veyteen (51). ...
Yhteiskunnan monimuotoistuminen on johtanut avioliittoisuuden vähenemiseen ja avoliittojen, eronneisuuden ja yksinasumisen lisääntymiseen. Naimattomilla ja eronneilla on sekä korkeampi riski sairastua sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin että kuolla sairastumisen jälkeen kuin avioliitossa olevilla. Myös avoliitossa asuvilla sairastumisriski on korkeampi, mikä todennäköisesti heijastaa avoliittojen suurempaa heterogeenisuutta liittomuotona verrattuna avioliittoihin. Siviilisäätyryhmittäiset erot sairastuvuudessa ovat kasvaneet viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana sekä miehillä että naisilla. Erojen kasvu on kuitenkin ollut voimakkaampaa naisilla ja nykyään siviilisäätyryhmittäiset erot ovat yhtä suuria molemmilla sukupuolilla. Eronneiden ja avoliitossa asuvien huonompi sosioekonominen asema selittää osan eroista, mutta sosioekonomisten tekijöiden vakioiminen ei selitä eroja kokonaan. Lisäksi vastaavia eroja voitiin havaita sisarusten välillä, mikä osoittaa, että lapsuuden kotitausta ei selitä näitä eroja. Erojen taustalla vaikuttavat todennäköisesti sekä terveyskäyttäytyminen että psyykkiset tekijät ja ne johtuvat sekä valikoitumisesta että puolison suojaavasta vaikutuksesta. Puolison kuolema voi myös akuutisti nostaa sydän- ja verisuonitautien riskiä erityisesti miehillä. Kuitenkin kausaalisten suhteiden selvittäminen edellyttää lisää tutkimusta. Pitkäaikainen parisuhde sekä suojaa ihmistä sairastumiselta että tukee ihmistä sairastumisen jälkeen. Yksinasuvat tulisikin tunnistaa sekä terveydenhuollossa että yhteiskuntapolitiikassa ryhmäksi, joka voi tarvita erityistä tukea.
... et al. (2022),Tang et al. (2022b),Hwang and Kim (2023)) • Longevity inequality (e.g., Smith (2014, 2021),Debón et al. (2017),Mayhew et al. (2020),Álvarez et al. (2021),Li and Hyndman (2021),Sanzenbacher et al. (2021),Katsiferis et al. (2023)). • Longevity risk and financial innovation (improvements in the analysis and design of longevity-linked products) (e.g.,Gong and Webb (2010), Stevens at al. (2010), Richter and Weber (2011), Cocco and Gomes (2012), Brown and Warshawsky (2013), Bernhardt and Donnelly (2019), Chen and Rach (2019), Chen et al. (2019), Weinert and Gründl (2021)). ...
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This Special Issue of the Journal of Demographic Economics contains 10 contributions to the academic literature all dealing with longevity risk and capital markets. Draft versions of the papers were presented at Longevity 16: The Sixteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference that was held in Helsingør near Copenhagen on 13-14 August 2021. It was hosted by PerCent at Copenhagen Business School and the Pensions Institute at City, University of London.
... et al. (2022),Tang et al. (2022b),Hwang and Kim (2023)) • Longevity inequality (e.g., Smith (2014, 2021),Debón et al. (2017),Mayhew et al. (2020),Álvarez et al. (2021),Li and Hyndman (2021),Sanzenbacher et al. (2021),Katsiferis et al. (2023)). • Longevity risk and financial innovation (improvements in the analysis and design of longevity-linked products) (e.g.,Gong and Webb (2010), Stevens at al. (2010), Richter and Weber (2011), Cocco and Gomes (2012), Brown and Warshawsky (2013), Bernhardt and Donnelly (2019), Chen and Rach (2019), Chen et al. (2019), Weinert and Gründl (2021)). ...
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This special issue of the Journal of Demographic Economics contains 10 contributions to the academic literature all dealing with longevity risk and capital markets. Draft versions of the papers were presented at Longevity 16: The Sixteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference that was held in Helsingør near Copenhagen on 13–14 August 2021. It was hosted by PerCent at Copenhagen Business School and the Pensions Institute at City, University of London.
... Thereby, we consider the development of a prognostic model, a useful tool for clinicians in identifying those individuals in high risk soon after spousal loss. Previous research has provided evidence for sex differences in mortality after spousal bereavement [17]. For that purpose, both pooled and sex-stratified prognostic models of mortality were developed. ...
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Background: The ability to accurately predict survival in older adults is crucial as it guides clinical decision making. The added value of using health care usage for predicting mortality remains unexplored. The aim of this study was to investigate if temporal patterns of healthcare expenditures, can improve the predictive performance for mortality, in spousal bereaved older adults, next to other widely used sociodemographic variables. Methods: This is a population-based cohort study of 48,944 Danish citizens 65 years of age and older suffering bereavement within 2013-2016. Individuals were followed from date of spousal loss until death from all causes or 31st of December 2016, whichever came first. Healthcare expenditures were available on weekly basis for each person during the follow-up and used as predictors for mortality risk in Extreme Gradient Boosting models. The extent to which medical spending trajectories improved mortality predictions compared to models with sociodemographics, was assessed with respect to discrimination (AUC), overall prediction error (Brier score), calibration, and clinical benefit (decision curve analysis). Results: The AUC of age and sex for mortality the year after spousal loss was 70.8% [95% CI 68.8, 72.8]. The addition of sociodemographic variables led to an increase of AUC ranging from 0.9% to 3.1% but did not significantly reduce the overall prediction error. The AUC of the model combining the variables above plus medical spending usage was 80.8% [79.3, 82.4] also exhibiting smaller Brier score and better calibration. Overall, patterns of healthcare expenditures improved mortality predictions the most, also exhibiting the highest clinical benefit among the rest of the models. Conclusion: Temporal patterns of medical spending have the potential to significantly improve our assessment on who is at high risk of dying after suffering spousal loss. The proposed methodology can assist in a more efficient risk profiling and prognosis of bereaved individuals.
Les politiques sociales, de santé et du funéraire se montrent de plus en plus soucieuses de l’impact de leurs mesures sur les personnes en deuil. Cette nouvelle visibilité publique des endeuillés pose toutefois la question de la reconnaissance et de l’unification d’un ensemble de personnes que ne rassemble, a priori , que la seule expérience de la perte. À partir de l’étude d’un corpus de travaux parlementaires, cet article propose d’analyser les ressorts de la catégorisation des endeuillés comme destinataires de l’action publique. En dépit des arguments qui s’opposent à la politisation du deuil et à la reconnaissance des endeuillés comme un sujet collectif, l’analyse de la parole parlementaire témoigne de la construction des endeuillés comme un public vulnérable, tant du fait des responsabilités qui lui incombent (prendre en charge et organiser le départ du mort) que de la nécessité de réorganiser matériellement sa vie à la suite d’un décès. Toutefois, cette reconnaissance ne permet pas d’inscrire durablement le deuil dans les rapports sociaux et contribue, en cela, à sa dépolitisation.