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(a) Secret image (b) Generated stego images.

(a) Secret image (b) Generated stego images.

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Protection of the sensitive data is an important issue because of the fast development of applications that need exchange of the secret information over the Internet. Secret sharing is an idea proposed by Shamir and Blakley separately with different implementations in 1979. Lin and Tsai proposed a method that uses Steganography to create meaningful...

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... In a secret image sharing setting, shares are often referred to as shadow images. A number of (t, n)-threshold secret image sharing schemes based on different techniques such as polynomial interpolation, hyperplane geometry, the Chinese remainder theorem, and matrix theory have been published by researchers [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]. Since these schemes do not possess the essentiality condition, all participants have the same importance in the reconstruction phase. ...
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A secret sharing scheme allocates to each participant a share of a secret in such a way that authorized subsets of participants can reconstruct the secret, while shares of unauthorized subsets of participants provide no useful information about the secret. For positive integers r,s,t,n with r⩽s⩽t⩽n, an (r,s,t,n)–threshold essential secret sharing scheme is an algorithm that decomposes a secret S into n shares, s of which are essential, in a way that authorized subsets are precisely those with at least t members, at least r of whom are essential. This work proposes a lossless linear algebraic (r,s,t,n)–threshold essential secret image sharing scheme that decomposes the secret, S, into equally-sized shares, each of size 1/t the size of S. For each block, B, of S, the scheme assigns to the n participants distinct signature vectors v1,v2,…,vn in the vector space F2αt, where α is a suitable positive integer, typically between 2 and 5, inclusive. These signature vectors must adhere to some admissibility conditions in order to satisfy the secret sharing threshold properties. The decomposition of B into n shares is obtained by partitioning B into t vectors, then computing the share yj of the jth participant (1≤j≤n), as a linear combination of these parts with coefficients from the signature vj. The presented simulations showcase the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed scheme against standard statistical and security attacks. They further demonstrate its superiority with respect to existing schemes.
... Recently, researchers started to use Blakleys geometry-based secret sharing approach in the area of secret image sharing [5,9]. Ulutas et al. [10] introduced an imprved scheme for secret image sharing, which adopts Blakleys secret sharing method with another method to share the secret and create meaningful shares. Moreover, Bozkurt et al. [4] explained the first threshold RSA signature approach using the Blakley's secret scheme. ...
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In this report, I explained the problem of Secret Sharing Scheme. Then based on the definition of the problem, two old methods: Blakley's Secret Sharing Scheme and Shamir's Secret Sharing are introduced. However, we explained the details of the first one since it's the topic of this work. Blakley's method has an application in distributing a key between different parties and reconstructing the key based on each share. However, this method is not efficient enough because of too large space states. Also, we tried to simulate a scenario for spreading a key between some users and tried to reconstruct the first key using Matlab in a graphical user interface.
... et al. Ulutas et al. [11] proposed an enhanced scheme for secret image sharing, which adopts Blakley's secret sharing method and Steganography together to share the secret and create meaningful shares. As for threshold cryptography, Bozkurt et al [5] proposed the first threshold RSA signature scheme that uses Blakley scheme as the underlying secret sharing scheme. ...
... The general full rank matrix C is the critical data. In [6], the authors use matrix M 1 (as shown in I-1); in [11], the authors use a matrix M 2 (as shown in I-2). When the secret is too large, say 1024 bit, p should be larger than 2 1024 , which is a very large number. ...
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The secret sharing scheme was invented by Adi Shamir and George Blakley independently in 1979. In a (k, n)-threshold linear secret sharing scheme, any k-out-of-n par-ticipants could recover the shared secret, and any less than k participants could not recover the secret. Shamir's secret sharing scheme is more popular than Blakley's even though the former is more complex than the latter. The reason is that Blakley's scheme lacks determined, general and suitable matrices. In this paper, we present two matrices that can be used for Blakley's secret sharing system. Compared with the Vandermonde matrix used by Shamir's scheme, the elements in these matrices increase slowly. Furthermore, we formulate the optimal matrix problem and find the lower bound of the minimal maximized element for k=2 and upper bound of the minimal maximized element of matrix for given k.
... Also in this year Santa Agreste, et al. suggested a new approach of preprocessing digital image using wavelet-based watermark [8] for colour image protection and authentication which is robust, not blind. In 2009 Mustafa Ulutas et al [12] proposed a technique, which shows the improvements, on comparing with Tsai and Yang et al. In the same year another technique was proposed by Hengfu Yang, in spatial domain for high capacity image data hiding scheme using adaptive LSB substitution technique [13] where the PSNR varies from 39.06 to 39.89. ...
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In this paper a DWT based frequency domain steganographic technique, termed as WTSIC has been proposed where the cover PPM image transform into the time domain through DWT, resulting four sub-image components as `Low resolution', `Horizontal orientation', `Vertical orientation' and `Diagonal orientation'. Secret message/image bits stream in varying positions are embedded in all three components and the experimental results against statistical and visual attack has been computed and compared with the existing steganographic algorithm like IAFDDFTT, in terms of Mean Square Error (MSE), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Standard Deviation (SD) Analysis and Image fidelity (IF) Analysis, which shows better performances in WTSIC.
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Türkiye’de son yıllarda özellikle birinci derece deprem bölgesi olan şehirler başta olmak üzere bir çok şehirde kentsel dönüşüm projeleri gerçekleştirilmektedir. Kentsel dönüşüm projelerinin uygulanmasında ki başlıca etmen kullanım ömrünü tamamlamış olan yapılar ve çarpık kentleşme sorunsalıdır. Kentsel dönüşüm projelerinin hızla hayata geçirilmesi beklenen İstanbul depremine de hazırlık olarak bazı kaynaklarda ifade edilmektedir. İstanbul’da yapılar genellikle bitişik nizam şeklinde konumlandırılır. Yapının, komşu yapı ile bağımsız çalışabilmesi için deprem derzleri TBDY 2018’de “ ve’ye göre elverişsiz bir sonuç elde edilmedikçe derz boşlukları, her bir kat için komşu blok veya binalarda elde edilen yerdeğiştirmelerin karelerinin toplamının karekökü ile tanımlanan α katsayısının çarpımı sonucu çıkan değerden az olmamak” koşulu bulunmaktadır. Aynı zamanda “mevcut eski bina için hesap yapılmasının mümkün olmaması durumunda eski binanın yerdeğiştirmeleri, yeni bina için aynı katlarda hesaplanan değerlerden daha küçük alınmayacaktır.” ifadesi ile her iki yapı içinde deprem derzlerinin hesaplanarak deprem sırasında binaların bağımsız salınım göstermeleri beklenmektedir. Çalışmamıza konu olan problem yeni ve eski yapıların bitişik nizam olarak yapılması, komşu yapıların veya yapı bloklarının kat döşemelerinin farklı seviyelerde olması, gerekli deprem derzlerinin bırakılmaması ve olası bir deprem yada yapı hareketinde gerçekleşebilecek olan çekiçleme etkisi nedeniyle yapı hasar durumunun değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışmamızda çekiçleme etkisi literatür ile desteklenerek, Sap2000 programında farklı kat yüksekliklerine sahip 3-6-9 katlı yapılar ZB zemin sınıfında bitişik nizam olarak modellenmiş ve sonuçların doğruluğu için tek doğrultuda 11 farklı gerçek depremler zaman tanım alanında yapıya etki ettirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda modelleme sırasında hesaplanan derz mesafelerinin aşıldığı ve çekiçleme etkisini ivmelendirdiği görülmüştür. Çekiçleme etkisinin önüne geçebilmek için derz mesafelerinin dinamik analiz metodları ile ayrı incelenmesinin önemli olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
Nowadays, enterprises and individuals are increasing tending to store their data in the cloud storage systems, yet, these sensitive data will face serious security threats. Currently, cloud storage service providers mainly adopt encryption and authentication to protect sensitive data, and a lot of approaches have been proposed to ensure data security in cloud storage systems. Recently, audio steganography has been regarded as serious attacking measures to threaten cloud storage systems. Nevertheless, little research has been focused on thwarting the Audio steganography Attacks in Cloud Storage Systems. In this paper, we analyze the Audiosteganography Attacks in Cloud Storage Systems, and then, we propose and develop StegAD, a novel scheme for defending Audiosteganography Attacks. StegAD includes two algorithms, i.e., the enhanced-RS algorithm and the SADI algorithm. The enhanced-RS algorithm is adopted to detect the audio steganographied files, and after that, SADI is applied to infer and compensate the possible hiding positions. To evaluate the performance of StegAD, we perform extensive evaluations on a real platform in terms of detecting, audio quality and interfering intensity. Experimental results show that, our proposed StegAD scheme is very efficient in thwarting the Audio steganography Attacks in Cloud Storage Systems.
Secret image sharing is a technique to share a secret image among n participants. Each participant has a meaningless, noise-like share. The image is revealed if any k of the shares are gathered. This scheme uses the polynomial based (k, n) secret sharing approach proposed by Shamir in 1979. In 2004, Lin and Tsai proposed a new secret image sharing method with steganography. Their scheme uses steganography to hide the shares into cover images. After this pioneering research, Yang et al. proposed a technique with enhanced stego image quality and better authentication ability in 2007. Wu et al. proposed another method to both decrease size expansion ratio of stego images and increase stego image quality by 0·5 dB compared to Yang et al.’s method in 2009. A new method with better authentication ability and stego image quality is proposed in this manuscript. More natural looking stego images of 43 dB peak signal-to-noise-ratio (PSNR) are generated by the proposed method exceeding Wu et al.’s method by 1·2 dB on the average. Also proposed method can detect fake stego blocks with probability 0·875 while other methods could detect with probability 0·5. The experimental results indicate enhanced authentication ability and visual quality compared to other methods.