Figure 1 - uploaded by Nobuhiro Takeuchi
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(a) Non-contrast computed tomography revealed a dilated left ureter and swollen left kidney with fat stranding in the peritoneal space. (b) A percutaneous nephrostomy tube was inserted under ultrasonography, revealing a dilated ureter and renal pelvis. (c) The drainage contained brown pus with a foul odor.  

(a) Non-contrast computed tomography revealed a dilated left ureter and swollen left kidney with fat stranding in the peritoneal space. (b) A percutaneous nephrostomy tube was inserted under ultrasonography, revealing a dilated ureter and renal pelvis. (c) The drainage contained brown pus with a foul odor.  

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Pyonephritis is defined as infected hydronephrosis complicated by infectious destruction of the renal parenchyma or the presence of pus in the dilated pyelocaliceal. Pyonephritis is challenging to treat only using antibiotics; it sometimes requires immediate interventional treatment, including surgical intervention, percutaneous drainage, or retrog...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... mg/dL glucose and 7.6% hemoglobin A1c). The urinalysis revealed more than 100 WBCs/HPF, 30 -49/HPF red blood cells (RBCs), as well as severe proteinu- ria. Non-contrast computed tomography (CT) revealed a di- lated left ureter, swollen left kidney with fat stranding in the retroperitoneal space, and an incarcerated stone in the upper left ureter (Fig. 1a). The patient was diagnosed with infective hydronephrosis, and was subsequently admitted to our hospi- tal for further examination and treatment. The administration of flomoxef sodium at a dose of 2 g/day was initiated. The high-grade fever continued, and then her serum platelet levels dropped from 12.6 × 10 4 to 11.2 × 10 4 cells/μL on ...
Context 2
... μL), and deteriorated renal function (creatinine levels 1.14 mg/ dL; blood urea nitrogen 23.6 mg/dL). Moreover, the urine and blood culture obtained upon admission was positive for Es- cherichia coli. At this time, abscess drainage of the left pelvis was scheduled to control the infection and a percutaneous ne- phrostomy (PCN) tube was inserted (Fig. 1b). The drainage contained brown pus with a foul odor (Fig. 1c). The drainage culture revealed positive results for E. coli, which was sensi- tive to cefmetazole (CMZ). The antibiotic drug was changed to CMZ at a dose of 3 g/day. On day 6, the WBC count dropped to 3,420 cells/μL, fibrin degradation products (FDP) were el- evated to 45 ...
Context 3
... mg/ dL; blood urea nitrogen 23.6 mg/dL). Moreover, the urine and blood culture obtained upon admission was positive for Es- cherichia coli. At this time, abscess drainage of the left pelvis was scheduled to control the infection and a percutaneous ne- phrostomy (PCN) tube was inserted (Fig. 1b). The drainage contained brown pus with a foul odor (Fig. 1c). The drainage culture revealed positive results for E. coli, which was sensi- tive to cefmetazole (CMZ). The antibiotic drug was changed to CMZ at a dose of 3 g/day. On day 6, the WBC count dropped to 3,420 cells/μL, fibrin degradation products (FDP) were el- evated to 45 μg/mL, and the platelet count was 8.1 × 10 4 cells/ μL, which ...

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