a. Initial clinical examination: diagnosis of caries lesions the anterior and posterior teeth in the upper and lower arches.

a. Initial clinical examination: diagnosis of caries lesions the anterior and posterior teeth in the upper and lower arches.

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Even with all the preventive measures used in pediatric dentistry, earlychildhood caries is a problem faced daily in pediatric dentistry, and mainlyaffects the vestibular surface of the anterior teeth in children younger than71 months.The present study reports a case of aesthetic-functional rehabilitation performedwith the help of laboratory-made s...

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Context 1
... examination revealed the presence of carious lesions on the teeth 51,52,53,61,62 and 63, besides those present on the posterior teeth ( Figure 1a). Radiographic examination of anterior teeth showed that caries lesions were located in the middle third of the dentin (Figure 1b). ...

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... They are cost-effective, easily made, and quickly restore aesthetics and function [23]. However, their long-term stability can be challenging, requiring careful consideration in their application [24]. The main attributes and considerations for resin-based composite strip crowns are outlined in Table 3. ...
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This review examines the evolution of dental crowns in pediatric dentistry, highlighting the transition from traditional materials such as stainless steel to aesthetic and biocompatible alternatives like zirconia, resin- based composites, and Bioflex crowns. It focuses on their importance in repairing decayed or damaged teeth and improving children's oral health and psychological well-being. The methodology involved a comprehensive literature search over the past two decades, utilizing databases including PubMed, Google Scholar, and Chat.Consensus.App, with keywords related to pediatric dental crowns. The findings indicate that stainless steel crowns (SSCs) are valued for durability and cost-effectiveness, but they may cause hypersensitivity. Zirconia crowns are favored for biocompatibility, resistance, and aesthetics, although they are costlier and require more tooth reduction. Resin-based composite strip crowns offer a balance of aesthetics and function but have challenges in long-term stability. The review also touches on Bioflex crowns, noting their flexibility, but the limited research on their effectiveness. In summary, the review underscores the vital role of various dental crown materials in pediatric dentistry, stressing the importance of ongoing research to enhance clinical outcomes and pediatric patient quality of life. The selection of crown materials should consider efficacy, aesthetics, and the psychosocial effects on young patients.
... A cárie dentária na infância ainda surge como uma das doenças mais comuns entre as crianças, mesmo com a adoção de medidas preventivas feita por profissionais odontopediatras com o intuito de conter esse problema RECH et al., 2022;ALVES et al. 2022). Danos, sobre tudo emocionais e funcionais, são as principais injúrias ocasionadas pelos avanços da cárie na dentição decídua, podendo levar a condições como o isolamento social, bullying escolar, além de dificuldades na fonação e mastigação (INAGAKI et al., 2015;SOUZA et al., 2018). Facilidade no procedimento em conjunto a um tempo clínico reduzido são algumas das vantagens desse material e técnica, que além disso, conta com um custo reduzido, associado a capacidade de devolver uma restauração estética e funcional, com durabilidade e resistência, permitindo a efetividade desse tratamento em pacientes pediátricos. ...
A cárie dentária na infância ainda é uma doença comum entre as crianças, ocasionando problemas funcionais, estéticos e, consequentemente, sociais. Sua etiologia é determinada por bactérias, como Streptococcus mutans e Lactobacillus acidophillus, capazes de produzirem ácidos a partir da fermentação dos carboidratos que associados a uma dieta rica em açúcares, com o passar do tempo, contribuem para a desmineralização dos dentes. Os tratamentos restauradores contemporâneos buscam fazer intervenções cada vez mais conservadoras, preservando o máximo de estrutura dentária e proporcionando um menor tempo de cadeira para os pacientes. Nesse âmbito, o propósito deste trabalho é relatar uma reabilitação estética em dente decíduo anterior com uso de resina composta por técnica direta através do uso de matriz de acetato. Tal método é utilizado quando o remanescente dentário permite a reconstrução com resina composta, servindo como guia para a restauração final, apresentando croma, intensidade e translucidez semelhantes à estrutura perdida. Em síntese, a reabilitação por meio do uso da matriz de acetato com resina composta se mostrou um tratamento clínico satisfatório para lesões cariosas associadas a traumas dentários.
... A busca pelo atendimento odontológico vai além da dor, pois a preocupação com a estética e os determinantes sociais e emocionais da criança tornou-se um fator importante e decisivo para a procura do cirurgião-dentista (Duhan et al., 2015;Sousa et al., 2018). A perda dentária precoce pode causar uma série de danos à criança, pois os dentes, além de dominar a aparência física também desempenham um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento do sistema estomatognático, na mastigação, na fala e posicionamento da língua (Duhan et al., 2015). ...
... Periódico Achados principais Sousa et al., 2018 CES Odontologia Coroas de acetato como possibilidade de restauração em dentes decíduos anteriores devido ao tempo clínico reduzido e a longevidade adequada da restauração. ...
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A reabilitação de dentes destruídos tem como objetivo reestabelecer a função e estética dos pacientes. Graças ao aperfeiçoamento da Odontologia, várias possibilidades restauradoras podem ser utilizadas na odontopediaria. Os materiais reabilitadores e as técnicas restauradoras na era atual são vastas, para isso, a escolha da técnica tem que se adaptar ao paciente biologicamente, esteticamente, funcionalmente, financeiramente e psicologicamente. O objetivo desse trabalho é examinar as possibilidades reabilitadoras estéticas em odontopediatria, considerando as diversas técnicas e materiais para este fim e proporcionar educação e conscientização quanto à importância da manutenção da boa saúde bucal. A elaboração desse estudo foi realizada a partir de uma revisão narrativa da literatura, em que a pergunta norteadora do estudo foi: “Quais as melhores técnicas reabilitadoras para recuperar a estética e funcionalidade dos dentes anteriores e quais as problemáticas que a destruição destes dentes traz para a vida da criança?”. As buscas foram realizadas a partir das bases de dados PubMed e BVS e a coleta de dados foi feita perante à leitura dos resumos e dos textos na íntegra. A partir disso, percebe-se que no mercado hoje existem diversas alternativas que podem ser usadas para o reestabelecimento da estética e/ou função de um dente que foi comprometido, seja por trauma ou por lesão cariosa, dentre elas as restaurações em resina, as coroas de acetato e as coroas de zircônia. Assim, cabe ao odontopediatra juntamente com a família decidir qual a melhor escolha dentre os materiais disponíveis para o tratamento da criança.
... En el presente caso se realizaron coronas de resina para la restauración de dientes en el sector anterior con caries severas, dando como resultado una mejor estética, resistencia y un mejor sellado marginal; como lo menciona Souza et al. en 2018, en el que realizó un estudio en el cual demostró que el uso de composites es el material de elección en las restauraciones estéticas directas porque brindan excelentes resultados armónicos, ofreciendo resistencia, durabilidad, es altamente adhesivo, permitiendo mejor adaptación marginal y es muy accesible (Souza et al., 2018); en otro estudio realizado en 2020 por Chen , et al. muestran que las restauraciones de corona de resina tienen una retención del 89,2 % lo que mantiene la función del diente y restaura su efecto estético y que estas son similares al 88% de las coronas de resina informadas por Kupietzky et al. (Kupietzky & Waggoner, 2004) Khokhar, en 2016 realizó un estudio en el que manifestó que las restauraciones convencionales con ionómero del vidrio han demostrado altas frecuencias de fallas en la dentición primaria (Khokhar et al., 2016); sin embargo Zimmermann, M et al., en 2017 demostró que los materiales de resina compuesta tienen una alta tasa de éxito clínico en la terapia restaurativa, las indicaciones son limitadas para los materiales de resina compuesta, debido a las características que presenta el material tales como la contracción de polimerización y el coeficiente de abrasión (Zimmermann et al., 2018). ...
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Introduction: This case report focuses on the diagnosis and treatment for the rehabilitation of the primary dentition in the anterosuperior sector using CADCAM technology. Objective: To propose an alternative to mitigate the margin of error and working time in pediatric patients, reintegrating esthetics, and functionality in the oral cavity. Methods: We describe the case of a 6-year-old male patient who came to the clinic of Universidad UTE with extensive carious lesions in his anterosuperior teeth and his rehabilitation using personalized resin crowns by means of a digital waxup performed in CAD-CAM. Results: The treatment performed on the child was satisfactory, there was an improvement in the vertical dimension and an increase in dental and facial esthetics, improving his appearance and self-esteem after the rehabilitation. Conclusión: The use of digital wax-up in pediatric patients could be an alternative that allows the treatment time to be reduced in esthetic dental rehabilitation.
... Thus, in cases of aesthetic reconstructions for the restoration of highly compromised dental crowns, the use of strip crowns is an appealing choice because it allows coverage of the majority of the remaining structure, promotes a satisfactory aesthetic result, requires little operative time, is simple to execute, and is cost -effective. 4 This case report describes how composite resin strip crowns would be used to restore an aesthetic and conservative maxillary anterior in a patient. ...
Early childhood caries is a condition that affects millions of children worldwide. This issue must be treated in early childhood. The current study describes a case of aesthetic-functional rehabilitation using laboratory-made strip crows and composite in a 3-year-old child with lesions of early childhood caries. Composite resin restorations were placed on all upper anterior teeth to restore aesthetics and function, providing the kid and her family with a higher quality of life. The use of strip crowns in the manufacture of composite resin crowns resulted in a faster clinical time, a superior cosmetic outcome, and the rehabilitation of the patient's smile and personality. Keywords: Strip Crown, Rehabilitation, Early Childhood Caries.
... Dental caries is the most common dental disease and multifactorial disease, caused by the presence of cariogenic bacteria, diet, and the host factor. 1 Dental caries treatment goals are to restore teeth to a proper form, function, and esthetic appearance, to prevent the recurrence of caries and part of the treatments are to apply restorative materials. 2 One of the most reported causes of restoration failure is secondary caries. 3 The carious lesion located at marginal of restoration or caries bound to the restoration or sealant. ...
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Background: Bioactive resin can release calcium ions when contact with solution media, even in acid condition. In the oral cavity, pH may change into acid condition due to the metabolic results of Streptococcus mutans. The bacteria metabolize carbohydrates into organic acids, one of which is lactic acid. Purpose: Analyze the effect of lactic acid solution and artificial saliva on the number of the release of calcium ions of bioactive resin. Methods: Forty-two specimens (diameter 15 mm x thickness 1 mm; n= 7/group fabricated with Activa™ Bioactive Restorative (Pulpdent). The specimens that meet the criteria were divided into 6 groups. The specimen was immersed for 1 and 7 days in the incubator at 37oC. The number of calcium ion release is measured using titration method. Results: Two Way Anova test and Post Hoc Bonferonni test showed there were significant differences among all group for lactic acid 1 day (4.040 ± 0.360) µg, artificial saliva 1 day (0.640 ± 0.338) µg, distilled water 1 day (1.040 ± 0.504) µg, lactic acid 7 days (5.400 ± 0.312), artificial saliva 7 days (1.640 ± 0.215) µg, distilled water 7 days (3.520± 0.356 µg). Conclusion: There was an influence of lactic acid and artificial saliva on the number of calcium ion releases of bioactive resin. Immersion of bioactive resin in the lactic acid solution increase the calcium ion releases and artificial saliva decrease the calcium ion release compared to distilled water. Keywords: artificial saliva, bioactive resin, calcium ion release, lactic acid
... Thus, pediatric dentistry should invest efforts to keep these dental elements healthy until the time of their rhizolysis and exfoliation. [9,10] Despite attempts to improve the dental health and to minimize the effects of caries, pediatric dentists still deal with cases of extensive destruction of primary teeth. One of the most challenging tasks for the pediatric dentists is to restore grossly decayed primary anterior teeth with full coverage restorations which are durable esthetic and retentive. ...
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Early childhood caries is a major global health issue that affects the oral health of infants and children negatively. Therefore, it should be addressed in the primitive stages. Silver diamine fluoride is a material that is effective in arresting the dental caries progression and thus, it is useful in halting the spread of the disease. Esthetic management of grossly decayed primary maxillary anterior teeth requiring full coronal coverage restoration is usually challenging to the pediatric dentists especially in young children. Over the years, many esthetic options have been used with each having its own advantages, disadvantages and associated technical, functional and esthetic limitations. Zirconia crowns have been used as a treatment alternative to address the esthetic concerns and ease of placement of extra-coronal restorations on primary anterior teeth. The present article presents a case where grossly decayed maxillary primary incisors were treated endodontically and restored esthetically and functionally with preformed zirconia crowns. Dealing with esthetic needs in children with extensive loss of tooth structure, using zirconia crowns would be practical and successful. The treatment described is simple and effective; it represents a promising alternative for rehabilitation of decayed primary teeth.
... It also favours aesthetics making the tooth/restoration interface imperceptible providing good aesthetic results. However, strip crowns are technique sensitive 11 as they require proper isolation. ...
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Background: Anterior dental caries affect masticatory function and aesthetics. The most popular type of aesthetic crown for the restoration of deciduous incisors is the strip crown. Purpose: to report the case of restoration of an aesthetic restoration with a strip crown on anterior primary teeth. Case: A 5.5-year-old boy comes with his mother with complaints of tooth decay. He never hurts and has never been traumatized. A clinical examination revealed that the teeth 52, 51, 61, and 62 had extensive dentinal caries in all parts. Diagnosis based on ICDAS is caries class 5. Case Management: The teeth were subjected to crown-strip restoration in two visits. The first visit was for teeth 51 and 61, and the second visit was for teeth 52 and 62. The teeth were cleaned with carious tissue, lining, and application of flowable composite resin with strip crown, polishing, and finishing. Conclusion: Strip crown restoration can be an alternative choice for primary anterior teeth where caries extends throughout the crown and improves aesthetic results.