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Background. Neural therapy and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) are part of complementary and alternative medicine in western world. Both of them share characteristics in diagnosis and therapeutics in search of changes in tenderness, pain, and skin stiffness related to visceral disease, as well as therapeutic procedures with specific stimuli on t...


... Sekundární KS vzniká na podkladě viscerovertebrálních vztahů, kdy v důsledku iritace v určitém segmentu může dojít k dysfunkci v celém re exním oblouku [21,22]. Nejčastěji vzniká v důsledku zánětlivých onemocnění vnitřních orgánů malé pánve, které anatomicky naléhají na svaly PD, a ty podráždí buď přímým kontaktem, nebo nervově re exní cestou zprostředkovanou senzitivními vlákny doprovázejícími parasympatická motorická vlákna míšních segmentů S2-S4. ...
... Praktická část této studie se zabývá fyzioterapií u primárního KS. Marek (2005) [4] doporučuje začít technikami dráždění Headových zón [21]. Terapie v tomto případě spočívá v léčbě primárního onemocnění vnitřních orgánů a následného doléčení funkčních poruch pohybového aparátu, pokud po vyléčení primární příčiny přetrvávají [7]. ...
... These re ex zones are also not to be confused with so called Head zones, named after neurologist Henry Head. He found that visceral diseases can result in hyperalgesia or allodynia of respective cutaneous areas [3]. ...
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Background: As cancer and its therapy comes with a wide range of negative effects, people look for options to mitigate these effects. Reflexology is among the options of complementary medicine. Method: In March 2022 a systematic search was conducted searching five electronic databases (Embase, Cochrane, PsychInfo, CINAHL and Medline) to find studies concerning the use, effectiveness and potential harm of reflexology on cancer patients. Results: From all 821 search results, 29 publications concerning 26 studies with 2465 patients were included in this systematic review. The patients treated with reflexology were mainly diagnosed with breast, lung, gastrointestinal and hematological cancer. Outcomes were mainly pain, quality of life, anxiety, depression, fatigue. The studies had moderate to low quality and reported heterogeneous results: Some studies reported significant improvements in above mentioned outcomes while other studies did not find any changes concerning these endpoints. Conclusion: Due to the very heterogeneous results and methodical limitations of the included studies, a clear statement regarding the effectiveness of reflexology on cancer patients is not possible. The current evidence indicates that reflexology is superior to passive control groups for pain, quality of life and fatigue, however, more studies with comparable active control groups are needed.
... In the present case, a single NTM intervention is carried out according to the "visceral-cutaneous reflex" first proposed by Head based on the connection between the skin and the internal organs, [18][19][20] with innervation at the same level as the metameric segment. The intervention with 0.5% procaine injections, consists of application to papules in the dermatomes that are correlated with the segmental level of the lung viscera. ...
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Background It has been proposed that the immunomodulatory capacity of neuraltherapeutic medicine (NTM) functions by means of stimuli to the nervous system, which influences the self-regulatory and plastic capacity of the nervous system, especially through the autonomic balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Several studies report the usefulness of NTM in inflammatory pathologies. Case presentation A case report through a retrospective review of the medical history of an 82-year-old male patient with a diagnosis of acute SARS-CoV-2 who received a therapeutic intervention of NTM at the beginning of his hospitalization and presented satisfactory clinical evolution, with a follow-up for 18 months without post-COVID sequelae. A patient diagnosed with acute pneumonia for SARS-CoV-2, and mild ARDS, with markers of severity given by the history of COPD, advanced age, and elevation of LDH, ferritin, and CRP. On the third day of hospitalization, he presented an episode of pulmonary thromboembolism. He presented significant clinical improvement with in-hospital management for 9 days and underwent out-patient control with no post-COVID sequelae. Conclusions NTM could be useful for the management of acute inflammatory diseases, including viral diseases such as SARS-CoV-2, in a mild or severe state of inflammation, when added to allopathic medicine, and it can improve clinical evolution and long-term sequelae. More studies are needed to validate this information.
... Campos de interferência podem ser cicatrizes, dentes, órgãos. O tratamento é feito pela aplicação de procaína, um anestésico local com propriedades químicas e elétricas únicas, que produz respostas locais e segmentais no corpo (NAVARRO;PINILLA, 2013;MOLANO et al., 2014). ...
Neural Therapy is a treatment specialty, which has its principles in the application of local anesthetics in small concentrations in strategic locations, defined according to the patient's life history, triggering a process of self-healing of the body. Papillomatosis is an viral disease, related to host immunosuppression, and the main clinical manifestation in dogs is the oral form. Auto-hemotherapy appears as a treatment option, and blood may also be injected into acupuncture points, a technique called hemopuncture, seeking an immunostimulating organic effect. This work aims to report a case of canine oral papillomatosis successfully treated through the combination of Neural Therapy associated with auto-hemotherapy and hemopuncture.
... Dry cupping therapy is a treatment option for low back pain which provides satisfactory results in several types of low back pain [15,16]. According to the Eastern perspective, through stimuli on acupoints, it is possible to regulate the energy function, and consequently, the improvement of symptoms [9,16,[44][45][46]. ...
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Background: Cupping therapy is used to treat musculoskeletal conditions, including low back pain. Objectives: The study assessed the effects of dry cupping on pain and functional disability from persistent nonspecific low back pain. Methods: This was a randomized controlled trial, where participants were allocated to a cupping therapy (n = 19) or sham (n = 18) group, for five 10-minute sessions of cupping therapy, twice a week, to stimulate the acupoints related to low back pain (GV4, BL23, BL24, BL25, and BL30, BL40 and BL58) and emotional aspects (HT3 and ST36). All participants were assessed at baseline, post-treatment and follow up (a finalization period of four weeks) using a visual analogue scale (VAS) and the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI). Groups were compared using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and the effect size was calculated using Cohen̓s d. Results: The cupping therapy group presented a lower mean VAS when compared to the sham, at post-treatment (mean difference: -2.36; standard error [SE]: 0.58; p < 0.001; "large" effect size: -0.94) and follow up (mean difference: -1.71; SE: 0.81; p < 0.042; 'large' effect size: -0.83). The cupping therapy group presented a lower mean ODI when compared to the sham post-treatment (mean difference: -4.68; SE: 1.85; p: 0.017; 'large' effect size: -0.87), although in follow-up, there was no difference between the groups (mean difference: 4.16; SE: 2.97; p: 0.17; "medium" effect size: -0.70). Conclusion: Dry cupping was more effective in improving pain and functional disability in people with persistent nonspecific low back pain when compared to the sham.
... Sabe se da existência dos canais de energia e suas relações com os órgãos internos (White & Ernst, 2004). Segundo Molano et al. (2014) a medicina chinesa descreve há muitos anos os canais de energia, 235 acupontos correlacionam com zonas head. De acordo com Head em 1898 algumas enfermidades viscerais são refletidas em regiões sensíveis na pele. ...
... A escolha de tratamento do animal deste estudo foi a terapia neural acupuntural pela aplicação de cloridrato de procaína a 0,7% nos acupontos. A associação da terapia neural e da acupuntura faz com que os dois tipos de tratamento sejam potencializados (Braga & Silva, 2012;Molano et al., 2014;Nozabieli et al., 2000;Scognamillo-Szabó & Bechara, 2001). ...
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Resumo. A Terapia neural é um tipo de tratamento que baseado no histórico de vida do paciente se realiza aplicações de anestésicos locais em baixas concentrações, como o cloridrato de procaína ou lidocaína, com o objetivo de autorregulação corporal e autocura do organismo. No Brasil ainda é pouco conhecida, mas é difundida em países como Alemanha, Argentina, Canadá, Colômbia, Espanha, Suíça. Pode tratar inúmeras afecções incluindo a doença do disco intervertebral. Com esse estudo objetivou-se relatar o caso de uma cadela que apresentava incoordenação motora, perda da função dos membros pélvicos. Palavras-chave: Analgesia, anti-inflamatório, cloridrato de procaína, doença do disco intervertebral, qualidade de vida.
... As it is known, certain areas of the skin sensitively responding to visceral diseases has been recorded in ancient Chinese medical texts , while the similar phenomenon has also been systematically investigated by the English neurologist Head (1861Head ( -1940 basing on the clinical findings of visceral disease associated with cutaneous manifestations as hyperalgesia or allodynia, and termed these areas as ''Head zones'' (Head, 1893). A recent study indicated that Back-Shu Points coincide spatially and functionally with the ''maximum points'' as described within the Head zones (Beissner et al., 2011;Beltrán Molano et al., 2014). According to the anatomo-functional correlation between the Back-Shu Points or the maximum points with their corresponding visceral organs, the most often considered explanation for their interactions is the viscerocutaneous reflexes Rong et al., 2011). ...
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Objective : To investigate the sensory and sympathetic innervations associated with both acupoint “Shenshu” (BL23) and kidney in the rat for insight into the neuronal correlation between the Back-Shu Point and its corresponding visceral organ. Methods : The BL23 and kidney were selected as the representative acupoint and visceral organ in this study, in which their local nerve fibers were examined by using double fluorescent immunohistochemistry with calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Meanwhile, their neuronal correlation in the dorsal root ganglia (DRGs), spinal cord, and sympathetic (paravertebral) chain were investigated using a double fluorescent neural tracing technique with Alexa Fluor 488 and 594 conjugates with cholera toxin subunit B (AF488/594-CTB). Results : The local tissue of acupoint BL23 and the fibrous capsule of kidney distributed abundantly with CGRP- and TH-positive nerve fibers, corresponding to their sensory and sympathetic innervation. On the other hand, the sensory neurons associated with acupoint BL23 and kidney were labeled with AF488/594-CTB and distributed from thoracic (T) 11 to lumbar (L) 3 DRGs and from T10 to L2 DRGs, respectively, in which some of them in T12-T13 DRGs were simultaneously labeled with both AF488/594-CTB. Also, postganglionic neurons associated with both acupoint BL23 and kidney were found in the sympathetic chain at the same spinal segments but separately labeled with AF488-CTB and AF594-CTB. Conclusion : Our study demonstrates the neural characteristics of the acupoint BL23 and kidney in the rat from the perspective of neurochemistry and neural pathways, providing an example for understanding the neuronal correlation between the Back-Shu Points and their corresponding visceral organs. These results suggest that the stimulation of the Back-Shu Points may regulate the activities of the target-organs via the periphery sensory and sympathetic pathways.
... Estudos recentes evidenciaram a relação entre dermátomos e canais e pontos de acupuntura e demonstraram os pontos de dor máxima descritos por Head em cada uma de suas zonas, comparando-os anatomicamente com pontos de acupuntura Mu e Shu, encontrando uma clara correlação em zonas de Head em pulmão, estômago, fígado e rim/ureter (Molano et al 2014). Uma explicação plausível de como a Acupuntura e a Terapia Neural, dois sistemas médicos complementares e sustentados por seus próprios sistemas de comunicação biológica, é que elas têm ligações que podem ser úteis no entendimento dos processos de saúde e doença de uma forma mais abrangente (Molano et al 2014). ...
... Estudos recentes evidenciaram a relação entre dermátomos e canais e pontos de acupuntura e demonstraram os pontos de dor máxima descritos por Head em cada uma de suas zonas, comparando-os anatomicamente com pontos de acupuntura Mu e Shu, encontrando uma clara correlação em zonas de Head em pulmão, estômago, fígado e rim/ureter (Molano et al 2014). Uma explicação plausível de como a Acupuntura e a Terapia Neural, dois sistemas médicos complementares e sustentados por seus próprios sistemas de comunicação biológica, é que elas têm ligações que podem ser úteis no entendimento dos processos de saúde e doença de uma forma mais abrangente (Molano et al 2014). ...
... Apesar de ainda pouco conhecida no Brasil a Terapia Neural é uma técnica eficaz e apresenta resultados surpreendentes, como já As relações segmentares e víscero-cutâneas podem ser levadas em consideração na avaliação clínica e na intervenção pela Terapia Neural. Pela literatura 235 acupontos compartilham correlação anatômica e funcional com zonas de Head (Molano et al 2014). ...
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A tosse é um sintoma clínico de inúmeras patologias que acomete os cães e tem várias causas, gera desconforto, dor e estresse ao animal. A Terapia Neural consiste em um tratamento regulador que busca ativar o processo de auto cura do paciente, utiliza se anestésicos locais em baixas concentrações e as áreas escolhidas para o tratamento são de acordo com o histórico de vida. É um tratamento difundido em muitos países, no entanto, no Brasil, tem origem relativamente recente. Foi introduzida na América do Sul em 1970 por um médico colombiano com formação na Alemanha, Germán Duque e difundida por Júlio Cesar Payan, uma referência atual da Terapia Neural colombiana. Objetiva-se com esse trabalho demonstrar a eficácia do tratamento em um canino idoso que apresentava tosse crônica não responsiva a outros tipos de tratamento.
... A acupuntura e a Terapia Neural são tratamentos que ativam os mecanismos compensatórios e reguladores do organismo (Draehmpaehl & Zohmann, 1997;Molano et al., 2014). O estímulo das terminações nervosas pela acupuntura leva uma mensagem até o sistema nervoso central, onde é reconhecido e traduzido em três níveis: nível hipotalâmico que ativa o eixo-hipotálamo-hipófise que gera liberação de β-endorfinas (analgésicos), cortisol (anti-inflamatório) e serotonina (antidepressivo) na corrente sanguínea e no líquido encefálico raquidiano; nível mesencéfalo, que ativa neurônios da substância cinzenta estimulando a produção de serotonina e norepinefrina que irão liberar endorfinas; nível de medula espinhal, que causará a ativação de interneurônios na substância gelatinosa e liberação de dinorfina (Alvarenga et al., 2014). ...
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A Terapia Neural (TN) é considerada uma terapia integral que ajuda na reorganização do organismo para que este restabeleça seu estado de equilíbrio e auto cura. Um dos objetivos é o restabelecimento do potencial de membrana celular por isto é indicada para inúmeras enfermidades. É uma técnica utilizada para eliminar transtornos causados por diversos fatores e baseia-se na utilização de anestésicos locais, em baixas concentrações. O efeito esperado do uso do anestésico local na TN é de estimulação das propriedades elétricas da célula restabelecendo o potencial fisiológico e a atividade energética do organismo. O caso relatado tem como objetivo demostrar a efetividade da Terapia Neural na cicatrização do Tendão Calcâneo Comum (TCC) de um cão. Essa é uma afecção comumente causada de forma traumática por objetos perfuro cortantes ou trauma direto, que pode trazer grande comprometimento da função locomotora caso não haja uma intervenção adequada.
... The latter conceives the nervous system as the coordinator of all the physiopathological states of the body. (6,7) NTM's clinical approach recognizes that visceral-organic involvement, mediated by the cerebral cortex, may be the cause of several acute behavioral symptoms. These findings were studied in animal and human models based on the Russian synthetic physiology strategy and were recorded by the British neurologist Henry Head at the beginning of the twentieth century during his medical practice. ...
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Introduction: Acute stress disorder is a picture of rapid onset that follows a traumatic event. It is characterized by dissociative, intrusive, avoidance and activation symptoms that affect the quality of life of the patient. To date, there is no evidence of a relationship between altered organ function and this disorder, and there is no literature on its treatment with neural therapy on an inpatient basis. Case presentation: 53-year-old woman, who developed symptoms compatible with acute stress disorder after the resection of an intra-abdominal mass diagnosed as lymphoma. The patient was assessed by the neural therapy department, which applied procaine into specific skin zones -determined by the clinical history and physical examination-, with improvement of dissociated symptoms. Discussion: The neural therapy approach allowed identifying the relationship between the dissociative symptoms of the patient and the associated alteration in organ function, as well as applying a therapy that led to the resolution of the symptoms. Conclusions: The neural therapy approach allows for a comprehensive perspective and treatment of the patient, taking into account the close functional relationship between mind-emotions-body. This type of treatment also offers therapeutic strategies to hospitals, which can accompany the treatment established by other health specialists.