Figure 1 - uploaded by Kateřina Vymazalová
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a, An accretion of caudal lumbar vertebrae with sacral bone in angularly curved tuberculous gibbus as a symptom of Pott's disease. b, An oval lytic focus caused by the so-called converging psoatic abscess is located on the ventral surface of the vertebral block from L4 to S2 (man 40-50 years old, grave No. 42, photo by Stanislava Bártová).  

a, An accretion of caudal lumbar vertebrae with sacral bone in angularly curved tuberculous gibbus as a symptom of Pott's disease. b, An oval lytic focus caused by the so-called converging psoatic abscess is located on the ventral surface of the vertebral block from L4 to S2 (man 40-50 years old, grave No. 42, photo by Stanislava Bártová).  

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Seventy graves with skeletal remains dated to the 16th and first half of the 17th centuries were discovered during rescue archaeological excavations in Veselí nad Moravou (Czech Republic). Remains of 185 individuals were found, of which 98 skeletons were of adults, 82 of children, and 5 of adolescents. The presented study includes detailed descript...

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Paleopathological examinations of the skeletal remains of people who died centuries ago are material source of knowledge about health and diseases in the past. In this article, a case of skeletal tuberculosis from historical (13th-15th c.) Wrocław, Poland has been presented. The juvenile skeleton excavated from grave No 93, from the crypt located u...


... Skelety byly antropologicky vyhodnoceny, přičemž bylo zjištěno, že se jedná o 185 jedinců, mezi nimiž byli muži, ženy i děti. Na kostrách byly zjištěny degenerativní změny, trepanace lebky, tuberkulóza, Bechtěrevova choroba, anemie a syfilis (Vargová et al. 2013(Vargová et al. , 2014. Pajer považuje místo za doposud největší prozkoumaný novokřtěnecký hřbitov (2018, 119). ...
... V případě Přibic ale nejasnost horizontů může jít na vrub nejasnosti hrobových jam vůbec ve štěrkopískovém podloží. Ve Veselí nad Moravou autor sice rozlišil 5 horizontů a hroby se vzájemně respektovaly, na druhou stranu ale v úvodu zprávy uvádí, že našel také velké množství rozrušených hrobů (Šútora 2001, 256) a antropologické analýzy to potvrdily a konkretizovaly na celkem 185 jedinců (Vargová et al. 2013(Vargová et al. , 2014. Předchozí hroby tedy rozrušeny byly, a nebylo jich málo, čímž obě situace (Veselí nad Moravou vs. Přibice) už přestávají být tak odlišné. ...
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Studie je věnována problematice určení a lokalizace novokřtěneckých pohřebišť na jižní Moravě. Novokřtěnci byli vnitřně rozmanitým náboženským proudem reformace, který vznikl ve 20. letech 16. století v oblastech s německy mluvícím obyvatelstvem. V důsledku perzekuce ze strany nábožensky majoritní, katolické, nebo protestantské vrchnosti, migrovali od roku 1526 na Moravu. Novokřtěnci se od místní populace odlišovali svým etnickým původem, jazykem, způsobem života a náboženským vyznáním. Zanechali výraznou a dosud patrnou stopu v moravské kultuře. O jejich pohřebním ritu, pohřbívání, pohřebištích a kosterních souborech, které by s jistotou patřily novokřtěncům, je známo jen velmi málo. V tomto článku usilujeme o souhrn a konfrontaci informací o dosavadních nálezech skeletů a jejich inventáře, které by mohly patřit některé ze skupin novokřtěnců, s historickými záznamy o jejich sídlech či přímo pohřebištích. Komparaci a identifikaci pohřebišť znesnadňuje neúplnost ve všech zdrojích evidence. U některých sídel máme historické záznamy o pohřebištích, nemáme však archeologické zprávy o dosud nalezených skeletech. S jinými lokalitami jsou spojené kusé zmínky o nalezených skeletech, ale podrobnější archeologické zprávy nejsou k dispozici. Jednoznačnou identifikaci kosterních nálezů komplikuje nevýrazná a nespecifická povaha pohřebního ritu, konfesní pestrost a relativně krátký čas pobytu novokřtěnců na Moravě. Lokality uvedené v článku mohou patřit novokřtěncům, jistotu stanovenou s pomocí laboratorních metod však v současné době máme pouze o pohřebišti v Přibicích (okres Brno-venkov). Zde sestavený soupis potenciálních pohřebišť novokřtěnců může posloužit jako východisko pro ověření původu na nich pohřbených osob pomocí moderních přírodovědných metod – analýzy staré DNA a izotopů.
... Paleopathological research on tuberculosis is extremely rich in the world. The earliest archaeological cases of skeletal tuberculosis were recorded during the Neolithic (Canci et al. 1996;Hershkovitz et al. 2008;Köhler et al. 2012;Masson et al. 2013;Baker et al. 2017), followed by a few reported cases from the Antiquity (Lewis 2011; , and mostly during the Middle Ages (Mays et al. 2001(Mays et al. , 2002Krznar and Novak 2013;Vargová et al. 2014;Bedić et al. 2015;Kyselicová et al. 2016) 1 . In neighbouring countries, researchers from Hungary have dealt with this issue using macroscopic and molecular methods, which were presented in numerous papers (Pálfi and Marcsik 1999;Haas et al. 2000;Marcsik et al. 2001;Molnar and Marcsik 2002;Marcsik et al. 2006;Pálfi and Molnar 2009;Evinger et al. 2011;Köhler et al. 2012;Pósa et al. 2013;Pósa et al. 2015). ...
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This paper presents the results of a bioanthropological analysis of human skeletal remains from grave no. 34 from the site of Đurine Ćelije on Rudnik. The remains of a small late medieval monastery, from the beginning of the 15th century until the end of the 17th century, were discovered and systematically researched. The monastery was destroyed and rebuilt in the time of the Turks and later abandoned. The burial of a deceased in grave no. 34 was performed in the second half of the 16th or during the 17th century. The deceased most likely belonged to the brotherhood of this monastery. A specific disease caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis was detected in the skeletal remains of this man. Pathological changes coexisting with this disease were present on the endocranial surface of the skull, and the thoracic vertebrae, and destructive lesions were detected on the ribs, shoulder joints, and sacroiliac joint.
... Examples of this are the skeletal remains from the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul in Brno, where traces of possible syphilitic changes were observed, especially in isolated bones from the backfill of graves (Vargová and Horáčková 1999). Further cases of skeletal syphilis were discovered in the early modern burial ground of the former Church of St. Benedict (later the Church of St. Norbert) in Prague (Vlček 1975), in skeletal remains of Brno inhabitants from the former Malá Nová town cemetery in Brno (Vargová and Horáčková 2004), from the burial ground in Veselí nad Moravou (Vargová et al. 2014), from the former cemetery at the Brothers of Charity Hospital in Brno (Vargová and Zapletalová 2006) and from the cemetery at the Old Hospital and Church of St. Elizabeth in Znojmo (Dofková and Drozdová 2012). Traces of syphilis were also found in South Moravia near Znojmo (Kovárník et al. 2006) in the skeletons of soldiers who had fallen in one of the Napoleonic Wars of 1809. ...
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From the end of the fifteenth century, the massive expansion of syphilis had a distinct effect on the historical development of Europe. Due to this disease, firstly the numbers of the European population were reduced; thereafter, moral and ethical principles were significantly affected and the combat readiness of armies decreased. The disease forced new legislation which was of vital importance for the development of health services. The Czech Lands, located in Central Europe, were also no exception. The material presented summarises the available information on this disease obtained from written sources and from the study of direct evidence of skeletal remains from archaeological sites of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. Traces of syphilitic bone affliction have observed in almost every large early modern osteological collection to date. A number of currently documented palaeopathological findings of syphilitic changes in bones from the Czech Lands do not by a long stretch correspond to the data presented in literary sources on the mass occurrence of this disease. The submitted study aims to extend current knowledge in this area and thereby to complete a complex view of the development of syphilis in Central Europe.
... There were larger depression-type granulationes arachnoideales in places. In some cases, fine deposits of newly formed bone could be observed [73]. ...
Tuberculosis currently remains a serious medical problem, therefore increased attention is being paid to this disease. Paleopathological studies focused on the monitoring of morbid changes in skeletal remains of historical populations facilitate a detailed study of the development of this disease. They provide direct evidence of the existence of tuberculosis and its past forms. In addition to literary and iconographic sources, the present study is focused on recording the findings of bone tuberculosis in historical osteological sets from the Czech Lands and is the starting point for their detailed review. Approximately 76 cases of bone tuberculosis from the Czech Lands have been published and more or less reliably documented from 20 archeological sites dated back from the Eneolithic to the modern period.