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Yorkeria moretonensis n. sp. A, Entire cestode; B, Scolex; C, Medial hook; D, Lateral hook; E, Mature segment; F, G, Posterior ends of mature segments showing variation in distribution of vitelline follicles. Scale-bars: A, 1 mm; B–G, 100 µm

Yorkeria moretonensis n. sp. A, Entire cestode; B, Scolex; C, Medial hook; D, Lateral hook; E, Mature segment; F, G, Posterior ends of mature segments showing variation in distribution of vitelline follicles. Scale-bars: A, 1 mm; B–G, 100 µm

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Parasitological examination of elasmobranchs of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, resulted in the discovery of cestodes belonging to several armed genera of the Tetraphyllidea and Onchoproteocephalidea. Two new tetraphyllideans, Yorkeria moretonensis n. sp. and Yorkeria williamsi n. sp., are described from Chiloscyllium cf. punctatum (Hemiscyllii...


... The Onchoproteocephalidea Caira, Jensen, Waeschenbach, Olson and Littlewood, 2014 is a taxonomically dynamic order (see, e.g., Caira et al., 2017;Cutmore et al., 2018;Van Der Spuy et. al., 2023), and one of its genera is Platybothrium Linton, 1890. ...
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Platybothrium Linton, 1890 is a genus parasitizing sharks of the families Carcharhinidae and Sphyrnidae. No new species has been assigned to the genus in the 20 years since its last treatment. In the present study, a new species is described from the Persian Gulf, which is the second report of a species of Platybothrium in the Indian Ocean. Platybothrium yanaesp. nov. differs from P. auriculatum Yamaguti, 1952, P. cervinum Linton, 1890, P. tantulum Healy, 2003, and P. kirstenae Healy, 2003 in lacking, rather than having, an accessory piece between its hooks. This new species is distinguished from its other congeners by having a particular combination of features including its measurements, morphology, and meristic features, bringing the number of valid species in the genus to 11.
... Among its congeners, the microthrix pattern seen in Yorkeria sachiniae most closely resembles those described for Y. hilli by Tracy (2002), for Y. garneri, Y. izardi, Y. longstaffae, Y. parva, Y. pusillulus, Y. saliputium, Y. teeveeyi, andY. yubodohensis by Caira et al. (2007), and for Y. williamsi by Cutmore et al. (2018) in the lack of spinitriches on the distal surface of the pre-hook loculus, the presence of lingulate spinitriches on the distal bothridial surface of the post-hook loculus, and the presence of spathulate or gladiate spinitriches on the proximal surfaces of the bothridia, pedicels, and cephalic peduncle. In these respects, Y. sachiniae differs from Yorkeria kelleyae and Yorkeria moretonensis, both of which bear aristate gladiate spinitriches on the latter surfaces (see Tracey 2002, Cutmore et al. 2018). ...
... Moreover, larger systematic issues surround each of the genera. The phylogenetic results of Cutmore et al. (2018) based on partial 28S sequence data failed to recover a monophyletic Yorkeria relative to Spiniloculus. Furthermore, the phylogenetic position of Carpobothrium among elasmobranch tapeworms is unclear based on analyses of existing molecular markers (Caira et al. 2014(Caira et al. , 2017. ...
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Examination of seven specimens of an undescribed species of bamboo shark (Orectolobiformes: Hemiscylliidae), currently referred to as Chiloscyllium sp. 1, from Sri Lanka yielded three new species of 'tetraphyllidean' cestodes, one each in the genera Carpobothrium Shipley et Hornell, 1906, Spiniloculus Southwell, 1925, and Yorkeria Southwell, 1927. Carpobothrium marjorieae Caira, Otto et Jensen sp. n. differs from its three valid congeners in total length, number of testes, and size of the apical sucker of its anterior bothridial flap. Like Carpobothrium eleanorae Koontz et Caira, 2016 it possesses spherical eggs with highly elongate bipolar filaments, but its eggs are conspicuously larger than those of the latter species. Spiniloculus akshayi Caira, Otto et Jensen sp. n. can be distinguished from its five congeners in total length and number of proglottids. Yorkeria sachiniae Caira, Otto et Jensen sp. n. differs from its 16 congeners in number of proglottids and testes, total length, terminal proglottid, cirrus sac, and cephalic peduncle length, hook size, genital pore position, and bothridial shape. The eggs of Y. sachiniae Caira, Otto et Jensen sp. n. are spindle-shaped and bear a single long, polar filament. All three species were found to exhibit microthrix patterns on their scolices like those of the majority of their congeners that have been examined to date with scanning electron microscopy. Microtriches on the distal surfaces of the bothridial pouches of a species of Carpobothrium were characterised for the first time; C. marjorieae Caira, Otto et Jensen sp. n. was found to possess a modified form of gladiate spinithrix on this surface. Among the seven members of the genus, this is the first species of Chiloscyllium Müller et Henle that has been found to host representatives of all three of these 'tetraphyllidean' genera. However, unlike most of its congeners, a representative of the non-hooked genus Scyphophyllidium Woodland, 1927 was not found infecting Chiloscyllium sp. 1.
... Prochristianella butlerae, P. monomegacantha, P. macracantha and P. odonoghuei, have been identified from cowtail stingrays collected from the Northern Territory (Fog Bay), Western Australia (Nickol Bay), Queensland (Gulf of Carpentaria near Weipa; Off Peel Island, Moreton Bay) and in the Arafura Sea, west of the Pacific Ocean, Australia, Indonesian, New Guinea and the Southern Coast of Java (Beveridge, 1990;Campbell & Beveridge, 2002Cutmore, Cribb, Bennett, & Beveridge, 2018a;Zschoche, Caira, & Fyler, 2011). ...
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Terranova pectinolabiata n. sp. is described from the great hammerhead, Sphyrna mokarran, from Australian waters. This represents the first report of a species of Terranova from the host species. The new species is characterised by the morphology of the caudal plates and labia. ITS sequences were obtained for 20 specimens which were identical, despite morphological variation that has traditionally been indicative of separation of species. Additionally, genetic analyses confirmed the identification of the larval Terranova Type II previously reported in Australian and New Caledonian waters as Terranova pectinolabiata n. sp.
... Prochristianella butlerae, P. monomegacantha, P. macracantha and P. odonoghuei, have been identified from cowtail stingrays collected from the Northern Territory (Fog Bay), Western Australia (Nickol Bay), Queensland (Gulf of Carpentaria near Weipa; Off Peel Island, Moreton Bay) and in the Arafura Sea, west of the Pacific Ocean, Australia, Indonesian, New Guinea and the Southern Coast of Java (Beveridge, 1990;Campbell & Beveridge, 2002Cutmore, Cribb, Bennett, & Beveridge, 2018a;Zschoche, Caira, & Fyler, 2011). ...
There are limited reports of infectious agents affecting Australian cowtail stingrays. In the present study, a new species of ascaridoid nematode belonging to the genus Mawsonascaris is described. The most distinct characteristic features were observed in females (the presence of a polar spine in the eggs and a flap‐like projection in the vulval area). An identification key for Mawsonascaris spp. is provided. Additionally, internal transcribed spacers (ITS) sequences were obtained for the new species. Alignment of the ITS sequence of the specimens in the present study with those deposited in GenBank showed that there exists no other highly similar sequence. Phylogenetic analyses resulted in a distinct grouping of our specimens supporting morphological distinction from previously described Mawsonascaris spp. Histology was used to investigate the pathology caused by the infection. Necrosis, inflammation and fibrosis were evident at the border of the nodules formed by parasite. A large number of parasites were present in muscularis mucosae and submucosa but not in the muscularis of the stomach. The parasites were associated with an increased inflammatory response, which was also found in the muscularis mucosae and submucosa. Similar pathology has been described in elasmobranchs infected by cestodes, although with more severe lesions.
In an effort to expand knowledge of Clade 3-one of the ten clades that compose the non-monophyletic order 'Tetraphyllidea' all current members of which parasitise orectolobiform sharks-we targeted species of orectolobiform sharks that had not previously been examined for 'tetraphyllidean' cestodes. That work led to the discovery of three new species off Australia and Taiwan. Ambitalveolus gen. n. was erected to accommodate these species. Ambitalveolus costelloae gen. n. et sp. n., Ambitalveolus kempi sp. n., and Ambitalveolus penghuensis sp. n. differ from one another in scolex size, genital pore position, and number of marginal loculi, proglottids, and testes. Among 'tetraphyllideans', the new genus most closely resembles the two other genera in Clade 3. It differs from Carpobothrium Shipley et Hornell, 1906 in lacking anterior and posterior flap-like extensions of its bothridia; instead, its bothridia are essentially circular. It differs from Caulopatera Cutmore, Bennett et Cribb, 2010 in that its vitelline follicles are in two lateral bands, rather than circum-medullary, and in that its bothridia bear, rather than lack, conspicuous marginal loculi. A key to the three genera in Clade 3 is provided. A phylogenetic analysis including new sequence data for one of the three new species of Ambitalveolus gen. n., the only species of Caulopatera, and all four described species and one undescribed species of Carpobothrium supports previously hypothesised close affinities between Caulopatera and Carpobothrium, with the new genus as their sister group. This is the first report of 'tetraphyllidean' cestodes from the orectolobiform shark family Brachaeluridae Applegate. The association of the new species with orectolobiform sharks is consistent with those of the other members of Clade 3. However, whereas species of Carpobothrium and Caulopatera parasitise members of the hemiscylliid genus Chiloscyllium Müller et Henle, species of Amitalveolus gen. n. parasitise members of the Brachaeluridae and Orectolobidae Gill.
Despite the large number of species described to date for the onchoprotepcephalid genus Acanthobothrium (208), only 16 named species have a genetic sequence. With this background, specimens of adult cestodes of the stingray Hypanus longus were collected off San Blas, Nayarit, and onchoproteocephalid larvae in the carangid fish Trachinotus rhodopus from Puerto Ángel, Oaxaca, both located on the Pacific coast of Mexico. The objective of this work is to investigate the phylogenetic position of these adults and larvae using nuclear ribosomal markers (18S rDNA and 28S rDNA). Morphologically, adult specimens were identified as Acanthobothrium cleofanus; larvae were identified only to family level. The phylogenetic position of both taxa was investigated based on the information of two nuclear molecular markers analyzed under Parsimony (PA) and Bayesian Inference (BI) methods. The newly generated sequences of A. cleofanus from Nayarit are identical to the sequences of several samples of Acanthobothrium sp. collected in the Mexican Pacific, which sequence are available in GenBank; DNA sequences obtained from onchoproteocephalid larva clearly place this taxon within Acanthobothrium but representing an independent lineage. In the resulting phylogenetic trees, Uncibilocularis okei was found nested within Acanthobothrium with an unstable position depending on the optimality criteria, indicating the need for more molecular analyzes with a greater number of species of both genera prior to define its phylogenetic relationships.
Acanthobothrium is the most speciose genus of onchoproteocephalidean cestodes, whose adults parasitize the intestine of elasmobranch fishes. Acanthobothrium coronatum, the type species of the genus described from Mediterranean elasmobranchs, remains a little known parasite, with the most recent reports dating back to the fifties. We hereby investigate host-specificity and redescribe A. coronatum from the same locality of its original description by using light and scanning electron microscopy approaches. Moreover, molecular and phylogenetic data inferred from the analysis of the 28S rDNA gene are reported for the first time. Out of the nine elasmobranch species examined from Gulf of Naples, we only detected A. coronatum in the intestine of Scyliorhinus stellaris, with infection patterns that supports evident host-specificity for this shark species. The genetic characterization of 28S rDNA showed 99.8–100% similarity with larvae previously found in Octopus vulgaris from the same area investigated here. Conspecificity between the present material and the larvae found in the octopus was also confirmed by the tree topology. The host-parasite phylogeny is discussed, even if additional molecular data are needed to clarify potential host-parasite patterns. Notwithstanding this limitation, this is the first molecular study revealing conspecificity between an adult Acanthobothrium species from a shark and the larvae found in an intermediate/paratenic host, shedding light on the transmission pathway of A. coronatum in S. stellaris. Finally, the taxonomic, molecular, and phylogenetic data presented here allow a better characterization of a neglected parasite.