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World view of maximum topographic gradient of each 5 arcmin grid point with adjacent 5 arcmin topographic values for the Earth.

World view of maximum topographic gradient of each 5 arcmin grid point with adjacent 5 arcmin topographic values for the Earth.

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The global analysis of Bowin (2010) used the global 14 absolute Euler pole set (62 Myr history) from Gripp and Gordon (1990) and demonstrated that plate tectonics conserves angular momentum. We herein extend that analysis using the more detailed Bird (2003) 52 present-day Euler pole set (relative to a fixed Pacific plate) for the Earth's surface, a...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... negative mass anomaly from the depression of the seafloor at the trench, masked that of the positive mass signal of the dense subducted oceanic crust material. It was not until the single point-mass depth result 25 for the South American Andes site demonstrated only a single point mass depth accounted for that positive Andes anomaly (Bowin, 2000, Fig. 13 SA). This location happens also to lie above a zero contour line in the degree 2-3 field, which indicates no contribution from a density contrast mass anomaly at the core-mantle boundary. So, if the mantle of the Earth is not convecting thermally, why is it in motion? When ocean crust is subducted to depths in the upper mantle its minerals ...
Context 2
... used this means to estimate the absolute maximum local topographic gradient value at each grid location. Figure 3 presents our first global view of approximately nine million maximum topographic gradient values at 5 arcmin spacing using a color scale weighted for equal numbers of data values at each color. Here, in addition to the reds associated with the 25 mountainous belts of the Himalayan and Andean ranges, and Island arcs of the world, they also locate the undersea South Atlantic mid-ocean rises. ...

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