Figure 6 - uploaded by Amir K. Basheer
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Wheat and Potato yield (kg ha-1) under center pivot and surface irrigation system  

Wheat and Potato yield (kg ha-1) under center pivot and surface irrigation system  

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Irrigation methods are significantly affects crop yield. Field experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of center pivot irrigation system (CPS) and surface irrigation (SI) system with view to water application efficiency (Ea %), distribution coefficient (Du %), storage efficiency (Es %), coefficient uniformity (Cu %) Scheduling coeffici...

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Context 1
... crops yield associated with high water efficiency of irrigation system, accordingly the yield of crops irrigated under center pivot irrigation system, was found to be higher than those irrigated under surface irrigation system. As shown in (Fig.6) the highest yield of potato and wheat 17500.35 and 1714.32 kg ha -1 respectively, were recorded under CPS in second season. ...


... uted to the fact that, centre pivot irrigation system irrigation system has high potentiality in managing water application and it can minimize water losses mainly due to runoff as compared to what occurs in surface irrigation system which about 40% and at end significantly affected the crop yield as mentioned by (Ismail and Al-Marshadi, 2013) and (Basheer et. al., 2015). Means followed by the same latter (s) in the same column are not significantly different at P ≤ 0.05 ...
... There are many different criteria proposed for the design and evaluation of farm irrigation systems. The most famous ones for CPI are coefficient uniformity, distribution uniformity, consumptive use and distribution uniformity efficiencies (Basheer et al., 2015). Since the water application is controlled by the speed rotation in CPI (Scherer, 1998), and it could be one of the factors that help in managing water according to the crop grown and soil type (James, 1988). ...
When to irrigate and how much water should be apply and at which operation speed? All this question marks covered by our study, in case of potato irrigated under center pivot irrigation. To investigate the effect of interaction between operating speeds 80 (S1), 70 (S2) and 60% (S3) and water regimes 596 (W1), 447 (W2) and 298 (W3) mm per season, on the hydraulic performance of center pivot irrigation, water use efficiency, yield and yield characteristics of potato crop during winter season, in the River Nile State, Sudan. Results demonstrated that high operating speeds showed negative effect on distribution uniformity, coefficient uniformity and positive effect on application efficiencies. W2 recorded high significant values of application efficiency % with less values of coefficient uniformity and distribution uniformity (%). Interaction of the operating speeds and amounts of water showed positive effect, whereas S3 showed higher values of coefficient uniformity and distribution uniformity (%) efficiencies with W2 and W1, respectively. However, lowest water use efficiency values were recorded under S1W1, while highest productivity achieved by S3W2. Hence, with careful management, using center pivot irrigation under the study would give high irrigation efficiency and high water use efficiency, with fewer amounts water applied, thus saving water for other agricultural activities.
Water is a limited factor that significantly influence productivity of banana and is needed to ensure optimum yield. Currently, Grand Nain is becoming a popular banana cultivar in Sudan, but the yields are low due to improper water management and agricultural practices. To investigate the effect of irrigation water quantity on the growth and yield of banana crop, a field experimental was conducted during the period of 2009-2010 on the eastern bank of the Nile River, 54 km of North Khartoum, Sudan. In the concerned experiment a randomized complete block design was used, where three different irrigation water quantities of 1.0 ETc, 0.75 ETc and 0.5 ETc at an irrigation interval of two days using gated pipe (hydroflume). The results showed that the growth parameters, hydraulic performance, water use efficiency and the productivity were significantly response to the water quantities, where all parameters increased with increase of water amount. The highest values of above mentioned parameters were obtained by 1.0 ETc followed by 0.75 ETc and 0.5 ETc respectively. Using hydroflume improved irrigation efficacies, also the production indicators showed that the banana crop agronomic parameters response negatively with water deficiency. To improve productivity of banana in Sudan, and other semi ecological areas, more attention should be given to research geared towards improved water and unlike environmental conditions stress management.