Figure 9 - uploaded by James Montaldi
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Vortex pairs trapped in mirrors The amplitude of the smooth zigzags is shown in Figure 10, as a function of the angle of departure θ with the horizontal (the abscissa is θ/π). The two curves are for different initial values of Im z; the lower one for Im z = 0.2, the upper for Im z = 0.5 (where z is the mid-point of the initial position of the pair). As can be seen in the previous figure, zigzags take place in the strip −2 < Im z < 2 where S(z) < 0. The maximum of the curves is attained by pairs facing almost vertically upward. (If the pair faces exactly upward, then it tends to Im z = 2 where S(z) = 0 in infinite time.) The minimum occurs where the pair faces horizontally, and the motion has the initial point as an extremum.

Vortex pairs trapped in mirrors The amplitude of the smooth zigzags is shown in Figure 10, as a function of the angle of departure θ with the horizontal (the abscissa is θ/π). The two curves are for different initial values of Im z; the lower one for Im z = 0.2, the upper for Im z = 0.5 (where z is the mid-point of the initial position of the pair). As can be seen in the previous figure, zigzags take place in the strip −2 < Im z < 2 where S(z) < 0. The maximum of the curves is attained by pairs facing almost vertically upward. (If the pair faces exactly upward, then it tends to Im z = 2 where S(z) = 0 in infinite time.) The minimum occurs where the pair faces horizontally, and the motion has the initial point as an extremum.

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The dynamics of point vortices is generalized in two ways: first by making the strengths complex, which allows for sources and sinks in superposition with the usual vortices, second by making them functions of position. These generalizations lead to a rich dynamical system, which is nonlinear and yet has conservation laws coming from a Hamiltonian-...

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... released from near z = 0 where S(z) < 0 move in a kind of smoothed zigzag, drifting along the real axis. Their trajectories are confined within a certain strip near the bottom of the trough, as depicted in Figure 9. The width of the confinement strip depends on the direction the pair initially faces. ...

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