Figure 3 - uploaded by Peter Lambrechts
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Ubiquinol, the reduced form of CoQ10 is recognised by its white colour. The most common application form is softcapsules.  

Ubiquinol, the reduced form of CoQ10 is recognised by its white colour. The most common application form is softcapsules.  

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Coenzyme Q10 (also known as Ubiquinone) and its active form, Ubiquinol, are essential for the body's energy production processes, including those which take place in the heart. Thus, a deficiency of heart and blood CoQ10 could be a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases. The latest advance in supplemental Coenzyme Q10 is the red...


... This coloration of the media could be from e.g., ubiquinone or flavin. The oxidized form of ubiquinone-10 is orange-colored (Lambrechts and Siebrecht 2013), flavins are yellow-colored when oxidized, red in the semi-reduced anionic state, blue in the neutral (semiquinone) state, and colorless when totally reduced (Silwal and Lu 2018). ...
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This study investigated, if a mixed electroactive bacterial (EAB) culture cultivated heterotrophically at a positive applied potential could be adapted from oxidative to reductive or bidirectional extracellular electron transfer (EET). To this end, a periodic potential reversal regime between − 0.5 and 0.2 V vs. Ag/AgCl was applied. This yielded biofilm detachment and mediated electroautotrophic EET in combination with carbonate, i.e., dissolved CO 2 , as the sole carbon source, whereby the emerged mixed culture (S1) contained previously unknown EAB. Using acetate (S2) as well as a mixture of acetate and carbonate (S3) as the main carbon sources yielded primarily alternating electrogenic organoheterotropic metabolism with the higher maximum oxidation current densities recorded for mixed carbon media, exceeding on average 1 mA cm ⁻² . More frequent periodic polarization reversal resulted in the increase of maximum oxidative current densities by about 50% for S2-BES and 80% for S3-BES, in comparison to half-batch polarization. The EAB mixed cultures developed accordingly, with S1 represented by mostly aerobes (84.8%) and being very different in composition to S2 and S3, dominated by anaerobes (96.9 and 96.5%, respectively). S2 and S3 biofilms remained attached to the electrodes. There was only minor evidence of fully reversible bidirectional EET. In conclusion the three triplicates fed with organic and/or inorganic carbon sources demonstrated two forms of diauxie: Firstly, S1-BES showed a preference for the electrode as the electron donor via mediated EET. Secondly, S2-BES and S3-BES showed a preference for acetate as electron donor and c-source, as long as this was available, switching to CO 2 reduction, when acetate was depleted. Graphical Abstract
... Ýôôåêòèâíîñòü óáèõèíîëà êàê ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíîãî ôàðìàêîëîãè÷åñêîãî àãåíòà èññëåäîâàíà íåäîñòàòî÷íî. Ôàðìàöåâòè÷åñêèå êîìïîçèöèè ñ óáèõèíîëîì ïîÿâèëèñü íà ìèðîâîì ðûíêå ëèøü â 2000-õ ãîäàõ è ïðåäñòàâëåíû, àíàëîãè÷íî óáèõèíîíó, òîëüêî ôîðìàìè äëÿ ïðèåìà âíóòðü [11]. Áèîäîñòóïíîñòü îáåèõ ôîðì êîýíçèìà Q10 î÷åíü íèçêà [12], ÷òî ñâÿçàíî ñ åãî ïëîõîé ðàñòâîðèìîñòüþ â âîäå, íèçêîé ðàñòâîðèìîñòüþ â aeèðàõ, îðãàíè÷åñêèõ ðàñòâîðèòåëÿõ, à òàêaeå ïîëÿðíîñòüþ. ...
... Íà ñåãîäíÿøíèé äåíü èçâåñòíû ëèøü åäèíè÷íûå èññëåäîâàíèÿ ïî ôàðìàêîêèíåòèêå CoQ10 ïðè âíóòðèâåííîì ââåäåíèè, èç êîòîðûõ ñëåäóåò, ÷òî êàê äëÿ óáèõèíîíà [17,20,21], òàê è äëÿ óáèõèíîëà [11,19] êèíå-òè÷åñêèå ïðîôèëè â ïëàçìå èìåþò äâóõôàçíûé õàðàêòåð. Ïðîäîëaeèòåëüíîñòü ïåðâîé ôàçû îïðåäåëÿåòñÿ ðàñïðåäåëåíèåì CoQ10 ïî îðãàíàì, ïðè÷åì ïðåèìóùåñòâåííî â ïå÷åíè. ...
Препараты, содержащие коэнзим Q10 (CoQ10) в окисленной (убихинон) или восстановленной (убихинол) формах, применяются для лечения заболеваний, сопряженных с окислительно-восстановительным дисбалансом, и предназначены только для приема внутрь. В связи с его низкой биодоступностью наиболее полно раскрыть терапевтический потенциал CoQ10 могли бы его парентеральные лекарственные формы. Цель исследования — сравнение фармакокинетики и тканевого распределения CoQ10 при внутривенном введении новых лекарственных форм убихинона и убихинола. Препараты (1 % водные растворы, аналогичные по составу вспомогательных веществ) вводили крысам однократно внутривенно (30 мг/кг). Отбор проб крови и образцов миокарда, мозга, печени и почек производили в течение 8 сут после введения, используя по 5 крыс на каждую временную точку. Содержание CoQ10 определяли методом ВЭЖХ-ЭХ и рассчитывали AUC и Clt. Показано, что, несмотря на различия убихинола и убихинона по величине общего клиренса, пополнение тканевого содержания CoQ10 в отдельных органах происходит одинаково успешно, что предполагает их равную эффективность при внутривенном введении.
... The yeast fermentation technique, which involves with inclusion of B vitamins in their culture, is the major form of industrial CoQ10 synthesis. Recently, CoQ10 is available as feed grade in powder form for swine and poultry but in gel form for human preparations [24,25]. ...
... Ýôôåêòèâíîñòü óáèõèíîëà êàê ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíîãî ôàð-ìàêîëîãè÷åñêîãî àãåíòà ìîaeåò áûòü ãîðàçäî âûøå, íî èññëåäîâàíà íåäîñòàòî÷íî, òàê êàê ôàðìàöåâòè÷åñêèå êîìïîçèöèè ñ óáèõèíîëîì ïîÿâèëèñü íà ìèðîâîì ôàð-ìàöåâòè÷åñêîì ðûíêå ëèøü â íà÷àëå 2000 ãã. [15]. ...
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Представлен обзор имеющихся на сегодняшний день экспериментальных и клинических результатов эффективности убихинола — восстановленной формы коэнзима Q10 при различных патологических состояниях. Изложенные данные указывают на перспективность его применения как самостоятельного фармакологического агента при заболеваниях, сопряженных с окислительным стрессом.
... Ýôôåêòèâíîñòü óáèõèíîëà êàê ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíîãî ôàð-ìàêîëîãè÷åñêîãî àãåíòà ìîaeåò áûòü ãîðàçäî âûøå, íî èññëåäîâàíà íåäîñòàòî÷íî, òàê êàê ôàðìàöåâòè÷åñêèå êîìïîçèöèè ñ óáèõèíîëîì ïîÿâèëèñü íà ìèðîâîì ôàð-ìàöåâòè÷åñêîì ðûíêå ëèøü â íà÷àëå 2000 ãã. [15]. ...
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A review of the currently available results of experimental and clinical studies of the effectiveness of ubiquinol (a reduced form of coenzyme Q10) under various pathological conditions is presented. First results are indicative of good prospects of the use of ubiquinol as an independent pharmacological agent under pathological conditions associated with oxidative stress.
... The yeast fermentation technique which involves with inclusion of B-vitamins in their culture is the major form of industrial CoQ10 synthesis. Recently, CoQ10 is available as feed grade powder form for swine and poultry but in gel form for human preparations (Ioana et al., 2009;Lambrechts and Siebrecht, 2013). ...
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The essentiality of nutrients keeps on changing with the advancement in nutritional research and genetic gain. The genetic gain especially in poultry sector is very high which results in increase in nutrient requirement of both the essential and non-essential nutrients. For the rapid growth the requirement of essential nutrients reaches many folds which are in direct relation with the performance, but the requirement for non-essential nutrients is an indirect one. Most of the dispensable amino acids, vitamin C, carnitine, etc. which are being synthesized endogenously are now a days unable to meet the birds requirements that warrants the dietary supply. Another important nutrient is coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) which endogenously synthesized is now gaining much attention as a supplement for fast growing broilers. The CoQ10 can be termed as multi-functionary as each and every cell in the body needs this but quantity is being high for very active organs like heart, lungs, liver, kidney, etc. They are essential for cellular oxidative phosphorylation and regenerative antioxidant. The supplementation of CoQ10 improved the feed efficiency with reducing the electron leaks from mitochondria and increases total antioxidant capacity. For this property, CoQ10 is widely used in human medicine especially persons suffering from cardiac, neurological disorder, hypercholesterolemic condition and also even in cancer. The CoQ10 in poultry draws first attention when it is found to reducing the ascites mortality in marketable broilers. Thereafter, the advantages of CoQ10 is started to exploit with much attention to ascites, feed efficiency, cholesterol lowering effect nutraceutical and nutrigenomic property both in poultry and swine industry.
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This study investigated if a mixed electroactive bacterial (EAB) culture cultivated heterotrophically at a positive applied potential could be adapted from oxidative to reductive or bidirectional extracellular electron transfer (EET). To this end, a periodic potential reversal regime between − 0.5 and 0.2 V vs. Ag/AgCl was applied. This yielded biofilm detachment and mediated electroautotrophic EET in combination with carbonate, i.e. dissolved CO2, as the sole carbon source, whereby the emerged mixed culture (S1) contained previously unknown EAB. Using acetate (S2) as well as a mixture of acetate and carbonate (S3) in addition to small amounts of ethanol as carbon sources yielded alternating electrogenic organoheterotropic and electroautotrophic EET. The EAB mixed cultures developed accordingly, with S1 being very different in composition to S2 and S3, whereby S2 and S3 biofilms remained attached to the electrodes. There was only minor evidence of fully reversible bidirectional EET. In conclusion the three triplicates operated under the same conditions, but fed with different carbon sources demonstrated two forms of diauxie: Firstly, S1-BES showed a preference for the electrode as the electron donor via mediated EET. Secondly, S2-BES and S3-BES showed a preference for acetate as electron donor and c-source, as long as this was available, switching to CO2 reduction, when acetate was depleted. Ethanol is neutral and didn’t benefit either electrogenic organoheterophy or electroautotrophy.
Solid state characterization of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ 10) was carried out using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), variable temperature X-ray diffractometry (VT-XRD) and hot/cold stage microscopy (H/CSM). It revealed that CoQ 10 exists in two polymorphic forms. The recrystallized samples of CoQ 10 melted at different temperatures either due to the wide crystal size variation or change in crystallinity. Further, the binary mixture of CoQ 10 and lauric acid (LA) formed eutectic mixture in the ratio 70:30 melting at 37.93 °C, which was close to the predicted eutectic composition of 87.7:12.3 melting at 38.98 °C. The values of actual liquidus temperatures for CoQ 10 are higher than the predicted liquidus temperatures. The experimental heat of fusion at eutectic point was less than the calculated heat of fusion. Activity coefficient of CoQ 10 in the binary mixture was less than unity, which indicates the attraction between the components of eutectic mixture.