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Financial technology or fintech, which is technology-based financial services has become a major role player in enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of financial services. The financial industry has evolved significantly globally with the impact of technological innovation. For example in Malaysia, the financial institution can offer various...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... it gives insight on the fundamental concept of this services. Figure 1 shows the overall concept of the UTAUT model. UTAUT model was developed by Venkatesh et al. (2003) with the purpose of integrating the fragmented theory and research on individual acceptance of information technology into a unified theoretical model. ...
Context 2
... this study, UTAUT was employed to study the acceptance of asnaf and mobile banking usage as one of the distribution methods of zakat. From Figure 1, UTAUT will have four factors that will influence the use of mobile banking for zakat distribution which are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. However, in this study we did not discuss the moderating effect of gender, age, experience and voluntariness because we wanted to focus only on the core determinants that could influence the acceptance of mobile banking by the asnaf. ...
Context 3
... it gives insight on the fundamental concept of this services. Figure 1 shows the overall concept of the UTAUT model. UTAUT model was developed by Venkatesh et al. (2003) with the purpose of integrating the fragmented theory and research on individual acceptance of information technology into a unified theoretical model. ...
Context 4
... this study, UTAUT was employed to study the acceptance of asnaf and mobile banking usage as one of the distribution methods of zakat. From Figure 1, UTAUT will have four factors that will influence the use of mobile banking for zakat distribution which are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. However, in this study we did not discuss the moderating effect of gender, age, experience and voluntariness because we wanted to focus only on the core determinants that could influence the acceptance of mobile banking by the asnaf. ...

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... Upaya ini tidak akan menghasilkan hasil yang progresif tanpa menyediakan layanan Zakat yang berpusat pada pembayar zakat secara online dengan mengadopsi sistem elektronik untuk bersatu dan bekerja dalam lingkungan yang menantang dan berubah. Hasif & Ahmad (2019) didalam penelitiannya kepercayaan online, teknologi dan sistem e-Zakat tampaknya menjadi indikator penting bagi lembaga amil zakat untuk mengadopsi FinTech didalam sistem penghimpunan zakat (Hasif & Ahmad, 2019). Dalam konteks Indonesia, perlu dicatat bahwa studi khusus mengenai niat untuk melakukan pembayaran zakat digital jarang ditemukan. ...
... Upaya ini tidak akan menghasilkan hasil yang progresif tanpa menyediakan layanan Zakat yang berpusat pada pembayar zakat secara online dengan mengadopsi sistem elektronik untuk bersatu dan bekerja dalam lingkungan yang menantang dan berubah. Hasif & Ahmad (2019) didalam penelitiannya kepercayaan online, teknologi dan sistem e-Zakat tampaknya menjadi indikator penting bagi lembaga amil zakat untuk mengadopsi FinTech didalam sistem penghimpunan zakat (Hasif & Ahmad, 2019). Dalam konteks Indonesia, perlu dicatat bahwa studi khusus mengenai niat untuk melakukan pembayaran zakat digital jarang ditemukan. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic restrictions have adversely affected individuals and communities. One potential solution is to use zakat to support public welfare. However, the pandemic's initial phase led to a decrease in the collection of zakat funds. Fortunately, the emergence of FinTech has facilitated an increase in zakat collection. This study examines the payment of zakat through FinTech from the perspective of Islamic Sharia Law. Utilizing scientific literature analysis and Al-Quran studies, the findings suggest that paying zakat through FinTech is not prohibited. The various digital zakat facilities available have the potential to motivate people to pay their zakat to institutions, particularly during the pandemic. To maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of FinTech in increasing the volume of zakat payments, we recommend that three interested parties take certain steps, which will be conveyed later. Using FinTech for zakat payments can help alleviate the pandemic's impact on public welfare.
... Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian sebelumnya terhadap distribusi zakat menggunakan Fintech. Penelitian tersebut menyatakan bahwa ketika asnaf memiliki niat yang lebih tinggi untuk menggunakan mobile banking untuk distribusi zakat, maka mereka memiliki tingkat penggunaan yang lebih tinggi untuk menggunakan mobile banking (Hasif & Ahmad, 2019). ...
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... Pembayaran di loket zakat di kantor zakat atau loket zakat di masjid merupakan cara pengumpulan zakat secara tradisional. Sejak munculnya internet, pembayaran zakat juga sudah memiliki perkembangan menjadi e-payment (Hasif & Ahmad, 2019). Metode pengumpulan dana zakat sudah berubah dengan cepat dari tahun ke tahun. ...
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Potensi zakat di Indonesia sangat tinggi tetapi realitanya penghimpunan zakat masih rendah. Dengan adanya berbagai layanan dari Baznas, contohnya zakat via payroll system seharusnya dapat meningkatkan penerimaan dana zakat di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Kota Pematang Siantar. Periode penelitian yang digunakan adalah 2 tahun sebelum (2017-2018) dan 4 tahun setelah (2019-2022). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan penerimaan dana zakat sebelum dan sesudah penerapan payroll system. Analisis Perbandingan berbagai aspek penerimaan dana zakat berdasarkan tujuan dari payroll system, yang meliputi peningkatan jumlah zakat yang diterima, penyederhanaan waktu, dan optimalisasi zakat profesional dengan meningkatkan jumlah muzzaki. Analisis Independent Sample T-Test digunakan dalam penelitian kuantitatif komparatif ini untuk mengetahui apakah nilai rata-rata dana zakat yang diterima sebelum dan sesudah payroll system sama atau tidak berbeda nyata. Uji normalitas data lebih unggul dari uji grafik dibandingkan uji asumsi tradisional. Rasio zakat profesi ditunjukkan dengan kesimpulan pengujian hipotesis. Nilai Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,523 > 0,05, sesuai dengan ketentuan pengambilan keputusan didalam uji independent sample t test maka dari itu dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa H0 diterima dan Ha ditolak. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang sangat signifikan diantara penerimaan dana zakat sebelum dan sesudah diterapkannya payroll system. Keywords: Zakat, Zakat Profesi, Payroll System
... A study (Ayaz & Yanartaş, 2020) applied the UTAUT model to analyse the acceptance of an electronic system for document management in a Turkish university and found that both social influence and performance expectancy significantly affected behavioural intention to utilize the system. However, the study found that effort expectancy did not significantly affect BI, similar to the findings of other researchers (Hasif & Ahmad, 2019;Salloum & Shaalan, 2019). Another study evaluated ICT acceptance in madrasa education and found that religious perspective on ICT was the highest predictor of behavioural intention to use ICT (Abubakari & Priyanto, 2021). ...
... The same study observed that personal innovativeness (PI) significantly influenced BI, supporting the findings of some earlier works (Farooq et al., 2017;Gbongli et al., 2019) in which PI significantly affected both EE and BI. Moreover, the study found an insignificant direct effect of facilitating conditions on ICT usage behaviour, similar to some other earlier studies (Isaac et al., 2019;Yang et al., 2019), but contrary to others, who found the significant influence of FC on UB (Hasif & Ahmad, 2019;Hoque & Sorwar, 2017;Venkatesh et al., 2012). ...
... That is to say, intention to utilize ICT in Islamic education would increase if an individual feels there is social appreciation and support from their social groups which are significant to them. This finding is in line with other previous studies (Ayaz & Yanartaş, 2020;Hasif & Ahmad, 2019) in which SI was also found to significantly affect BI to utilize ICT resources in various contexts. ...
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ABSTRACT: Whether in general education or Islamic education, information and communication technologies (ICT) have shown to be effective in boosting learning and teaching processes. However, the optimal utilization of ICT in Islamic education is hardly observed, and its acceptance is rarely analysed. Therefore, the present study evaluated factors influencing individuals in Islamic education to adopt ICT based on the modified unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model by incorporating two external factors: personal innovativeness and a religious perspective on the ICT aspect. The study employed a survey method to collect data from 225 valid respondents from Indonesia and applied a partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach for analysis purposes. The study's findings suggest that three factors significantly influenced behavioural intention to utilize ICT in Islamic education. These factors are the religious perspective on ICT, personal innovativeness, and social influence, with the religious perspective being more effective factor on behavioural intention than other factors. Moreover, religious perspective, facilitating conditions, and behavioural intention significantly affected actual ICT usage. Both effort and performance expectancies did not significantly affect behavioural intention to use ICT. Besides that, personal innovativeness was found insignificant in influencing usage behaviour, however, it significantly affected effort expectancy, while religious perspective significantly influenced performance expectancy. Finally, the study's model explained 55.1% of behavioural intention and 54.0% of usage behaviour. The implications of the findings for practical and theoretical contributions are discussed in this paper.
... With the current outbreak of COVID-19 and its implications on all walks of life, zakat institutions have found themselves completely rethink their business model, shifting to digital services to ensure adjustment to the new normal at the precise moment when their contribution to society becomes vitally important. The notion of ZakaTech services has recently received increased interest from relevant stakeholders, for example, industry practitioners and scholars (Syed et al., 2020;Mohamed and Ali, 2018;Hudaefi et al., 2020;Hasif and Ahmad, 2019). ...
Purpose Despite the significant growth in Islamic economies and the increasing number of Muslim youths inclining digital services, empirical-based research addressing the adoption of digital Islamic services is still scarce. Particularly, as a new term in the Islamic finance industry, ZakaTech has recently emerged as a modern term describing novel technologies adopted by zakat (compulsory levy on all believing and practicing high-net-worth Muslims) institutions; yet, it has largely been neglected in the literature. Therefore, this paper aims to propose an integrated model that scrutinizes the factors of unified model of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) of ZakaTech, combined with social cognitive theory (SCT), especially in a time of COVID-19 social distancing. Design/methodology/approach The UTAUT–SCT model was validated via SmartPLS structural equation modeling by using a valid sample of 510 users (individual zakat payers) from Saudi Arabia. Findings The results demonstrated the suitability of the integrated UTAUT–SCT model in predicting zakat payers’ intention to use ZakaTech services. This proposed model has 70% explanatory power to explain variance in intention. All UTAUT constructs are statistically significant, except for effort expectancy. Social isolation caused by the pandemic and trust in e-zakat system exerted a significant influence on the inclination to uptake ZakaTech services. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this research is among the first research that studies Muslims’ adoption of ZakaTech during COVID-19. Particularly, this study could add value to FinTech acceptance literature by empirically examining an integrated framework of UTAUT–SCT in a context as modern and unique as ZakaTech.
... Two new research on zakat and the UTAUT paradigm deserve attention (Hasif & Ahmad, 2019) used the UTAUT model to investigate what factors affect the rate at which mobile banking is adopted for distributing zakat in Malaysia. It is noteworthy that all UTAUT components, except effort expectancy, were important in the analysis, even though the study focuses on the distribution elements of zakat from the perspective of the zakat receivers (asnaf/mustahiq). ...
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This study aimed to determine and analyse the factors that affect a zakat payer receiving and using the zakat platform to pay the zakat. A total of 264 self-administered questionnaires were distributed to respondents who have been paid zakat with the platform. The data were analysed using variance-based structural modelling (PLS-SEM) to examine the hypothesised relationships. The results show that performance expectations and social influence positively and significantly affect behavioural intentions. Facility conditions and behavioural intention have influenced positive and significant impacts on the behaviour of using the online zakat payment platform. Furthermore, this is caused by the trust of zakat payers against online zakat payment platforms that afford to pay zakat faster completion when compared to paying zakat offline. It is also supported by encouragement from the surrounding environment of zakat payers such as: family, work colleagues, community and charity organisations who use the online zakat payment platform.
... The fourth hypothesis (H4) was not supported, as shown in Table 5. This finding is not in line with the mainstream results of previous literature (Hasif & Ahmad, 2019;Venkatesh et al., 2003;Venkatesh & Zhang, 2010) in which the variable FC was found to significantly influence the usage behaviour of ICT products, though, in some of those studies, FC was moderated by other variables such as age, experience, and gender. However, this study supports the findings of some previous studies (Handoko, 2019;Macedo, 2017), which found that the FC has no significant effect on ICT actual usage behaviour. ...
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This study was intended to model information and communication technology (ICT) acceptance in Tanzanian madrasas based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model and extend it with two constructs: religious perspective and personal innovativeness. That is because there is a scarcity of studies investigating ICT acceptance in the madrasa education context. The study is a quantitative, and a survey questionnaire was distributed through google form to collect primary data. The study involved both teachers and students, with a sample of 215 respondents obtained using the snowball sampling technique. Data analysis used Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique. The findings indicate that religious perspective (T=3.636; P<0.001), social influence (T=2.818; P<0.01), and personal innovativeness (T=3.301; P<0.01) are the only significant variables that determined the behaviour intention of individuals to use ICT. Also, the significant factors influencing madrasa individuals to the actual use of ICT facilities are behavioural intention (T=3.649; P<0.01) and religious perspective (T=2.428; P<0.05). Except for the social influence variable, other variables of the UTAUT model were found insignificant to influence the intention of individuals to use ICT in Islamic studies. Finally, recommendations and study limitations are also discussed.
... The usage of technology is not without challenges. Hasif & Ahmad (2019) has conducted a study on factors affecting the acceptance of financial technology among asnaf for the distribution of zakat in Selangor, and it has been suggested that financial institutions need to develop system or apps that are mobile user friendly for asnaf in enhancing efficiency in the distribution of zakat. The necessity of improving the awareness and utilization of the E-zakat online system has also been highlighted previously (N. ...
... The usage of technology is not without challenges. Hasif & Ahmad (2019) has conducted a study on factors affecting the acceptance of financial technology among asnaf for the distribution of zakat in Selangor, and it has been suggested that financial institutions need to develop system or apps that are mobile user friendly for asnaf in enhancing efficiency in the distribution of zakat. The necessity of improving the awareness and utilization of the E-zakat online system has also been highlighted previously (N. ...
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This research aims to investigate the factors influencing donors’ behavior in online waqf, utilizing the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) framework. The study focuses on four key variables: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, spiritual motivation as an alternative to hedonic motivation. Additionally, the moderating effect of age on these variables is examined. The sample included 205 Muslim from various cities in Indonesia. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data, and SEM PLS analysis was used to determine the significance of the variables. The findings show that waqifs’ behavior in the context of digital waqf is significantly influenced by performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and spiritual motivation. Spiritual motivation has the most significant impact on behavioral intention compared to all other variables. Furthermore, the analysis indicates that age has no significant moderating effect on the relationship between the aforementioned variables and donors’ digital waqf behavior. This suggests that the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and spiritual motivation is consistent across age groups. The findings provide valuable insights for nazhir looking to introduce digital waqf in the future, with the factors examined serving as a guideline for better planning and implementation of online waqf. There are limitations and suggestions for future research.