Figure 2 - uploaded by Olaf Hauk
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Typical structural brain abnormalities found in the patient population tested. Coronal sections of structural MRI scans from three patients are shown. From left to right, sections at the levels of the splenium, rostral hippocampus, and frontal lobes are shown; the left hemisphere is displayed on the left. Rostral temporal cortex was severely degenerated in all cases. 

Typical structural brain abnormalities found in the patient population tested. Coronal sections of structural MRI scans from three patients are shown. From left to right, sections at the levels of the splenium, rostral hippocampus, and frontal lobes are shown; the left hemisphere is displayed on the left. Rostral temporal cortex was severely degenerated in all cases. 

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It has been claimed that semantic dementia (SD), the temporal variant of fronto-temporal dementia, is characterized by an across-the-board deficit affecting all types of conceptual knowledge. We here confirm this generalized deficit but also report differential degrees of impairment in processing specific semantic word categories in a case series o...

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Context 1
... performance reduction observed in the lexical decision experiment (average d 0 = 1.5 for the patients as compared with average d 0 = 3.4 for matched healthy participants). Importantly, however, and constituting a novel finding, there were significant differences in lexical decisions on words from different semantic categories, which were absent in matched healthy control subjects (significant Word Category × Group interactions). In SD patients, semantic word groups matched for a range of important psycholinguistic criteria led to significantly different processing success: Hit rates and d 0 values were lower for the COLOR condition than for the FORM condition, and action words in the FACE category produced lower hit rates and d 0 values than those in the ARM condition. Because of careful matching of other properties that affect lexical decision accuracy, we can assert with some confidence that these differences are best explained in terms of semantic features and corresponding category-specific topographies of the underlying cortical circuits. These findings have important implications for theories of semantic and conceptual processing and representation. SD has been considered an across-the-board deficit in semantic processing (Patterson et al., 2007; Saffran & Schwartz, 1994). As mentioned in the Introduction section, previous group studies have failed to uncover category specificity of semantic deficits in SD in terms of the most commonly assessed distinctions: living versus nonliving concepts (Lambon Ralph, Graham, et al., 1998; Lambon Ralph et al., 2007) and objects versus actions (Cotelli et al., 2006). Our current findings suggest that the absence of any category differences in previous studies of SD might be due to the grain size of the categories under study. A contrast between the broad categories of living and nonliving things can be motivated on the basis that they are innate to the human cognitive system (Caramazza & Mahon, 2003). By contrast, if category differences result from differential grounding of semantics in sensory/motor versus functional knowledge (Warrington & McCarthy, 1983), then more fine-grained subdivisions of semantic space are required separating, for example, large artifacts from tools, color from form, and action knowledge relating to different body parts (Barsalou, 2008; Pulvermüller, 2005; Humphreys & Forde, 2001; Farah & McClelland, 1991; Warrington & McCarthy, 1987). Con- sistent with this suggestion, the differential degrees of deficit in lexical decision revealed in SD patients by the present investigation cannot be explained by any domain- general principle. Although the larger categories of visually related and action-related words did not afford a well-matched contrast, it is nevertheless observable that the patients were not differentially impaired on one or other of these broad domains. The generally reduced performance on abstract words might suggest a general category difference (abstract vs. concrete), but as not all psycholinguistic confounds (e.g., word frequency) could be ruled out for this contrast, this conclusion is not fully endorsed by the data. Where a degree of category specificity emerged in the present work was between subtypes of action words and between subtypes of visually related words. This pattern of results supports a distributed circuit model of lexico-semantic networks according to which knowledge of object color (relative to knowledge of object form) and knowledge about actions relating to the face and articulators (compared with those relating to hand and arm) draw more heavily on anterior-temporal and adjacent frontal structures. Considering the first of these contrasts, despite the fact that color processing areas in the occipito-temporal cortex are posterior to areas spe- cializing in form analysis (Corbetta, Miezin, Dobmeyer, Shulman, & Petersen, 1991; Zeki et al., 1991), recent studies have indicated that processing of color concepts involves anterior-temporal structures (Miceli et al., 2001; Mummery, Patterson, Hodges, & Price, 1998), whereas form-related concepts and words activate posterior-lateral fusiform gyrus and, in addition, dorsolateral pFC (Moscoso Del Prado Martin et al., 2006; Pulvermüller & Hauk, 2006). Comparison of mildly and severely affected patients indicated that the difference between color and form word impairment was more pronounced at early (mild) stages of the disease, whereas later on the difference diminished, perhaps suggesting posterior spreading of the lesion. With regard to the second contrast: Action words and concepts elicit semantic somatotopy along the fronto-central cortex, with more ventral activation to FACE words and more dorsal activation to ARM words (Hauk et al., 2004; Pulvermüller et al., 2000). Although SD in the very early stages is associated with damage restricted to the temporal lobes (Nestor et al., 2006) — and the present population also showed most massive degradation there (Figure 2) — inferior- frontal atrophy and hypometabolism emerge with advanc- ing disease (Drzezga et al., 2008; Mummery et al., 2000). The bigger numerical difference between action word category d 0 values seen in more severely affected patients of the present cohort is consistent with this observation. In conjunction with the semantic topography model, the functional deficit in inferior-frontal structures explains the specific deficit for face-related words. Note that not all brain models of category specificity explain the pattern of deficits found here in SD. For example, Martin and Chao (2001) have proposed that the processing of color semantics is located posterior to form semantics in posterior temporal cortex. This proposal on its own does not account for the present differential deficit for color words in SD patients, which, similar to earlier results from patients (Miceli et al., 2001; Mummery et al., 1998) and the abovementioned imaging work, suggest a specific contribution of anterior-temporal cortex to color concept processing. Also, previous theories of category specificity did not reach the fine grain size to dif- ferentiate action word subcategories according to their body part reference. The semantic topography model in Figure 1A and its proposed extension (Figure 5) seem to provide the best explanation available to date of the pattern of lexico-semantic deficits seen in SD. Still, the model needs further specification to more fully account for the semantics of a wider range of words and concepts (e.g., prepositions, Kemmerer & Tranel, 2003; Noordzij, Neggers, Ramsey, & Postma, 2008). In contrast to one prediction of the semantic topography model, SD patients ʼ performance on leg words was not significantly better than that on face words, although the suggested cortical distribution of leg-action concepts should, by hypothesis, include neuronal assemblies in motor and premotor areas, which are not specifically affected in SD. Although this lack of significance does not constitute a strong finding falsifying the semantic somatotopy model, it still suggests that semantic circuits may be more complex than the sketches presented in Figure 1A would indicate. More specifically, the tendency toward an impairment of leg-word processing in SD patients may suggest that the processing of these words critically depends on the integrity of neuronal assemblies in anterior- temporal or inferior-frontal cortex, not just on leg motor and premotor regions. Direct brain imaging evidence for anterior-temporal contributions to leg-word processing has recently been revealed by cluster analysis performed on fMRI data from healthy subjects (Pulvermüller, Kherif, Hauk, Mohr, & Nimmo-Smith, 2009). These results revealed cell assemblies for leg words with both dorsal fronto- central (including motor) and anterior-temporal cortex contribution, therefore explaining why SD patients ʼ performance on leg words was similar to that on the affected face words. The present pattern of results refutes the suggestion outlined in the Introduction section that differential activations to various semantic kinds might be epiphenomenal rather than reflecting the operation of differently distributed semantic networks. Because the data come from patients with the most severe specifically semantic deficit known to date, there cannot be any doubt that the function of the damaged circuits is semantic conceptual in nature. In addition, the consistency between degrees of deficit in SD for various semantic categories and the evidence from a range of regional functional activation studies in the healthy brain using well-matched word groups with different types of meaning support the semantic topography model. A semantic hub model that denied a role of category- specific semantic networks would be unable to account for the present pattern of results. Similarly, the semantic topography model as shown in Figure 1A would not account for the massive general impairment in SD of all semantic classes as demonstrated in the present and earlier studies. The best account of the data therefore results from adding a semantic hub to the semantic topography model (Figure 1A and B). This results in a hub-supported model of semantotopic circuits (Figure 5). According to this model, an intact semantic hub in temporal poles is necessary for the functionality of the semantic system, possibly in ways made explicit in the computational model of Rogers et al. (2004), but semantic conceptual computa- tions are being carried out in widespread brain areas. Importantly, these widespread areas are specific to different kinds of concepts and meanings, with form and face words drawing most heavily on anterior-temporal and inferior- frontal areas affected in SD. The general importance of anterior-temporal lobes in semantic processing may relate to their strategic placement as links between cortical and limbic structures (Pulvermüller & Schumann, 1994). A future target ...
Context 2
... semantic deficits (Lambon Ralph, Pobric, & Jefferies, 2009; Pobric, Jefferies, & Lambon Ralph, 2007). It is possible that the category-specific semantic circuits and the anterior-temporal semantic center inter- act in the processing of meaning in the brain (Figure 1B). The absence of any persuasive evidence for category specificity in SD may be related to methodological issues. The categories of living and nonliving things may be too broad to reveal a coherent dissociation pattern because they are intrinsically heterogeneous. For example, there are fun- damental differences in kind and, correspondingly, in the dissociation patterns after focal brain disease between subtypes of nonliving things, for example, tools, large man-made objects, and musical instruments (Warrington & McCarthy, 1987). A particular deficit for one subcategory could therefore be counteracted by better performance for other subcategories, and if specific fine subcategories of both action-related nonliving concepts and visually related living things were impaired, a large-category comparison would fail to reveal the specificity of the deficit. Similar concerns hold for any difference between nouns and verbs or between animals and tools. Guided by the semantic topography model (Figure 1A), we hypothesized that a degree of category specificity might emerge in SD if the investigation focused on fine- grained differences in semantic concepts. This should be especially true if the categories selected could be specifically mapped to the regions most damaged in SD, the anterior-temporal and the adjacent inferior-frontal cortex. The fine word categories whose specific fMRI activation maps are closest to the SD-affected regions are face- and articulator-related words, which have been demonstrated to activate inferior-frontal cortex (Hauk et al., 2004), and words with strong color associations, where fMRI suggests the importance of anterior-temporal cortex (Pulvermüller & Hauk, 2006). 1 A relevant contrast for the former is provided by words relating to hand and arm movements that, like face-related words, evoke general features of action but yield fMRI activations in more dorsolateral fronto-central regions. A contrast germane to the color category would be words relating to object form: Color, shape, or form is a visual feature of objects, but it yields fMRI activations in more posterior temporal areas. Semantic topography therefore predicts that, if all other relevant variables are balanced, SD patients ʼ performance in a lexico-semantic task should be more impaired for color words than for form words and more impaired for face words than for arm words. In contrast, a semantic hub model neglecting category-specific circuits would predict equally poor processing of all of these categories. A combination of semantic topography and hub models predicts general but also unequal degradation in SD. Knowledge of words from different categories was assessed in a lexical decision task, where the words were intermixed with word-like but meaningless pseudowords. The disadvantage of other more obviously semantic tasks, such as naming, is that different semantic categories tend to place differential demands on specific perceptual and cognitive processes. 2 Furthermore, the profound anomia characteristic of SD makes naming a poor choice for such an assessment: Naming scores close to or at zero, which are not uncommon in more advanced SD, may be dra- matic but would be uninformative in the current investigation. In lexical decision, stimuli can be controlled and matched for physical, cognitive, and psycholinguistic features, and the task stays constant over different conceptual categories whereas effects of semantic links can become manifest in behavioral responses. Note that not only behavioral evidence (Chumbley & Balota, 1984) but also neuro- imaging results indicate access to semantic knowledge in the lexical decision task when word and pseudoword stimuli are matched closely for orthographic and phonological characteristics, and the task instructions emphasize accuracy (see, e.g., Binder, Westbury, McKiernan, Possing, & Medler, 2005; Binder et al., 2003; Pulvermüller, Lutzenberger, et al., 1999; Pulvermüller, Mohr, & Schleichert, 1999). It is already well established that, with proper design of pseudoword foils, success in lexical decision is substantially reduced in SD patients relative to controls (Patterson, 2007; Rogers et al., 2004; Diesfeldt, 1992). If words and meanings are linked reciprocally by topographically specific circuits, a focal lesion should exacerbate the lexical decision deficit for words from semantic categories especially reliant on the affected circuits (Neininger & Pulvermüller, 2003; Pulvermüller, 1999). The patients participating in this study were 11 cases who presented to Neurology Clinics at Addenbrooke ʼ s Hospi- tal, Cambridge, and fulfilled standard criteria for a clinical diagnosis of SD (Hodges & Patterson, 2007). Figure 2 presents examples of structural MRI scans from three patients showing cortical atrophy mainly in rostral temporal cortex. All patients were native speakers of British English; 10 of 11 patients were right-handed and all were male — neither by design nor in accord with any sex bias in the incidence of SD, but merely by chance of those in the testable Cambridge SD cohort at the time. Their vision was normal or corrected to normal. Table 1 provides the results of standard testing as well as demographic details for each of the patients. The table, arranged in descending order of Addenbrooke ʼ s Cognitive Examination (ACE) scores to reflect the general cognitive status of these particular patients, reveals a considerable range of severity/stage of progression across the 11 cases, from mild (e.g., DB) to moderate (e.g., JM) to severe (IB, DCJ). The following description of the patients ʼ performance is made with reference to control data from a group of normal individuals of similar age and education (see Woollams, Cooper-Pye, Hodges, & Patterson, 2008). The nonsemantic tests, Rey Figure and digit span, produced performance within the normal range with only one or two exceptions among the more severe cases (Rey for DCJ, digit span for DG). Scores on the semantic and language tests are presented as proportions of the maximum possible score for naming (the standard 64-item picture naming test used in Cambridge), word – picture matching (the same 64 items with 10 picture choices per spoken word target), and the Camel and Cactus test (again, the same 64 items, where the target picture is to be matched to one of four alternative response pictures with which it is associated). The most mildly affected patient, DB, was within the control range on these easy naming and word-to-picture matching tests, but the other 10 patients were impaired on both, most substantially so, and all 11 cases had abnormal scores on the Camel and Cactus test of semantic association. Scores on the two fluency tests are given as proportions of the mean score from healthy control subjects. Three of the milder cases (DB, BC, and JW) were good at producing words on the basis of initial letter, but on the sensitive category fluency measure, all 11 patients, even the mildest, were markedly abnormal. For the lexical decision experiment, 10 male right- handed healthy individuals were selected from the MRC- CBU Participant Panel as suitable controls for the patients. For the two groups, mean ( SD ) age was 66.7 (6.9) years for the patients and 67.9 (6.4) years for the controls; mean ( SD ) years of education were 14.0 (3.3) years for the patients and 14.6 (3.6) years for the controls. Subjects were seated in front of a laptop computer with ∼ 1 m distance from the screen. Written words and pseudo- words were presented in large gray letters on a dark back- ground and remained on screen until a response was obtained. Between stimuli, a fixation cross appeared in the middle of the screen for an interval randomly varying between 1.5 and 2.5 sec. Subjects were instructed to look constantly at the fixation cross and to decide, as quickly and accurately as possible, for each stimulus whether it was a “ good meaningful English word ” or a “ meaningless letter string. ” In case of doubt, they were advised to guess. Our original intention was to use button press responses to obtain a measure of RT; but some of the more severely impaired patients had difficulty with the slightly “ dual-task ” nature of judging the lexicality of the letter strings while at the same time keeping track of the assignment of buttons to yes versus no responses. In the end, we therefore settled for the more natural verbal mode of responding ( “ yes ” or “ no ” or, if the patient preferred, “ word ” or “ no word ” ). As soon as a decision was expressed, the experimenter pressed a response button coding the type of response. As the experimenter ʼ s button presses only provide a delayed approximation of response times in the subjects, we primarily base our analysis on response accuracy. Instructions were first given in writing and then repeated verbally. A practice block then followed to familiarize participants with the task. Questions were answered, and more instructions were given after the practice block; practice was repeated if required. The experiment was started only after participants were comfortable with the task. After every 42 items, participants were asked whether they would like a rest, and if so, a break was given. The stimuli consisted of 210 meaningful English words and 210 orthographically well-formed pseudowords. Six different word groups, each consisting of 35 words, were selected as follows on the basis of semantic associations: words semantically related to (1) color knowledge (here- inafter COLOR), (2) form or shape (FORM), actions involv- ing (3) the face and articulators (FACE), (4) the arms and hands (ARM), or (5) the legs and feet (LEG), and (6) ...


... Some neuroimaging studies on concrete concepts (e.g., Binder, 2016;Kuhnke et al., 2020bKuhnke et al., , 2021Popp et al., 2019) support so-called hybrid models, which assume an increasing level of abstraction during conceptual processing. Hybrid models thus propose a hierarchical functional-neuroanatomical organization of the conceptual system reaching from modality-specific over bi-, tri and multi-modal up to amodal brain regions (e.g., Binder, 2016;Fernandino et al., 2016;Garagnani and Pulvermüller, 2016;Hoffman et al., 2018;Kiefer and Harpaintner, 2020;Kuhnke et al., 2023Kuhnke et al., , 2020bPatterson et al., 2007;Pulvermüller et al., 2010). ...
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Abstract concepts like mental state concepts lack a physical referent, which can be directly perceived. Classical theories therefore claim that abstract concepts require amodal representations detached from experiential brain systems. However, grounded cognition approaches suggest an involvement of modal experiential brain regions in the processing of abstract concepts. In the present functional magnetic resonance imaging study, we investigated the relation of the processing of abstract mental state concepts to modal experiential brain systems in a fine-grained fashion. Participants performed lexical decisions on abstract mental state as well as on verbal association concepts as control category. Experiential brain systems related to the processing of mental states, generating verbal associations, automatic speech as well as hand and lip movements were determined by corresponding localizer tasks. Processing of abstract mental state concepts neuroanatomically overlapped with activity patterns associated with processing of mental states, generating verbal associations, automatic speech and lip movements. Hence, mental state concepts activate the mentalizing brain network, complemented by perceptual-motor brain regions involved in simulation of visual or action features associated with social interactions, linguistic brain regions as well as face-motor brain regions recruited for articulation. The present results provide compelling evidence for the rich grounding of abstract mental state concepts in experiential brain systems related to mentalizing, verbal communication and mouth action.
... Evidence indicates that modality-specific activations during language and action-related language comprehension reflect the knowledge processing of auditory, emotion, olfactory, visual, praxis and verbal descriptors (Barsalou, 2008;Hauk et al., 2008;Pulvermüller et al., 2010). For example, occipital regions are associated with the processing of visual information, such as the visual features of an object (e.g., the image of a dog; Kanwisher & Yovel, 2006), whereas the temporal cortex processes auditory information (e.g., the sound a dog makes; Kiefer et al., 2008). ...
... Activation of neural circuits in distinct experiential brain areas dedicated to sensory, motor, introspective and emotional processes are assumed to constitute the concept. These modality-specific neural circuits are complemented by bi-, tri-or multimodal regions up to top-level amodal areas in heteromodal cortex, presumably indexing increasing levels of abstraction (Binder, 2016;Fernandino et al., 2016;Garagnani & Pulvermüller, 2016;Hoffman et al., 2018;Kiefer & Harpaintner, 2020;Kuhnke et al., 2023;Kuhnke et al., 2020Kuhnke et al., , 2021Patterson et al., 2007;Pulvermüller et al., 2010;. ...
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A commentary on Calzavarini (2023), Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2023.2209928
... Activation of neural circuits in distinct experiential brain areas dedicated to sensory, motor, introspective, and emotional processes constitute the concept. Recent hybrid models of conceptual representations propose a hierarchy of processing circuits ranging from lower-level modality-specific cortex over bi-, tri-or multimodal regions up to top-level amodal areas in heteromodal cortex, presumably indexing increasing levels of abstraction Patterson et al. 2007;Pulvermüller et al. 2010;Kiefer and Pulvermüller 2012;Binder 2016;Fernandino et al. 2016;Garagnani and Pulvermüller 2016;Hoffman et al. 2018;Kiefer and Harpaintner 2020;Kuhnke et al. 2020). ...
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Scientific concepts typically transcendent our sensory experiences. Traditional approaches to science education therefore assume a shift towards amodal or verbal knowledge representations during academic training. Grounded cognition approaches, in contrast, predict a maintenance of grounding of the concepts in experiential brain networks or even an increase. To test these competing approaches, the present study investigated the semantic content of scientific psychological concepts and identified the corresponding neural circuits using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in undergraduate psychology students (beginners) and in graduated psychologists (advanced learners). During fMRI scanning, participants were presented with words denoting scientific psychological concepts within a lexical decision task (e.g. “conditioning”, “habituation”). The individual semantic property content of each concept was related to brain activity during abstract concept processing. In both beginners and advanced learners, visual and motor properties activated brain regions also involved in perception and action, while mental state properties increased activity in brain regions also recruited by emotional–social scene observation. Only in advanced learners, social constellation properties elicited brain activity overlapping with emotional–social scene observation. In line with grounded cognition approaches, the present results highlight the importance of experiential information for constituting the meaning of abstract scientific concepts during the course of academic training.
... However, seeds in language and salience networks have shown more regions that had FC change. It is worth emphasizing that ATL is the semantic "hub" and principle of semantic topography, which employs structure and connectivity of frontotemporal cortex (Pulvermuller et al., 2010). Hence, a series of studies used ATL as the seed to do the connectivity research (Guo et al., 2013;Wilson et al., 2014;Montembeault et al., 2019); one of these studies presented decreased FC between the left ATL and the cluster, including left post middle temporal gyrus, right medial orbitofrontal cortex and right medial superior frontal gyrus (Montembeault et al., 2019). ...
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Background Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) and semantic dementia (SD) are focal syndromes involving different cerebral regions. This study aimed to demonstrate the existence of abnormal functional connectivity (FC) with an affected network in PCA and SD. Methods A total of 10 patients with PCA, 12 patients with SD, and 11 controls were recruited to undergo a detailed clinical history interview and physical examination, neuropsychological assessments, and PET/MRI scan. Seed-based FC analyses were conducted to construct FC in language network, visual network, and salience network. The two-sample t -test was performed to reveal distinct FC patterns in PCA and SD, and we further related the FC difference to cognition. Meanwhile, the uptake value of fluorodeoxyglucose in regions with FC alteration was also extracted for comparison. Results We found a global cognitive impairment in patients with PCA and SD. The results of FC analyses showed that patients with PCA present decreased FC in left precentral gyrus to left V1 and increased FC in right inferior frontal gyrus to right V1 in the visual network, right medial frontal gyrus and left fusiform to left anterior temporal lobe and post-superior temporal gyrus in the language network, and left superior temporal gyrus to left anterior insula in the salience network, which were related to cognitive function. Patients with SD had decreased FC from right superior frontal gyrus, right middle frontal gyrus and right superior frontal gyrus to left anterior temporal lobe, or post-superior temporal gyrus in the language network, as well as left superior frontal gyrus to right anterior insula in the salience network, positively relating to cognitive function, but increased FC in the right superior temporal gyrus to left anterior temporal lobe in the language network, and right insula and left anterior cingulum to right anterior insula in the salience network, negatively relating to cognitive function. Most of the regions with FC change in patients with PCA and SD had abnormal metabolism simultaneously. Conclusion Abnormal connectivity spread over the cortex involving language and salience networks was common in patients with PCA and SD, whereas FC change involving the visual network was unique to patients with PCA. The FC changes were matched for cognitive deficits.
... Selective action word deficits have also been documented in cases of Semantic Dementia (SD), the temporal variant of frontotemporal dementia. SD, a degenerative brain disease originating in the temporal poles and spreading from there to other areas of temporal cortex as well as inferior frontal cortex, was found to degrade face related action words such as ''speak'' and ''chew'' (Pulvermüller et al., 2010). ...
... As the functional relevance of motor systems in the processing of words with action related meaning appears to be well-established by a range of neurological disorders, this prompts the investigation of category specific semantic processing in patients with lesions located in sensory regions of the brain. Thus far, only a handful of neuropsychological studies have examined the role of perceptual systems in processing specific semantic word categories (Pulvermüller et al., 2010;Bonner and Grossman, 2012;Trumpp et al., 2013;Shebani et al., 2017). For example, in order to assess whether auditory association cortex is of special importance for the recognition of words and objects related to sound, Trumpp et al. (2013) tested a patient with a focal lesion in left posterior superior and middle temporal gyrus on a variety of tasks including lexical decision and category fluency. ...
... They found that the patient was consistently impaired in the semantic processing of sound-related objects and words such as ''bell''. Similarly, to assess whether the temporal lobe plays a necessary role in processing words with strong visual meaning, using a lexical decision task, Pulvermüller et al. (2010) tested case series of patients with SD, who have anterior temporal lobe atrophy, and found that SD patients were significantly more impaired on processing words referring to colour than on processing words referring to object form. ...
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This study seeks to confirm whether lesions in posterior regions of the brain involved in visuo-spatial processing are of functional relevance to the processing of words with spatial meaning. We investigated whether patients with Posterior Cortical Atrophy (PCA), an atypical form of Alzheimer’s Disease which predominantly affects parieto-occipital brain regions, is associated with deficits in working memory for spatial prepositions. Case series of patients with PCA and matched healthy controls performed tests of immediate and delayed serial recall on words from three lexico-semantic word categories: number words (twelve), spatial prepositions (behind) and function words (e.g., shall). The three word categories were closely matched for a number of psycholinguistic and semantic variables including length, bi-/tri-gram frequency, word frequency, valence and arousal. Relative to controls, memory performance of PCA patients on short word lists was significantly impaired on spatial prepositions in the delayed serial recall task. These results suggest that lesions in posterior parieto-occipital regions specifically impair the processing of spatial prepositions. Our findings point to a pertinent role of posterior cortical regions in the semantic processing of words with spatial meaning and provide strong support for modality-specific semantic theories that recognize the necessary contributions of sensorimotor regions to conceptual semantic processing.
... Garrard et al. (2005) found lexical impoverishment, repetitions, and a significantly reduced index of lexical diversity, designated as the type-token-ratio, which is calculated as the number of distinct words divided by the total number of words pronounced by the test subject. Hur and Caixeta (2013) reported that AD patients fail to understand Neary et al. (1998), Clark et al. (2005), Patterson and Lambon Ralph (1999), Shallice et al. (1983), Weintraub et al. (1990) Lexis Agraphia (i), alexia (i), anomia (i, ii), impaired lexical retrieval and word processing deficits (ii), verbal fluency deficit (i) Clark et al. (2005), Pulvermüller et al. (2010), Weintraub et al. (1990) Syntax Agrammatisms (i) Grossman and Moore (2005), Neary et al. (1998), Peelle et al. (2007) Semantics Semantic/conceptual deficit /word comprehension deficit (ii), selective semantic fluency deficit (concrete concepts) (ii) Grossman and Ash (2004), Kempler and Goral (2008), Vesely et al. (2007) Discource Empty discourse/omission of information (i), incoherence (iii), disorganized discourse (iii) Ash et al. (2006), Reilly et al. (2010), Rascovsky et al. (2007) ...
Dementia syndromes can include language impairments (LIs) of severity extending from lexical access difficulties within anomic aphasia to non-fluent effortful speech and semantic aphasia, depending on the stage and etiology of the underlying disease. Relevant etiologies include neurodegenerative Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and non-AD dementias, such as frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTD), Parkinson’s (PD) and Lewy body diseases, vascular and toxic alcohol-related dementia, depressive pseudodementia and mixed type dementia. Irrespective of the underlying disease, LIs interfere with social contacts and personal relationships, thus substantially reducing the quality of life and daily functioning of patients, while increasing their need for supervision and care. Socio-linguistic discourse describes such patients as experiencing “loss of self”, “no meaningful present”, “active presence of the past in the body itself”, and as the “long goodbye” (Snyder in Dementia: Mind, meaning and the person, Oxford University Press, p. 268, 2006), highlighting the stigmatization and low quality of life of dementia sufferers. In this chapter we summarize the similarities and differences in clinical and linguistic presentations of LIs in AD and the most commonly occurring types of non-AD dementias, emphasizing the decisive diagnostic and prognostic roles of LIs, as well as their implications for choice of treatment. We present an account of the neuropsychological and psycholinguistic approaches to assess LIs occurring in dementia through evaluation of language functions/domains, such as sound-based domain and lexis (naming, reading, writing), syntax (repeating, composing sentences), and semantics, pragmatics, and discourse (comprehension—auditory, semantic knowledge, understanding commands). We discuss research findings on the protective properties of cognitive reserve, second language acquisition (L2), and multilingualism, all of which can delay the onset of dementia symptoms. We make note of the available interventions in the management of LIs, which include pharmacotherapy (acetylcholinesterase inhibitors such as donezepil, galantamine, and rivastigmine), cognitive interventions (lexical-semantic therapy, action-language therapy, language socialization), and other options of person-centered care (e.g., narrative care). We also review the benefits of destigmatization activities that can be obtained through building a dementia-friendly community environment.
... This suggests that our "amodal seed" within left ATL was genuinely amodal, whereas the lateral ATL seemed to be biased toward action knowledge and connected with somatomotor areas. This dissociation is in line with the proposal of a "graded" modalityspecificity within the ATL, which depends on the connectivity of different ATL subregions with modality-specific cortices (Pulvermüller et al. 2010;Lambon Ralph et al. 2016). ...
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Conceptual knowledge about objects, people and events in the world is central to human cognition, underlying core cognitive abilities such as object recognition and use, and word comprehension. Previous research indicates that concepts consist of perceptual and motor features represented in modality-specific perceptual-motor brain regions. In addition, cross-modal convergence zones integrate modality-specific features into more abstract conceptual representations. However, several questions remain open: First, to what extent does the retrieval of perceptual-motor features depend on the concurrent task? Second, how do modality-specific and cross-modal regions interact during conceptual knowledge retrieval? Third, which brain regions are causally relevant for conceptually-guided behavior? This thesis addresses these three key issues using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in the healthy human brain. Study 1 - an fMRI activation study - tested to what extent the retrieval of sound and action features of concepts, and the resulting engagement of auditory and somatomotor brain regions depend on the concurrent task. 40 healthy human participants performed three different tasks - lexical decision, sound judgment, and action judgment - on words with a high or low association to sounds and actions. We found that modality-specific regions selectively respond to task-relevant features: Auditory regions selectively responded to sound features during sound judgments, and somatomotor regions selectively responded to action features during action judgments. Unexpectedly, several regions (e.g. the left posterior parietal cortex; PPC) exhibited a task-dependent response to both sound and action features. We propose these regions to be "multimodal", and not "amodal", convergence zones which retain modality-specific information. Study 2 - an fMRI connectivity study - investigated the functional interaction between modality-specific and multimodal areas during conceptual knowledge retrieval. Using the above fMRI data, we asked (1) whether modality-specific and multimodal regions are functionally coupled during sound and action feature retrieval, (2) whether their coupling depends on the task, (3) whether information flows bottom-up, top-down, or bidirectionally, and (4) whether their coupling is behaviorally relevant. We found that functional coupling between multimodal and modality-specific areas is task-dependent, bidirectional, and relevant for conceptually-guided behavior. Left PPC acted as a connectivity "switchboard" that flexibly adapted its coupling to task-relevant modality-specific nodes. Hence, neuroimaging studies 1 and 2 suggested a key role of left PPC as a multimodal convergence zone for conceptual knowledge. However, as neuroimaging is correlational, it remained unknown whether left PPC plays a causal role as a multimodal conceptual hub. Therefore, study 3 - a TMS study - tested the causal relevance of left PPC for sound and action feature retrieval. We found that TMS over left PPC selectively impaired action judgments on low sound-low action words, as compared to sham stimulation. Computational simulations of the TMS-induced electrical field revealed that stronger stimulation of left PPC was associated with worse performance on action, but not sound, judgments. These results indicate that left PPC causally supports conceptual processing when action knowledge is task-relevant and cannot be compensated by sound knowledge. Our findings suggest that left PPC is specialized for action knowledge, challenging the view of left PPC as a multimodal conceptual hub. Overall, our studies support "hybrid theories" which posit that conceptual processing involves both modality-specific perceptual-motor regions and cross-modal convergence zones. In our new model of the conceptual system, we propose conceptual processing to rely on a representational hierarchy from modality-specific to multimodal up to amodal brain regions. Crucially, this hierarchical system is flexible, with different regions and connections being engaged in a task-dependent fashion. Our model not only reconciles the seemingly opposing grounded cognition and amodal theories, it also incorporates task dependency of conceptually-related brain activity and connectivity, thereby resolving several current issues on the neural basis of conceptual knowledge retrieval.
... This suggests that our "amodal seed" within left ATL was genuinely amodal, whereas the lateral ATL seemed to be biased toward action knowledge and connected with somatomotor areas. This dissociation is in line with the proposal of a "graded" modalityspecificity within the ATL, which depends on the connectivity of different ATL subregions with modality-specific cortices (Pulvermüller et al. 2010;Lambon Ralph et al. 2016). ...
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Conceptual knowledge is central to cognition. Previous neuroimaging research indicates that conceptual processing involves both modality-specific perceptual-motor areas and multimodal convergence zones. For example, our previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study revealed that both modality-specific and multimodal regions respond to sound and action features of concepts in a task-dependent fashion (Kuhnke P, Kiefer M, Hartwigsen G. 2020b. Task-dependent recruitment of modality-specific and multimodal regions during conceptual processing. Cereb Cortex. 30:3938-3959.). However, it remains unknown whether and how modality-specific and multimodal areas interact during conceptual tasks. Here, we asked 1) whether multimodal and modality-specific areas are functionally coupled during conceptual processing, 2) whether their coupling depends on the task, 3) whether information flows top-down, bottom-up or both, and 4) whether their coupling is behaviorally relevant. We combined psychophysiological interaction analyses with dynamic causal modeling on the fMRI data of our previous study. We found that functional coupling between multimodal and modality-specific areas strongly depended on the task, involved both top-down and bottom-up information flow, and predicted conceptually guided behavior. Notably, we also found coupling between different modality-specific areas and between different multimodal areas. These results suggest that functional coupling in the conceptual system is extensive, reciprocal, task-dependent, and behaviorally relevant. We propose a new model of the conceptual system that incorporates task-dependent functional interactions between modality-specific and multimodal areas.
... Les deux expériences rapportées dans cette étude montrent que la FPVS peut être utilisée pour évaluer les processus de catégorisation sémantique de mots en EEG de (Warrington & Shallice, 1984;Capitani et al., 2003;Giussani et al., 2011;mais voir aussi Lambon Ralph et al., 2007;Pulvermüller et al., 2009 (Bruno et al., 2008;Hauk et al., 2008;Graves et al., 2010;Rundle et al., 2018). ...
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La voie visuelle ventrale, s’étendant des régions occipitales aux régions temporales antérieures, est spécialisée dans la reconnaissance, par la modalité visuelle, des objets et personnes rencontrés au quotidien. De nombreuses études en imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle se sont intéressées aux bases cérébrales de la reconnaissance visuelle. Toutefois, la susceptibilité de cette technique aux artefacts magnétiques dans les régions du lobe temporal antérieur a conduit à sous-estimer le rôle de ces régions au sein de la voie ventrale. Le but de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de reconnaissance visuelle au sein du cortex ventral occipito-temporal, et notamment de clarifier la contribution des structures temporales postérieures et antérieures dans la mise en œuvre des mécanismes de reconnaissance visuelle et de mise en lien avec la mémoire sémantique. Pour cela, nous nous appuyons sur une approche multimodale combinant neuropsychologie, stimulation visuelle périodique rapide (FPVS) et enregistrements en EEG de scalp et en EEG intracérébral (SEEG), chez des participants neurotypiques et des participants épileptiques. Nous rapportons cinq études empiriques dans lesquelles nous démontrons que (1) les patients avec une épilepsie temporale antérieure (i.e., le type d’épilepsie focale le plus fréquemment concerné par une procédure en SEEG) présentent des performances typiques en discrimination individuelle de visages, (2) la stimulation électrique du gyrus fusiforme antérieur droit peut entraîner un déficit transitoire spécifique à la reconnaissance des visages, même lorsqu’aucune dénomination n’est requise, (3) le processus de discrimination de visages familiers parmi des visages inconnus sollicite l’engagement d’un large réseau de structures ventrales bilatérales incluant les régions temporales antérieures et médiales, (4) certaines structures du lobe temporal antérieur ventral gauche sont impliquées dans l’intégration d’un visage familier et de son nom en une représentation unifiée, et (5) les régions temporales antérieures ventrales bilatérales sont engagées dans la mise en œuvre de représentations sémantiques associées à des mots écrits. Dans l’ensemble, nos travaux montrent que (1) le réseau de reconnaissance visuelle s’organise le long de la voie visuelle ventrale en suivant une hiérarchisation progressive selon l’axe postéro-antérieur, au sein duquel une transition graduelle s’effectue entre représentations majoritairement perceptives et représentations sémantiques de plus en plus abstraites, et (2) les régions impliquées dans la reconnaissance visuelle sont fortement latéralisées dans les régions postérieures ventrales, et deviennent bilatérales dans les régions temporales antérieures ventrales.