Typical monsoon trough positioned during active monsoon (dashed line) and weak or break monsoon (dotted)  

Typical monsoon trough positioned during active monsoon (dashed line) and weak or break monsoon (dotted)  

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Southwest Monsoon or popularly known as Summer monsoon (SWM) is predominent factor for the Indian agriculture and economy. The breaks in monsoon effects the monsoon rainfall and is having relation with the global circulations and teleconections. During the El Nino, the breaks in the monsoon can be observed more often and it leads to not only defici...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... 1973). During these breaks in the monsoon, the monsoon trough shifts from its normal position to the north, i.e., foot hills of the Himalayas (Shivaliks). Heavy rainfall occurs along the Shivaliks, and rainfall increases in the southeast peninsula and decrease over the rest of the country. Typical monsoon tough positions are shown in the Fig. ...
Context 2
... on the teleconnections vis-à-vis monsoon rainfall is es- sential to understand monsoon agro eco system. During the monsoon: a zone of low pressure built up in the Indo gangetic plane, because of which the monsoon circulation is affected. When the monsoon is active the flow is vigorous and the trough shifts southwards in the indo gangetic plane (Fig. 1). The tip of the low pressure or trough dips in the Bay of Bengal. With a clear possibility of monsoon depres- sion at the head Bay, which further intensifies the circulation. On the contrary, the monsoon tough in the indo gangetic plane moves northwards, the monsoon circulation is weak and the rainfall is mainly confined to the ...

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