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Types of Action Research possible in education

Types of Action Research possible in education

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Action research in education is known for improving the teachers' and administrators' professional practice and is deemed favourable by most educationists for solving problems in education. It is a formative study usually conducted by teachers and administrators in schools. Action research is a cyclical or spiral process that includes problem ident...

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... are different typesof action research as shown in Fig. 2 below that canbe conduct in education, and these depend on the participants involved. For instance, a single teacher investigating an issue in the classroom, a group of teachers working on a mutual problem, or a team of teachers, administrators and other stakeholders in education focusing on a schoolor district-wide issue ...

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The purpose of this study was to carry out e-learning techniques and web-based instruction in delivering lessons in science. The descriptive method was used to investigate the usage of online simulations like PHET and e-learning as virtual science labs. In order to reduce learning loss caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, this study seeks to ascertain...


... Action research is conducted to bring about change within the setting in which it is being done. It is known "for improving the teachers' and administrators' professional practice and is deemed favourable by most educationists for solving problems…" (Lufungulo et al., 2021). The action research that the researchers undertook sought to remedy the issue of the underutilisation of scholarly electronic resources' impact on the quality of academic writing among a group of undergraduate students at a Community College in Western Jamaica. ...
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Scholarly resources play a vital role in advancing knowledge across academic disciplines. Although scholarly resources are still available in academic libraries, the digital space has expanded access. Nevertheless, the underutilisation of these resources remains a challenge. Our research focuses on the underutilisation of scholarly electronic resources and the quality of academic writing among undergraduate students at a Community College in Western Jamaica. The researchers aimed to understand the students' views on contributing factors and recommend strategies to enhance resource utilisation through the survey. A few lecturers were also interviewed for their perceptions of the research question. The results from the study were analysed and presented using a table and graphs. The interview results were presented using the thematic analysis approach. Key findings revealed that lack of awareness and limited access to scholarly electronic resources hindered utilisation. Additionally, the usage statistics of the databases within the institution being studied underscored the need for an increase in usage to maximise the Return on Investment (ROI) and ultimately contribute to improving academic writing among undergraduates. The findings from the interviews revealed the following themes: (a) lack of awareness and knowledge; (b) preference for easy learning; (c) role of lecturers in the underutilisation of scholarly electronic resources; (d) impact of scholarly electronic resources on academic writing quality and; (e) institutional support. Finally, continuous training and easy access to these resources would effectively increase student utilisation and improve academic writing quality.
... Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan (Action Research). Penelitian Tindakan didefinisikan sebagai sebuah penelitian yang melibatkan guru ataupun administrator ke dalam proses penyelidikan dan diskusi yang bersifat reflektif (Lufungulo, Mambwe, & Kalinde, 2021). Penelitian ini dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah tertentu, meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran, dan memberdayakan pemangku kepentingan melalui penyelidikan kolaboratif. ...
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Pembelajaran menggunakan LMS Flearn di Program Studi PGSD-Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana sudah menjadi kebiasaan perkuliahan sejak tahun 2011. Namun untuk memastikan efektivitas Flearn, perlu selaku dilakukan riset. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) menemukan seberapa tinggi tingkat kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran menggunakan Flearn dapat ditumbuhkan, 2) menemukan tingkat hasil belajar mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran menggunakan Flearn dapat ditingkatkan dan 3) mengetahui hunungan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar mahasiswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan untuk menentukan pencapaian tujuan ini adalah jenis penelitian Tindakan kolaboratif. Tindakan pembelajaran yang dilakukan berupa penerapan pembelajaran e-learning Flearn dengan fitur assignment dan forum. Peserta dalam penelitian ini melibatkan 60 orang mahasiswa. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan pertanyaan tes untuk mengukur variabel hasil belajar mahasiswa dan rubrik kemampuan berpikir kritis untuk untuk mengukur tingkat Tingkat kemampuan berpikir mahasiswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Teknik deskriptif persentase dan uji korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan temuan penggunaan Flearn melalui fitur assignment dan forum dapat menumbuhkan kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa pada kategori kritis. Sedangkan hasil belajar mahasiswa berada pada kategori tinggi. Meskipun demikian tidak ditemukan hubungan positif signifikan antara kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa dan hasil belajarnya. Mengacu simpulan yang telah dipaparkan di atas, peneliti memberikan saran berikut: a) kepada pengelola program studi PGSD untuk memvasilitasi para dosen untuk berlatih mengimplementasikan Flearn dalam perkuliahan; b) bagi para dosen agar menggunakan fitur assignment dan forum di dalam LMS Flearn untuk perkuliahannya.
... Finally, it is essential to highlight that classroom action research is a method to find out what works best in our classrooms so that teachers could improve the teaching-learning process in a studentcentered environment by taking advantage of the technology, a resource students enjoy using in class (Lufungulo, Mambwe, & Kalinde, 2021). ...
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This research aims to explore the utility of Quizizz as a formative assessment tool within educational settings, considering the evolving landscape where traditional assessment methods are giving way to innovative technological solutions. Quizizz, a digital platform seamlessly integrating gamification and formative assessment methodologies, has gained popularity owing to its dynamic and interactive features. This study endeavors to delve into students' perspectives and experiences with Quizizz, examining its alignment with formative assessment principles and identifying optimal strategies for its integration into undergraduate education. Employing a classroom action research methodology, this study centers on teacher-researchers' enhancements of their teaching processes through a cycle of investigation and action. The research encompasses planning, implementation, observation, and reflection stages, utilizing data from observation sheets and focus group discussions. The results underscore Quizizz's efficacy in engaging students, providing prompt feedback, and fostering interactive learning environments. Students express appreciation for Quizizz's gamified approach, enhancing motivation and participation. Nevertheless, challenges, including technical issues and the need for clearer explanations, are identified. Informed by students' recommendations and preferences, this study contributes to best practices for educators utilizing Quizizz as a dynamic formative assessment tool.
... Pelaksanaan kajian tindakan membolehkan guru membuat refleksi secara kritis terhadap amalan mereka (Cain & Harris, 2013;Hodgson, 2013), merangsang perubahan dalam pemikiran dan amalan mereka (Furlong & Salisbury, 2005;Zeichner, 2003) serta menggalak penambahbaikan kendiri dan kesedaran kendiri (Judah & Richardson, 2006). Vaughn dan Mertler (2020) pula menyatakan bahawa kepentingan kajian tindakan merangkumi penambahbaikan amalan pendidikan, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan profesional yang berkesan serta pemerkasaan guru selain menggalak pembudayaan penyelidikan dalam pendidikan, di mana matlamat utama penyelidikan dalam pendidikan adalah membantu guru mengembangkan pengetahuan yang bersesuaian dan relevan dengan situasi di bilik darjah mereka (Lufungulo et al., 2021). ...
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Action research is widely considered a key method in education for enhancing the quality of teaching practices. However, it has been found that teachers possess only a moderate level of knowledge and understanding of action research. This quantitative study, employing a survey research design, seeks to determine the extent of teachers' knowledge and understanding of action research. Using the purposive sampling technique, 335 teachers were randomly chosen as respondents based on the Krejcie and Morgan sample sizing method. A questionnaire was administered to assess the teachers' knowledge and understanding related to the implementation of action research. The results revealed that teachers' knowledge and understanding of action research implementation remain at a moderate level. The findings highlights the need for teachers to deepen their grasp of action research concepts and for stakeholders to actively support teachers in enhancing their understanding and application of these practices. Keywords: Action research, teachers' level of knowledge and understanding, professional development PENGENALAN Peranan, tanggungjawab dan amanah seorang guru lazimnya mencerminkan kedudukan mereka sebagai tonggak utama dalam membentuk generasi masa depan yang berilmu dan berakhlak mulia. Seorang guru bukan sahaja berperanan sebagai penyampai ilmu tetapi juga sebagai pemimpin, pencetus motivasi dan sumber inspirasi kepada murid. Dalam era pendidikan abad ke-21, peranan dan tugas guru telah berkembang melangkaui pengajaran dan pembelajaran konvensional; guru dituntut mempunyai ciri-ciri abad ke-21 yang merangkumi penguasaan teknologi digital, amalan kreativiti dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) (Saili & Taat, 2024) serta kemahiran untuk membina dan memupuk nilai-nilai murni dalam diri murid (Soh et al., 2023). Ciri-ciri ini penting bagi melahirkan insan yang bukan sahaja berilmu dan berdaya saing tinggi tetapi juga berakhlak mulia. Dalam era pendidikan negara masa kini yang berlandaskan tujuh teras utama Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) sejajar dengan konsep MADANI yang diperkenalkan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, dan juga sebagai usaha untuk mengemudi dan mengembalikan maruah dan kegemilangan negara di persada dunia khususnya dalam bidang pendidikan (Saadiah Ismail, 2023; Mohd Iskandar Ibrahim, 2023), guru terus menghadapi pelbagai cabaran yang memerlukan penyesuaian, adaptasi serta penambahbaikan berterusan dalam PdP, terutama apabila berhadapan dengan cabaran yang melibatkan transformasi digital (Ajmain @ Jima'ain et al., 2024). Pandemik Covid-19 yang melanda seluruh dunia suatu ketika dulu telah mempercepatkan lagi transformasi digital tersebut, dengan guru perlu meningkatkan kemahiran digital bagi memastikan kesinambungan pendidikan dalam kalangan murid (Nur Hanisah & Mohd Isa, 2021). Di samping kesan penularan Covid-19, cabaran yang dihadapi guru masa kini turut dicetus oleh kehadiran elemen kecerdasan buatan yang telah merubah landskap pendidikan. Perubahan yang dicetus oleh kecerdasan buatan yang bukan hanya mempengaruhi cara guru mengendalikan PdP tetapi juga turut mengubah perspektif konsep pendidikan itu sendiri. Integrasi kecerdasan buatan berpotensi merevolusi pelaksanaan PdP dengan menawarkan pengalaman pembelajaran diperibadikan (personalized learning), menambah baik sistem pentaksiran, mengoptimumkan pengurusan dan capaian sumber PdP, mencetus penghasilan dan penggunaan bahan intervensi yang lebih inovatif serta menggalak pelaksanaan aktiviti pembelajaran yang lebih produktif (Cui et al, 2019). Ini bukan sahaja berupaya menangani jurang pengetahuan antara murid tetapi juga membolehkan guru mengembangkan kreativiti dan potensi murid, sekali gus menyediakan murid dengan kemahiran yang relevan (Apidah, 2023; Mustafa Kamal et al., 2021). Dalam konteks pendidikan di Malaysia, walaupun berhadapan dengan pelbagai masalah dan cabaran dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab sebagai pendidik dalam situasi norma baharu pendidikan, guru perlu kekal komited untuk membangun potensi murid secara holistik serta memastikan pencapaian murid adalah setanding dengan murid negara lain, seperti yang digariskan dalam Pelan Pendidikan Pembangunan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025. Justeru, bagi mencapai hasrat yang digariskan dalam PPPM 2013-2025, guru perlu sentiasa mencari pendekatan yang mampu menangani apa juga masalah dan cabaran yang dihadapi khususnya dalam PdP dan salah satu pendekatan tersebut adalah dengan menjalankan penyelidikan. Terdapat pelbagai definisi yang mentakrif konsep dan amalan penyelidikan. Waltz dan Bansell (1981) mendefinisikan
... Thus, the roles of educator and researcher coalesce into the unifying role of reflective practitioner. A key responsibility of such a practitioner is to first assess current conditions, evaluate the need for change, implement change, and then go back to the assessment of current conditions, in a recursive loop of actions intended to foster students' academic success (Lufungulo et al., 2021;Messikh, 2020;Pilotti et al., 2023). ...
... It focuses on assessment, collecting data that can be useful to the decision-making process of determining the extent to which the post-pandemic environment is different from the pre-pandemic one, and if so, if it requires adaptation, accommodation, or modification. Nevertheless, it merely represents the first steps of an action research project whose recursive nature (Lufungulo et al., 2021;Messikh, 2020) is yet to be fully realized. ...
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After a disruptive event, such as the pandemic, it is reasonable to re-assess the status of past educational disparities. Re-assessment is particularly important for female college students from a traditionally patriarchal society attempting to promote gender equity in education. During the pre-pandemic era, such students preferred non-STEM programs over STEM programs at disproportionate rates. The present study examined indices of performance during the freshman year before and after the pandemic to determine whether choice and performance differences exist between female students enrolled in STEM and non-STEM programs. Comparisons involved the number of courses completed and the grades obtained in mandatory general education courses devoted to communication, computational, and professional competencies. In the pre-pandemic period, STEM students outperformed non-STEM students in all three competencies. In the post-pandemic period, STEM students outperformed non-STEM students only in communication competencies and professional competencies. Yet, in both student groups, post-pandemic performance was lower, even though STEM students completed fewer general education courses. These findings suggest that female students’ re-adjustment to on-campus instruction was challenging, particularly in STEM majors. Although female STEM learners remained a minority and faced performance challenges in the post-pandemic environment, their numbers increased. Because the pursuit of gender equity in education and employment rests on the academic success of such students, these results along with qualitative data obtained from on-campus interviews demand a retooling of academic support systems. A discussion of the available options for early interventions is put forth.
... This study applies action research (AR) to an educational problem of practice, carried out by educational practitioners (Baskerville & Wood-Harper, 1996;Checkland & Holwell, 1998;Davison et al., 2004, Mertler, 2021. AR is recognized as an effective tool for enhancing teaching methods (O'Connor et al., 2006;Arung, 2014;Lufungulo et al., 2021;Mertler, 2021). AR has been an accepted approach for conducting research in information systems since the 1990s (Baskerville, 1999;Baskerville & Myers, 2004;Wang & Luo, 2020) as it simultaneously links business practices and theoretical development (West et al., 1995). ...
... The focus of AR is more on solving a problem efficiently and feasibly, rather than the intricate statistical scrutiny of quantitative research or the narrative explanations of qualitative research (Koshy, 2012;Lufungulo et al., 2021). The AR framework includes (1) the identification and investigation of problems or concerns recognized, (2) change designed and implemented in practice to address the problem or concern identified, and (3) the effect of change as observed and analyzed against pre-established measures to understand the impact of the change (Davey et al., 2016;Houghton et al., 2018). ...
Many software development courses rely heavily on a project-based learning component to provide hands-on experience with the majority of the course objectives. Courses such as systems analysis and design, database design, software engineering, and capstone software development courses often incorporate some form of case-based project that is much more extensive and integrated than are focused exercises over individual topics. To be truly educational, case studies can require a significant investment in time and effort on the part of the instructor, an investment that seldom carries over into future academic sessions. This paper presents a modular case study development concept for better managing the development of case studies and achieving project extensibility through reusable case study modules, while at the same time helping to reduce instructor workload and solution reuse by students.
... Action research is "research that is undertaken by practitioners for the purpose of helping to develop their practice and it is usually done at the same time as performing that practice" (Thomas, 2013, p.249). Action research is very typical in educational contexts, as the researcher and practitioner could be the same person and it could be used as a process to improve the educational practice, implement a new instructional method, improve the curriculum, solve issues among students or school members (Hine, 2013;Lufungulo et al., 2021). In the case of this study, I will be the researcher and teacher to implement the new instructional approach and reflect on the use of the Station Rotation Model in my classroom. ...
... (Mertler & Hartley, 2017). Moreover, action research is known for enabling teachers and administrators to improve their professional practices and is considered suitable by many educators for addressing issues in education and finding solutions (Lufungulo et al., 2021). Therefore in this study, it was aimed to make in-class applications to increase the interest of secondary school students in the social studies lesson, to provide an exemplary practice to the teachers, and to enable the students to experience a constructivist classroom atmosphere in the name of social studies. ...
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The aim of this research is to provide an applied example that serves as a guide to social studies classrooms and directly supports the teachers who implement it, specifically for the social studies lesson. In the research planned as an action research, a group of 27 7th-grade students from a middle school was selected as the study group, and activities were implemented under the name of “Social Studies Club” for a duration of 16 weeks, with 2 hours of weekly sessions. The results of the research support the literature in terms of student perceptions at the beginning of the application. According to students “Social studies is not among the favorite subjects, there is little interest in the subject, but it is not considered difficult. The lessons are perceived as simple but boring.” At the end of the applications, students have developed positive feelings towards the social studies lesson, gained awareness about the achievements, and acquired learning outcomes. Looking at the interviews conducted with the students at the end of the applications, it can be observed that the students made positive evaluations regarding the applications. They were able to make more inferences about the social studies lesson, not because they found it simple, but because they considered it important. As a result, they started to view social studies as one of their favorite subjects and expressed that they have explored the content of the social studies lesson. Although this research provides a small snapshot in terms of the duration of the application, it can be considered as a guiding resource in terms of addressing the problems in social studies education.
... The case study approach is suitable for this research because it offers a thorough description and analysis of the problem being investigated, namely scaffolding in the instruction of composing news item text to students in the 10th grade. Classroom action research, according to some authorities (Meesuk et al., 2020;Mertler, 2021;Lufungulo et al., 2021), is a cooperative, participatory approach that enriches education by embracing change and involving educators in bettering their own practices. In order to prevent data bias, this study has used a variety of data sources, including classroom observation, field data collection, and interview. ...
The research aimed at investigating types of scaffolding, the ways a teacher provides scaffolding, and benefits and challenges of scaffolding in teaching writing News Item text in tenth graders in a senior high school in Bandung. This research employed a qualitative research design, embracing characteristic of a case study. The data were obtained from non-participant classroom observation for six meetings, and one interview. The data collected from classroom observation and interview were transcribed and then analyzed by using framework of types of scaffolding (e.g Roehler and Cantlon (1997), Hammond (2001), Gibbons, (2002), and Walqui (2006)). The findings revealed that seven types of scaffolding were provided by the teacher during teaching writing News Item text. The most intensive scaffolding was given in the Modeling stage, while scaffolding was removed in the Independent Writing stage. Regarding the benefits and challenges of providing scaffolding, this research found out the benefits of scaffolding such as to connect students’ prior knowledge with a new concept, to engage students, to minimize the level confusion of students, and to build students‟ self-confidence. Meanwhile, the challenges of providing scaffolding are the number of students in the classroom, time constraints, and demands on teacher.
... Educational leaders recognize the importance of conducting research in education and encourage educators to conduct research in their context (Efron & Ravid, 2019). The ultimate goal of the research in education is to help teachers develop relevant knowledge in their classrooms (Lufungulo et al., 2021) and consider the student's needs and the classroom environment to become more diverse (Fischer et al., 2014). New instructors are required to perform the project research, which can be seen from teacher candidates who must gain fundamental skills in research techniques. ...
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Research-based learning management is a learning approach that enables students to conduct their research following the research process. It is a tool to help students learn and develop their creative thinking abilities. This research aimed to study the quality of research papers of 57 preservice science teachers published in 2022. The research tool was a quality assessment consisting of 18 sub-items. Data were analyzed with basic statistics, including frequency, mean and standard deviation. The results showed that the overall quality of the research was at a good level. The three highest quality list is the significance of the study, research instrument, and data analysis, respectively. The research articles in this study were educational studies, each of which had different teaching styles and objectives depending on the context of each school. Inquiry-based learnings are the most used learning management. Creative thinking is the most popular objective to study.