Figure 2 - uploaded by Tharaka Wijerathna
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1: Two morphs of Nephila pilipes (previously called N.maculata); (a) darker morph with a narrower abdomen and (b) the paler morph with a wider abdomen (B) (Harvey et al. 2007)  

1: Two morphs of Nephila pilipes (previously called N.maculata); (a) darker morph with a narrower abdomen and (b) the paler morph with a wider abdomen (B) (Harvey et al. 2007)  

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This current study focused on investigating the variations in morphometric characteristics and web architecture of the Giant wood spider (Nephila pilipes, Family Nephilidae), the largest web weaving spider found in Sri Lanka. This sparsely studied spider has an island-wide distribution, although it preferentially inhabits the rainforests of the wet...

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... Argyrodes miniaceus (Doleschall, 1857) is a group-living kleptoparasitic spider species specialized in the invasion and exploitation of the webs created by female orb-weaving hosts (Su et al., 2018), such as Nephila sp., including Nephila pilipes and Trichonephila clavata in Taiwan (personal observations of Yu in Namaxia, Kaohsiung, Taiwan). Nephila pilipes build two-dimensional orb webs where A. miniaceus forage, mate, and reproduce (personal observations of Yu); the orb web is made of frame threads as the basic structure, radial threads stretching from the central area of orb web (termed hub) to frame threads, and spiral threads connecting between radial threads (Wijerathna, 2016). In general, N. pilipes stay at hub to wait for prey, while A. miniaceus stay around the capture area composed of radial threads and spiral threads. ...
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