Figure 2 - uploaded by Emily Elizabeth Lake
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Two major tectonic events in the geographic evolution of New Guinea; (B) the 35 mya Peninsular orogeny and (D) the ten million year old Central Range orogeny.

Two major tectonic events in the geographic evolution of New Guinea; (B) the 35 mya Peninsular orogeny and (D) the ten million year old Central Range orogeny.

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Australia and New Guinea are home to over 230 extant species of marsupial. Until now, insight into the evolution of Australia’s marsupial fauna has been hindered by a limited fossil record, however modern molecular phylogenetic methods can now provide invaluable insight into several areas of their evolutionary biology and ecology. The areas of inte...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... ancestral state reconstruction I used MacClade (Maddison and Maddison, 2000), which uses the parsimony criterion. See for example, Figure 2, which represents the phylogenetic relationships of 30 Australian and 7 New Guinean taxa. An Australian ancestor at the root and two dispersals from Australia to New Guinea is the most parsimonious solution for the geographic distribution. ...
Context 2
... this study will use the parsimony criterion to identify dispersal directionality between Australia and New Guinea (e.g. AusNG or NGAus), as exemplified in Figure 2. This study will also allow me to determine the proportion of Australian rainforest fauna that are old endemics from the wet adapted Miocene faunas as well as the proportion that are recent arrivals from New Guinea's refugial rainforests. ...

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