Tumour tissue fragment consists of malignant cells arranged in cribriform, tubular, cords and solid pattern.  

Tumour tissue fragment consists of malignant cells arranged in cribriform, tubular, cords and solid pattern.  

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Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) of sinonasal is an uncommon tumour that progresses slowly and generally manifested in advanced stage. Surgical management of sinonasal ACC can be challenging to the attending surgeon as they need to outweigh the decision between tumour clearance and morbidity of the patient. Multimodality treatment is the mainstay of...

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... post-operative showed the tumour tissue fragment consists of malignant cells arranged in cribriform, tubular, cords and solid pattern. The malignant cells are composed of two populations of basaloid and pale cells exhibiting oval to round shaped cells with large hyper- chromatic nuclei, scanty cytoplasm and some shows prominent nucleoli (Fig. 4). They are surrounded by desmoplastic stroma, the tubular lumen contains basophilic material. Lymphovascu- lar and perineural invasion was not seen. The oncological tumour margin was clear. The mass in maxillary sinus was reported as benign inflammatory ...

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... Tumor ganas jarang terjadi pada daerah sinonasal, kejadiannya hanya 1-2% dari seluruh kejadian keganasan. 1 Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) merupakan tumor ganas yang termasuk dalam kelompok adenokarsinoma. 2 Angka kejadian ACC adalah sekitar 3-5% dari seluruh keganasan kepala leher. ...
... Lokasi tersering dari ACC sinonasal adalah di sinus maksilaris, selanjutnya adalah di cavum nasi. 1 Pada cavum nasi lokasi tersering dari suatu primer ACC adalah di dinding lateral cavum nasi; dapat terjadi pada septum nasi dengan angka kejadian yang sangat jarang. 6 Karakteristik klinis dari ACC bersifat paradoks, meskipun laju pertumbuhannya lambat namun memiliki kecenderungan yang tinggi untuk ter-jadinya invasi perineural dan perivaskular, rekurensi lokal, dan terjadinya metastasis jauh pada paru, tulang dan hepar. ...
... Gejala yang dirasakan pasien ACC sinonasal seringkali menyerupai gejala sinusitis, yaitu hidung buntu, nasal discharge, epistaksis, sakit kepala, nyeri/kebas pada wajah, bengkak pada pipi. 1 Pemeriksaan penunjang computed tomography (CT) scan dan atau magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) memiliki peran penting untuk estimasi perluasan anatomis dari penyakit yang terkait tindakan tatalaksana ACC sinonasal. Tatalaksana dari penyakit sangat terkait dengan lokasi primernya dan stadium dari penyakit saat terdiagnosis. ...
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Latar belakang: Keganasan sinonasal memiliki angka kejadian yang jarang. Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) merupakan tumor ganas tersering kedua di daerah sinonasal, memiliki karakteristik pertumbuhan lambat namun berpotensi metastasis jauh dan rekurensi yang tinggi. Tatalaksana utama penyakit adalah tindakan pembedahan radikal dilanjutkan radioterapi. Pemilihan pendekatan tindakan pembedahan bergantung pada stadium dan lokasi tumor. Prognosis keganasan sinonasal kurang baik, berhubungan dengan tipe histologis tumor, kejadian invasi perineural, perivaskular, dan metastasis jauh, lokasi tumor, usia pasien dan modalitas terapi. Tujuan: Melaporkan satu kasus ACC nasal dengan metastasis regional cervical yang dilakukan tindakan pembedahan dan dilanjutkan radioterapi. Laporan Kasus: Laki-laki, 70 tahun, datang ke klinik THTKL RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar Malang dengan keluhan benjolan di dalam hidung kanan disertai buntu hidung dan riwayat mimisan selama 1 tahun. Pasien dilakukan tindakan pembedahan dengan pendekatan rinotomi lateral menggunakan insisi Moure. Histopatologi jaringan operasi adalah ACC tipe cribiform. Kesimpulan: Tindakan pembedahan dilanjutkan radioterapi masih menjadi baku emas tatalaksanan ACC nasal. Evaluasi berkala jangka panjang harus dilakukan untuk deteksi dini rekurensi lokoregional dan kejadian metastasih jauh pasca tindakan pembedahan dan radioterapi.
... 1,2 It constitutes about 10% to 15% of all salivary gland neoplasms and about 1% of all head and neck malignant tumors. 1 The sinonasal malignancy comprises about 1-2% of all malignancies and ACC is the 3rd commonest sinonasal malignancy. 3 Maxillary sinus is the most common site for sinonasal ACC (SNACC) followed by nasal cavity. 3 Lateral nasal wall is the most common site in nose. ...
... 3 Maxillary sinus is the most common site for sinonasal ACC (SNACC) followed by nasal cavity. 3 Lateral nasal wall is the most common site in nose. [2] The SNACC is asymptomatic initially or causes non-specific symptoms that are similar to those caused by inflammatory sinus disease and local neurological symptoms such as trigeminal neuralgia in advance stage due to perineural invasion by the tumour. ...
... [2] The SNACC is asymptomatic initially or causes non-specific symptoms that are similar to those caused by inflammatory sinus disease and local neurological symptoms such as trigeminal neuralgia in advance stage due to perineural invasion by the tumour. 3,4 We present a case of SNACC presented as antrochoanal polyp causing nasal obstruction and headache. ...
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Adenoid cystic Carcnoma (ACC) is an uncommon malignant tumour accounting for <1% of all oral and maxillofacial tumors. However, in the sinonasal tract, ACC is the most common salivary gland tumor. The sinonasal ACC is asymptomatic initially or causes non-specific symptoms that are similar to those caused by inflammatory sinus disease and local neurological symptoms such as trigeminal neuralgia in advance stage due to perineural invasion by the tumour.We present a case of 35-year-old female who presented with complaints of nasal obstruction and headache. CT scans revealed an antrochoanal polyp without any bony involvement. The histopathological examination revealed unremarkable respiratory epithelium with underlying sheets and acini of small hyperchromatic cells with hyaline-like material in the lumina, confirming adenoid cystic carcinoma. The highlight of this case is that sinonasal polyps are not always inflammatory in origin, these can be neoplastic also.