Fig 1 - uploaded by Nanabhau S. Pawar
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Akar seluang belum ( Luvunga sarmentosa (Blume) Kurz.) merupakan tumbuhan asal Kalimantan yang biasa dipercaya oleh masyarakat sekitar sebagai afrodisiaka karena memiliki metabolit sekunder yang bervariasi. Endofit adalah mikroba yang hidup didalam jaringan tumbuhan dan mampu menghasilkan metabolit sekunder yang serupa dengan inangnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis jamur endofit yang dapat diisolasi dari akar seluang belum asal Kabupaten Tabalong, Kalimantan Selatan dan menentukan profil senyawa metabolit sekunder dari jamur endofit akar seluang belum. Identifikasi isolate jamur endofit dilakukan secara mikroskopik dan makroskopik dan isolate jamur endofit dibiakkan selama 14 hari. Profil senyawa sekunder dianalisis dengan GC-MS dan FTIR. Hasil isolasi jamur endofit akar seluang belum didapat 6 isolat yang berbeda. Hasil identifikasi tiga isolate jamur endofit dari 6 spesies jamur endofit yaitu Rhizoctonia solani, Arthrobotrys oligospora Fresenius, dan Phytophthora capsici . Profil GC-MS ekstrak jamur endofit Corynespora citrocola diperoleh 10 senyawa yang berhasil diidentifikasi dan memiliki 15 panjang gelombang dengan 9 macam gugus fungsi yang berbeda. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat beragam jenis jamur endofit yang tumbuh pada akar seluang belum yang memiliki potensi sebagai bahan obat. Kata Kunci: Seluang Belum, Isolasi, Identifikasi, Jamur Endofit, Kromatografi, FTIR, GCMS Luvunga sarmentosa (Blume) Kurz. is a plant from Kalimantan which is commonly believed by local people as an aphrodisiac because it has various secondary metabolites. Endophytes are microbes that live in plant tissues and are able to produce secondary metabolites similar to their host. The purpose of this study was to determine the type of endophytic fungi that could be isolated from the roots of seluang belum yet from Tabalong Regency, South Kalimantan and to determine the profile of secondary metabolites from seluang root endophytic fungi. Identification of endophytic fungal isolates was carried out microscopically and macroscopically and endophytic fungal isolates were cultured for 14 days. Secondary compound profiles were analyzed by GC-MS and FTIR. The results of the identification of three isolates of endophytic fungi from 6 species of endophytic fungi, namely Rhizoctonia solani, Arthrobotrys oligospora Fresenius, and Phytophthora capsici. The GC-MS profile of the endophytic fungus Corynespora citrocola extract obtained 10 compounds that were identified and had 15 peaks with 9 different functional groups. Based on this research, it can be concluded that there are various types of endophytic fungi that grow on seluang belum root which have potential as medicinal ingredients.
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A comprehensive account of fungal classification from freshwater habitats is outlined and discussed in the present review based on literature of biodiversity studies and recent morpho-phylogenetic analyses. A total of 3,870 freshwater fungal species are listed with additional details on the isolation source, habitat, geographical distribution, and molecular data. The Ascomycota (2,968 species, 1,018 genera) dominated the freshwater fungal taxa wherein Sordariomycetes (823 species, 298 genera) had the largest number, followed by Dothideomycetes (677 species, 229 genera), Eurotiomycetes (276 species, 49 genera), and Leotiomycetes (260 species, 83 genera). Other phyla included in the updated classification of freshwater fungi are: Chytridiomycota (333 species, 97 genera), Rozellomycota (221 species, 105 genera), Basidiomycota (218 species, 100 genera), Blastocladiomycota (47 species, 10 genera), Monoblepharomycota (29 species, 6 genera), Mucoromycota (19 species, 10 genera), Aphelidiomycota (15 species, 3 genera), Entomophthoromycota (6 species, 4 genera), Mortierellomycota (5 species, 3 genera), Olpidiomycota (4 species, 1 genus), Zoopagomycota (3 species, 2 genera), and Sanchytriomycota (2 species, 2 genera). The freshwater fungi belong to 1,361 genera, 386 families and 145 orders. The Pleosporales and Laboulbeniaceae are the largest freshwater fungal order and family comprised of 391 and 185 species, respectively. The most speciose genera are Chitonomyces (87, Laboulbeniomycetes), Verrucaria (50, Eurotiomycetes), Rhizophydium (52, Rhizophydiomycetes), Penicillium (47, Eurotiomycetes), and Candida (42, Saccharomycetes).
Aquatic hyphomycetes, an important mitosporic fungal community, are involved in organic matter processing and energy flow in the lotic ecosystems worldwide. They have been studied widely in the past century and present on their morphology, taxonomy, phylogeny, anamorph-teleomorph connections, distribution, ecology, physiology, metabolites and role in the food web. Owing to the community structure, the fascinating field of aquatic hyphomycetology attracted the attention of scientists throughout the world. The Indian subcontinent is of special significance owing to its unique geographical setup (tropical, sub-tropical and temperate climatic conditions) with innumerable number of water bodies. The first report on aquatic hyphomycetes in India was in the year 1953 without the acquaintance that they are natives of lotic habitats. The real study in India was initiated five decades ago in a stream located in northern region of Tamil Nadu followed by various studies on morphology, taxonomy, diversity, distribution, ecology and detritus breakdown. Major studies have been carried out from the lotic habitats of Western Ghats and Himalayas. The current scenario in the Indian subcontinent reveals the growth of literature on aquatic hyphomycetes pertain to basic aspects followed by their ecology, while applications are being initiated. This review encompasses historical perspectives, literature resource, habitats, methods of evaluation, diversity, distribution, ecology and human interference with future perspectives. Keywords: Ingoldian fungi  Diversity  Distribution  Ecology  Evaluation  Human interference