Transactional dataset for a toy example of a market basket analysis including customers' ID

Transactional dataset for a toy example of a market basket analysis including customers' ID

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The growing demand for eliciting useful knowledge from data calls for techniques that can discover insights (in the form of patterns) that users need. Methodologies for describing intrinsic and relevant properties of data through the extraction of useful patterns, however, work on fixed input data, and the data representation, therefore, constrains...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the relative support is denoted as support r (P ) = support(P )/|Ω|. As a matter of clarification, let us consider the toy example for a market basket dataset where the customers' ID and the season in which the purchases were carried out are considered (see Table 4). Considering multiple concepts, it is obtained that the pattern P = {Pampers}(2) is satisfied for two customers (ID #1 and #2) in any of the seasons. ...
Context 2
... concepts used to organize data records highly depends on the users (and their expectations), and the percentage of records satisfied per sub-bag is also a pre-requisite that can be modified by the users. As a matter of example, let us consider now the same toy example organized by customers and seasons (see Table 4). Additionally, let us consider that a bag B j is satisfied if and only if most of its sub-bags are also satisfied (≥50% of the sub-bags include at least one transaction that satisfies the pattern). ...

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