Figure - available from: Scientific Reports
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The trajectory of the resistance minima versus tilt angle for ν≤3/2 and W=400μm. (a) A color plot of Rxx versus cos(θ) and versus ν. (b) A color plot of Rxx versus cos(θ) and versus Rxy/RK. Note the disappearance and re-entrance of FQHE near ν=4/3 along with a tilt angle dependent shift away in (b) from Rxy/RK=(4/3)^−1 with increasing cos(θ). Here, the arrowed red vertical lines mark the boundary of the angular interval where the Rxx minima vanish. Note the cos(θ) dependent shifts also for 10/7 and 7/5. (c) and (d) show the Rxy/RK and Rxx traces plotted against B⊥ at θ=0 and 31, respectively. (e) The activation energies, EA, as a function of cos(θ) for the 4/3 and 7/5, respectively. Note that the EA tends to vanish over angles where the resistance minima vanish. (f) The angular span where Rxx vanishes is determined by plotting δRxx, see inset, versus cos(θ), as shown for 4/3.

The trajectory of the resistance minima versus tilt angle for ν≤3/2 and W=400μm. (a) A color plot of Rxx versus cos(θ) and versus ν. (b) A color plot of Rxx versus cos(θ) and versus Rxy/RK. Note the disappearance and re-entrance of FQHE near ν=4/3 along with a tilt angle dependent shift away in (b) from Rxy/RK=(4/3)^−1 with increasing cos(θ). Here, the arrowed red vertical lines mark the boundary of the angular interval where the Rxx minima vanish. Note the cos(θ) dependent shifts also for 10/7 and 7/5. (c) and (d) show the Rxy/RK and Rxx traces plotted against B⊥ at θ=0 and 31, respectively. (e) The activation energies, EA, as a function of cos(θ) for the 4/3 and 7/5, respectively. Note that the EA tends to vanish over angles where the resistance minima vanish. (f) The angular span where Rxx vanishes is determined by plotting δRxx, see inset, versus cos(θ), as shown for 4/3.

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Two-dimensional electron systems subjected to high transverse magnetic fields can exhibit Fractional Quantum Hall Effects (FQHE). In the GaAs/AlGaAs 2D electron system, a double degeneracy of Landau levels due to electron-spin, is removed by a small Zeeman spin splitting, gμBB, comparable to the correlation energy. Then, a change of the Zeeman spli...