FIG 1 - uploaded by Jeffrey L. Simmons
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The top panel illustrates the air-conduction thresholds and bone- conduction thresholds for a typical normal ear ͑ solid lines ͒ and impaired ear ͑ dashed lines ͒ . The bottom panel illustrates the corresponding air–bone gaps in decibels. 

The top panel illustrates the air-conduction thresholds and bone- conduction thresholds for a typical normal ear ͑ solid lines ͒ and impaired ear ͑ dashed lines ͒ . The bottom panel illustrates the corresponding air–bone gaps in decibels. 

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This study evaluated the accuracy of acoustic response tests in predicting conductive hearing loss in 161 ears of subjects from the age of 2 to 10 yr, using as a "gold standard" the air-bone gap to classify ears as normal or impaired. The acoustic tests included tympanometric peak-compensated static admittance magnitude (SA) and tympanometric gradi...

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Context 1
... approach is that the errors associated with measuring bone-conduction thresholds are probably higher than those associated with measuring air- conduction thresholds ͑ see sec. III ͒ . That is, the gold standard may be flawed. The likely outcome of this type of error would be an observed reduction in the test efficacy of any predictor, but the comparison of a number of acoustic predictors should remain valid. Another difference between the assessment of cochlear and conductive hearing loss is that cochlear hearing loss is defined at each test frequency typically using as a predictor some EOAE response at the same test frequency. In contrast, conductive hearing loss is often defined as present or absent based upon the air–bone gap at any or all frequencies, but using as a predictor only the 226-Hz tympanogram. We pro- pose a number of different gold standards for conductive hearing loss, either based upon a criterion value of the air– bone gap at a single test frequency ͑ 0.5 or 2 kHz ͒ , or based upon a criterion value of the maximum air–bone gap across all test frequencies. We have used both tympanometric and YR responses as acoustic predictors. In the latter case, the analyses are inherently multivariate, resulting in the combination of responses across frequencies. The test group consisted of a typical clinical population of children with symptoms of otitis media in addition to a baseline population of normal, asymptomatic children. The study was based on data from a subject group ranging in age from 2 to 10 yr ͑ 92 subjects, 174 ears ͒ . We had respectively 10, 100, and 54 ears in our final group of 164 grouped into ranges of 2–3 years old, 4–6 years old, and 7–10 years old. Subjects were drawn from a group of children who were seen through the Boys Town National Research Hospital ENT clinic or whose parents responded to verbal solicitation for participation in a research project. In order to be included in the study the following measurements had to be successfully obtained for each child for at least one ear: air-conduction thresholds for at least 0.5 and 2 kHz, bone-conduction thresholds for at least 0.5 kHz for the same ear, a tympanogram, and an admittance-reflectance ͑ YR ͒ measurement. Audiometric thresholds, acoustic immittance, and admittance-reflectance ͑ YR ͒ measurements were all obtained during the same test session. Otologic data were not available in this study. Audiometric threshold evaluation was performed by a clinical audiologist using either conditioned play audiometry ͑ CPA ͒ , in 104 out of 164 cases, or conven- tional audiometric techniques ͑ CONV ͒ , in 58 out of 164 cases, depending on the developmental level of each subject. Pure-tone air-conduction ͑ AC ͒ and bone-conduction ͑ BC ͒ thresholds were obtained at 0.5 kHz, 2 kHz and, if possible, at 1 and 4 kHz, with a standard diagnostic audiometer Grason-Stadler, GSI-16 linked to insert or dynamic earphones ͑ Etymotic ER-3A or Telephonic TDH-50P ͒ . Bone-conduction thresholds were measured using masked or unmasked condition. Our subjects were drawn from the population seen in an audiology clinic where an air–bone gap equal to or less than 10 dB is considered within normal limits. When the unmasked air–bone gap exceeded 10 dB in a given subject, effective masking levels of narrow- band noise were applied to the nontest ear during bone- conduction testing to ensure against participation of that ear in the determination of threshold. Potential subjects with unmasked air–bone gaps greater than 10 dB who could not be tested successfully using masking were not included in the study. The ratio of masked versus unmasked bone conduction varied from one frequency to another, i.e., at 500 Hz we obtained 53 unmasked and 108 masked BC thresholds, while at 2000 Hz we had 90 unmasked and 52 masked BC thresholds. These data were acquired for the subject within a double-walled, sound-attenuating Industrial Acoustic Com- pany chamber. For subjects in discomfort, often related to middle-ear symptoms, it was sometimes not possible to obtain threshold data at all frequencies. Tympanometry was performed in the audiology clinic using a standard 226-Hz immittance device ͑ Grason-Stadler, GSI-33 Middle Ear Analyzer ͒ . For numerical purposes, 1 the relative gradient rather than tympanometric width was used to record tympanometric gradient ͑ Gr ͒ , defined as follows. The fractional height of a single-peaked tympanogram is the vertical distance between the peak and the point where the compliance pattern is 100 daPA wide. The total height of the compliance pattern is the vertical distance between the peak and the tail as measured from the starting pressure point. The relative gradient is the dimensionless ratio of the fractional height to the total height, so that a flat tympanogram has a relative gradient equal to zero. Examples of audiometric data obtained from a normal ear and an impaired ear classified as having a conductive hearing loss are shown in Fig. 1. The top panel shows the air-conduction ͑ AC ͒ thresholds and the bone-conduction ͑ BC ͒ thresholds, while the bottom panel shows the air–bone gap, calculated as the difference ͑ in decibels ͒ between the AC and BC thresholds. The BC thresholds, indicative of cochlear sensitivity, are similar in both subjects, while the AC thresholds, indicative of transmission through the middle-ear pathway to the cochlea, increased in the impaired ear. The maximum air–bone gap in the impaired ear occurred at 1 kHz, and had a value of 40 dB relative to the normal air– bone gap of 0 dB for an average healthy ear. The only ex- ception in the normal ear occurred at 250 Hz, where a 5-dB air–bone gap was observed. Even though such a small air– bone gap would not be considered clinically significant, all responses at 250 Hz were not included in further analyses, because of an increased sensitivity to error due to inadequate earphone fit at low frequencies. The methodology for measuring input admittance and energy reflectance has been described previously in detail Keefe et al. , 1992 . Briefly, the input signals were produced by a sound source and the responses were measured by a pair of microphones, with all transducers housed in an Etymotic ER-10C probe assembly. A calibration procedure was conducted using a broadband chirp stimulus ͑ 250–10 700 Hz ͒ in five calibration tubes of different lengths, each closed at its opposite end. This calibration provided the Thevenin pressure and Thevenin impedance associated with the probe and measurement system by fitting the measured pressure responses in the tube set to the modeled impedance functions. The model was based upon a cylindrical-tube geometry, including an ideal closed end. After calibration on each day, the probe was inserted into the ear to be tested, and data were acquired using the same broadband chirp stimulus. Given the Thevenin parameters from calibration, the acoustic admittance at the tip of the probe assembly was calculated using the measured pressure response. The energy reflectance was calculated in terms of the measured admittance using the cross-sectional area of the calibration tubes, which all had the same area. This is a modification of the earlier methodology, which used the cross-sectional area inferred from the measurement of the acoustic resistance ͑ the real part of the inverse of the acoustic admittance ͒ . Two sets of calibration tubes were available based on the size of a foam ear tip ͑ ‘‘child’’ or ‘‘adult’’ ͒ most suitable for each subject. This ear tip was then used in the calibration procedure with one or the other of the tube sets approximating the diameter of the ear into which the selected ear tip would comfortably fit. The YR test is most accurate when the ear canal area is within 20% of the actual calibration tube area ͑ Keefe et al. , 1993 ͒ . The complex acoustic admittance is expressed in terms of its real part, the conductance ͑ G ͒ , and its imaginary part, the susceptance ͑ B ͒ ...
Context 2
... the characteristic impedance Z c of a cylindrical tube of area S , similar to the ear-canal area, is Z c ϭ ␳ c / S . The energy reflectance represents the ratio of the reflected to in- cident energy. Its value is relatively insensitive to differences in probe location ͑ assuming negligible losses in the ear canal and the adequacy of a cylindrical-tube model for transmission in the ear canal ͒ . The conductance, equivalent volume, and reflectance are the three YR variables chosen to represent the acoustic response of each ear. Because any pair of these variables can be used to calculate the remaining variable, there is a redun- dancy implicit in this representation. However, some pairs of variables may be better predictors than other pairs. This re- dundancy was retained to test which combination of YR variables has the greatest predictive efficacy. All YR variables were initially stored as 1/12-octave averaged responses, but further averaging over each third octave or octave was applied to reduce the number of YR variables that were input to subsequent statistical analyses. Figure 2 presents examples of reflectance data for the same pair of normal and impaired ears as in Fig. 1. From top to bottom, the conductance ͑ G ͒ , energy reflectance ( ͉ R ͉ 2 ), and equivalent volume ( V ) are plotted as a function of frequency. The energy reflectance is much higher in the mid- frequency region ͑ 1–4 kHz ͒ for the impaired ear than for the normal ear, and the equivalent volume at frequencies below 2 kHz is smaller for the impaired ear than for the normal ear. The resonance just above 4 kHz, which appears in the conductance and equivalent volume as well as the reflectance, has a higher quality factor for the impaired ear. Thus, the YR responses in this pair of ears are clearly discernible. The auditory status of subjects included in the study ranged from normal to moderate conductive hearing loss. Based on the audiological evaluation, all subjects with sen- sorineural and mixed losses, or with perforated tympanic membranes and patent tubes, were excluded from subsequent analyses. In order to assure the hermetic seal of the probe in the ear canal, the YR data sets were evaluated for non-negative equivalent volume measurements, after averaging the response over frequencies from 250 to 1000 Hz. This criterion is based on the fact that the ears of subjects in this age range are compliance dominated at low frequencies ͑ implicit in the results of Keefe et al. , 1993 ͒ . Thus, if the equivalent volume were negative at low frequencies, this would indicate a leak in the placement of the probe assembly within the ear canal. Such a low-frequency leak forms a low-impedance acoustic pathway in parallel with the ear-canal pathway, and its mass- like inertance at low frequencies dominates the calculated equivalent volume. This inclusion criterion identified 3 of 164 YR responses as invalid, corresponding to a data rejection rate of less than 2%. Upon excluding these 3 cases, there were a total of 161 ears used in the main set of analyses. Clinical decision theory is useful in comparing the efficacies of alternative diagnostic tests that discriminate diseased from normal cases ͑ Swets and Pickett, 1982; Swets, 1988 ͒ . In past hearing-research studies using ROC analyses, clinical decision theory has been limited to discrimination between two states or outcomes based on the use of a single input test result. Without loss of generality, we can assume that the higher value of the test result indicates the absence of an abnormality. The true status of a case can be established based on a so-called ‘‘gold standard.’’ For test results which are binary, the accuracy is defined by a pair of parameters— sensitivity or hit rate, and specificity or correct rejection rate. Sensitivity is defined as the probability that the test result is positive given that the ear is impaired, and specificity is defined as the probability that the test result is negative given that the ear is normal. There are two other probabilities in this 2-by-2 decision matrix: the false-alarm rate, which is the probability that the test result is positive given that the ear is normal, and the miss rate, which is the probability that the test result is negative given that the ear is impaired. The sensitivity and specificity values are subject to variation on two independent dimensions: ͑ 1 ͒ the test’s ca- pacity to discriminate an impaired from a normal state, and ͑ 2 ͒ the decision criterion, or gold standard, that is adopted for declaring a test result to be positive ͑ Swets and Pickett, 1982 ͒ . In typical practice, the decision criterion is varied over the full range of values with a pair of sensitivity and specificity values measured for each choice of decision criterion. The estimate of the area under the ROC curve quan- tifies the performance of any particular diagnostic test in a bias-free manner, and can range from 0.5 for a test with no diagnostic ability up to a value of 1.0 for a test with perfect diagnostic ability. The area under the ROC curve can be calculated non- parametrically without having to generate the ROC curve ͑ Bamber, 1975; Hanley and McNeil, 1982 ͒ with the area estimate slightly below that of a maximum likelihood estimate. We used the Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney ͑ WMW ͒ statistic to estimate area under ROC curves, which employs a trapezoidal rule for integrating the area under the curve. It is biased below the true theoretical value of the ROC area ͑ Song, 1997 ͒ . 2 Alternatively, it is sometimes useful to adopt a particular decision criterion, particularly when there is a priori knowledge of how the test might be used. It may be useful to investigate the performance of various diagnostic tests relative to a fixed, high value of sensitivity if the test is designed to correctly identify most of the impaired ears as impaired. The specificity of each test would be calculated at this fixed sensitivity, and the test with the highest specificity would be the ‘‘best’’ at this reference sensitivity. In comparing test performance for prediction of a conductive hearing loss, we examined both the area under the ROC ...

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... Ear-canal acoustic impedance, admittance, reflectance, and absorbance-collectively referred to as wideband acoustic immittance (WAI)-are frequently measured in research and in the clinic. Measured across a wide band of frequencies, these quantities have shown potential in diagnosing conductive hearing disorders (Piskorski et al., 1999;Keefe et al., 2000;Feeney et al., 2009;Keefe et al., 2012;Voss et al., 2012), and compensating for effects of the ear-canal acoustics, particularly standing waves (Siegel, 1994), on delivering calibrated stimuli to the ear and measuring otoacoustic emissions (OAE) (Scheperle et al., 2008;Souza et al., 2014;Charaziak and Shera, 2017). All of these methods and quantities are based on the common assumption of plane-wave propagation in a uniform ear canal. ...
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Assuming plane waves, ear-canal acoustic quantities, collectively known as wideband acoustic immittance (WAI), are frequently used in research and in the clinic to assess the conductive status of the middle ear. Secondary applications include compensating for the ear-canal acoustics when delivering stimuli to the ear and measuring otoacoustic emissions. However, the ear canal is inherently non-uniform and terminated at an oblique angle by the conical-shaped tympanic membrane (TM), thus potentially confounding the ability of WAI quantities in characterizing the middle-ear status. This paper studies the isolated possible confounding effects of TM orientation and shape on characterizing the middle ear using WAI in human ears. That is, the non-uniform geometry of the ear canal is not considered except for that resulting from the TM orientation and shape. This is achieved using finite-element models of uniform ear canals terminated by both lumped-element and finite-element middle-ear models. In addition, the effects on stimulation and reverse-transmission quantities are investigated, including the physical significance of quantities seeking to approximate the sound pressure at the TM. The results show a relatively small effect of the TM orientation on WAI quantities, except for a distinct delay above 10 kHz, further affecting some stimulation and reverse-transmission quantities.
... Experimental results show discrepancies; This work [11] exhibits a similar frequency of maximum EA but with a value close to 1. Other results (15,31,33,34,44) have a first part nearly identical to that of this study, with a maximum around 1 kHz and a value of 0.6, but the significant difference is that EA continues to rise to 3-4 kHz with values between 0.7 and 1. Considering the equation used to calculate EA (Equation 7) and referring to the previous equations (Equations [4][5][6], it is deduced that the terms ZTM, ZC, and ZEC (Tympanic and Auditory Canal Impedances), once it has been shown that ZTM coincides between experimental work and the one presented in this study, it is deduced that ZEC is what causes the difference in results. This is due to the placement of the measuring device within the canal, considerably reducing its length, affecting the impedance values, as demonstrated in Figure 8. ...
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There are different ways to analyse energy absorbance (EA) in the human auditory system. In previous research, we developed a complete finite element model (FEM) of the human auditory system. In this mentioned work, the external auditory canal (EAC), middle ear, and inner ear (spiral cochlea, vestibule, and semi-circular canals) were modelled based on human temporal bone histological sections. Multiple acoustic, structure and fluid-coupled analyses were conducted using the FEM to perform harmonic analyses in the 0.1–10 kHz range. Once the FEM had been validated with published experimental data, the FEM numerical results were used to calculate the EA or energy reflected (ER) by the tympanic membrane. This EA was also measured in clinical audiology tests which were used as a diagnostic parameter. A mathematical approach was developed to calculate the EA and ER, with numerical and experimental results showing adequate correlation up to 1 kHz. Another published FEM had adapted its boundary conditions to replicate experimental results. Here, we recalculated those numerical results by applying the natural boundary conditions of human hearing and found that the results almost totally agreed with our FEM. This boundary problem is frequent and problematic in experimental hearing test protocols: the more invasive they are, the more the results are affected. One of the main objectives of using FEMs is to explore how the experimental test conditions influence the results. Further work will still be required to uncover the relationship between the middle ear structure and EA to clarify how to best use FEMs. Moreover, the FEM boundary conditions must be more representative in future work to ensure their adequate interpretation.
... Wideband absorbance (WBA) is an objective measure of middle ear function across a range of frequencies from 0.25 to 8 kHz. Several studies have reported reduced WBA in children with a conductive hearing loss (CHL) (Piskorski et al. 1999;Beers et al. 2010;Ellison et al. 2012;Keefe et al. 2012;Hunter et al. 2017;Aithal et al. 2020). Further, studies have also suggested that WBA can predict CHL with high accuracy (Piskorski et al. 1999;Keefe et al. 2012;Prieve et al. 2013;Merchant & Neely 2023). ...
... Several studies have reported reduced WBA in children with a conductive hearing loss (CHL) (Piskorski et al. 1999;Beers et al. 2010;Ellison et al. 2012;Keefe et al. 2012;Hunter et al. 2017;Aithal et al. 2020). Further, studies have also suggested that WBA can predict CHL with high accuracy (Piskorski et al. 1999;Keefe et al. 2012;Prieve et al. 2013;Merchant & Neely 2023). ...
... To date, there are only three studies that have compared WBA with the magnitude of air-bone gap (ABG) in children with OME as likely cause of hearing loss (Piskorski et al. 1999;Keefe et al. 2012;Merchant & Neely 2023). Keefe et al. (2012) compared the accuracy of 226-Hz tympanometry and WBA in 43 healthy ears from 26 children 2.6 to 8.2 years old and 35 ears with a CHL from 24 children 3.5 to 8.2 years old. ...
Objectives: The objectives of the present study were to investigate the relationship between wideband absorbance (WBA) and air–bone gap (ABG) in children with a conductive hearing loss (CHL) due to otitis media with effusion (OME) and determine the accuracy of WBA to predict the magnitude of ABG. Design: This was a prospective, cross-sectional study involving a control group of 170 healthy ears from 130 children (mean age 7.7 years) and a CHL cohort of 181 ears from 176 children (mean age 5.9 years) with OME. The CHL cohort was divided into three groups: CHL1, CHL2, and CHL3 defined by mean ABG (averaged across 0.5 to 4 kHz) of 16 to 25 dB, 26 to 35 dB, and 36 to 45 dB, respectively. WBA was measured at frequencies from 0.25 to 8kHz at ambient pressure. Results: WBA was significantly reduced between 0.25 and 5kHz for all CHL groups. The difference in WBA at 1 to 4kHz between the control and CHL groups increased with increasing ABG. The predictive accuracy, as indicated by area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of WBA, increased with increasing ABG. The AUROC for WBA at 1.5kHz was 0.86 for the CHL1, 0.91 for the CHL2, and 0.93 for the CHL3 group. The AUROCs for WBA averaged across 0.5 to 4 kHz were 0.88, 0.93, and 0.94 for the CHL1, CHL2, and CHL3 groups, respectively. Linear regression analyses showed significant negative correlations between WBA0.5–4 k and ABG0.5–4 k. The regression model (ABG0.5–4 k = 31.83 – 24.08 × WBA0.5–4 k) showed that WBA0.5–4 k predicted ABG0.5–4 k with high accuracy. Comparison of predicted and actual WBA on a different group of subjects revealed that at an individual level, the model predicted ABG between 16 and 35 with greater precision. Conclusions: There were significant strong correlations between WBA and ABG such that WBA decreased with increasing ABG. WBA demonstrated good discrimination accuracy with AUROC exceeding 0.88 for the 0.5 to 4 kHz and 1 to 4 kHz frequency bands. The WBA test holds promise for determining the severity of CHL in children with OME. Key words: Conductive hearing loss, Otitis Media, Wideband absorbance.
... Zhang [29] presented results from numerical simulations by FEM. Other results [5,35,43,44] belongs to experimental tests. These experimental tests were carried out placing the pressure source inside the EAC, changing the natural EAC boundary conditions. ...
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here are different ways to analyse energy absorbance (EA) in the human auditory system. In previous research, we developed a complete finite element model (FEM) of the human auditory system. In this mentioned work, the external auditory canal (EAC), middle ear, and inner ear (spiral cochlea, vestibule, and semi-circular canals) were modelled based on human temporal bone histological sections. Multiple acoustic, structure and fluid-coupled analyses were conducted using the FEM to perform harmonic analyses in the 0.1–10 kHz range. Once the FEM had been validated with published experimental data, the FEM numerical results were used to calculate the EA or energy reflected (ER) by the tympanic membrane. This EA was also measured in clinical audiology tests which were used as a diagnostic parameter. A mathematical approach was developed to calculate the EA and ER, with numerical and experimental results showing adequate correlation up to 1 kHz. Another published FEM had adapted its boundary conditions to replicate experimental results. Here, we recalculated those numerical results by applying the natural boundary conditions of human hearing and found that the results almost totally agreed with our FEM. This boundary problem is frequent and problematic in experimental hearing test protocols: the more invasive they are, the more the results are affected. One of the main objectives of using FEMs is to explore how the experimental test conditions influence the results. Further work will still be required to uncover the relationship between the middle ear structure and EA to clarify how to best use FEMs. Moreover, the FEM boundary conditions must be more representative in future work to ensure their adequate interpretation.
... 11 Moreover, Hunter and Margolis 12 reported an abnormal WBA pattern in a confirmed case of middle-ear effusion (MEE) despite normal conventional 226-Hz tympanometry. Piskorski et al 13 have also shown that WBA, unlike tympanometry, can predict a conductive hearing loss in children as measured by an airbone gap (ABG) in conventional audiometry. ...
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As wideband absorbance (WBA) gains popularity, it is essential to understand the impact of different middle ear pathologies on the absorbance patterns as a function of frequency in children with various middle ear pathologies. More recently, the use of wideband tympanometry has enabled clinicians to conduct WBA at ambient pressure (WBAamb) as well as the pressurized mode (WBATPP). This article reviews evidence for the ability of WBA measurements to accurately characterize the normal middle ear function across a wide range of frequencies and to aid in differential diagnosis of common middle ear disorders in children. Absorbance results in cases of otitis media with effusion, negative middle ear pressure, Eustachian tube malfunction, middle ear tumors, and pressure equalization tubes will be compared to age-appropriate normative data. Where applicable, WBAamb as well as WBATPP will be reviewed in these conditions. The main objectives of this article are to identify, assess, and interpret WBAamb and WBATPP outcomes from various middle ear conditions in children between the ages of 3 and 12 years.
... Apart from a general shift in stimulus levels by up to 6 dB, forward pressure has an adverse clinical effect on delivering stimuli, potentially detrimental for conventional audiometry, analogous to the transmitted-pressure example discussed above. Behavioral thresholds tend to increase with increased reflectance (Piskorski et al., 1999), however, with a constant FPL, the SPL on the tympanic membrane increases when reflectance increases, e.g., due to a conductive hearing disorder. In the clinic, hearing thresholds are conventionally reported as hearing levels referenced against equivalent-threshold (ET)SPLs (ISO 389-2, 1994) and, in normal-hearing subjects and populations, hearing levels referenced against ETSPL and ETFPL would be statistically identical. ...
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The forward pressure has been proposed as an “optimal” reflectance-based quantity for delivering stimuli to the ear during evoked otoacoustic-emission measurements and audiometry. It is motivated by and avoids detrimental stimulus-level errors near standing-wave antiresonance frequencies when levels are adjusted in situ. While enjoying widespread popularity within research, the forward pressure possesses certain undesirable properties, some of which complicate its implementation into commercial otoacoustic-emission instruments conforming to existing international standards. These properties include its inability to approximate the total sound pressure anywhere in the ear canal and its discrepancy from the sound pressure at the tympanic membrane, which depends directly on the reflectance. This paper summarizes and comments on such properties of the forward pressure. Further, based on previous published data, alternative reflectance-based quantities that do not share these properties are investigated. A complex integrated pressure, with magnitude identical to the previously proposed scalar integrated pressure, is suggested as a suitable quantity for avoiding standing-wave errors when delivering stimuli to the ear. This complex integrated pressure approximates the magnitude and phase of the sound pressure at the tympanic membrane and can immediately be implemented into standardized commercial instruments to take advantage of improved stimulus-level accuracy and reproducibility in the clinic.
... While Figures 1 and 2 demonstrate a clear association between WAI, effusion volume, and degree of CHL on a group level, whether CHL could be estimated directly from these measurements on an individual level is unknown. Prior work has demonstrated the potential of WAI measurements to detect the presence or absence of CHL, and in some cases, some indication of the magnitude (< or >20 dB HL, e.g., Piskorski et al. 1999;Keefe et al. 2012;Prieve et al. 2013), but more specific estimations within a clinical meaningful margin of error (such as the test-retest reliability of behavioral audiometric testing, or ±5 dB HL) on an individual level have yet to be demonstrated. Estimates of CHL may depend on whether the cochlea detects sound pressure or sound power at the threshold of hearing. ...
Objectives: Previous work has shown that wideband acoustic immittance (WAI) is sensitive to the volume of effusion present in ears with otitis media with effusion (OME). Prior work also demonstrates that the volume of the effusion appears to drive, or at least play a significant role in, how much conductive hearing loss (CHL) a child has due to a given episode of OME. Given this association, the goal of this work was to determine how well CHL could be estimated directly from WAI in ears with OME. Design: Sixty-three ears from a previously published study on OME (ages 9 months to 11 years, 2 months) were grouped based on effusion volume (full, partial, or clear) determined during tympanostomy tube placement surgery and compared with age-matched normal control ears. Audiometric thresholds were obtained for a subset of the 34 ears distributed across the four groups. An electrical-analog model of ear-canal acoustics and middle-ear mechanics was fit to the measured WAI from individual ears. Initial estimates of CHL were derived from either (1) average absorbance or (2) the model component thought to represent damping in the ossicular chain. Results: The analog model produced good fits for all effusion-volume groups. The two initial CHL estimates were both well correlated (87% and 81%) with the pure-tone average hearing thresholds used to define the CHL. However, in roughly a third of the ears (11/34), the estimate based on damping was too large by nearly a factor of two. This observation motivated improved CHL estimates. Conclusions: Our CHL estimation method can estimate behavioral audiometric thresholds (CHL) within a margin of error that is small enough to be clinically meaningful. The importance of this finding is increased by the challenges associated with behavioral audiometric testing in pediatric populations, where OME is the most common. In addition, the discovery of two clusters in the damping-related CHL estimate suggests the possible existence of two distinctly different types of ears: pressure detectors and power detectors.
... Ear-canal acoustic impedance, admittance, reflectance, and absorbance measured across a wide band of frequencies-collectively referred to as wideband acoustic immittance (WAI; Feeney et al., 2013)-have been researched for several decades. These quantities have shown potential in assessing the status of the middle ear and diagnosing middleear pathologies (e.g., early reports by Piskorski et al., 1999;Keefe et al., 2000). Additional useful applications include compensating for the effects of the ear-canal acoustics on measurements of otoacoustic emissions and auditory behavioral thresholds (e.g., Scheperle et al., 2008;Withnell et al., 2014;Souza et al., 2014;Charaziak and Shera, 2017). ...
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Measurements of wideband acoustic immittance (WAI) rely on the calibration of an ear probe to obtain its acoustic source parameters. The clinical use of WAI and instruments offering the functionality are steadily growing, however, no international standard exists to ensure a certain reliability of the hardware and methods underlying such measurements. This paper describes a reciprocity method that can evaluate the accuracy of and identify errors in ear-probe source calibrations. By placing the ear probes of two calibrated WAI instruments face-to-face at opposite ends of a short waveguide, the source parameters of each ear probe can be measured using the opposite calibrated ear probe. The calibrated and measured source parameters of each ear probe can then be compared directly, and the influence of possible calibration errors on WAI measurements may be approximated. In various exemplary ear-probe calibrations presented here, the reciprocity method accurately identifies errors that would otherwise remain undetected and result in measurement errors in real ears. The method is likely unsuitable for routine calibration of WAI instruments but may be considered for conformance testing as part of a potential future WAI standard.
... However, it is incapable of differential diagnosis of specific problems of ossicular chain, such as discontinuity or fixation. The studies, in which multi-frequency probe tones were used for immittance measurements, show variable absorbance and reflectance properties of different middle ear pathologies [6][7][8][9]. Standing on those, it seems that multi-frequency tympanometry has a potential for precise differential diagnosis, which cannot be done by conventional tympanometry. Furthermore, middle ear pathologies caused by Eustachian tube dysfunction, like OME, may be misdiagnosed due to the incapability of conventional tympanometry, especially in infants because of their different acoustic characteristics of the auditory canals, tympanic membranes, and middle ears [10][11][12]. ...
... They concluded that the WBT absorbance measures predicts CHL more accurate than conventional tympanometry. Piskorski et al. [9] investigated 194 ears of children between 2 to 10 years and found that WBT absorbance measures predict CHL effectively. They`ve also mentioned that 2-4 kHz range is a particularly sensitive indicator of middle-ear status and inclusion of 226 kHz tympanometry may slightly improve the test results. ...
... Voss et al. [20] showed that in the middle ear effusion model, the reflectance was minimal when less than 50% of the middle ear was filled with fluid but it increased as well in most frequencies when the fluid volume increased. Piskorski et al. [9] and Feeney et al. [24] showed in their studies that, up to 2,000 Hz frequencies the reflectance value is close to 1 in cases with middle ear effusion. However, we demonstrated in the current study that the absorbance levels are lower in the ears with OME than healthy ones not only at a specific frequency region, but from 250 Hz to 8,000 Hz at all frequencies that we have measured, low frequencies were affected more, though. ...
Background and objectives: This study aims to evaluate the capacity of wideband tympanometry (WBT) in predicting the prognosis of otitis media with effusion (OME). Subjects and methods: Sixty-one ears with effusion and 30 healthy ears of children were enrolled. The patients were followed up monthly using WBT. After the completion of measurements, the ears were separated into four groups according to the duration of recovery; Group 1: Good prognosis (≤1-month, n=18), Group 2: Worse prognosis (>1-month, n=29), Group 3: Surgical (no recovery, n=14), and Group 4: Control (healthy ears, n=30). Tympanometric peak pressure (TPP), resonance frequency (RF), and absorbance levels were compared within and between the groups. Results: The TPP and RF values of the study group were lower than those of the controls (p<0.001). The ears with OME had lower absorbance measures than the controls at all frequencies; the differences were significant at 250, 500, and 1,000 Hz (p<0.001). However, at 2,000 Hz, the absorbance levels of the ears with OME were similar with those of the control group only in the good prognosis group (p>0.05). The receiver-operating characteristic analysis revealed that absorbance measures over 0.237 and 0.311 at 1,000 Hz and 2,000 Hz, respectively, have sensitivities and specificities over 70% for prediction of good prognosis, and the calculated odd ratio for these measures were 6 (p<0.05). Conclusions: WBT measurement is promising in predicting the recovery of OME in children.
... Ear-canal acoustic impedance, reflectance, and absorbance are conveniently measured using an ear probe inserted into and sealed to the ear canal and require a preliminary calibration to obtain the ear-probe acoustic source parameters. These quantities are useful for several hearingdiagnostic applications, including middle-ear diagnostics [e.g., Piskorski et al. (1999) and Keefe et al. (2000)] and compensating for the effects of ear-canal acoustics on otoacoustic-emission measurements [e.g., Souza et al. (2014) and Charaziak and Shera (2017)]. The research literature is dominated by one underlying ear-probe source calibration method and formulation-proposed originally by Allen (1986)-often referred to as the multi-tube calibration method. ...
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Measuring ear-canal absorbance and compensating for effects of the ear-canal acoustics on otoacoustic-emission measurements using an ear probe rely on accurately determining its acoustic source parameters. Using pressure measurements made in several rigid waveguides and models of their input impedances, a conventional calibration method estimates the ear-probe Thévenin-equivalent source parameters via a least-squares fit to an over-determined system of equations. Such a calibration procedure involves critical considerations on the geometry and number of utilized calibration waveguides. This paper studies the effects of calibration-waveguide geometry on achieving accurate ear-probe calibrations and measurements by systematically varying the lengths, length ratios, radii, and number of waveguides. For calibration-waveguide lengths in the range of 10-60 mm, accurate calibrations were generally obtained with absorbance measurement errors of approximately 0.02. Longer waveguides resulted in calibration errors, mainly due to coincident resonance frequencies among waveguides in the presence of mismatches between their assumed and actual geometries. The accuracy of calibrations was independent of the calibration-waveguide radius, except for an increased sensitivity of wider waveguides to noise. Finally, it is demonstrated how reformulating the over-determined system of equations to return the least-squares reflectance source parameters substantially reduces calibration and measurement errors.