Table 1 - uploaded by Jeff Fowles
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The propylene glycols: names, isomers, structure, molecular weights and typical purity.

The propylene glycols: names, isomers, structure, molecular weights and typical purity.

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Abstract The toxicological profiles of monopropylene glycol (MPG), dipropylene glycol (DPG), tripropylene glycol (TPG) and polypropylene glycols (PPG; including tetra-rich oligomers) are collectively reviewed, and assessed considering regulatory toxicology endpoints. The review confirms a rich data set for these compounds, covering all of the major...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... long history of human use and a significant toxicology and epidemiology database has supported its regulatory acceptance for a wide range of uses. Its structurally related oligomer analogues (Table 1), dipropylene glycol (DPG; CAS No. 25265-71-8), tripropylene glycol (TPG; CAS No. 24800-44-0) and poly- propylene glycol, including tetra-rich PPG (PPG; CAS No. 25322-69-4; TetraPG; CAS No. 25657-08-3), though slightly different in terms of physico-chemical properties, also have significant industrial and consumer uses, and, together, these substances comprise a family of chemicals of considerable importance to society. ...
Context 2
... propylene glycol family of substances is depicted in Table 1. ...
Context 3
... technical grade typically has three structural isomers that can be discerned using NMR spectroscopy or using GC/MS (Table 1). In addition, the structure contains 10 stereoisomers due to asymmetry from the chiral carbon (Martin and Murphy, 2000;NTP, 2004b). ...
Context 4
... has eight structural isomers, but these are rarely quantified and delineated. One isomer structure is shown in Table 1 for illustrative purposes. Polypropylene glycol is a mixture of components, including MPG, DPG, TPG, TetraPG and pentapropylene glycol. ...
Context 5
... glycol is a mixture of components, including MPG, DPG, TPG, TetraPG and pentapropylene glycol. The ranges of the TetraPG in polypropylene glycol can vary, but are reported to be up to 35% (ECHA, 2010b) (Table 1). ...
Context 6
... studies A number of laboratory studies have been conducted over the past 75 years to examine the acute toxicity of the propylene glycols, predominantly via the oral route (See detailed descriptions of studies in Appendix Tables A1 and A2). The results consistently demonstrate very low oral and dermal acute toxicity; inhalation studies are fewer in number, but likewise indicate a very low acute toxicity. ...
Context 7
... illness reports relating to exposure of MPG, DPG, TPG or PPG were not found in the literature despite NIOSH estimates of over 1.7 million workers occupationally exposed to MPG in the workplace in 1981(NIOSH, 1983 In summary, animal toxicology studies in multiple species across all routes of exposure indicate that lethality from exposure to the propylene glycols is only observed when animals are exposed to well above experimental limit doses (Tables A1 and A2). To achieve any observed acute toxic effects, the doses required must be high enough to be expressed in terms of percentages in air, water or food. ...
Context 8
... summary, repeated exposure studies in animals with the propylene glycols, including chronic, lifetime exposures, indicate no potential for systemic toxicity at doses that would be expected in the workplace or environment (Tables A1 and A2). Although cats show a treatment-related hematological effect in the form of Heinz body formation at high doses, no consistent findings of hemolytic anemia were seen. ...
Context 9
... summary, the genotoxicity and mutagenicity regulatory studies on the propylene glycols have yielded results that are unambiguously negative (Tables A1 and A2). That mutageni- city is not observed is not unexpected as these glycols are not electrophilic, nor are they known to form reactive electro- philes upon metabolism. ...


... Oxidation, primarily via alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase, generates both the D and L optical isomers of lactic acid (see Figure 1). 3 Cornstarch contains PG; unfortunately, the exact amount in various cornstarch products is not well defined and often will not be provided by the manufacturer. We report the case of a young woman who developed profound high anion gap metabolic acidosis (HAGMA), which we believe was secondary to chronic cornstarch ingestion. ...
... Analgesics Naproxen Ingested PG is partly excreted by the kidneys (25%-45%) unchanged or as a glucuronide conjugate. 3 The remainder is metabolized, primarily by sequential hepatic alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase to form both D and L isomers of lactate. 6 Normally, L-lactate is metabolized via conversion to pyruvate and is oxidized via the Krebs cycle, while D-lactate metabolism is much slower. ...
... 6 Normally, L-lactate is metabolized via conversion to pyruvate and is oxidized via the Krebs cycle, while D-lactate metabolism is much slower. 3,7 At high concentrations, proximal tubular secretion of PG reaches a transport maximum resulting in higher blood levels and accelerated generation of both L and D lactic acid. 7 These effects combine to generate a HAGMA, which may be associated with renal and liver dysfunction. ...
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Propylene glycol (PG) is a diol (a double alcohol) that is commonly used as a food additive to preserve shelf life and enhance flavors, texture, and appearance. Although PG makes up only a small percentage of cornstarch, ingestion of large doses can cause lactic acidosis leading to hyperosmolarity, high anion gap metabolic acidosis (HAGMA), and a sepsis‐like syndrome. A 17‐year‐old female presented to our emergency department (ED) with chronic chest pain, dyspnea, nausea, and vomiting. Laboratory testing showed an elevated anion gap of 18 mEq/L with no osmolar gap. Toxicology screening was negative. Twelve hours after ED arrival, she admitted to consuming one box of cornstarch daily for the past 6 months. She was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with multisystem organ failure due to propylene glycol toxicity. After empiric treatment with fomepizole and continuous renal replacement therapy, her clinical status gradually improved. This case highlights the importance of obtaining a thorough dietary history in patients with suspected toxicities, especially when laboratory values demonstrate an unexplained HAGMA and/or lactic acidosis. Prompt recognition and therapeutic intervention with fomepizole, a potent inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase, is essential in reducing life‐threatening sequelae following toxic alcohol ingestions.
... Ethylene glycol (EG) dan diethylene glycol (DEG) merupakan senyawa alkohol beracun yang berwujud cairan bening dan memiliki rasa manis. EG dan DEG dapat ditemukan pada sejumlah peralatan rumah tangga, zat penghambat pembekuan, serta zat pelarut yang digunakan untuk keperluan otomotif dan industri (Fowles et al., 2013). ...
ABSTRAK Etlien Glikol (EG) dan Dietilen Glikol (DEG) merupakan senyawa organik yang dengan rumus kimia C2H6O2 dan C4H10O3 yang bersifat asam lemah dan berbentuk cairan bening, praktis tidak berbau, serta memiliki viskositas yang rendah dan cairan bersifat higroskopis dengan rasa manis. Per 5 Desember 2022 terdapat 324 kasus gagal ginjal akut yang tidak diketahui penyebab terjadinya. Gagal Ginjal akut progresif atipikal (GGAPA) yang diduga akibat intosikasi EG dan DEG. Tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat Indonesia mengenai kasus cemaran EG dan DEG merupakan satu hal yang penting untuk mencegah terjadinya peningkatan kasus. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat pemahaman masyarakat mengenai toksisitas cemaran Etilen Glikol dan Dietilen Glikol pada sediaan sirup sebagai salah satu penyebab terjadinya Gagal Ginjal Akut pada Anak dan menyampaikan informasi beberapa sirup yang aman dan bahaya untuk dikonsumsi, serta meningkatkan kewaspadaan masyarakat terkait obat sirup yang sering diberikan kepada anak anak. Metode pengabdian ini masyarakat ini dapat diamati dalam penyampaian informasi dan penguatan masyarakat yang bijak dalam menggunakan obat sirup melalui tahapan Sosialisasi, Diskusi dan Evaluasi. Hasil dari pengabdian ini menunjukan bahwa 50% masyarakat belum mendapatkan informasi melalui media cetak. Namun pengetahuan masyarakat tentang cemaran EG dan DEG pada sediaan sirup tergolong kurang. Dapat disimpulkan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini memberikan dampak atau pengaruh terhadap pengetahuan masyarakat desa. Hal tersebut dapat dibuktikan bahwa adanya peningkatan pengetahuan diambil dari rata-rata soal yang dijawab oleh setiap responden dari 13,4 rata-rata soal yang dijawab, menjadi 20,6 rata-rata soal yang dijawab benar oleh responden yang hadir dalam penyuluhan, hal lain juga dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan jumlah sumber informasi yang diterima akibat dari adanya penyuluhan Kesehatan bagi responden dari 14 responden menjadi 19 responden. Kata Kunci: Etilen Glikol, Dietilen Glikol, Toksisitas, Gagal Ginjal Akut, Sediaan Sirup ABSTRACT Etlien Glycol (EG) and Diethylene Glycol (DEG) are organic compounds with the chemical formula C2H6O2 and C4H10O3, respectively. which is weakly acidic and is a clear liquid, practically odorless, and has a low viscosity and hygroscopic liquid with a sweet taste. As of December 5, 2022, there were 324 cases of acute renal failure with no known cause. Atypical progressive acute renal failure (GGAPA) is thought to be due to EG and DEG intoxication. Public knowledge level Indonesia regarding EG and DEG contamination cases is important to prevent an increase in cases. This activity aims to measure the level of public understanding of the toxicity of Ethylene Glycol and Diethylene Glycol contamination in syrup preparations as one of the causes of Acute Kidney failure in Children and convey information on some syrups that are safe and dangerous for consumption and increase public awareness regarding syrup drugs that are often given to children. This community service method can be observed in the delivery of information and strengthening community who are wise in using syrup medicine through the stages of Socialization, Discussion and Evaluation. The results of this service show that 50% of the community has not received information through print media. However public knowledge about EG and DEG contamination in syrup preparations is classified as less. It can be concluded that this service activity has an impact or influence on the knowledge of the village community. on the knowledge of the village community. This can be proven that an increase in knowledge is taken from the average question answered by each respondent from 13.4 average questions answered, to 20.6 average questions answered by each respondent. each respondent from 13.4 average questions answered, to 20.6 average questions answered correctly by respondents who attended counseling. questions answered correctly by respondents who attended the counseling, another thing is also evidenced by the increase in the number of sources of information. also evidenced by an increase in the number of sources of information received as a result of health counseling for respondents from 14 respondents to 19 respondents. Keywords: Ethylene Glycol, Diethylene Glycol, Toxicity, Acute Kidney Injury, Syrup
... Tripropylene glycol (TPG, C 9 H 20 O 4 , CASRN: 24800-44-0) is widely used as a humectant, antioxidant, or emulsion stabilizer in the formulation of personal care products, due to its excellent solvent power, low volatility, and inherent antimicrobial activity. TPG is also used as a preservative, raw material of polymers, plasticizer, etc. in industrial production (Fiume et al. 2012;Fowles et al. 2013). TPG could be easily released into the environment, and is generally considered nontoxic. ...
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Antioxidants are ubiquitous in various environmental samples, leading to increasing concern regarding their potential risk to environments or humans. However, there is dearth of information regarding the environmental fate of antioxidants and unknown/unexpected antioxidants in the environment. Here, we established a compound database (CDB) containing 320 current-used antioxidants by collecting the chemicals from EPA’s functional use database and published documents. Physical–chemical characteristics of these antioxidants were estimated, and 19 ones were considered as persistent and bioaccumulative (P&B) substances. This CDB was further coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) technique, which was employed for suspect screening of antioxidants in extracts of sediments (n = 88) collected from Taihu Lake basin. We screened 119 HRMS features that can match 135 chemical formulas in the CDB, and 20 out of them exhibited the detection frequencies ≥ 90%. The total concentrations of suspect antioxidants in sediments ranged from 6.41 to 830 ng/g dw. Statistical analysis demonstrated that concentrations of suspect antioxidants in Taihu Lake were statistically significantly lower than those in Shihu and Jiulihu Lake, but greater than those from other small lakes. Collectively, this study provided a CDB that could be helpful for further monitoring studies of antioxidant in the environments, and also provided the first evidence regarding the ubiquity of antioxidants in aquatic environment of Taihu Lake basin.
... As an alternative, propylene glycol is generally preferred as the main extraction solvent for the preparation of commercial propolis due to its excellent biocompatibility with mammalian cells [178][179][180]. A report compared the difference in extraction yields using different extraction solvents. ...
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Bee propolis has been touted as a natural antimicrobial agent with the potential to replace antibiotics. Numerous reports and reviews have highlighted the functionalities and applications of the natural compound. Despite much clamor for the downstream application of propolis, there remain many grounds to cover, especially in the upstream production, and factors affecting the quality of the propolis. Moreover, geopropolis and cerumen, akin to propolis, hold promise for diverse human applications, yet their benefits and intricate manufacturing processes remain subjects of intensive research. Specialized cement bees are pivotal in gathering and transporting plant resins from suitable sources to their nests. Contrary to common belief, these resins are directly applied within the hive, smoothed out by cement bees, and blended with beeswax and trace components to create raw propolis. Beekeepers subsequently harvest and perform the extraction of the raw propolis to form the final propolis extract that is sold on the market. As a result of the production process, intrinsic and extrinsic factors, such as botanical origins, bee species, and the extraction process, have a direct impact on the quality of the final propolis extract. Towards the end of this paper, a section is dedicated to highlighting the antimicrobial potency of propolis extract.
... Glycerin is used as a food additive for food and beverage products, which prevents sugar crystallization and provides smoothness and sweetness, serving as a humectant, solvent, preservative, and stabilizer [33,34]. Propylene glycol is classified as a GRAS food additive by US FDA and used to absorb extra water and maintain moisture in food as a humectant, and also to improve the texture, flavor, appearance, and shelf-life of processed foods as a stabilizer and solvent carrier [35][36][37]. Glycerin and propylene glycol are generally considered safe when low levels are directly added to food [34,35,37]. These food additive solvents may interact with ZnO NPs, resulting in their dissolution and different particle or ionic fates in processed foods, which can also affect the toxicity and biological responses of ZnO NPs. ...
... Propylene glycol is classified as a GRAS food additive by US FDA and used to absorb extra water and maintain moisture in food as a humectant, and also to improve the texture, flavor, appearance, and shelf-life of processed foods as a stabilizer and solvent carrier [35][36][37]. Glycerin and propylene glycol are generally considered safe when low levels are directly added to food [34,35,37]. These food additive solvents may interact with ZnO NPs, resulting in their dissolution and different particle or ionic fates in processed foods, which can also affect the toxicity and biological responses of ZnO NPs. ...
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Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles (NPs) are utilized as a zinc (Zn) fortifier in processed foods where diverse food additives can be present. Among them, additive solvents may strongly interact with ZnO NPs by changing the dispersion stability in food matrices, which may affect physico-chemical and dissolution properties as well as the cytotoxicity of ZnO NPs. In this study, ZnO NP interactions with representative additive solvents (methanol, glycerin, and propylene glycol) were investigated by measuring the hydrodynamic diameters, solubility, and crystallinity of ZnO NPs. The effects of these interactions on cytotoxicity, cellular uptake, and intestinal transport were also evaluated in human intestinal cells and using in vitro human intestinal transport models. The results revealed that the hydrodynamic diameters of ZnO NPs in glycerin or propylene glycol, but not in methanol, were significantly reduced, which is probably related to their high dispersion and increased solubility under these conditions. These interactions also caused high cell proliferation inhibition, membrane damage, reactive oxygen (ROS) generation, cellular uptake, and intestinal transport. However, the crystal structure of ZnO NPs was not affected by the presence of additive solvents. These findings suggest that the interactions between ZnO NPs and additive solvents could increase the dispersion and solubility of ZnO NPs, consequently leading to small hydrodynamic diameters and different biological responses.
... Propylene glycol has low toxicity and is considered safe for consumption in small amounts. However, as mentioned above, some people may experience allergic reactions or irritation when exposed to high amounts of propylene glycol vapour [13,14]. It is important to know that the safety of refill liquids depends on the ingredients used and the manufacturing process. ...
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Refill liquids for electronic cigarettes are an important area of research due to the health safety and quality control of such products. A method was developed for the determination of glycerol, propylene glycol, and nicotine in refill liquids using liquid chromatography, coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode with electrospray ionisation (ESI). Sample preparation was based on a simple dilute-and-shoot approach, with recoveries ranging from 96 to 112% with coefficients of variation < 6.4%. Linearity, limits of detection and quantification (LOD, LOQ), repeatability, and accuracy were determined for the proposed method. The proposed sample preparation and the developed chromatographic method using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) were successfully applied for the determination of glycerol, propylene glycol, and nicotine in refill liquid samples. For the first time, the developed method using HILIC-MS/MS has been applied for the determination of the main components of refill liquids in a single analysis. The proposed procedure is rapid and straightforward and is suitable for quick determination of glycerol, propylene glycol, and nicotine. The nicotine concentrations corresponded to the labelling of samples (it varied from <LOD-11.24 mg/mL), and the ratios of propylene glycol to glycerol were also determined.
... [10,26,27] PPG can be excreted via the kidneys or metabolized into downstream intermediates (lactate, CO 2 ) in the human body. [32] HPG, although not biodegradable, [33] can be eliminated via kidney without any organ accumulation, [34] and has been proven to possess even better biocompatibility compared to polyethylene glycol (PEG) or hetastarch, [35] thereby making the HPG-PPG-HPG safe for use in biomedical applications. ...
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Efficient encapsulation and sustained release of small hydrophilic molecules from traditional hydrogel systems are challenging due to the large mesh size of 3D networks and high water content. Furthermore, the encapsulated molecules are prone to early release from the hydrogel prior to use, resulting in a short shelf life of the formulation. Here, a hydration‐induced void‐containing hydrogel (HVH) based on hyperbranched polyglycerol‐poly(propylene oxide)‐hyperbranched polyglycerol (HPG‐PPG‐HPG) as a robust and efficient delivery system is presented for small hydrophilic molecules. Specifically, after the HPG‐PPG‐HPG is incubated overnight at 4 °C in the drug solution, it is hydrated into a hydrogel containing micron‐sized voids, which can encapsulate hydrophilic drugs and achieve 100% drug encapsulation efficiency. In addition, the voids are surrounded by a densely packed polymer matrix, which restricts drug transport to achieve sustained drug release. The hydrogel/drug formulation can be stored for several months without changing the drug encapsulation and release properties. HVH hydrogels are injectable due to shear thinning properties. In rats, a single injection of the HPG‐PPG‐HPG hydrogel containing 8 µg of tetrodotoxin (TTX) produces sciatic nerve block lasting up to 10 h without any TTX‐related systemic toxicity nor local toxicity to nerves and muscles.
... [39,[52][53][54] the main component of electronic-cigarette liquids. [60][61][62] Therefore, these two diols offer sufficient advantages in terms of safety to select them with LiNO 3 in order to identify a PG-H 2 O-LiNO 3 formulation toward a safer and greener low-temperature electrolyte. ...
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Safer‐by‐design and sustainable energy storage devices are envisioned to be among the required 2.0 solutions to satisfy the fast growing energy demands. Responding to this evolution cannot be freed from a global and synergetic approach to design the requisite electrolytes taking into account the toxicity, the eco‐compatibility and the cost of their constituents. To target low‐temperature applications, a non‐toxic and cost‐efficient eutectic system comprising LiNO3 in water with 1,3‐propylene glycol as co‐solvent was selected to design a ternary electrolyte with a wide liquid range. By using this electrolyte in an electrochemical double‐layer capacitor (EDLC), the operating voltage of the device reaches an optimum of 2.0 V at −40 °C over more than 100 h of floating. Moreover, after being set up at 20 °C, the temperature resilience of the capacitance is near total, demonstrating thus a promising feature related to the suitable thermal and electrochemical behaviours of the tested EDLC devices.
... Small changes in how meals are prepared can have a significant effect on long-term chemical exposure, as evidenced by the presence of the in situ-formed HMPP-maltose derivative and the increased transfer of PPGs from the food packaging onto MPFC-microwaved potatoes. Even if short-term and acute toxicities are deemed to be low for some of these compounds (Fiume et al., 2012(Fiume et al., , 2016Fowles et al., 2013), their long-term effects at subchronic or sublethal concentrations, in combination with other chemicals, remain unknown. In fact, this type of combined evaluation may remain forever unattainable under most circumstances, as the possible combinations of known IAS and NIAS far exceed the research and risk assessment capabilities. ...
Microwavable plastic food containers can be a source of toxic substances. Plastic materials such as polypropylene polymers are typically employed as safe materials in food packaging, but recent research demonstrates the migration of plastic substances or their by-products to food simulants, to foodstuff, and, more recently, to the human body through food consumption. However, a thorough evaluation of foodstuff in food contact materials under cooking conditions has not yet been undertaken. Here we show for the first time that plastic migrants present in food contact materials can react with natural food components resulting in a compound that combines a UV-photoinitiator (2-hydroxy-2-methyl-1-phenylpropan-1-one) with maltose from potato starch; this has been identified after cooking potatoes in microwavable plastic food containers. Additionally, polypropylene glycol substances have been found to transfer into food through microwave cooking. Identifying these substances formed in situ requires state-of-the-art high-resolution mass spectrometry instrumentation and metabolomics-based strategies.
... Current virucidal disinfectants are unsafe for human consumption and often environmentally harmful (9)(10)(11)(12)(13). PG is biodegradable and non-toxic, with numerous studies showing PG vapor can be safely inhaled for long durations without adverse effects, testing up to 41 mg PG/L air (35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40)(41). ...
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Viruses are vulnerable as they transmit between hosts and we aimed to exploit this critical window. We found that the ubiquitous, safe, inexpensive and biodegradable small molecule propylene glycol (PG) has robust virucidal activity. Propylene glycol rapidly inactivates influenza, SARS-CoV-2 and a broad range of other enveloped viruses, and reduces disease burden in mice when administered intranasally at concentrations commonly found in nasal sprays. Most critically, aerosolized PG efficiently abolishes influenza and SARS-CoV-2 infectivity within airborne droplets, potently preventing infection at levels significantly below those well-tolerated by mammals. We present PG vapor as a first-in-class non-toxic airborne virucide, to prevent transmission of existing and emergent viral pathogens, with clear and immediate implications for public health. One-sentence summary Propylene glycol is a potent and safe virucidal compound that could be used to limit and control infections.