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The position of Trebinje in regard to neighbouring countries and entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Source: elaborated by the author. 

The position of Trebinje in regard to neighbouring countries and entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Source: elaborated by the author. 

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In geopolitical bipolar division of the world, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been on the border between East and West for centuries. Its territory and its culture have been created between global and local influences of power and experience, through juxtaposition of Eastern and Western models. Today’s Bosnia and Herzegovina is, on the one hand, searc...

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Context 1
... is selected as a town (1) located on the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina with Croatia and Montenegro, only 30 kilometres away from Dubrovnik and the Adriatic Sea (see Figure 2), and (2) as a Mediterranean-oriental town with a unique physical structure where the different cultural influences related to different periods of urban evolution are quite preserved and visible. ...

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... Na podlagi velike svobode osebnih identitet enotnost identitete naroda ali kulturnega prostora v sodobnem svetu vse bolj velja za nekoliko zastarelo in tako v diskurz vstopa pojem hibridnosti (Hall, 2000). Hans Ibelings (2010) navaja, da se nič in nihče popolnoma ne ujemata z eno samo identiteto, Isidora Karan (2014) pa dodaja, da lahko hibridno identiteto skupaj z različnimi kulturnimi vplivi razumemo tudi kot zbirko hibridnih osebnih identitet, ki so v vsakem prostoru. Zgolj obstoj številnih osebnih identitet (tj. ...
... V družbenoprostorskem kontekstu lahko identiteto kraja dojemamo kot niz pomenov, ki jih ljudje povezujejo z določenim krajem in njegovimi osebnimi identitetami ter tudi s konstrukcijo družbenih identitet. Avtorji, ki so razpravljali o teh odnosih (Norberg-Schulz, 1979;Watson in Bentley, 2007;Dovey, 2010;Karan, 2014), menijo, da gre pri konstrukciji prostorske identitete za zapleten odnos med naravnimi, morfološkimi, družbenoekonomskimi, kulturnimi in drugimi dejavniki. Prvine, kot so fizično okolje, mestne dejavnosti in pomeni, omogočajo orientacijo v prostoru oziroma kraju in identifikacijo z njim. ...
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Sodobni svet je priča hitri urbanizaciji, povečevanju števila mestnega prebivalstva, stalni rasti mest in gradnji novih sosesk. Slednjim pogosto primanjkuje prvin lastne identitete z vidika kraja in ljudi, ki tam živijo, zato jih je treba ustvariti skupaj s fizično in naravno strukturo kraja ter kulturno identiteto ljudi. Konstrukcija prostorske identitete je v članku z metodo kvalitativne analize obravnavana na podlagi primera dveh »novih« mestnih sosesk: soseske Mađir v bosanski Banjaluki in soseske Ilsvika v norveškem Trondheimu. Avtorja ju primerjata na podlagi modela trikotnika, ki vključuje tri prvine konstrukcije identitete kot tri točke analize: a) prostorski kontekst, b) sodelovanje pri načrtovanju in gradnji ter c) dogajanje v kraju. Med obema kulturnima kontekstoma in načinoma konstrukcije prostorske identitete so podobnosti in razlike. Raziskava je pokazala vsesplošen pomen obravnavanega pojava, pri čemer proces lahko izboljšamo z uporabo pozitivnih izkušenj drugih, ki jih prilagodimo posameznemu okolju. Zaradi pomembnosti in medsebojne povezave treh prvin, vključenih v konstrukcijo prostorske identitete, bi jih bilo treba uskladiti na vseh stopnjah razvoja.
... Based on great freedoms in personal identities, the unity of a nation's or a cultural space's identity is increasingly being considered somewhat outdated in a modern world, and so the concept of hybridity is being introduced into the discourse (Hall, 2000). Hans Ibelings (2010) states that nothing and no-one entirely coincides with a single identity and Isidora Karan (2014) adds that hybrid identity along with different cultural influences can also be seen as a collection of hybrid personal identities that are present in every space. However, the mere presence of a number of personal identities (i.e., the existence of this hybridity alone) is not enough to construct spatial identities because the kind of socio-spatial relationship they have with the place is questionable. ...
... In the socio-spatial context, place identity can be perceived as the set of meanings that people associate with a particular place and its personal identities, but also with the construction of social identities. Authors who theorised these relations (Norberg-Schulz, 1979;Watson & Bentley, 2007;Dovey, 2010;Karan, 2014) state that construction of spatial identity deals with the complex relationship between natural, morphological, socio-economic, cultural and other factors. The elements such as physical setting, urban activities and meanings enable orientation in place and identification with it. ...
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The modern world is facing rapid urbanisation, increasing urban population, constant growth of cities and the construction of new neighbourhoods. Moreover, new neighbourhoods often lack the elements of identity in the context of the place and the people who live there. Therefore, it is necessary to construct these identities together with the physical and natural structure of place and the cultural identity of the people. The construction of spatial identities has been studied in two case studies of "new" neighbourhoods, Madir (Banjaluka, Bosnia- Herzegovina) and Ilsvika (Trondheim, Norway), using a qualitative analysis method. The comparison makes use of a triangle model that includes three elements of identity construction as three points of analysis: a) spatial context, b) participation in processes of planning and construction and c) action in place. The two cultural contexts and two ways of constructing spatial identity in the new neighbourhoods studied show certain similarities and differences. The study points to the universal significance of this phenomenon and indicates that the process could be improved in each case by applying positive experiences from the other, with adaptation to the specific context. Considering the importance and interrelation of the three elements involved in construction of spatial identities, they should be harmonised in all stages of development.