Figure - available from: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
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The number of quality and safety incidents caused by the marketing of dead pig pork, as well as their proportions in meat quality and safety incidents between 2005 and 2014 in mainland China. Source: “Zhongguo shipin anquan fazhan baogao (2015)” (2015 Report on China Food Safety Development)

The number of quality and safety incidents caused by the marketing of dead pig pork, as well as their proportions in meat quality and safety incidents between 2005 and 2014 in mainland China. Source: “Zhongguo shipin anquan fazhan baogao (2015)” (2015 Report on China Food Safety Development)

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Improper disposal of dead pigs by pig farmers may have an adverse impact on the ecological environment and food safety. In this paper, disposal of dead pigs by pig farmers in four main pig production provinces in China (Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei, and Hunan) was empirically investigated. Then, pig farmers’ awareness and evaluation of current combined go...

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Background Menbutone is widely used as a veterinary choleretic drug in many countries. There was no publicly available analysis method for the determination of menbutone residues in swine tissues. It is necessary to establish a method to control the maximum residue limit and ensure food safety of the public. Objective The aim of this study is to e...


... Тому актуальною проблемою сьогодення є утилізація відходів з тваринницьких об'єктів для операторів, які переробляють побічні продукти тваринного походження, що непризначені для споживання людиною [70,75,78,79]. Тваринницькі приміщення є джерелом накопичення побічних продуктів, які становлять небезпеку у разі неправильної утилізації [71,72]. ...
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Якість і безпечність харчових продуктів ‒ це глобальна проблема, вирішення якої потребує консолідації зусиль на світовому, національному та регіональному рівнях. Для України продовольча безпека набула особливої гостроти: забруднення навколишнього середовища радіоактивними речовинами внаслідок аварії на ЧАЕС та іншими шкідливими речовинами техногенного походження, війна, відсутність якісного і повно-цінного харчування у більшості населення; все це негативно впливає на стан здоров’я, тривалість життя і працездатність. Метою нашого огляду було проведення аналізу публікацій науковців і висвітлення актуальні проблеми якості і безпечності харчових продуктів в контексті забезпечення продовольчої безпеки та здоров’я і добробуту населення. Встановили, що стан екологічної ситуації в Україні значно погіршився і масштаби забруднення довкілля шкідливими речовинами за останнє десятиліття збільшилися у декілька разів, які по ланцюгу: ґрунт – рослини – тварини – харчові продукти надходять до організму людини. Тому харчові продукти та умови і засоби їх виробництва є основними джерелами ризиків та об’єктом особливої уваги науковців і споживачів. Встановлено, що понад 70 % шкідливих речовин надходить до організму людини з харчовими продуктами, які завдають загрозу здоров’ю, повільно руйнуючи його, закладають при-чини майбутніх розладів і захворювань. Глобальною загрозою є фальсифікація харчових продуктів. Результатом негативного впливу цих небезпек є втрата здоров’я, зниження тривалості життя, збільшення смертності при харчових отруєннях, погіршення раціону за рахунок низькоякісних продуктів. Багато актуальних питань охорони здоров’я пов’язані з активізацією та інтеграцією виробництва харчових продуктів, зростаючим контактом між людьми і тваринами. Надмірне застосування антибіотиків у тваринництві спричинило глобальну проблему антибіотикорезистентності мікроорганізмів. Одним із шляхів формування антибіотикорезистентних штамів бактерій є харчові продукти. Бактерії здатні легко обмінюва-тися генетичною інформацією в навколишньому середовищі, що дає можливість передавати різні механізми резистентності від однієї до другої. Отже, здоров’я людей пов’язане зі здоров’ям тварин та гігієною навколишнього середовища, що обумовлює необхідність тісної співпраці лікарів гуманної і ветеринарної медицини та фахівців з гігієни навколишнього середовища.
... When animals cannot survive the disease and die, 98.23 percent of the respondent bury the dead animals. Environment and food safety can be compromised due to inappropriate procedure of disposing dead animals (Chen et al., 2017). Table 7, about 60.48 percent preferred to raise fattening pigs because, according to them, this type of pig is easier to manage than breeders. ...
... The research on policies has mainly focused on the status quo of policies, the transmission mechanism of policy evaluation, and the formulation of policy evaluation indicators. With regard to policy status quo, farmers say that the government's policy on inappropriate treatment of dead hogs is enforceable, and the degree of influence of supervision and punishment policies on farmers' behavior is obvious [5]. However, some scholars have reported that the punishment policies on the inappropriate handling of dead hogs are insufficient to deter farmers from this behavior. ...
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Punishment policies on the inappropriate treatment of dead hogs play a key role in safeguarding public health and environmental protection. These policies aim to regulate the behavior of farmers and promote the development of sustainable agriculture. Farmers’ evaluation of a policy can be used to measure its effectiveness, and loss aversion is a factor that has been little studied. This study surveyed 404 hog farmers in China, and analyzed the factors that influenced their evaluation of the penalties for the inappropriate treatment of dead hogs during 2016 and 2017. We used three indicators for the evaluation of the penalties: the degree of necessity, implementation, and effectiveness. Special attention was paid to farmers’ aversion to financial penalties and police detention time, which was elicited using economic experiments. The results show that farmers are more likely to be averse to police detention time than financial penalties, and suggest that the level of each indicator needs to be increased. The results from an ordered Probit model show that there are both similarities and differences between the formation paths of the three indicators. An aversion to financial penalties will help to improve the degree of implementation. An aversion to police detention time will lead to a negative trend in the degree of effectiveness. An in-depth analysis of the factors that influence farmers’ evaluation of policies to punish inappropriate treatment of dead hogs may provide a basis for the design of government policies to improve environmental protection performance.
... From a technique characteristics perspective, the perceived ease of use and usefulness of the technology tend to shorten the duration from awareness to adoption of GCTs by THs and FFs. This result is consistent with the findings of Chen et al. (2017). Perceived ease of use and usefulness are subjective judgments of THs and FFs based on prior information and experience. ...
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Based on field survey data of 366 traditional households (THs) and 364 family farms (FFs) from Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, a discrete-time cloglog model for parameter estimation was constructed to reveal factors that affect the two types of farms’ duration from the awareness to the adoption of green control techniques (GCTs). Differences in the influencing factors affecting the duration of the two types of farmers were also discussed. The research results are as follows. First, the duration from awareness to adoption of GCTs is significantly shorter in FFs than that in THs. Second, a higher degree of education, risk preference, family financial status, perceived ease of use and usefulness of the technique, and extension of media and supervision of agricultural technique extension departments of local governments significantly reduce the duration from awareness to adoption of GCTs by THs and FFs, whereas a male head of household prolongs the duration. Third, the age, farm size, and number of laborers exert different impacts on the duration from awareness to adoption of GCTs by THs and FFs.
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1. This study examined the effects of composting and deep burial techniques on degradation efficiency of dead chickens. Different raw materials (crushed branches or rape straws) and disinfectants (quicklime or bleaching powder) were applied in composting and deep burial process, respectively. The whole process lasted for 90 d in both summer and winter. 2. High throughput sequencing displayed that Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Deinococcus-Thermus were the most dominant bacterial phyla during the experiment. The relative abundance of Firmicutes dwindled gradually with prolonged composting duration, while Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Deinococcus-Thermous increased gradually over time. 3. The bacterial functions identified from the KEGG pathway showed that amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism were the major microbial metabolic pathways that determined final degradation efficiency. At the end of the trial, the decomposition status of chicken carcasses and faecal coliforms were measured. 4. The results demonstrated that the optimum decomposition effect was obtained in composting compared with other treatment groups. Low ambient temperature reduced degradation efficiency, due to restricted microbial activity. In addition, faecal coliforms were not completely removed by the deep burial process of dead chickens in winter. 5.These findings provide a theoretical basis for the feasibility of composting chicken carcasses instead of deep burial.
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Improper handling of sick and dead pigs may seriously affect public health, socio-economic conditions, and eventually cause environmental pollution. However, effective promotion of sick and dead pig (SDP) waste recycling has become the prime focus of current rural governance. Therefore, the study explores the impact of commitment, rewards, and punishments to capture the recycling behavior of farmers’ sick and dead pig waste management. The study employs factor analysis, the probit model, and the moderating effect model to craft the findings. The study’s empirical setup comprises the survey data collected from the Hebei, Shandong, and Henan provinces, representing the major pig-producing provinces in China. The study found that the commitment, reward, and punishment mechanisms are essential factors affecting the farmers’ decision-making on recycling sick and dead pig waste. The marginal effect analysis found that the reward and punishment mechanism is more effective than the farmers’ commitment. The study confirmed that in the recycling treatment of sick and dead pig waste, the farmers’ commitment and the government’s reward and punishment policy are the main factors that influence farmers to manage sick and dead pig waste properly. Therefore, the government should highlight the importance of effective waste management, and training facilities should also be extended firmly. The government should impose strict rules and regulations to restrict the irresponsible dumping of farm waste. Monitoring mechanisms should be put in place promptly.
The major objective of this study was to establish a monoclonal antibody (mAb)-based sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the quantification of porcine hemoglobin (PHb) in raw meat products. Before assay development, two mAbs immunoreactive to PHb β subunit with different epitopes were characterized. The optimized immunoassay was specific to PHb and had a wide PHb working range from 15.6 µg/mL to 3,000 µg/mL and high reproducibility with low coefficient of variations (CV < 20%). Through this assay, the estimated PHb residuals in pork loin and shoulder meats were 0.4 mg/g and 1.1 mg/g, respectively. In addition, this immunoassay could effectively quantify PHb in laboratory-spiked meats (pork loin, pork shoulder, and turkey breast) with acceptable recovery. Overall, this is the first mAb-based sandwich ELISA that is suitable for the government, food industry, and third-party authority to monitor PHb residuals or porcine blood adulteration in raw pork and pork-free meat products.
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z: Bu çalışmada The Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) yöntemi vasıtasıyla kaybedilen yaşam yılları (YLL) üzerinde etkili olan 19 risk faktörü arasındaki neden sonuç ilişkisi araştırılmış ve risk faktörlerinin göreceli ağırlıkları hesaplanmıştır. Bu yolla, sağlıklı geçirilen yaşam yılında kayıplara neden olması muhtemel risklerin bertaraf edilerek kıt olan kaynakların etkin kullanımının ve uygulamaya konulacak olası tedbirlerin etkililiğinin sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre 19 risk faktörü; 10'u etkileyen, 9'u ise etkilenen olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Etkileyen faktörler içerisinde alkol başta olmak üzere bağımlılığa neden olan maddelerin kullanımı, etkilenen risk faktörleri ve dolayısıyla kay-bedilen yaşam yılı üzerinde en fazla etkiye neden olan faktörler olarak belirlenmiştir. Etkileyen grubunda yer alan 10 risk faktörünün ortaya çıkma olasılığı; uygulamaya konulacak olan sağ-lıkla ilgili ve idari tedbirler, bilinçlendirme ve küçük yaşta eğitim yoluyla büyük ölçüde bertaraf edilebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Karar verme, Karar verme teknikleri, Toplum sağlığı, Yaşam beklentisi. Giriş Gelişen teknolojiyle birlikte yaşam tarzının, yeme-içme alışkanlıklarının değişmesi, artan iş temposunun neden olduğu yoğun stres, bağımlılık yapıcı maddelerin kul-lanımının yaygınlaşması ve kullanım yaşının düşmesi, her geçen gün artan şehir-leşme, çevre kirliliği vb. pek çok risk faktörü bireyin sağlığını olumsuz yönde etki-lemekte ve insan ömrünü kısaltmaktadır. Sağlıklı geçirilen yaşam yıllarında kayba ve hatta ölüme neden olan risk faktörlerinden başlıcaları T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı 2017
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The objectives of this study are to investigate Chinese hog farmers’ minimum willingness-to-accept (WTA) subsidies for complying pro-environmental (i.e., safe meat) production, and to explore the factors that affect farmers’ WTA, paying a special attention to the role of risk preference and trust. A double-bounded dichotomous choice (DBDC) approach is used to analyze farmers’ WTA for complying three different hypothetical policy scenarios: the first scenario with delayed and uncertain subsidies, the second scenario with delayed but certain subsidies, and the third scenario with certain and immediate subsidies. Within the DBDC maximum-likelihood estimation framework, we further simultaneously explore how these three scenarios and social-demographic characteristics (e.g., risk preference and trust) affect farmers’ WTA. The data for empirical analysis are collected from 712 hog farmers in Henan and Anhui provinces of China. Our findings indicate that the compromised effectiveness of the current subsidy policy targeting harmless treatment of dead hogs is mainly due to the delayed payment, rather than low subsidy levels. Thus, the policy focus should be given to the pathways that help to simplify the miscellaneous procedures causing the delayed subsidy payments. Our estimates also show that farmers’ trust to the local government affects farmers’ WTA significantly, but their risk preferences do not. In particular, we find that hog farmers with higher trust levels require lower subsidies, suggesting that disseminating the subsidy program via personal networks might be more useful than through government propagandas.