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The granite sarcophagus of the King's Chamber remains empty after 4,500 years. Is this really a functionless ornament or could it be another clue to the purpose of the Great Pyramid?

The granite sarcophagus of the King's Chamber remains empty after 4,500 years. Is this really a functionless ornament or could it be another clue to the purpose of the Great Pyramid?

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Mummified human remains were never recovered from the Giza pyramids and no internal inscriptions were found to describe their purpose, yet the notion that these vast monuments served as tombs for the pharaohs is still seriously entertained. It has been shown that the pyramidal geometry plays pi against the golden ratio phi, using four approximation...


... mm), the metre and the latitude of the Great Pyramid in radians. The quantities π/6 and φ 2 /5 are not only remarkably similar in value, differing by only 15 parts per million, they provide handsome approximations for the cubit/metre ratio -which can be accurately inferred from the dimensions of the King's Chamber within the Great Pyramid [11]. one cubit ≈ π/6 metres ≈ φ 2 /5 metres ...
... This 2:3:4:5 geometry draws attention to the fact that √ 525 cubits is approximately 12 metres ( √ 525 × π/6 ≈ 12 and √ 525 × φ 2 /5 ≈ 12), the diagonal lengths of the largest walls. Rooms whose measurements are simpler than 23:28:45:33 fail to produce a result closer to an integer metric length [11]. The perimeter of the King's Chamber is 60 cubits or 10π when expressed in metres. ...
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With its extensive network of megalithic structures flaunting incongruous knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, axial precession, geography and physics, this planet has a perplexing history. The shaping and transportation of many stones would tax modern technology. However, global positioning data has begun to cast fresh light on these age-old mysteries. The henge at Avebury, situated at the latitude 2π/7, commemorates the 2016 summer solstice. Stonehenge is a cartographic projection of the world celebrating the transcendental quality of π. The Great Pyramid's latitude, 29.9792N, tallies with the speed of light, 299,792 km/s, its geometry relating cubits to metres and its scaling comparing days to seconds. Latitudinal patterns common to many ancient sites can be efficiently encapsulated using a four symbol coding scheme. Statistical analysis uncovers the same patterns in modern day political buildings at astronomical odds, exposing deficits in entropy 123 standard deviations below baseline levels. Ancient Egyptians did not design the pyramids. The Fermi paradox was recently resolved on multiple counts following the discovery that the internal heating of oceanic planets by neutrinos can efficiently sustain aquatic life long after the stars expire and dark energy decays. As life on Earth has finally apprehended the future evolution and purpose of the universe, external intervention is no longer precluded. Gatekeepers of the cosmos have let their presence be known. The Giza pyramids and the Sphinx presage an extraordinarily rare set of events at the 2100 autumnal equinox when Polaris attains its precessional zenith. Meanwhile, this civilisation is invited to meticulously examine its remaining options.
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The Great Pyramid's geometry, scaling, orientation and latitude doubly encode the speed of light along with all the requisite base units. Precise knowledge of the orbits of Mars and Venus inspired the Great Pyramid's geometry and the adoption of the pi/6 ~ phi^2/5 cubit:metre ratio. Its scaling relative to the Earth encodes the number of seconds per day. Via the 3:11 Moon:Earth radius ratio, the mile encodes the units of latitude. Stonehenge provides supporting evidence, and presents a map of the world. The layout of Washington D.C. sports the Venus pentagram, a geometric figure encapsulating the golden ratio, used to efficiently summarise the eclipse cycles. Polaris has supplanted Thuban as the North Star of the pharaohs. Tightly synchronised astronomical alignments involving Polaris, Betelgeuse, the galactic centre, the Moon and the Sun occur within minutes of sunrise at the 2100 autumnal equinox, just as the Great Pyramid's indentations are exposed and the Sphinx gazes towards Leo. Betelgeuse, the most luminous star in the sky, will achieve its highest elevation due south, opposite Polaris at its closest approach to celestial north. These discoveries meet the formal statistical criteria of modern science, including the finding that we are not alone. A cosmological model identifying the present and future composition of dark matter, and yielding the first scientific resolutions of the Fermi paradox, affords vital context for interpreting these developments. With the Milky Way already hosting advanced life there is now an opportunity for humanity to demonstrate political, ethical and scientific maturity.