The figure above shows the same patient's heart at the same location but different types of scans. There is a correlation between the two scans as the gated CT can be roughly located in the non gated CT scan.

The figure above shows the same patient's heart at the same location but different types of scans. There is a correlation between the two scans as the gated CT can be roughly located in the non gated CT scan.

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Every year, thousands of innocent people die due to heart attacks. Often undiagnosed heart attacks can hit people by surprise since many current medical plans don't cover the costs to require the searching of calcification on these scans. Only if someone is suspected to have a heart problem, a gated CT scan is taken, otherwise, there's no way for t...

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... then began the cropping process of the nongated data to replicate the structure of the gated data. Since the unet model was trained on data that was centered around the heart we wished to do the same with the cropping of the scans (Fig 3). The cropping was done through a system of equations. ...