Fig 3 - uploaded by Shuyi Luo
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The entry board of ACER Tablet PC in the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Word.

The entry board of ACER Tablet PC in the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Word.

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Experiments were aimed at investigating the performance of various sizes of touch-pens. The touch-pens were of three different lengths (80, 110 and 140 mm) and four different diameters (5.5, 8, 11 and 15 mm). Three screen tasks were used for determining a reference of ideal dimensions of a pen-based product. Sixteen subjects used 12 touch-pens to p...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... English alphabet letters-26 uppercase and 26 lowercase letters-were utilized for the writing task. Each participant had to write each of the letters in sequence from A to Z. The case of the letters was randomly assigned. The participants wrote letters in the writing area (Fig. 3) of an ACER Tablet PC in the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition of Word. The written letters were recognized by the handwriting recognition system of ACER Travel Mate C100. The results were displayed in the window (Fig. 3). If the letter was not recognized, it was considered an error. The dependent variables were total time spent (t) and ...
Context 2
... letters in sequence from A to Z. The case of the letters was randomly assigned. The participants wrote letters in the writing area (Fig. 3) of an ACER Tablet PC in the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition of Word. The written letters were recognized by the handwriting recognition system of ACER Travel Mate C100. The results were displayed in the window (Fig. 3). If the letter was not recognized, it was considered an error. The dependent variables were total time spent (t) and number of errors (e). The total time was recorded with Camtasia Studio software, and recognition results were counted by an observer who confirmed the total number of errors after the writing task was completed. Fig. 4 ...


... In this study, the effect of working space in digital boards on the neck and hand muscles activity during writing was analysed and the compared with normal writing on an A4 sheet. The muscle activity and fatigue characteristics were evaluated using the Electromyography sensor (sEMG) (Greco et al., 2019;Hof, 1984;Wu & Luo, 2006). Figure 4 indicated that there was a difference in muscle activation on the hand and neck muscles while writing on a digital board and A4 sheet. ...
... Type 2 digital board exhibits higher muscle fatigue for SCM muscle that correlates well with other muscle activity. A high rate of muscle fatigue on flexor carpi radialis may be due to the diameter of the pen used for writing since which was bigger than conventional pens (Wu & Luo, 2006). Results of the ANOVA test shown in Table 2 infers that there was no statistical significance found between the different sizes of the digital board and muscle activation, this may be due to the low values of normalized MVIC values (Shimomura et al., 2016). ...
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Academicians across the globe due to Covid 19 shifted to online teaching as a mainstream method by replacing the chalk and talk method. The main objective of this study is to find the impact of different sizes of digital boards used for online teaching on muscle activity and muscle fatigue, and then results are compared with conventional writing. Initially, a questionnaire survey is conducted among 100 college professors about the issue they faced while using online teaching methods. Experimental analysis are then conducted using electromyography sensor (sEMG) among ten college professors and their muscle activity on the dominant hand and neck while writing on two commercially available digital boards namely Type 1 (small writing area) and Type 2 (large writing area). Four muscles namely Flexor carpi radialis, Extensor carpi radialis, Biceps brachii, and Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) are chosen for the study. The results are then compared with muscle activity while writing on conventional A4 sheets. Normalized root mean square (RMS) is used to assess the muscle activity and the trend line of MPF value is utilized to assess the muscle fatigue. The results show that SCM muscle has more muscle activation compared to other selected muscles followed by flexor carpi radialis. Subjective analysis is carried out using the Borg scale, which has reported that Type 2 digital board having larger working area was preferred by the participants as it reduces muscle fatigue.
... This is closely related to the function of the pen is handheld manually. 'Dynamic Tripot' is one of the most common ways to hold writing equipment [9], this is where the thumb, index finger and middle finger hold the pen so that they function together in their research to find that such grip requires good motor coordination [10]. ...
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Coconut is one type of versatile plant whose entire tree has many benefits for humans, from the roots, leaves, and fruit. Coconut shell is an endocarp of coconut fruit is a waste from coconut. Besides being used as a variety of household and handicrafts, it can also be used as a material for making pens. This study aims to determine the best design of coconut shell pens. The stages of product design as follows: identification of needs, problem analysis, project planning, product concept planning, product design, preparation of documents in the form of product images designed, and product manufacturing specifications. After product evaluation design has the highest score is obtained. So, the chosen concept will be further developed to become a pen that can compete in the market. The design result is a pen with circle-shaped aluminum body, dimensions 8 x 125 mm, using an ink tube with gel, removable front cover, end cover can be rotated and grip using a coconut shell.
... Eine weitere Möglichkeit zur erleichterten Eingabe bietet die Nutzung eines Eingabestiftes. In der Studie von [299] wurden Eingabestifte mit drei verschiedenen Längen und vier verschiedenen Durchmessern näher untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Länge der Touch-Pens so ausgelegt sein sollte, dass sie beim Greifen über die Handbreite hinausgeht. ...
... Der empfohlene Durchmesser für die Kombination der Tätigkeiten "natürliches Zeigen und Klicken", "Schreiben und Zeichnen" beträgt 8 mm. Somit sollte der Eingabestift eine Länge von mindestens 100 mm und einen Durchmesser von 8 mm aufweisen [299]. ...
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Im Eisenbahnbetrieb zeichnet sich, übergreifend über die Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen (EVU), ein Trend zur Digitalisierung von Betriebsprozessen ab. Ziel dieses Forschungsvorhabens ist es, (1) den Stand der Forschung und Entwicklung digitaler Bahntechnologien mit dem Triebfahrzeugführer (Tf) als Hauptanwender sowie vergleichbare Projekte benachbarter (Verkehrs-)Branchen aufzuzeigen. Ein wei-teres Ziel ist die (2) Beschreibung digitaler Arbeitsmittel im derzeitigen Berufsalltag von Tf. Die Recher-chen bilden die Ausgangslage für eine arbeitswissenschaftliche Bewertung. Diese umfasst u. a. die Aspekte ergonomische Gestaltung von Triebfahrzeug-Führerräumen, Auswirkungen digitaler Arbeitsmittel auf die Fahrleistung und Aspekte der Benutzbarkeit mobiler Arbeitsmittel. Im Fokus der Betrachtungen steht dabei die Integration von Tablet-Anwendungen im Führerraum. Darüber hinaus zielt dieses For-schungsvorhaben darauf ab, die (3) Auswirkungen durch die Anwendung digitaler Arbeitsmittel auf die Aus- und Weiterbildung des Tf sowie auf den geltenden Rechtsrahmen zu prüfen sowie die geltenden Grundsätze bezüglich des Datenschutzes und der Datensicherheit zu erläutern. In diesem Forschungsvorhaben wurden Literaturrecherchen sowie Expertengespräche hinsichtlich des heutigen und zukünftigen Einsatzes digitaler Anwendungen des Tf durchgeführt. Darüber hinaus wurden für die Analyse des Standes der Technik Triebfahrzeug-Mitfahrten im Personen- und Güterverkehr sowohl im Nah- und Fernverkehr vorgenommen. Arbeitswissenschaftliche Analysen und Bewertungen stützen sich auf die im Rahmen von Mitfahrten und Befragungen von Tf sowie weiteren Betriebsperso-nalen erzielten Beobachtungen unter Einbezug ergonomischer sowie arbeitswissenschaftlicher Erkennt-nisse. Die hieraus abgeleiteten Empfehlungen schließen Erfahrungen einzelner Branchenvertreter ein. Die Literaturrecherchen und Expertengespräche zeigen, dass die Mehrheit der betrachteten For-schungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte auf eine prädiktive bzw. zustandsbasierte Instandhaltung abzielt und sich Sensor- und Diagnosesysteme bzw. automatisierte Lösungen zu Nutze macht. Neben der In-standhaltung werden eine umfassende Digitalisierung der vormals papierbasierten Kommunikations-wege, eine zunehmende Performanzsteigerung des Fahrbetriebs durch Fahrerassistenzsysteme sowie eine Harmonisierung der Zugbeeinflussung und damit verknüpfter Führerraumanzeigen u. a. im Rahmen des European Train Control Systems (ETCS) angestrebt. Die arbeitswissenschaftliche Analyse und Bewer-tung digitaler Anwendungen im Führerraum ergab mehrere Herausforderungen. So weisen stationär verbaute Führerraumanzeigen eine eingeschränkte Funktionalität und Gebrauchstauglichkeit auf, wäh-rend mobile Tablet- und Smartphone-Anzeigen häufig nicht auf Seh- und Greifräume des Bedienperso-nals abgestimmt wurden. Darüber hinaus fehlt im Fall mobiler Endgeräte in der Regel eine zeit- und ortsabhängige Priorisierung von Informationen. Hieraus ergeben sich negative Folgewirkungen wie Me-dienbrüche zwischen verschiedenen stationären und mobilen Anzeigen sowie Papierdokumenten, eine Informationsflut und visuelle Mehrfachbelastungen des Tf. Dies kann zu einer Reduktion der Aufmerk-samkeit sowie Beeinträchtigung der Fahrleistung des Tf führen. Auf Grundlage der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wird konstatiert, dass mittel- bis langfristig eine Erweite-rung des europäischen Einheitsführerpults um ein flexibel nutzbares, auf Bedürfnisse der EVU zuge-schnittenes fünftes Display mit standardisierten Schnittstellen zu empfehlen ist. Ein solches, durch die EVU flexibel nutzbares Display bietet die Funktionalität, spezifische Back-End-Systeme und deren Inhalte in den Betriebsablauf zu integrieren. Als kurz- bis mittelfristige Übergangslösung wird empfohlen, dass mobile Endgeräte ergonomisch optimiert in den Führerraum eingebunden werden und dabei die Aktua-lität sowie zielgruppengerechte Anzeige von betriebsrelevanten Informationen gewährleisten. Der geltende rechtliche Rahmen ermöglicht bereits einen breit gefächerten Einsatz mobiler und allgemein digi-taler Arbeits- und Hilfsmittel. Durch eine weitergreifende Detaillierung von Rechtsvorschriften bezüglich des Inhalts von Tf-Schulungen könnte die Aufsichtsbehörde Anreize für die forcierte Umsetzung digita-ler Technologien schaffen.
... Stylus size (length: 96 mm; diameter: 4 mm) was smaller compared to the dimensions of most available ballpoint pens, although typical in size for touch pens (Kao and Liang 2002). Former studies reported best handwriting and drawing performances (handwriting duration and accuracy) for pens with diameters of about 8 mm and lengths of 100 mm (Peck, Askov, and Fairchild 1980;Wu and Luo 2006;Goonetilleke, Hoffmann, and Luximon 2009); thus, our handwriting task was possibly more complex due to the reduced pen dimensions. Wu and Luo (2006) investigated hand stability during screen writing and drawing in a sitting position and reported that participants tend to use unnatural gestures such as local elbow, wrist and little finger support and unusual pen grips. ...
... Former studies reported best handwriting and drawing performances (handwriting duration and accuracy) for pens with diameters of about 8 mm and lengths of 100 mm (Peck, Askov, and Fairchild 1980;Wu and Luo 2006;Goonetilleke, Hoffmann, and Luximon 2009); thus, our handwriting task was possibly more complex due to the reduced pen dimensions. Wu and Luo (2006) investigated hand stability during screen writing and drawing in a sitting position and reported that participants tend to use unnatural gestures such as local elbow, wrist and little finger support and unusual pen grips. We did not observe such variations in gestures or pen grip, but, nevertheless, it can be assumed that the standing position was unusual and less hand support was available. ...
Unlabelled: Handwriting is an elaborate and highly automatised skill relying on fine motor control. In laboratory conditions handwriting kinematics are modulated by the time of day. This study investigated handwriting kinematics in a rotational shift system and assessed whether similar time of day fluctuations at the work place can be observed. Handwriting performance was measured in two tasks of different levels of complexity in 34 shift workers across morning (6:00-14:00), evening (14:00-22:00) and night shifts (22:00-6:00). Participants were tested during all three shifts in 2-h intervals with mobile testing devices. We calculated average velocity, script size and writing frequency to quantify handwriting kinematics and fluency. Average velocity and script size were significantly affected by the shift work schedule with the worst performance during morning shifts and the best performance during evening shifts. Our data are of high economic relevance as fine motor skills are indispensable for accurate and effective production at the work place. Practitioner summary: Handwriting is one of the most complex fine motor skills in humans, which is frequently performed in daily life. In this study, we tested handwriting repeatedly at the work place in a rotational shift system. We found slower handwriting velocity and reduced script size during morning shifts.
... Smartphones with a stylus are widely used (Cheng 2012) but few studies have evaluated the effect of stylus design, such as diameter, on performance, usability and biomechanics. A study of styluses with four different diameters (5.5, 8, 11 and 15 mm) and three lengths (80, 110 and 140 mm) found a productivity and preference advantage for the 8-mm-diameter stylus (Wu and Lou 2005). At least, a length of 100-mm was recommended so that the stylus extended beyond the side of the hand. ...
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Unlabelled: The purpose of this study was to evaluate tablet size (weight), orientation, grip shape, texture and stylus shape on productivity, biomechanics and subjective usability and fatigue when the tablet was held with just the left hand. A total of 15 male and 15 female subjects, ages 16-64 years, tested eight tablets and three styluses. Overall, the usability, fatigue and biomechanical evaluation of tablet design features supported the use of smaller to medium-sized tablets, with a ledge or handle shape on the back and surfaced with a rubberised texture. Larger, heavier tablets had significantly worse usability and biomechanics and their use with one hand should be limited. The stylus with a tapered grip (7.5-9.5 mm) or larger grip (7.6 mm) had better usability and biomechanics than one with a smaller grip (5 mm). There were no significant differences in productivity between design features. These design parameters may be important when designing tablets. Practitioner summary: Different tablet and stylus design features were evaluated for usability and biomechanical properties. On the basis of short-term tasks, emulating functional tablets, usability was improved with the smaller and medium-sized tablets, portrait (vs. landscape) orientation, a back ledge grip and rubberised texture. There were no differences in productivity between design features.
... The length of the stylus is usually longer than palm size to ensure comfort griping. For younger adults, the stylus was recommended to be 7 mm wide and longer than 11 cm on a PDA (Ren, Ogasawara, & Kato, 2004) and 0.8 mm wide and longer than 10 cm on tablets (Wu & Luo, 2006). ...
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This article presents a comprehensive literature review to investigate whether and why older adults accept handheld computers and how to design elderly-friendly handheld computers. Findings about acceptance, input devices, menu and functions, and output devices are summarized. First, older adults were under social pressure to use mobile phones, but they had low acceptance of advanced functions. Also, they had a different way to judge acceptance factors from younger adults. Second, older adults preferred the physical keyboard to the on-screen keyboard for text entry, whereas they preferred tapping the touch pad to the joystick and buttons for pointing tasks. Third, older adults had shallower mental representation of the mobile phone menus than younger adults. Navigation aids providing contextual information and large cognitive preview per screen could help them. Finally, recommended size and spacing for text and icons are presented.
... Wu et al. have carried out the performance study on touch-pen sizes in three screen tasks. They used 12 different touch-pens varying in length and diameter to perform pointing, clicking, writing and drawing tasks on the tablet PC [22]. This study has shown that the quality of performance can vary depending on the length and the diameter of touch-pen. ...
There is a tremendous potential for developing mobile-based productivity tools and occupation specific applications for the semi-literate and illiterate users in India. One-handed thumb use on the touchscreen of smart phone or touch phone is considered as an effective alternative than the use of stylus or index finger, to free the other hand for supporting the occupational activity. In this context, usability research and experimental tests are conducted to understand the role of fine motor control, usability of thumb as the interaction apparatus and the ergonomic needs of users. The paper also touches upon cultural, racial and anthropometric aspects, which need due consideration while designing the mobile interface. Design recommendations are evolved to enhance the effectiveness of one-handed thumb use on smart phone, especially for the benefit of semi-literate and illiterate users. KeywordsSmart phone-touchscreen interface-productivity tools-thumb-interaction-stylus-usability-fine motor control-ergonomics-cultural and racial factors
... Gross et al. (1996) concluded that pen preference is related to a pen's texture, balance, grip diameter and length, and that ease of writing measured in terms of ink flow also appears to contribute to pen preference. Wu and Luo (2006b) have mentioned that the diameter, length and shape of a touch-pen (stylus-pen) affect handwriting performance and efficiency. Other parameters that have been shown to have an effect on performance and comfort are the taper on the shank and the friction coefficient of the material used in the shank to reduce grip force (Udo et al., 2000). ...
... In addition the range of sizes was chosen so that the results could be mathematically modeled to cover a wider range of pen sizes. Wu and Luo (2006b) had previously found that a diameter of 8 mm is the most suitable for stylus-pens and hence the other sizes were larger than 8 mm, especially since Peck et al. (1980) found that 7.9 mm diameter pencils were the most suitable for nursery school students. Identical ink inserts with a tip size of 0.5 mm was used in each pen. ...
... Although the increase was not statistically significant, the movement time also increased with increasing pen size. These results contradict those of Wu and Luo (2006b) who found that drawing time and errors were significantly lower for 11 and 15 mm diameter pens when compared to 5.5 mm diameter touch-pens. A possible reason for this difference is that Wu and Luo adopted a fixed track width of 3 mm in their experiment, whereas it is clear that track width and pen size have a complex interaction, as shown in Eqs. ...
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Two experiments are reported with the aim of determining the effect of pen shape and size on two different types of task: drawing and writing. Experiment 1 attempted to determine the optimum shape and size of shank for ball-point pens used to perform an accurate drawing task. Twenty-seven participants used a total of nine different pens. Drawing performance was measured by having the subjects follow mazes of different size. The dependent variables were drawing movement time and drawing accuracy. The results indicate that the pen with an equivalent diameter of 8mm had the best accuracy during drawing, even though it had the lowest speed. The results confirm the applicability and validity of the Drury tracking model for such a task. Even though users tended to prefer larger pens, their accuracy with such pens tended to be low. In a second experiment, subjects performed a writing task (with no accuracy constraints) and rated their preference for types of pen. An attempt was made to determine the preferred dimensions of ball-point pens for writing in Chinese and English. A total of 36 'bare-bodied' pens and 20 Chinese subjects were used to evaluate the effects of shape, size and weight on time to write a sentence. The Writing Ability, Comfort and an Overall Rating were given by the subjects. The results indicate that the Chinese subjects preferred a circular shaped pen for writing in both languages. A factor analysis showed that speed, comfort and writing ability are independent parameters in pen evaluations.
... Wu et al. have carried out the performance study on touch-pen sizes in three screen tasks. They used 12 different touch-pens varying in length and diameter to perform pointing, clicking, writing and drawing tasks on the tablet PC [23]. This study has shown that the quality of performance can vary depending on the length and the diameter of touch-pen. ...
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There is tremendous potential for developing mobile-based occupational productivity tools for semi-literate and illiterate users in India. One-handed thumb use on the touchscreen of smart phone or touch phone is considered as an effective alternative than the use of stylus or index finger, to free the other hand for supporting occupational activity. In this context, usability research and experimental tests are conducted to understand the role of fine motor control, usability of thumb as the tool for interaction and the ergonomic needs of users. The paper touches upon cultural, racial and anthropometric needs related with the topic, which also need due consideration while designing the mobile interface. Design recommendations are evolved to improve overall effectiveness of one-handed thumb use on smart phone, especially for the benefit of semi-literate and illiterate users.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between affect space and bra design factors based on the observer's vision judgment. Design/methodology/approach First, using two dimensions of attractiveness and satisfaction to define the bra emotion space based on literature. Then, the mapping relation between bra design factors and emotional space is analyzed in visual perception. Finally, the model of bra emotion recognition based on design factors is established using the neural network BRP. Findings Users' emotions stimulated by bras can be automatically recognized based on their visual design factors. (1) attractiveness and satisfaction which are used to define bra emotions space show a linear correlation between each other in the human visual domain. (2) The design factors that cause attractiveness can also cause satisfaction. However, the factors that stimulate satisfaction do not necessarily attract users' interest, such as the ratio, location of embellishments, hollowed, core decoration and contour lines. Practical implications The analysis of bra emotion space may help designers to understand the relationship between bra visual appearance and emotion, and ask them to pay attention to empathic design factors. With the provided results, designers can also carry out and evaluate emotional bra design with high attractiveness and satisfaction. Originality/value This paper discusses the emotional attributes of bra visual design factors based on bra emotion space and explores the methods of bra emotion design.