Figure 1 - uploaded by Muhammad Umair Hassan
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The effect of organic mulches (A) and nitrogen sources (B) on leaf area index of wheat crop.

The effect of organic mulches (A) and nitrogen sources (B) on leaf area index of wheat crop.

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... current findings indicated that various OM and N sources had a significant impact on the LAI and CGR (Figures 1, 2). The maximum LAI and CGR was noticed with application of sorghum mulch and lowest was noticed in control, while in case of N sources maximum LAI and CGR was reported with CAN application and lowest was reported with urea application. ...
Context 2
... maximum decline in LAI and CGR was noticed in control, while minimum reduction in LAI and CGR after 75DAS was recorded in sorghum mulch. Among N sources, maximum reduction in LAI and CGR after 75 DAS was noticed for urea and minimum reduction was noticed for CAN (Figures 1, 2). The application of OM on soil surfaces reduce the loss of water and favors the better water and nutrients movement which helped the plants to produce more leaves which resulted in more LAI. ...
Context 3
... current findings indicated that various OM and N sources had a significant impact on the LAI and CGR (Figures 1, 2). The maximum LAI and CGR was noticed with application of sorghum mulch and lowest was noticed in control, while in case of N sources maximum LAI and CGR was reported with CAN application and lowest was reported with urea application. ...
Context 4
... maximum decline in LAI and CGR was noticed in control, while minimum reduction in LAI and CGR after 75DAS was recorded in sorghum mulch. Among N sources, maximum reduction in LAI and CGR after 75 DAS was noticed for urea and minimum reduction was noticed for CAN (Figures 1, 2). The application of OM on soil surfaces reduce the loss of water and favors the better water and nutrients movement which helped the plants to produce more leaves which resulted in more LAI. ...


... Aslam et al., [86] studied the impact of different organic mulch and nitrogen sources on wheat crop productivity. As a consequence of these findings, it was concluded that sorghum straw mulch and N in the form of calcium ammonium nitrate can successfully boost wheat productivity in semi-arid locations. ...
Full-text available
Increasing demand of agricultural production for human, animal, and industrial requirements is responsible for the enhancement of agricultural and agro-industrial activities. Each step of such activities produces various types of agricultural waste that include crop residue, on-farm livestock and fisheries waste, forest waste, agro-industrial waste, etc. Currently, handling and managing agricultural waste is a challenging task worldwide, especially in the context of environmental pollution control and sustainable agriculture. Thus, efficient management in terms of reuse, recycling, and reduction of agricultural waste is needed not only for the sustainable agriculture but also for farmers’ profitability. Various type of farm machinery is available and are in use to collect the crop residue from the field or directly incorporate the residue into the soil. The incorporated crop residue not only increases the soil fertility but also decreases the greenhouse gases emission due to burning of the crop residue. The crop residue chopper can be a solution of residue management at farmer field level. This chapter provides a review on the crop residue collection handing and incorporation machinery performance and their advancement.
... There is a big gap among potential and actual yields of wheat crop and this large gap is due to a lack of knowledge about agronomic management and certain factors including late sowing of wheat, non-availability of high-quality certified seeds, poor plant geometry. poor fertilization, improper irrigation technique and high weeds infestation, seed rate and seed size (Sattar et al., 2010;Zain et al., 2017;Hassan et al., 2020a, b;Muhsin et al., 2021;Aslam et al., 2021). ...
... Therefore, leaves with better length and width have more leaf area and subsequently LAI. Similarly, the better leaf area ensures the better light harvesting which resulted in production of more assimilates and subsequent CGR (Muhsin et al., 2021;Aslam et al., 2021). The current results also coincide with the outcomes of Aslam et al. (2003) and Sattar et al. (2010) they noted that use of 150 kg/ha seed rate provided the greatest value of leaf area index and CGR. ...