Figure 3 - uploaded by Alejandro I. Canales
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The diagram shows a situation in a migration corridor where there are slight net negative impacts on countries of origin, moderately positive impacts on countries of destination (high index), but the impacts on migrants and their families are quite negative (low index), unacceptable, and the root causes of migration are not addressed adequately (low index). 

The diagram shows a situation in a migration corridor where there are slight net negative impacts on countries of origin, moderately positive impacts on countries of destination (high index), but the impacts on migrants and their families are quite negative (low index), unacceptable, and the root causes of migration are not addressed adequately (low index). 

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Conference Paper
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The public discourse and decision-making on migration policies is largely shaped by a reductionist perspective that ignores many of the causes and impacts of international migration on sending and receiving countries, overrates the developmental role of remittances, and neglects the cost of migration to the migrants and their fami...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... list of possible indicators for each of the four dimensions of the analysis is necessarily long; this is to be expected considering the complexity of the migration – human rights – development nexus. There is no shortcut if the goal is a comprehensive assessment in response to the dominant reductionist view. Figure 2 illustrates the complexity of the assessment. Integrating and weighting indicators within each analytical dimension is a methodological challenge; normalization and integration across the four dimensions, in order to comprehensively characterize the situation in each country or migration corridor, allowing comparative analysis, is an even more complex task. Fortunately, these methodological problems have been already addressed by similar projects on multicriteria evaluations, such as those on environmental sustainability, citizenship and inclusion, etc. (Van Passel and Meul, 2010; Citron and Gowan, 2005; Giampietro, 2003; Giampietro et al, 2006). As migration is not a “hard system”, weighting and integration is not just a mathematical exercise; there is not a single solution (Checkland, 2001). The process must ensure that the perspectives of the various stakeholders are taken into account, without the bias of the current approach. Participatory methodologies have been used in similar situations (Lopez Ridaura et al, 2002). Although the assessment will be complex, the final product must be easy to understand and use by non-experts while, at the same time, allowing deep analysis if needed. Using countries as the units of evaluation is cumbersome when there are countries of emigration and immigration, making comparisons meaningless. As previously discussed, the use of migration corridors as the unit of analysis is conceptually sound and appears as a more meaningful solution (Carling, 2010). The goal of a single numerical index to characterize the migration – development – human right situation in each unit of analysis is attractive but difficult. This is the solution adopted with the HDI. Certainly, a single index facilitates cross-country comparisons and longitudinal analysis. But the HDI is applied to individual countries. It is well known that the final HDI for a country does not spell out which are the main factors behind a low or high index. In addition, there are methodological problems in defining a single index such as the normalization across dimensions that are conceptually different -- causes and impacts. A graphical, multi-criteria pattern representation could provide a more appropriate, comprehensive, and easier to understand picture for the overall performance of each corridor (Gomiero and Giampietro, 2005; Munda, 2004). This will allow comparisons across corridors as well as analysis of the evolution of the corridors’ performance along a period of time. This graphical representation (that could be a “radar diagram” or a similar solution), requires first the analysis of each dimension separately. The outcome within each dimension, which involves several indicators, could be represented as a single index for this dimension; this index could be plotted in one of the radiuses in the radar diagram (Figure 3). The migration – development – human rights “picture” for each unit (corridor) will have four indices along the four radiuses (one for each dimension). Higher indices ( + ) mean “better situations”. Figure 3 shows a critical threshold (dotted red circle in the diagram) separating acceptable from unacceptable situations . Figure 4 depicts a comparison between two corridors with very different migration – development – human rights “pictures”. Migration corridors from Latin America to the U.S. provide valuable insights into the nexus between migration, development and human rights, thus, they are good test cases for the proposed framework. This section introduces a set of indicators that apply to this case. This is a partial exercise and does not include all the indicators previously described. Obviously, the indicators used here cannot be consistently applied to other migration contexts, but they do exemplify the analytical potential of the ...
Context 2
... list of possible indicators for each of the four dimensions of the analysis is necessarily long; this is to be expected considering the complexity of the migration – human rights – development nexus. There is no shortcut if the goal is a comprehensive assessment in response to the dominant reductionist view. Figure 2 illustrates the complexity of the assessment. Integrating and weighting indicators within each analytical dimension is a methodological challenge; normalization and integration across the four dimensions, in order to comprehensively characterize the situation in each country or migration corridor, allowing comparative analysis, is an even more complex task. Fortunately, these methodological problems have been already addressed by similar projects on multicriteria evaluations, such as those on environmental sustainability, citizenship and inclusion, etc. (Van Passel and Meul, 2010; Citron and Gowan, 2005; Giampietro, 2003; Giampietro et al, 2006). As migration is not a “hard system”, weighting and integration is not just a mathematical exercise; there is not a single solution (Checkland, 2001). The process must ensure that the perspectives of the various stakeholders are taken into account, without the bias of the current approach. Participatory methodologies have been used in similar situations (Lopez Ridaura et al, 2002). Although the assessment will be complex, the final product must be easy to understand and use by non-experts while, at the same time, allowing deep analysis if needed. Using countries as the units of evaluation is cumbersome when there are countries of emigration and immigration, making comparisons meaningless. As previously discussed, the use of migration corridors as the unit of analysis is conceptually sound and appears as a more meaningful solution (Carling, 2010). The goal of a single numerical index to characterize the migration – development – human right situation in each unit of analysis is attractive but difficult. This is the solution adopted with the HDI. Certainly, a single index facilitates cross-country comparisons and longitudinal analysis. But the HDI is applied to individual countries. It is well known that the final HDI for a country does not spell out which are the main factors behind a low or high index. In addition, there are methodological problems in defining a single index such as the normalization across dimensions that are conceptually different -- causes and impacts. A graphical, multi-criteria pattern representation could provide a more appropriate, comprehensive, and easier to understand picture for the overall performance of each corridor (Gomiero and Giampietro, 2005; Munda, 2004). This will allow comparisons across corridors as well as analysis of the evolution of the corridors’ performance along a period of time. This graphical representation (that could be a “radar diagram” or a similar solution), requires first the analysis of each dimension separately. The outcome within each dimension, which involves several indicators, could be represented as a single index for this dimension; this index could be plotted in one of the radiuses in the radar diagram (Figure 3). The migration – development – human rights “picture” for each unit (corridor) will have four indices along the four radiuses (one for each dimension). Higher indices ( + ) mean “better situations”. Figure 3 shows a critical threshold (dotted red circle in the diagram) separating acceptable from unacceptable situations . Figure 4 depicts a comparison between two corridors with very different migration – development – human rights “pictures”. Migration corridors from Latin America to the U.S. provide valuable insights into the nexus between migration, development and human rights, thus, they are good test cases for the proposed framework. This section introduces a set of indicators that apply to this case. This is a partial exercise and does not include all the indicators previously described. Obviously, the indicators used here cannot be consistently applied to other migration contexts, but they do exemplify the analytical potential of the ...


... In order to reverse or at least confront these distorted views, an effort has been made to build an alternative, solidly grounded, critical, comprehensive and inclusive vision of the main drivers and consequences of contemporary migration through a series of strategic indicators in several critical areas (Puentes et al. 2010). An example of these indicators related to the Mexico-US migration system is the following: It is usually thought that immigrant contributions to the host country are minimal or marginal and that, conversely, immigrant integration to the labour market constitutes an act of 'generosity' that eventually leads to a decrease in economic productivity and the loss of jobs for native workers. ...
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The main purpose of this chapter is to critically address several key dimensions of the dialectical relationship between migration and development with special emphasis on deconstructing the dominant or hegemonic discourse in the field. This implies: (a) offering a comprehensive vision of that relationship, with particular emphasis on the conceptual architecture of what is referred to as a counterhegemonic or southern perspective; (b) identifying several key demystifying indicators in reference to the world's largest migration corridor, Mexico-US; and (c) briefly assessing the efforts to build a global migration governance regime and the challenges propelled by the current epochal crisis faced by humanity, particularly in times of COVID-19.
... A menudo, las múltiples contribuciones económicas, demográficas, sociales y culturales hechas por los migrantes a las sociedades y naciones de destino son ignoradas, ocultadas e incluso distorsionadas, independientemente del estatus legal y de la categorización (migrantes económicos, refugiados, solicitantes de asilo, etcétera), hasta el punto de que se les concibe como una carga socioeconómica para los países de destino y en tiempos de crisis se les convierte en chivos expiatorios. Al respecto, Rubén Puentes, Alejandro Canales y Humberto Márquez, junto con Stephen Castles y yo, iniciamos un trabajo sistemático en esta área con el objetivo de contribuir a una desmitificación necesaria de creencias comunes sobre la movilidad humana, en particular acerca de la relación entre migración, desarrollo y derechos humanos (Puentes et al., 2010). Nuestros esfuerzos se dirigieron a construir una visión alternativa, sólidamente fundamentada, crítica, integral e inclusiva, de volumen 16 | número 31 | segundo semestre 2018 la migración contemporánea a través de una serie de indicadores estratégicos en varias dimensiones críticas. ...
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Reflexiones en torno a la teoría y a la práctica de la relación entre migración y desarrollo: una perspectiva del Sur Observations on the theory and practice of the relationship between migration and development: a South perspective Raúl Delgado Wise* Resumen. El presente ensayo se centra en el análisis de la relación entre migración y desa-rrollo, paralelamente ofrece una visión crítica de este cada vez más importante ámbito de estudio, el cual acrecienta mayor interés en la esfera política. La postura conceptual que se enarbola es caracterizada como perspectiva del Sur, a contrapelo de las visiones hegemónicas en el campo. El nexo entre migración y desarrollo se concibe como una relación dialéctica que se despliega en una fase particular del capitalismo contemporáneo: la era de los mono-polios generalizados, siguiendo a Samir Amin. Especial énfasis se hace en la necesidad de ampliar el concepto de migración forzada y desarrollar indicadores estratégicos para desmi-tificar la narrativa dominante. Una parte complementaria del estudio se refiere a la teoría y a la práctica contestataria en el campo. Al respecto, la participación de la sociedad civil en el incipiente y frágil proceso de la gobernanza global de las migraciones es examinada de manera sucinta a través de dos espacios diferentes y contrastantes: el Foro Global sobre Migración y Desarrollo y el Foro Social Mundial de las Migraciones. Palabras clave: migración y desarrollo, perspectiva del Sur, migración forzada, sociedad civil, gobernanza global. Abstract. This paper focuses on an analysis of the relationship between migration and development, while offering a critical view of the increasingly important field of study, which is increasingly of greater interest in the political sphere. The underlying conceptual approach is characterized as a south perspective, a counter to the hegemonic perspectives in the field. The nexus between migration and development is conceived as a dialectic relationship that unfolds in one particular phase of contemporary capitalism: the era of generalized monopolies, according to Samir Amin. Particular emphasis is given to the need to expand the concept of forced migration and strategic development indicators to demystify the dominant narrative. A complementary theme in this study lies in a critical view of theory and practice in the subject field. To that end, the participation of civil society in the nascent and fragile process of the global governance of migration is briefly explored through two differing and contrasting spaces: the Global Forum on Migration and Development and the World Social Forum on Migrations.
... Las múltiples contribuciones económicas, demográficas, sociales y culturales hechas por los migrantes a las sociedades y naciones de destino a menudo son ignoradas, ocultas e incluso distorsionadas, independientemente del estatus legal y categorización (migrantes económicos, refugiados, solicitantes de asilo, etc.), hasta el punto de que por lo general se les concibe como una carga socioeconómica para los países de destino y convertirlos en tiempos de crisis en chivos expiatorios de la misma. En este sentido, Rubén Puentes, Alejandro Canales y Humberto Márquez, junto con Stephen Castles y yo, iniciamos un trabajo sistemático en esta área con el objetivo de contribuir a una desmitificación necesaria de creencias comunes sobre la movilidad humana, en particular sobre la relación entre migración, desarrollo y derechos humanos (Puentes et al. 2010). Nuestros esfuerzos se dirigieron a construir una visión alternativa, sólidamente fundamentada, crítica, integral e inclusiva de la migración contemporánea a través de una serie de indicadores estratégicos en varias dimensiones críticas. ...
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Reflexiones en torno la teoría y la práctica de la relación entre migración y desarrollo: una perspectiva del sur Raúl Delgado Wise Resumen Este ensayo se centra en el análisis de la relación entre migración y desarrollo. Ofrece una visión crítica de este cada vez más importante campo de estudio, el cual está ganando un creciente interés en la esfera política. La postura conceptual que enarbolamos es caracterizada como perspectiva del sur, a contrapelo de las visiones hegemónicas en el campo. El nexo entre migración y desarrollo es concebido como una relación dialéctica que se despliega en una fase particular del capitalismo contemporáneo: la era de los monopolios generaliza-dos, siguiendo a Samir Amin. Especial énfasis se hace en la necesidad de ampliar el concepto de migración forzada y desarrollar indicadores estratégicos para desmitificar la narrativa do-minante. Una parte complementaria de nuestro análisis se refiere a la teoría y a la práctica contestataria en el campo. Al respecto, la participación de la sociedad civil en el incipiente y frágil proceso de la gobernanza global de las migraciones es analizada brevemente a través de dos espacios diferentes y contrastantes: el Foro Global sobre Migración y Desarrollo y el Foro Social Mundial de las Migraciones. Introducción En el curso de las últimas dos décadas, el debate en torno a la gobernanza global de las migraciones-que hasta entonces había permanecido prácticamente ausente en el escenario geopolítico internacional-fue replanteado en 2006 por la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) mediante un viraje analítico: relacionando la migración con el desarrollo. Ante este viraje Stephen Castles y yo, en la introducción de un libro editado en 2007, advertíamos: En el último tramo del siglo pasado y en lo que va del presente, la relación entre migración y desarrollo se ha tornado un tema central en el debate académico y político a escala internacional … En el pasado, los gobiernos de los países desarrollados del norte ignoraron el llamado de los países exportadores de fuerza de trabajo (por ejemplo, en la Conferencia de Población de las Naciones Unidas
... The multiple economic, demographic, social and cultural contributions made by migrants to host societies and nations are often ignored, hidden or even distorted, regardless their legal status and categorisation (economic migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and so on.), to the point where the former are portrayed as a socio-economic burden for destination countries and in times of crisis are turned into public scapegoats. In this regard, Ruben Puentes, Alejandro Canales and Humberto Márquez, together with Stephen Castles and I, started a systematic work in this area aimed at contributing to a necessary demystification of common beliefs regarding human mobility, particularly regarding the relationship between migration, development and human rights (Puentes et al. 2010). Our efforts were aimed at building an alternative, solidly grounded, critical, comprehensive and inclusive vision of the main drivers and consequences of contemporary migration through a series of strategic indicators in several critical areas. ...
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This paper focuses on an analysis of the relationship between migration and development, while offering a critical view of the increasingly important field of study, which is increasingly of greater interest in the political sphere. The underlying conceptual approach is characterized as a south perspective, a counter to the hegemonic perspectives in the field. The nexus between migration and development is conceived as a dialectic relationship that unfolds in one particular phase of contemporary capitalism: the era of generalized monopolies, according to Samir Amin. Particular emphasis is given to the need to expand the concept of forced migration and strategic development indicators to demystify the dominant narrative. A complementary theme in this study lies in a critical view of theory and practice in the subject field. To that end, the participation of civil society in the nascent and fragile process of the global governance of migration is briefly explored through two differing and contrasting spaces: the Global Forum on Migration and Development and the World Social Forum on Migrations.
... A menudo, las múltiples contribuciones económicas, demográficas, sociales y culturales hechas por los migrantes a las sociedades y naciones de destino son ignoradas, ocultadas e incluso distorsionadas, independientemente del estatus legal y de la categorización (migrantes económicos, refugiados, solicitantes de asilo, etcétera), hasta el punto de que se les concibe como una carga socioeconómica para los países de destino y en tiempos de crisis se les convierte en chivos expiatorios. Al respecto, Rubén Puentes, Alejandro Canales y Humberto Márquez, junto con Stephen Castles y yo, iniciamos un trabajo sistemático en esta área con el objetivo de contribuir a una desmitificación necesaria de creencias comunes sobre la movilidad humana, en particular acerca de la relación entre migración, desarrollo y derechos humanos (Puentes et al., 2010). Nuestros esfuerzos se dirigieron a construir una visión alternativa, sólidamente fundamentada, crítica, integral e inclusiva, de volumen 16 | número 31 | segundo semestre 2018 la migración contemporánea a través de una serie de indicadores estratégicos en varias dimensiones críticas. ...
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El presente ensayo se centra en el análisis de la relación entre migración y desarrollo, paralelamente ofrece una visión crítica de este cada vez más importante ámbito de estudio, el cual acrecienta mayor interés en la esfera política. La postura conceptual que se enarbola es caracterizada como perspectiva del Sur, a contrapelo de las visiones hegemónicas en el campo. El nexo entre migración y desarrollo se concibe como una relación dialéctica que se despliega en una fase particular del capitalismo contemporáneo: la era de los monopolios generalizados, siguiendo a Samir Amin. Especial énfasis se hace en la necesidad de ampliar el concepto de migración forzada y desarrollar indicadores estratégicos para desmitificar la narrativa dominante. Una parte complementaria del estudio se refiere a la teoría y a la práctica contestataria en el campo. Al respecto, la participación de la sociedad civil en el incipiente y frágil proceso de la gobernanza global de las migraciones es examinada de manera sucinta a través de dos espacios diferentes y contrastantes: el Foro Global sobre Migración y Desarrollo y el Foro Social Mundial de las Migraciones.
... Por lo mismo, la cuestión de fondo no está en los eventuales efectos e impactos positivos de las remesas, sino en la insuficiencia estructural de las economías de los países receptores. Se trata de problemas estructurales que no sólo provocan la continua emigración de su población, sino que además no generan las condiciones mínimas para potenciar los efectos multiplicadores de las remesas ni su eventual uso como fondo de inversión productiva (Puentes, et al, 2010). ...
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Con el propósito de contribuir con insumos sobre América Latina y El Caribe para el Pacto Mundial para una Migración Segura, Ordenada y Regular, en este documento se presenta un diagnóstico de la migración internacional en la subregión de México y Centroamérica. Se trata de una visión panorámica y, por tanto, no exhaustiva, de esta subregión como un todo, mediante la cual se resaltan aspectos y dinámicas migratorias relevantes, que contribuyen con elementos para entender la situación en materia migratoria y de derechos humanos. Con este fin, se describen los flujos y sus componentes con base en datos de diversas fuentes estadísticas; se analizan aspectos relacionados con la gobernanza de las migraciones, destacando las principales iniciativas y la participación de la sociedad civil; se abordan aspectos relacionados con temas prioritarios en el debate global sobre migración: derechos humanos de personas migrantes, factores que impulsan las migraciones, cooperación internacional, contribuciones de la migración al desarrollo especialmente los flujos de remesas y su papel en el financiamiento de los presupuestos familiares, trata de personas y tráfico ilícito de migrantes, y migración en situación irregular. Asimismo, se analizan algunas especificidades de problemáticas subregionales, en torno a instrumentos y políticas en torno a la gestión de la migración en esta subregión, la migración centroamericana en tránsito por México (focalizada en los casos de Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras, por su mayor presencia en dicho flujo) y la migración de retorno (ilustrada con los casos de México y Honduras). Finalmente, se exponen algunas perspectivas y recomendaciones, resaltando la complejidad de los procesos migratorios en la región y los retos para la garantía y la efectiva protección de los derechos de las personas migrantes. El presente documento ha recurrido tanto a fuentes primarias como secundarias para sistematizar y presentar un análisis descriptivo de perfiles de migrantes, así como de niveles y tendencias de la dinámica migratoria en la región. También se usaron fuentes documentales secundarias, destacando los informes de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y especialistas en el tema, así como de algunos de los comités de seguimiento a acuerdos internacionales de carácter vinculante para los países signatarios.
... The multiple economic, demographic, social and cultural contributions made by migrants to host societies and nations are often ignored, hidden or even distorted, regardless their legal status and categorisation (economic migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and so on.), to the point where the former are portrayed as a socio-economic burden for destination countries and in times of crisis are turned into public scapegoats. In this regard, Ruben Puentes, Alejandro Canales and Humberto Márquez, together with Stephen Castles and I, started a systematic work in this area aimed at contributing to a necessary demystification of common beliefs regarding human mobility, particularly regarding the relationship between migration, development and human rights (Puentes et al. 2010). Our efforts were aimed at building an alternative, solidly grounded, critical, comprehensive and inclusive vision of the main drivers and consequences of contemporary migration through a series of strategic indicators in several critical areas. ...
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This article is centred on an analysis of the relationship between migration and development. It offers a critical overview of this increasingly important field of study, which is gaining growing interest in the political sphere. A focal point of the analysis refers to a position developed by Stephen Castles and I in opposition to the mainstream discourse: what we conceptualize as the Southern Perspective. This perspective envisages the nexus between migration and development as a dialectical and contextualised relationship, that takes into consideration the main characteristics and challenges faced by human mobility under contemporary capitalism. Special emphasis is given to the need to broaden the notion of forced migration and to develop strategic indicators for demystifying the dominant narrative regarding migration and development. An important complementary part of the analysis concerns the theory and practice in the field, which are closely related and mutually reinforced spheres, where both Stephen Castles and I have been involved. In this regard, the participation of civil society in the incipient and fragile process of the global governance of migration is briefly analysed through the lens of two different and contrasting spaces: The Global Forum on Migration and Development and the World Social Forum on Migration.
... Outra causa dessa mobilidade é a possibilidade de gerar relações entre os clubes, o intercâmbio de atletas e de treinadores e a presença de agentes esportivos. Puentes et al. (2010) descrevem como "fatores de pressão" os mecanismos impostos por condições estruturais e que, em muitos casos, forçam e/ou incentivam os atletas a emigrarem. ...
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This study looks into discourses of high-performance Brazilian volleyball athletes and coaches about the process of migration given the several achievements of Brazil’s national teams as well as spectacularization and attractiveness aroused by that sport. The methodology is descriptive and qualitative, using an interview script with coaches and athletes of Unilever and RJX – volleyball teams from the state of Rio de Janeiro. As a result, we found discussions about coaches’ needs to find good athletes coupled with financial management as categories of analysis for them. For players, in turn, international experience, distance from families and financial and professional rise are factors that cause them to migrate. We found that obstacles encountered by the people are mainly cultural, economic and political. © 2018, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. All rights reserved.
... Outra causa dessa mobilidade é a possibilidade de gerar relações entre os clubes, o intercâmbio de atletas e de treinadores e a presença de agentes esportivos. Puentes et al. (2010) descrevem como "fatores de pressão" os mecanismos impostos por condições estruturais e que, em muitos casos, forçam e/ou incentivam os atletas a emigrarem. ...
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Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o discurso de atletas e treinadores de voleibol de alto rendimento sobre o processo de migração nesta modalidade, face às diversas conquistas das seleções, a espetacularização e a atratividade despertadas por esse esporte. A metodologia utilizada é descritiva e de natureza qualitativa, utilizando um roteiro de entrevista com treinadores e atletas das equipes Unilever/RJ e RJX/RJ. Como resultado, encontramos como categorias de análise para os treinadores as discussões sobre sua necessidade de encontrar bons atletas aliada à gestão financeira. Já para os jogadores, a experiência internacional, a distância da família e ascensão financeira e profissional são fatores que os fazem imigrar. Concluímos que os obstáculos encontrados pelos envolvidos abrangem principalmente aspectos culturais, econômicos e políticos. Abstract: This study looks into discourses of high-performance Brazilian volleyball athletes and coaches about the process of migration given the several achievements of Brazil's national teams as well as spectacularization and attractiveness aroused by that sport. The methodology is descriptive and qualitative, using an interview script with coaches and athletes of Unilever and RJX-volleyball teams from the state of Rio de Janeiro. As a result, we found discussions about coaches' needs to find good athletes coupled with financial management as categories of analysis for them. For players, in turn, international experience, distance from families and financial and professional rise are factors that cause them to migrate. We found that obstacles encountered by the people are mainly cultural, economic and political. Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el discurso de atletas y entrenadores de voleibol de alto rendimiento sobre el proceso migratorio en esta modalidad, frente a las diversas conquistas de las selecciones, el espectáculo y el atractivo que despierta este deporte. La metodología utilizada es descriptiva y de naturaleza cualitativa, usando un programa de entrevistas con entrenadores y atletas de los equipos Unilever/RJ y RJX/ RJ. Como resultado, encontramos como categorías de análisis para los entrenadores las discusiones sobre sus necesidades de encontrar buenos atletas y sobre la gestión financiera. En cuanto a los jugadores, la experiencia internacional, la distancia de la familia y la mejoría financiera y profesional son factores que los hacen emigrar. Llegamos a la conclusión de que los obstáculos encontrados por los implicados se refieren principalmente a los aspectos culturales, económicos y políticos. Palavras chave: Esportes. Voleibol. Migração. Análise qualitativa.
... To make further statements on the contribution of remittances to poverty reduction, Puentes et al. (2010) propose including proportion of remittance-receiving households will have to be contrasted with the total of households that qualify as poor, including the ones that do not receive remittances. Another indicator that could be used is the percentage of migrant households that rise above the poverty line. ...
... The actual impact value of remittances lies at the level of the household, rather than as a contributor to the economic performance at the national level. 630 Thus, instead of policies intended to manage the receipt 627 Puentes et al. 2010628 Mendoza Cota. 2012629 Taylor et al. 2005: 119 630 Newland. ...
... Puentes et al. 2010: 16 221 Puentes et al. 2010: 17 222 Secretaría de Desarrollo Social. 2012 223 Puentes et al. 2010: 17 224 Sen. 1999 ...
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International migration has been recognized as a developmental driver for countries of origin and destination. However, despite increasing research on the link between migration and development, the direction and scale of its impact has not yet been fully understood. Migratory movements between Mexico and the United States represent the largest migration corridor in the world, with an emigrant population of more than eleven million Mexican-born citizens in the US. For Mexico, migration signifies a model for citizen to expand their freedoms and improve living conditions for themselves and their families, with the potential to one-day return home. This book examines Mexico-US migration in depth to uncover a new, broader perspective on the nexus between migration and development, recognizing that every individual migrant’s agency and ability to live in and with substantial freedoms is integral to fostering development for countries of origin and destination. Addressing a topic of high political interest, this book provides valuable legislative and socio-economic information and may serve as a paradigmatic example for other migratory corridors in the world.