Figure 6 - uploaded by Sam Hatfield
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7: The continuous ranked probability score (CRPS) of the 850 hPa tropical wind fields (averaged from the zonal and meridional winds) for various experimental setups verified with respect to analysis at TCo399 resolution. The CRPS was averaged over 12 forecasts and there were 11 ensemble members for each forecast.

7: The continuous ranked probability score (CRPS) of the 850 hPa tropical wind fields (averaged from the zonal and meridional winds) for various experimental setups verified with respect to analysis at TCo399 resolution. The CRPS was averaged over 12 forecasts and there were 11 ensemble members for each forecast.

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The skill of weather forecasts has improved dramatically over the past 30 years. This improvement has depended to a large degree on developments in supercomputing, which have allowed models to increase in complexity and resolution with minimal technical effort. However, the nature of supercomputing is undergoing a significant change, with the adven...

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Technical Report
The efficiency of the forecasting system on future high-performance computing and data handling systems is considered one of the key challenges for implementing ECMWF’s ambitious strategy. This was already recognised by ECMWF in 2013, and has led to the foundation of the Scalability Programme. The programme aims to address this challenge as a concerted action between the Centre and its Member States, but also draws in the computational science expertise available throughout Europe. This technical memorandum provides an overview of the status of the programme, highlights achievements from the first five years ranging from observational data pre-processing, data assimilation, forecast model design and output data post-processing, and defines the roadmap for the next five years towards a sustainable system that can operate on the expected range of hardware and software technologies. This point in time is crucial because the programme will have a strong focus on implementation and operational benefit in the next period.