Figure - uploaded by Kai Liu
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The bias, MSE, and CP of the estimated mean lifetime.

The bias, MSE, and CP of the estimated mean lifetime.

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One-shot devices are products or equipments that can be used only once. A nature characteristic of one-shot devices is that they get destroyed immediately after their use, and therefore their actual lifetimes are never observable. The only information observed is the condition whether they worked or not at the time they are used. These days the qua...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... on the fitted models, the mean lifetime as well as its 95% CI under the normal operating condition are estimated. The results are reported in Table 5. It is observed that the bias reduces rapidly and coverage probability (CP) is close to the nominal level 5% for 1=s = 2:50. ...
Context 2
... as the sample sizes increased, bias and CP becomes better. The mean lifetimes under normal operating condition with true parameter values are also presented in Table 5. It is observed the mean lifetimes under normal operating condition are quite large ...