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The author’s definition of disinformation

The author’s definition of disinformation

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Recently, some countries have deployed global cyberattacks that not only impose destructive measures on the systems of industries or infrastructures, but also as a type of information warfare, including social networking service (SNS) and other media that affects election results or democratic processes, thereby becoming a threat to democracy. Thus...


... The destructive impact of disinformation can be demonstrated by analysing cases in which disinformation campaigns played a significant role. Studies (Nagasako, 2020), analytical reports (Lublin Triangle Perspective, 2022) and statistics (OECD, 2022) testify that Russia is most often the main actor in conducting global disinformation companies, followed by China. The impact of Russian disinformation campaigns • It is distributed by creating special advertising content, during web search, through social network platforms. ...
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The aim of the study is to identify key threats to media security and ways of their minimization. The methods of statistical analysis, case studies, content analysis, and rating analysis were used in the article. The study established that the biggest threat to media security is the spread of misinformation. This threat is complex because of the ability to spread in multiple ways and channels using a number of tools hybridized by misinformation, including propaganda, fake news, information leakage, manipulation, falsification of media content, etc. The spread of disinformation from Russia and China is of particular concern. Case study proved that disinformation is spread in many ways, and new media only deepen this problem. The consequences of the use of disinformation are public unrest, riots, mistrust of the media, and a threat to democratic values. The main areas of ensuring media security are defined as: application of technological measures, improvement of the legislative framework at the national and international levels, improvement of media literacy of the population through appropriate educational programmes and specialized campaigns. The results of the study can be used by government officials and media content providers to improve media security.
... Correspondingly, the perception of media reporting to serve undistorted and nontendentious representation of reality needs to be more attainable in the complexities of this information age. Prohibition to spread distorted facts, however, seems tolerated legally as it would be too vulnerably abused (Baade, 2019;Nagasako, 2020). A wide range of media manipulation covers global health issues, national presidential elections, and even attacks upon a public figure's private life. ...
... Secondly, related to legal standards, it seems harder to apply in distorted news, generally produced and shared by formal news agencies and outlets (Baade, 2019). In parallel, manipulated content and distorted truth are categorized as harmful, and identifying the wrongfulness of disinformation becomes a challenge for future international initiatives to consider the regulation of it (Nagasako, 2020). Thus, as the task of forensic linguistics is to provide the analysis of the linguistic evidence of crimes, manipulated news articles can be observed through this lens of study. ...
... The first significant difference is seen in the topic of the phenomenon. The previous scholars select political propaganda such as presidential election (Mahyoob et al, 2021), government policy (Baade, 2019), and regulations (Nagasako, 2020), while this recent research chooses celebrity scandal or non-political actors. A celebrity is also considered to give influence on the general public. ...
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Final Revision: May 04, 2023 Available Online: May 10, 2023 A celebrity’s scandal can be an enthralling theme for the media to produce news, either factual or fabricated. This research primarily focuses on distorted content or media manipulation to report it. It explores the correlation between misleading news and the motives behind twisted reality. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method through the lens of the forensic linguistics approach, supported by Villa’s interpretative pragmatics (2010). The collected data were from selected sources of distorted media reporting, especially about a highly considered Korean singer’s crime, known Seungri of Bigbang. His charge was not direct link with sexual abuse and systematic drugs, which is in fact unrevealed wealthy people committing them. Even nonconsensual disclosure of sexually-explicit videos was committed by other celebrities. Yet, the media fraudulently blended and misrepresented Seungri as the key figure of the scandal in a club named ‘Burning Sun’. Society was misled to hate and blame him. This research shows that passive constructions, lexical references, and subject matters of the texts become linguistic evidence of fact distortion. Manipulating celebrity’s scandal is driven by political goals, such as creating mistrust and bewildering larger audiences, especially in South Korea about proving the justice system as the actual culprits are withdrawn. This research is noteworthy since there are interwoven claims of the power of media to wriggle out of legal punishments after spreading distorted facts. Hence, it implies that pragmatics is applicable and efficacious to prove the case. It leads to defamation by media, correlated with forensic linguistics. To reveal the distorted facts by deceitful media, this study expectantly contributes in enhancing social awareness of the truth behind blatant public outrage and its social consequences
... Correspondingly, the perception of media reporting to serve undistorted and nontendentious representation of reality needs to be more attainable in the complexities of this information age. Prohibition to spread distorted facts, however, seems tolerated legally as it would be too vulnerably abused (Baade, 2019;Nagasako, 2020). A wide range of media manipulation covers global health issues, national presidential elections, and even attacks upon a public figure's private life. ...
... Secondly, related to legal standards, it seems harder to apply in distorted news, generally produced and shared by formal news agencies and outlets (Baade, 2019). In parallel, manipulated content and distorted truth are categorized as harmful, and identifying the wrongfulness of disinformation becomes a challenge for future international initiatives to consider the regulation of it (Nagasako, 2020). Thus, as the task of forensic linguistics is to provide the analysis of the linguistic evidence of crimes, manipulated news articles can be observed through this lens of study. ...
... The first significant difference is seen in the topic of the phenomenon. The previous scholars select political propaganda such as presidential election (Mahyoob et al, 2021), government policy (Baade, 2019), and regulations (Nagasako, 2020), while this recent research chooses celebrity scandal or non-political actors. A celebrity is also considered to give influence on the general public. ...
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A celebrity’s scandal can be an enthralling theme for the media to produce news, either factual or fabricated. This research primarily focuses on distorted content or media manipulation to report it. It explores the correlation between misleading news and the motives behind twisted reality. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method through the lens of the forensic linguistics approach, supported by Villa’s interpretative pragmatics (2010). The collected data were from selected sources of distorted media reporting, especially about a highly considered Korean singer’s crime, known Seungri of Bigbang. His charge was not direct link with sexual abuse and systematic drugs, which is in fact unrevealed wealthy people committing them. Even nonconsensual disclosure of sexually-explicit videos was committed by other celebrities. Yet, the media fraudulently blended and misrepresented Seungri as the key figure of the scandal in a club named ‘Burning Sun’. Society was misled to hate and blame him. This research shows that passive constructions, lexical references, and subject matters of the texts become linguistic evidence of fact distortion. Manipulating celebrity’s scandal is driven by political goals, such as creating mistrust and bewildering larger audiences, especially in South Korea about proving the justice system as the actual culprits are withdrawn. This research is noteworthy since there are interwoven claims of the power of media to wriggle out of legal punishments after spreading distorted facts. Hence, it implies that pragmatics is applicable and efficacious to prove the case. It leads to defamation by media, correlated with forensic linguistics. To reveal the distorted facts by deceitful media, this study expectantly contributes in enhancing social awareness of the truth behind blatant public outrage and its social consequences.
... Przy analizowaniu prawodawstwa w zakresie dezinformacji uzasadnione wydaje się podkreślenie, że wielu regulacjom zarzuca się naruszenie wolności słowa i niezależności mediów. Szczególnie zagrażające wolności słowa są ustawy wprowadzone w Rosji, na Białorusi i w Chinach, ponieważ w tych krajach to rząd decyduje o prawdziwości informacji oraz nielegalności publikowanych treści (Nagasako 2020). W państwach tych wskazuje się na wprowadzenie cenzury pod pozorem walki z dezinformacją. ...
Rozważania przedstawione w niniejszej monografii dotyczą społecznego aspektu cyberbezpieczeństwa. W toku analizy zwrócono szczególną uwagę na wielowymiarowy wpływ działań i manipulacji w cyberprzestrzeni na jednostkę i społeczeństwo oraz kształtujące się w ich efekcie nowe relacje władzy. Badaniem objęto obszar mediów społecznościowych, które odgrywają istotną rolę w zapewnieniu ochrony w cyberprzestrzeni. Rolę mediów, w tym mediów społecznościowych, należy rozpatrywać, przyjmując, że nie służą one jedynie transmisji informacji i treści symbolicznych, ale przyczyniają się do wytworzenia nowych form działania, interakcji i relacji społecznych, a efekt ich oddziaływania można upatrywać w konsolidacji władzy i wzmocnieniu różnorodnych podmiotów. W niniejszej publikacji przyjęto zatem podejście konstruktywistyczne i skupiono się na wpływie social mediów na społeczeństwo, przede wszystkim w sferze społeczno-politycznej. Przedmiotem prezentowanych badań są zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa występujące w cyberprzestrzeni, a szczególnie w przestrzeni mediów społecznościowych, z wyszczególnieniem zagrożeń o charakterze społecznym, politycznym i informacyjnym. W badaniach teoretycznych analizie poddano szereg zagrożeń obecnych w cyberprzestrzeni, scharakteryzowano je oraz wskazano ich uwarunkowania i wpływ zarówno na jednostkę, jak i na społeczeństwo, z podkreśleniem implikacji dla bezpieczeństwa. W celu ich kompleksowego poznania należało poddać szczegółowej deskrypcji ekosystem serwisów społecznościowych ze wskazaniem jego złożoności i nieregularności wynikających z wzajemnych interakcji technologii i jednostki. Opisano także procesy zachodzące w strukturach społecznych i systemach biznesowych i politycznych, które mają bezpośrednie przełożenie na relacje władzy i kontroli oraz bezpieczeństwo personalne, narodowe i międzynarodowe. Zrozumienie funkcjonowania ekosystemu serwisów społecznościowych pozwoliło wyróżnić wiele zagrożeń o charakterze społecznym, politycznym i informacyjnym, które poddano szczegółowej analizie. W badaniach empirycznych skoncentrowano się na przedstawieniu roli serwisów społecznościowych w czasie krytycznych wydarzeń społeczno-politycznych oraz na diagnozie obecności w cyberprzestrzeni wybranych zagrożeń: (1) agresji werbalnej (jako przykładu zagrożenia o charakterze społecznym), (2) polaryzacji (jako przykładu zagrożenia o charakterze politycznym), (3) dezinformacji i fake newsów (jako zagrożeń o charakterze informacyjnym). Każde z wymienionych zagrożeń stanowi oddzielny przypadek i jest w rozprawie poddane analizie teoretycznej – na podstawie literatury przedmiotu – oraz empirycznej. Przed omówieniem badań empirycznych zagrożenia rozpatrywane są z uwzględnieniem konstruktu teoretycznego opartego na analizie następujących wymiarów: czynników warunkujących powstanie zagrożenia, wpływu mediów społecznościowych na jego rozwój oraz konsekwencji dla społeczeństwa demokratycznego.
... Although enforcing law against misinformation may not be possible in the country, it may not be ignored that many other countries have laws to address this issues. The main three types of legal regulation is: rules on content of media and platforms, sanctions against foreign state actors and regulations on anti-establishment speech (Nagasko, 2020). ...
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INTRODUCTION The health emergency crisis due the COVID-19 pandemic has created challenges globally. The same applies to the Maldives, as lockdown and social distancing measures was enforced, the use of virtual communication by public authorities, businesses and individuals likewise increased. The new normal of working from home, video conferencing and meetings, online learning and shopping have created a large group of vulnerable users, providing more opportunities for cybercriminals to exploit. In a time where resources are diverted to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the law enforcement, investigative and judicial procedures may be delayed or disrupted due to compulsory prevention measures. The changing face of cybercrime needs to be addressed through non-legal measures to reduce the detrimental effect. OBJECTIVES New cybercrimes have emerged during the pandemic, which has affected the vulnerable users in a difficult and unprecedented time. The objective of the study is to identify the nature of cybercrime, including the emerging crimes and to examine how these issues could be addressed through legal and non-legal measures. METHODOLOGY The methodology adopted is through the study of secondary data collected through research of recent articles, legal statutes and newspaper articles from March 2020 until present. The data collected was applied through study, observation and analysis. SIGNIFICANCE This study will identify the emerging crimes during the pandemic, and bring together different approaches, including non-law measures to highlight the best method to address this issue. FINDINGS/RESULTS Forms of cybercrimes identified as prevalent in the country, namely (1) misinformation; (2) phishing and (3) privacy issues. Misinformation and disinformation regarding the virus, cures and conspiracies plays a key role in undermining the public trust and the effectiveness of the public safety measures. The ability to take action through legal measures were limited due inabilty to investigate, non-existence of applicable provisions, underreporting and late reporting amongst others. Non-legal measures such as awareness campaigns and cyber-education were utilised to empower vulnerable groups, especially children and seniors against emerging new forms of cybercrimes. CONCLUSIONS With the changing face of cybercrime and the prolonged uncertain future due to COVID-19, there should less reliance on the law and more proactive measures enacted at all levels to reduce the harmful effects.
This article discusses political manipulation using Generation Z as a case study and proposes some measures. The first section highlights the role of mass communication and social media in the spread of information. The article also addresses digital ethics issues, including intellectual property, accuracy, accessibility, and privacy, and emphasizes the need for cybersecurity. The term "infodemic" refers to the rapid spread of both true and false information. Therefore, the article discusses the risks of infodemics by focusing on cybersecurity. According to the study, Generation Z may be more susceptible to fake information through social media. Therefore, both politicians and young people belonging to Generation Z should be participants in addressing this problem. Accordingly, Generation Z should have media literacy to distinguish between reality and fiction. This article encourages critical thinking, distinguishing between various sources of information and reliable news channels. Additionally, the necessity of adhering to rules regarding social media usage is emphasized. The article concludes that collaboration is needed to protect Generation Z from political infodemics and manipulation, which may raise concerns about democratic protocols and social outcomes in the future and require further research.
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Artikkelissamme selvitämme, millainen velvollisuus ja millaiset mahdollisuudet viranomaisilla on oikaista virheellistä tietoa. Perustelemme lisäksi, miksi virheellisen tiedon oikaiseminen on merkityksellistä viranomaistoiminnassa ja millaisia käytännön mahdollisuuksia oikaisemiseen on olemassa. Tutkimuksessamme käytämme käsitettä virheellinen tieto kuvaamaan harhaanjohtavaksi tiedoksi tarkoitettua tietoa sekä informaatiovaikuttamisen tuloksena syntynyttä tietoa. Suomessa viranomaisilla on lainsäädäntöön perustuva velvollisuus jakaa oikea-aikaista ja luotettavaa tietoa, virheellisen tiedon leviämisen estämiseksi. Tutkimusaineiston perusteella viranomaisilla on haasteita tunnistaa virheellinen tieto ja muodostaa yhteinen tilannekuva informaatioympäristöstä organisaatioiden välillä. Lainsäädäntö ei Suomessa merkittävästi rajoita virheellisen tiedon levittämistä muutoin kuin lainvastaisen sisällön osalta. Siitä huolimatta virheellisen tiedon oikaiseminen on välttämätöntä viranomaisten uskottavuuden ja luottamuksen ylläpitämiseksi muuttuvassa informaatioympäristössä. Keräsimme tutkimusaineiston eri puolilla Suomea järjestetyillä turvallisuuskahviloilla. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä.
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We reviewed 555 papers published from 2016–2022 that presented misinformation to participants. We identified several trends in the literature—increasing frequency of misinformation studies over time, a wide variety of topics covered, and a significant focus on COVID-19 misinformation since 2020. We also identified several important shortcomings, including overrepresentation of samples from the United States and Europe and excessive emphasis on short-term consequences of brief, text-based misinformation. Most studies examined belief in misinformation as the primary outcome. While many researchers identified behavioural consequences of misinformation exposure as a pressing concern, we observed a lack of research directly investigating behaviour change.
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Between January 2019 and January 2021, the impact of disinformation actions and responses to them were considerably different than in previous years. Our research showed that disinformation actions increasingly merged with genuine content, and their sources became even more difficult to identify. Particularly strong impacts were seen in cases where disinformation and manipulative propaganda were spread by individuals with high levels of political authority, who enjoy the trust and attention of citizens. Diverse legislative and policy measurements were introduced by various Member States and third states, and civil society responses also flourished, particularly in relation to increasing resilience against disinformation. Ongoing research into the psychological mechanism of manipulation and resilience gives more detailed results. This study aims to provide recommendations on legislative and policy measures to protect democracy, the rule of law, and fundamental rights from the impact of disinformation, as well as to create a structured informational ecosystem which promotes and protects these values.