The Relationship between Obesity and Anemia

The Relationship between Obesity and Anemia

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Nutrition problems that are often faced by adolescent are obesity and anemia. Obesity in adolescent increases the risk of anemia due to inflammation. Inflammation that occurs in obese adolescent will cause disruption of iron absorption and a decrease in hemoglobin levels. This research aims to determine the relationship of obesity with the occurren...

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... Increased access to modern technology and transportation without adequate physical activity has led to overweight problems [3][4][5] . Body health and weight control are no longer options, but rather a necessity in this modern era to maintain optimal performance in daily activities 6,7,8 . Overweight, as a result of an imbalance between food intake and energy used by the body, becomes a serious problem 9,10,11 . ...
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... Pada remaja putri yang memiliki status gizi overweight, proses inflamasi pada obesitas dapat mengganggu penyerapan zat besi pada saluran cerna dan terhambatnya pelepasan zat besi ke dalam plasma sehingga dapat menyebabkan defisiensi zat besi (16). Hal ini didukung dengan hasil uji chi-square pada penelitian Syah MNH (2022) menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara obesitas dengan kejadian anemia pada remaja putri (p<0,05) (17). ...
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Latar Belakang: Di Indonesia, remaja menghadapi tiga beban malnutrisi yakni kekurangan gizi, kelebihan gizi dan defisiensi mikronutrien. Sekitar seperempat remaja usia 13–18 tahun mengalami stunting, 9% remaja berusia 13–15 tahun kurus atau memiliki Indeks Massa Tubuh rendah, sementara 16% remaja lainnya kelebihan berat badan atau obesitas. Selain itu, seperempat remaja putri menderita anemia. Tujuan: Untuk mengkaji potensi dari malnutrisi menjadi anemia pada remaja putri. Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini yaitu literature review. Dalam mencari artikel dilakukan pencarian menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa inggris yang sesuai dengan topik pencarian, dilakukan dengan database antara lain Google Scholar dan PubMed dengan rentang waktu terbit pada tahun 2018 – 2022. Hasil: Penelusuran artikel penelitian didapatkan 13 artikel berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Dari artikel tersebut bahwa baik kekurangan gizi, kelebihan gizi dan defisiensi mikronutrien memiliki potensi untuk terjadinya anemia terutama pada remaja putri yang dalam pemenuhan zat gizi makro dan mikronya tidak terpenuhi dengan baik. Kesimpulan: Pada hasil review ini dapat terlihat bahwa malnutrisi ini memiliki dampak yang serius terhadap kesehatan remaja baik masa sekarang dan yang akan datang terutama pada remaja putri. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya upaya penanggulangan anemia pada remaja putri baik promotif maupun preventif.
... Impaired functional iron status is mainly linked to adipose tissue inflammation and increased expression of the systemic iron regulatory protein hepcidin [26,42]. A study of adolescents in Indonesia and Thailand showed that obese adolescents had a higher risk of anemia, which was explained in the context of inflammation [16,43]. In addition to this mechanism, the increased risk of anemia in obese adolescents can be explained by unhealthy eating habits [44]. ...
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Anemia is associated with physical, cognitive, and developmental problems. Given that there are limited studies on anemia prevalence among obese Asian adolescents and that past evidence is controversial, this study investigated the relationship between obesity and anemia in a nationally representative sample of South Korean adolescents. Data were obtained from the 2007–2019 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Overall, 10,231 subjects were included in the analysis. Multiple logistic regression was performed to determine the relationship between obesity and anemia. Compared with the non-obesity group, the adjusted odds ratio (OR; 95% confidence interval [CI]) of anemia was 1.00 (0.66–1.50) in the obesity group. However, in the early adolescent subgroup of 10–13 years (adjusted OR, 2.88; 95% CI, 1.20–6.95), the risk of anemia was significantly higher in the obese group than in the non-obese group. Obesity was associated with an increased risk of anemia in early adolescents. Obese adolescents aged 10–13 require special care, especially through regular examination and management for anemia.
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Adolescent girls with anemia in Indonesia was still high. Adolescents, especially girls were prone to anemia due to their menstrual cycle every month. This cross-sectional study intended to analyze the relationship between knowledge about anemia and physical activity of adolescent girls with the anemia incidence. This research was conducted in MTs. Fadlurrahman, Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia in 2022. This cross-sectional study with 49 samples used stratified random sampling to determine the subjects. The result showed that 36,7% of subjects had anemia, 69,4% had low knowledge and 65,31% had low activity. Chi-square analysis indicated that knowledge of anemia in adolescent girls significantly (p<0,05) related to anemia incidence, but no significant (p>0,05) relationship between physical activity in adolescent girls with the anemia incidence. These findings indicated that increasing the knowledge was important to prevent anemia. Physical activity did not directly affect anemia incidence and needs further investigation.