The 2M2 communication architecture

The 2M2 communication architecture

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At present, the need for data traffic is experiencing tremendous growth. The growth of smartphone technology offers new applications. On the other hand, the growth in cellular network access infrastructure has not been able to keep up with the increasing demand for data package services. For this reason, Wi-Fi offloading is needed, namely for cellu...

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... system performance increases with lower delay and faster handover processing. Figure 8 shows the machine to machine (M2M) communication architecture, where the system is divided into a control area containing an operating system (OS) that works based on a cloud-based controller, and various applications connected to the OS by the northbound protocol. This protocol controls situationaware, attractor selection, and vertical handover. ...


... The method we use for assessment uses the Mean of Score [18]- [21]. We compared the assessment between QoE and quality of service with the Back Propagation neural network algorithm approach [5], [11], [22], [23]. The contribution made in this study is in the form of the closeness of quality of service to the assessment of the experience of the judges with different socio-economic levels. ...
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We measure the quality-of-service level of the existing Wi-Fi network on the office in Indonesia. Next, the user is asked to measure the level of network experience. We compare the results of our experience assessment survey with the system's quality of service. The method we use is to group volunteers into two socioeconomic groups. The assessment results were carried out using an artificial neural network algorithm. Observation results show that the average quality of service in Socio 1 is 87,11%, while in Socio 2, 92.45%. The mean absolute percentage error measurement results we obtained statistically for Socio 1 were 3.54%, and for Socio 2, the value was 2.11%. The Mean absolute percentage error using artificial neural network backpropagation in Socio 1 is 4.02%, while in the Socio 2 group is 2.06%. The relationship between the two results shows a heavy correlation. Streszczenie. Mierzymy poziom jakości usług istniejącej sieci Wi-Fi w biurze w Indonezji. Następnie użytkownik proszony jest o zmierzenie poziomu doświadczenia sieciowego. Wyniki naszej ankiety oceny doświadczeń porównujemy z jakością obsługi systemu. Stosowana przez nas metoda polega na podzieleniu wolontariuszy na dwie grupy społeczno-ekonomiczne. Wyniki oceny przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem algorytmu sztucznej sieci neuronowej. Wyniki obserwacji pokazują, że średnia jakość obsługi w Socio 1 wynosi 87,11%, zaś w Socio 2 92,45%. Średnie bezwzględne wyniki pomiaru błędu procentowego, które uzyskaliśmy statystycznie dla Socio 1, wyniosły 3,54%, a dla Socio 2, wartość ta wyniosła 2,11%. Średni bezwzględny błąd procentowy przy zastosowaniu propagacji wstecznej sztucznej sieci neuronowej w grupie Socio 1 wynosi 4,02%, podczas gdy w grupie Socio 2 wynosi 2,06%. Związek pomiędzy obydwoma wynikami wykazuje silną korelację. (QOE Model pomiarowy w sieciach Wi-Fi: analiza wpływów społeczno-ekonomicznych w Indonezji))
... generasi ke-5 (5G/Fifth Generation) [1]. Komunikasi selular Generasi ke-5 mensyaratkan transmisi data dengan kecepatan tinggi hingga di atas 4 Gbps [2], [3]. Ini akan berdampak pada kerapatan densitas sinyal gelombang radio yang dipancarakan oleh transmitter. ...
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The current development of the cellular communication system has ushered in the 5G telecommunications era. The government has provided a 2.3 GHz frequency spectrum for 5G implementation in Indonesia. The frequency value used in the implementation of 5G technology in Indonesia which has just started can be said to have a high impact with a high attenuation value, so an antenna with the right dimensions and parameters is needed to be used in the application of 5G technology. In this study, a microstrip antenna was designed and manufactured with a 2x8 patch circular array shape working at a frequency of 2.350 MHz for application to 5G technology using the microstrip line feed feeder method. The design and manufacture of the antenna design utilize the Ansys HFSS application and uses the FR-4 Epoxy substrate with a dielectric constant value of 4.4, a substrate thickness of 1.6 mm, and a patch made of copper. The results of the design based on the simulation results obtained the working frequency value at 2.350 MHz with a return loss value of-21.9711 dB and a wide bandwidth of 109 MHz. The VSWR value obtained is 1.085 with a gain value of 10.06 dB and a directional radiation pattern. Based on the results of the analysis, the microstrip antenna design test has good parameter values from previous studies at the same working frequency and the microstrip antenna is suitable for use to support the development of 5G technology. Abstrak. Perkembangan sistem komunikasi seluler yang terjadi saat ini membawa kita memasuki era telekomunikasi 5G. Pemerintah telah menyediakan spektrum frekuensi 2.3 GHz untuk penerapan 5G di Indonesia. Nilai frekuensi yang digunakan dalam penerapan teknologi 5G di Indonesia berdampak signifikan terhadap nilai redaman. Karena dipilih nilai frekuensi 2.350 MHz sehingga diperlukan antena dengan dimensi dan parameter yang tepat untuk mendukung teknologi 5G. Pada penelitian ini dirancang dan dibuat antena mikrostrip dengan bentuk patch circular array 2×8 yang bekerja pada frekuensi 2.350 MHz untuk penerapan pada teknologi 5G dengan menggunakan metode pencatu mikrostrip line feed. Perancangan dan pembuatan desain antena memanfaatkan aplikasi Ansys HFSS serta menggunakan substrat FR-4 Epoxy dengan nilai konstanta dielektrik 4.4, ketebalan substrat 1.6 mm, dan patch berbahan tembaga. Hasil perancangan berdasarkan hasil simulasi didapatkan nilai frekuensi kerja pada 2.350 MHz dengan nilai return loss sebesar-21.9711 dB dan lebar bandwidth sebesar 109 MHz. Nilai VSWR yang didapatkan sebesar 1.085 dengan nilai gain 10.06 dB dan pola radiasi directional. Berdasarkan hasil analisis pengujian rancangan antena mikrostrip memiliki nilai parameter yang baik dari penelitian sebelumnya pada frekuensi kerja yang dirancang sehingga layak digunakan untuk mendukung perkembangan teknologi 5G.
... generasi ke-5 (5G/Fifth Generation) [1]. Komunikasi selular Generasi ke-5 mensyaratkan transmisi data dengan kecepatan tinggi hingga di atas 4 Gbps [2], [3]. Ini akan berdampak pada kerapatan densitas sinyal gelombang radio yang dipancarakan oleh transmitter. ...
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The current development of the cellular communication system has ushered in the 5G telecommunications era. The government has provided a 2.3 GHz frequency spectrum for 5G implementation in Indonesia. The frequency value used in the implementation of 5G technology in Indonesia which has just started can be said to have a high impact with a high attenuation value, so an antenna with the right dimensions and parameters is needed to be used in the application of 5G technology. In this study, a microstrip antenna was designed and manufactured with a 2x8 patch circular array shape working at a frequency of 2,350 MHz for application to 5G technology using the microstrip line feed feeder method. The design and manufacture of the antenna design utilize the Ansys HFSS application and uses the FR-4 Epoxy substrate with a dielectric constant value of 4.4, a substrate thickness of 1.6 mm, and a patch made of copper. The results of the design based on the simulation results obtained the working frequency value at 2,350 MHz with a return loss value of -21.9711 dB and a wide bandwidth of 109 MHz. The VSWR value obtained is 1.0849 with a gain value of 10.06 dB and a directional radiation pattern. Based on the results of the analysis, the microstrip antenna design test has good parameter values from previous studies at the same working frequency and the microstrip antenna is suitable for use to support the development of 5G technology.
... The main reason is the high data traffic quota offered by cellular phone operators. Figure 1 is a radio technology that illustrates the process of mobile data offloading or Wi-Fi offloading [15]. The advantage of the access point provided by Wi-Fi is that the data quota provided is cheaper than the data quota from cellular operators. ...
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Based on gender grouping, internet use in the office is 3.82 hours per day for women and 2.53 hours per day for men. The amount of data accessed by female users is 255.61 MB, while for males, it is smaller at 221.35 MB. The research results show that the average user of offloading Wi-Fi is a Medium User. In the Male group, 2.53% of users are classified as Extreme users with an offloading capacity of more than 30 GB per month. The average amount of temporal coverage of Wi-Fi use in offices for the Female group is 14.97%, and for the male group is 14.88% Streszczenie. Biorąc pod uwagę podział na płeć, korzystanie z internetu w biurze wynosi 3,82 godziny dziennie dla kobiet i 2,53 godziny dziennie dla mężczyzn. Ilość danych dostępnych dla kobiet wynosi 255,61 MB, podczas gdy dla mężczyzn jest mniejsza i wynosi 221,35 MB. Wyniki badań pokazują, że przeciętny użytkownik odciążający Wi-Fi to użytkownik średni. W grupie mężczyzn 2,53% użytkowników jest sklasyfikowanych jako użytkownicy ekstremalni z możliwością odciążenia ponad 30 GB miesięcznie. Średni czasowy zasięg korzystania z Wi-Fi w biurach dla grupy kobiet wynosi 14,97%, a dla grupy mężczyzn 14,88% (Odciążenie Wi-Fi na mobilną transmisję danych w biurze, badanie pomiarowe)
... The solution to this problem is to take advantage of Wi-Fi [6]. Switching mobile phone subscriber data communications to a Wi-Fi network is called Wi-Fi Offloading [7], [8]. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has hit all over the world, including Indonesia. The Indonesian government has adopted a policy in the form of Large-Scale Social Restrictions. Implementation is in the form of rules for carrying out activities from home, both work and school activities. Problems that arise to support online activities require data traffic. The Indonesian government needs accurate information about data traffic consumption patterns to support online activities. The purpose and objective of this study was to measure changes in data traffic usage patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic. We measure data on Residential Wi-Fi, which Indonesians widely use. Our method by observed 100 randomly selected clients. The contribution of this study is the amount of data traffic measured on Residential Wi-Fi during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The average data usage per day before the COVID-19 pandemic was 35.13 M-Byte. During the pandemic 40.41 M-Byte per day. So, the COVID-19 pandemic experienced a 15.01 percent increase in data traffic. Our findings are that 30% of Residential Wi-Fi subscribers unsubscribe. The survey shows that 68% unsubscribed due to switching to an authorized ISP service with fiber optic access that offers high speed.
... The use of the hybrid ANDSF model is the method of choice and at the cutting edge research. The use of machine learning and computing is the most suitable adaptive choice for network selection in the future [3]. ...
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Currently, global mobile data traffic is booming and shows no sign of slowing down as increasing speed impacts more use of mobile data in the future. The consideration of speed rates mobile communication is due to the growing use of very large amounts of data traffic, which this is a major obstacle faced by the telecommunication service providers to meet the growing demand. Therefore, the problem of data explosion on the mobile phone network is solved using Wi-Fi offloading. In this study, a comparison of the access network selection algorithm in the Wi-Fi offloading process and the LTE network is conducted. The outcome of this review shows the findings of network selection factors and handover strategies on Wi-Fi and LTE networks. As a result, the hybrid ANDSF model is the state-of-the-art and machine learning and computing is suitable method use for access network selection.
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Online shopping is a trend that has spread throughout Indonesia, especially during Covid 19. This trend continues to grow today. As the capital of Jambi Province, Jambi City is an area that has the most complete internet facilities compared to other areas in Jambi Province. The availability of internet facilities and other suggestions means that online shopping in this area is quite large. This research aims to assess consumer behavior in online shopping in Jambi City; and Factors that influence online shopping in Jambi City. The analysis model used is descriptive analysis and binary logit regression model. The research results show that the average frequency of online shopping in Jambi City is 1-2 times a month. 40.2% of respondents visited 2 online sites. The e-commerce application that respondents use most for shopping is Shopee. Cheap and easy to get goods is the first reason to shop online. The more online shopping sites that are visited, the public's perception is that online shopping saves time and buying shoes/bags and accessories online are factors that have a positive and significant influence on people's online shopping in Jambi City.
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Abstrak: Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak pada diberlakukannya Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar atau PSBB. Salah satu implementasi dari PSBB adalah dengan dilaksanakannya proses belajar mengajar secara Online atau daring. Sekolah secara daring memang cukup efektif dalam masa pandemi ini. Permasalahan yang timbul adalah dibutuhkan sarana trafik data untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran Online. Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah menyediakan layanan Wi-Fi gratis di wilayah Kecamatan Jonggol, Kabupaten Bogor untuk mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran secara Online. Jaringan Wi-Fi ini dibangun dipemukiman padat di salah satu rumah penduduk. Hasilnya Wi-Fi tersebut dimanfaatkan oleh murid-murid pelajar sekolah dasar, sampai perguruan tinggi dengan peserta rata-rata 4 sampai 5 orang dalam satu sesi. Rata-rata pengguna harian 10 orang. Kecepatan data maksimal mendekati 252 Kbps. Pada kondisi 10 pengguna kecepatan rata-rata pada 150 Kbps. Kendala yang didapati adalah terbatasnya area jangkauan sinyal Wi-Fi dan adanya larangan berkumpul di satu titik oleh aparat setempat. Disarankan untuk kegiatan berikutnya untuk dikembangkan dengan berbagi Wi-Fi, sehingga pengguna bisa mengakses dari rumah masing-masing.Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the enactment of Large-Scale Social Restrictions or PSBB. One of the implementations of PSBB is the implementation of Online or Online teaching and learning processes. Online schooling is indeed quite effective during this pandemic. The problem that arises is that data traffic facilities are needed to carry out Online learning activities. The purpose of this Community Service activity is to provide free Wi-Fi services in the Jonggol District, Bogor Regency to support Online learning activities. This Wi-Fi network was built in a dense settlement in one of the residents' houses. The result is that Wi-Fi is used by students from elementary school to college with an average of 4 to 5 participants in one session. The average daily users are 10 people. The maximum data rate is close to 255 Kbps. In the condition of 10 users, the average speed is 150 Kbps. The obstacles found are the limited coverage area of the Wi-Fi signal and the prohibition of gathering at one point by local officials.