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Technology for the placement of waste from hydrometallurgical production in tailings dams: a, b -respectively, the layout of tailings in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the sludge store

Technology for the placement of waste from hydrometallurgical production in tailings dams: a, b -respectively, the layout of tailings in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the sludge store

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The object of research is the technology and technical means for storing the ore processing waste in the underground produced space and tailings with the addition of hardener. One of the most problematic places is the technology of storage of ore processing waste, according to which the tails of the hydrometallurgical plant (HMP) are sent along the...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... area, but with inclined layers in the direction from one side of the cell to the other. This ensures the drainage of excess water along the inclined layers of the mixture to the drain hole and drain (drain) of water. It is produced from the cell through the drain holes without the use of special statio­ nary or floating water intake mechanisms (Fig. ...
Context 2
... the pipeline 1 (Fig. 4), the pulp with the tailings of the enrichment of uranium ores is served in a mixture with a binder (cement). Through outlets 2, the pulp is placed in the cell 3 of the sludge store. The pipeline 1 with outlets 2 is placed on the longitudinal sides 4 and the filling of the cell 3 begins through outlets 2 located near the transverse side ...


... The key to this re-use strategy, however, is the adoption of storage methods that reduce the environmental impact of these old and new mine tailings. Combining technological advances and waste management strategies should be integrated to ensure that both aspects work in synergy [128]. Most government policies address this issue by requiring waste management licenses for the storage of mine tailings and dump sites as part of the overall regulation of mining activities. ...
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Mining has advanced primarily through the use of two strategies: pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy. Both have been used successfully to extract valuable metals from ore deposits. These strategies, without a doubt, harm the environment. Furthermore, due to decades of excessive mining, there has been a global decline in high-grade ores. This has resulted in a decrease in valuable metal supply, which has prompted a reconsideration of these traditional strategies, as the industry faces the current challenge of accessing the highly sought-after valuable metals from low-grade ores. This review outlines these challenges in detail, provides insights into metal recovery issues, and describes technological advances being made to address the issues associated with dealing with low-grade metals. It also discusses the pragmatic paradigm shift that necessitates the use of biotechnological solutions provided by bioleaching, particularly its environmental friendliness. However, it goes on to criticize the shortcomings of bioleaching while highlighting the potential solutions provided by a bespoke approach that integrates research applications from omics technologies and their applications in the adaptation of bioleaching microorganisms and their interaction with the harsh environments associated with metal ore degradation.
... Возможен перевод этих территорий под посев технических культур, а в водоемахзапрет вылова рыбы, купания и др. Кроме того, нужно разработать научно-методические основы и технические средства для повышения плодородности и эффективности использования почв промышленных зон горно-металлургических производств, а также дать оценку их влияния на окружающую среду и человека [29,30]. ...
One of the most problematic points in technology for storing ore enrichment waste materials with hardener admixture into underground mined space and tailing dumps are the tailings of hydrometallurgical plant (HMP). They are supplied through a slurry pipeline to the tailing dump in form of pulp with solid to liquid mass ratio of 1:2. Liquid phase of the pulp after gravity separation and clarification in tailing dump is returned to technological cycle of HMP. Storage technology under consideration has several disadvantages: high nonrecurrent capital costs for construction of tailing dump at full design capacity; high probability of harmful chemicals migration into groundwater if protective shields of the base or sides of tailings are damaged. The authors have used data from literature and patent documentation considering storage parameters, laboratory and production experiments, physical modeling and selection of compositions of hardening mixtures. Analytical studies, comparative analysis of theoretical and practical results by standard and new methods were performed. Possibility of using hardening mixtures with adjacent production wastes used as binders was established. Optimal composition of ingredients per 1 m3 of hardening mixture is proposed as follows: 1350 – 1500 kg of HMP tailings; 50 - 70 kg of binder (cement); 350 liters of mixing water. Proposed technology of ore enrichment waste storage into underground mined space and tailings with hardener admixture application allows using underground mined space at the enterprise production capacity of 1,500 thousand tons per year to store 50 – 55 % of tailings, and store the rest wastes cemented by binding material in repository. When filling the entire area of the tailing dump mirror of 10 m height with cemented tails and HMP capacity of up to 1.5 million tons per year, its operation life is extended by 50 years.
... -transportation through the pipeline of the hardening filling mixtures over considerable distances vertically and horizontally to the place of their laying; -increased material and labor costs; -shortage of material for the preparation of mixtures [7,8]. Therefore, the development of new methods, technologies and technical means for the integrated use of mining and metallurgical production wastes is a task of great commercial and social importance, requiring a prompt solution [9,10]. This ensures the reliability of the transportation of the hardening filling mixtures through the pipeline, the safety of work, the possibility of using local substandard materials and production waste for filling. ...
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The object of research is environmental and resource-saving technologies and technical means for the pro-cessing and disposal of man-made formations and waste in the underground mining of mineral deposits with backfilling of the worked-out space. One of the most problematic areas is the management of the state of ore-containing energy-disturbed massifs and the delivery of hardening filling mixtures to the place of their laying, as well as the shortage of components for their preparation. This increases the importance of the management of the stress-strain state (SSS) of the rock mass, ensuring the safety of the earth’s surface from destruction and vital activity of the population living in the zone of influence of the mining region.The paper presents the main scientific and practical results of the substantiation of technologies and technical means for the disposal of mining and metallurgical waste into underground goaf (man-made voids) as components of hardening filling mixtures of various composition and strength. Methods of theoretical generalizations with the use of mathematical statistics, physical and mathematical modeling, with the implementation of calculations and feasibility studies, laboratory and field experimental studies, industrial tests in the conditions of operating enterprises of mining and metallurgical production are described. On the basis of the study of the mechanism of stress-strain state of a rock mass using geophysical and surveying methods, an environmental technology for extinguishing technogenic voids in energy-disturbed massifs is proposed. This technology makes it possible to ensure the safety of the earth’s surface and the vital activity of the population living in the zone of influence of mountain objects (mines, dumps, industrial sites for stowing complexes, tailings, ore-processing plants (OPP), etc.). It was found that for the mines of the state enterprise «VostGOK» (Ukraine), the utilization rate of own production waste for hardening backfill is from 0.45 to 0.68; hydraulic – from 0.56 to 0.75; free-flowing – 0.62, and the extraction of each ton of commercial ore is accompanied by the output of 0.7-0.8 tons of waste. An as-sessment of the utilization level of wastes of mining and metallurgical production is given and an inventory for wastes of mining enterprises is given, which gives an estimate and directions of their possible use for the needs of the national economy. The research results can be used in underground mining of complex ore deposits and mining and metallurgical production.
... -transportation through the pipeline of the hardening filling mixtures over considerable distances vertically and horizontally to the place of their laying; -increased material and labor costs; -shortage of material for the preparation of mixtures [7,8]. Therefore, the development of new methods, technologies and technical means for the integrated use of mining and metallurgical production wastes is a task of great commercial and social importance, requiring a prompt solution [9,10]. This ensures the reliability of the transportation of the hardening filling mixtures through the pipeline, the safety of work, the possibility of using local substandard materials and production waste for filling. ...
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Об’єктом дослідження є природоохоронні та ресурсозберігаючі технології та технічні засоби для переробки та утилізації техногенних утворень і відходів при підземній розробці родовищ корисних копалин із закладкою виробленого простору. Одним з найбільш проблемних місць є управління станом рудовміщуючих енергетично порушених масивів і доставка твердіючих закладних сумішей до місця їх укладання, а також дефіцит компонентів для їх приготування. Це підвищує важливість питань управління напружено-деформаційним станом (НДС) масиву гірських порід, забезпечення збереження денної поверхні від руйнування та життєдіяльності населення, що проживає в зоні впливу гірничодобувного регіону. У роботі представлені основні наукові та практичні результати обґрунтування технологій та технічних засобів для утилізації відходів гірничо-металургійного виробництва в підземні вироблені простори (техногенні порожнечі) в якості компонентів твердіючих закладних сумішей різного складу та міцності. Описано методи теоретичних узагальнень із застосуванням математичної статистики, фізичного та математичного моделювання, з виконанням розрахунків і техніко-економічних обґрунтувань, лабораторних і натурних експериментальних досліджень, промислових випробувань в умовах діючих підприємств гірничо-металургійного виробництва. На основі дослідження механізму НДС масиву порід з використанням геофізичних і маркшейдерських методів запропонована природоохоронна технологія погашення техногенних порожнеч в енергетично порушених масивах. Дана технологія дозволяє забезпечити збереження денної поверхні та життєдіяльність населення, що проживає в зоні впливу гірничих об’єктів (шахти, відвали, промислові майданчики для закладних комплексів, хвостосховища, рудо-збагачувальні фабрики (РЗФ) та ін.). Встановлено, що для шахт державного підприємства «Східний гірничо-збагачувальний комбінат» (Україна) коефіцієнт використання відходів власного виробництва для твердіючої закладки становить від 0,45 до 0,68; гідравлічної – від 0,56 до 0,75; сипучої – 0,62, а видобуток кожної тони товарної руди супроводжується виходом 0,7–0,8 т відходів. Дана оцінка рівня утилізації відходів гірничо-металургійного виробництва та наведено кадастр для відходів гірських підприємств, який дає оціночну характеристику та напрямки можливого їх використання для потреб народного господарства. Результати досліджень можуть бути використані під час підземної розробки рудних родовищ складної структури та гірничо-металургійного виробництва.
... In this case, dust will settle in these forest stands and will not come to other territories, including settlements. In addition, it is necessary to develop scientific and methodological foundations, technologies and technical means to increase the fertility and efficiency of soil use in industrial zones of mountain objects, as well as to assess their impact on the environment and humans [11,40]. ...
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Об’єктом дослідження є технологія та технічні засоби для погашення порожнеч під час підземного видобутку руд в масивах, що енергетично порушені. Одним із найбільш проблемних місць є погашення техногенних порожнеч, які впливають на виникнення та перерозподіл напружено-деформаційного стану (НДС) масиву гірських порід. Їх існування в земній корі провокує порушення денної поверхні, а також вплив геомеханічних і сейсмічних явищ, аж до рівня землетрусів. У роботі виконано аналітичні дослідження, порівняльний аналіз теоретичних і практичних результатів за стандартними та новими методиками за участю авторів. Розглянуті особливості прояву гірського тиску в скельних масивах складної будови, зумовлені інтенсивністю розривних структур (акустична жорсткість від 0,11 до 0,18 МПа/с, коефіцієнт ударонебезпеки – 0,98). Досліджено умови прояву залишкової несучої здатності порушених порід і перекладу геоматеріалів у режим об’ємного стиснення (в зоні порушених порід коефіцієнт ослаблення знижується до 0,04–0,15 від початкової величини 0,25–0,35). Показана принципова оцінка стійкості виробок і неоднорідних скельних породах міцністю 50–150 МПа на глибинах до 600 м, що залежить від положення виробок щодо елементів структурної порушеності та можливості створення надійних конструкцій. Зроблено висновки про ефективність використання при погашенні виробленого простору несучих конструкцій із окремістей порід розмірами більше 0,2 м і механічною міцністю понад 50 МПа. Це дозволяє оголювати покрівлю без обвалення при прольотах оголень до 50 м. У разі рівного розподілу напружень в приконтурній зоні та міцності несучого шару порід вироблений простір може погашатися ізоляцією або твердіючою закладкою міцністю до 1,2 МПа. Результати досліджень можуть бути використані при підземній розробці рудних родовищ складної структури України, Російської Федерації, Республіки Казахстан та інших розвинених гірничодобувних країн світу.
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The paper analyzes the positive and negative aspects of various technological solutions of the liquid brines use during the development of polymineral potash ore deposits, considers the problem of determining the choice of the optimal approach by taking into account geological, technical, environmental, and financial factors. The study of the issues of utilization and reduction of the liquid brines components of discharges in the production of potash fertilizers, the simultaneous reduction of valuable components loss with liquid discharges, and, due to this, increasing the production of potash fertilizers, and also the usage in the technology of mine brines, are an urgent and important scientific and engineering challenge of the potash industry. Technologically, several alternative solutions are possible to reduce the number of liquid by-products placed in sludge storages. A set of analytical methods was used in the work, including statistical data processing, modeling, pre-design studies of technological solutions, and assessment of economic costs. Excess brines of potash mining and processing plants are liquid waste obtained during the production of potashfertilizers - MOP ? SOP. The accumulation of excess brines in sludge storage facilities is estimated at millions of cubic meters per year. The expansion of the sludge storage facilities area and the construction of dams are only a temporary solution and associated with risks in design, construction, and operation of hydraulic structures, increasing the risks of brine leakage into open and underground water basins. This makes it necessary to use other methods of brine disposal. Depending on the nature of the processed polymineral potash ores, several methods can be used in combination for the the disposal of excess brines at once: backfiling, osmosis, injection into deep horizons, multistage evaporation. The most optimal combination of brine reduction technologies for potassium-magnesium processing plants raw materials is the following : 60% is disposed by usage of vacuum evaporation units , 20 % - by injecting excessive brines into deep absorbing horizons, 10-20% should be used for backfilling or production of additional products.
Waste in the mining and metallurgy industries (barren rocks, low-grade ore and heap leaching tailings, which contain natural impurities) are stored as a rule in piles on ground surface. Mining and pretreatment of ore extracted from structurally complex bodies results in 1.4–1.6 t of waste per 1 t of marketable ore, which generates the environmentally unfriendly situation in the mining areas. The mining and metallurgy waste recycling (backfilling, construction of dames and special storages, etc.) allows disposal up to 50–60% of total waste volume, and the rest waste is subjected to repository, decontamination and disturbed land reclamation. It is shown that vibratory, mechanical and electrical activation of cemented paste backfill mixture components improves activity of binders (blast-furnace grain slag) and low-grade materials (low-quality sand, crushed rock, processing rejects and leaching tailings) by 10–40% per each machine. In particular, inert ore pretreatment on jigger screen GV–1,2/3,2 (Ukraine) increases strength (activity) of cemented paste backfill by 15–20%.
The ore mined in open pits, the depth of which often exceeds 200 m, is taken out of them as a ruie by dump trucks having capacity of up to 300 t. Provision of safety of pit-run motor transport and uninterrupted open pit operation, particuiariy in wintertime is an important task. Pecuiiarities of pit-run motor roads running presented. Existing methods of preventing winter siipperiness at motor roads considered, their possibilities and drawbacks highlighted. A technology elaborated to prevent the winter slipperiness and dusting of pit-run motor roads by treatment them by natural bischofite (MgCl 2 •6H 2 O) water solutions (RPB). The RPB has a density of 1250 kg/m ³ , freezing temperature -35 °С and is attributed to the substance of 4th class of danger. Dependence of rocks mass freezing temperature on the content of water RPB in it determined. Testing results of industrial technology of prevention winter slipperiness and dusting of motor roads in the open pits of Krivbas, Ukraine presented. The technology includes preliminary preventive treatment of the roads by a water solution of natural bischofite. Recommendations on its concentration, necessary for roads surface treatment were given, depending on the air temperature at various open pit depth and time of treatment commencement after receiving weather forecast. It was recommended to treat the pit-run motor roads by reagent of water RPB on the surface at air temperature down to -3 °С at the depth of more than 100 m - lower -3 °С, at the depth of more than 200 m - lower -5 °С. Recommendations elaborated to prevent dusting of motor roads, dumps and tailings dumps of mining and concentration plants by application natural bischofite water solutions, which effectively fasten the dusting surfaces preventing blowing-off the dust from them.
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One of the most problematic aspects in underground ore extraction in mining-disturbed rock masses is back-filling of man-made voids, which affect origination and redistribution of stress-strain state of the rock mass. Their ex-istence in the earth's crust provokes subsidence/collapse of the day surface and also contributes to arising geomechanical and seismic phenomena. The purpose of the study is to substantiate environmental-friendly and resource-saving meth-ods for backfilling of voids in underground ore mining based on revealing the features of rock integrity of the day surface and life-sustaining activity of the population living in the mining-affected area. The main negative consequences of the impact of mining on the environment and humans are high costs for conserving day surface and ensuring life-sustaining activity of the population living in the mining-affected area, as well as removing large areas of land from human activity, etc. Based on the study of a rock mass stress-strain state using geophysical and surveying methods, an environment-friendly method for backfilling of man-made voids in disturbed rock masses is proposed. It enables ensuring the integrity of the day surface and life-sustaining activity of the population living in the mining-affected area (in the vicinity of mines, dumps, sites of backfilling complexes, preconcentration and heap leaching of metals from substandard ores, tailings storage facilities, etc.). Combined geotechnologies are proposed for backfilling of voids during the development of ore deposits by underground block leaching, and scientific and methodological and technical support was provided for drilling and blasting preparation of hard ores and underground leaching of pilot blocks at the Michurinsky deposit of GP VostGOK, Ukraine. The research findings can be used in underground mining of ore deposits of complicated structure.